857 resultados para Walden, Risto
This paper applies multispectral remote sensing techniques to map the Fe-oxide content over the entire Namib sand sea. Spectrometric analysis is applied to field samples to identify the reflectance properties of the dune sands which enable remotely sensed Fe-oxide mapping. The results indicate that the pattern of dune colour in the Namib sand sea arises from the mixing of at least two distinct sources of sand; a red component of high Fe-oxide content (present as a coating on the sand grains) which derives from the inland regions, particularly from major embayments into the Southern African escarpment; and a yellow coastal component of low Fe-oxide content which is brought into the area by northward-moving aeolian transport processes. These major provenances are separated by a mixing zone between 20 kin and 90 kin from the coast throughout the entire length of the sand sea. Previous workers have also recognised a third, fluvial, provenance, but the methodology applied here is not able to map this source as a distinct spectral component. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper applies multispectral remote sensing techniques to map the Fe-oxide content over the entire Namib sand sea. Spectrometric analysis is applied to field samples to identify the reflectance properties of the dune sands which enable remotely sensed Fe-oxide mapping. The results indicate that the pattern of dune colour in the Namib sand sea arises from the mixing of at least two distinct sources of sand; a red component of high Fe-oxide content (present as a coating on the sand grains) which derives from the inland regions, particularly from major embayments into the Southern African escarpment; and a yellow coastal component of low Fe-oxide content which is brought into the area by northward-moving aeolian transport processes. These major provenances are separated by a mixing zone between 20 kin and 90 kin from the coast throughout the entire length of the sand sea. Previous workers have also recognised a third, fluvial, provenance, but the methodology applied here is not able to map this source as a distinct spectral component. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective To examine the impact of increasing numbers of metabolic syndrome (MetS) components on postprandial lipaemia. Methods Healthy men (n = 112) underwent a sequential meal postprandial investigation, in which blood samples were taken at regular intervals after a test breakfast (0 min) and lunch (330 min). Lipids and glucose were measured in the fasting sample, with triacylglycerol (TAG), non-esterified fatty acids and glucose analysed in the postprandial samples. Results Subjects were grouped according to the number of MetS components regardless of the combinations of components (0/1, 2, 3 and 4/5). As expected, there was a trend for an increase in body mass index, blood pressure, fasting TAG, glucose and insulin, and a decrease in fasting high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with increasing numbers of MetS components (P≤0.0004). A similar trend was observed for the summary measures of the postprandial TAG and glucose responses. For TAG, the area under the curve (AUC) and maximum concentration (maxC) were significantly greater in men with ≥ 3 than < 3 components (P < 0.001), whereas incremental AUC was greater in those with 3 than 0/1 and 2, and 4/5 compared with 2 components (P < 0.04). For glucose, maxC after the test breakfast (0-330 min) and total AUC (0-480 min) were higher in men with ≥ 3 than < 3 components (P≤0.001). Conclusions Our data analysis has revealed a linear trend between increasing numbers of MetS components and magnitude (AUC) of the postprandial TAG and glucose responses. Furthermore, the two meal challenge discriminated a worsening of postprandial lipaemic control in subjects with ≥ 3 MetS components.
Abstract Objective: Studies have started to question whether a specific component or combinations of metabolic syndrome (MetS) components may be more important in relation to cardiovascular disease risk. Our aim was to examine the impact of the presence of raised fasting glucose as a MetS component on postprandial lipaemia. Methods: Men classified with the MetS underwent a sequential test meal investigation, in which blood samples were taken at regular intervals after a test breakfast (t=0 min) and lunch (t=330 min). Lipids, glucose and insulin were measured in the fasting and postprandial samples. Results: MetS subjects with 3 or 4 components were subdivided into those without (n=34) and with (n=23) fasting hyperglycaemia (≥ 5.6 mmol/l), irrespective of the combination of components. Fasting lipids and insulin were similar in the two groups, with glucose significantly higher in the men with glucose as a MetS component (P<0.001). Following the test meals, there was a higher maximum concentration (maxC), area under the curve (AUC) and incremental AUC (P≤0.016) for the postprandial triacylglycerol (TAG) response in men with fasting hyperglycaemia. Greater glucose AUC (P<0.001) and insulin maxC (P=0.010) was also observed in these individuals after the test meals. Multivariate regression analysis revealed fasting glucose to be an important predictor of the postprandial TAG and glucose response. Conclusion: Our data analysis has revealed a greater impairment of postprandial TAG than glucose response in MetS subjects with raised fasting glucose. The worsening of postprandial lipaemic control may contribute to the greater CVD risk reported in individuals with MetS component combinations which include hyperglycaemia.
The objective of this article is to review the scientific literature on airflow distribution systems and ventilation effectiveness to identify and assess the most suitable room air distribution methods for various spaces. In this study, different ventilation systems are classified according to specific requirements and assessment procedures. This study shows that eight ventilation methods have been employed in the built environment for different purposes and tasks. The investigation shows that numerous studies have been carried out on ventilation effectiveness but few studies have been done regarding other aspects of air distribution. Amongst existing types of ventilation systems, the performance of each ventilation methods varies from one case to another due to different usages of the ventilation system in a room and the different assessment indices used. This review shows that the assessment of ventilation effectiveness or efficiency should be determined according to each task of the ventilation system, such as removal of heat, removal of pollutant, supply fresh air to the breathing zone or protecting the occupant from cross infection. The analysis results form a basic framework regarding the application of airflow distribution for the benefit of designers, architects, engineers, installers and building owners.
BACKGROUND:Apolioprotein E (APOE) genotype is reported to influence a person's fasting lipid profile and potentially the response to dietary fat manipulation. The impact of APOE genotype on the responsiveness to meals of varying fat composition is unknown. OBJECTIVE:We examined the effect of meals containing 50 g of fat rich in saturated fatty acids (SFAs), unsaturated fatty acids (UNSATs), or SFAs with fish oil (SFA-FO) on postprandial lipemia. METHOD:A randomized, controlled, test meal study was performed in men recruited according to the APOE genotype (n = 10 APOE3/3, n = 11 APOE3/E4). RESULTS:For the serum apoE response (meal × genotype interaction P = 0.038), concentrations were on average 8% lower after the UNSAT than the SFA-FO meal in APOE4 carriers (P = 0.015) only. In the genotype groups combined, there was a delay in the time to reach maximum triacylglycerol (TG) concentration (mean ± SEM: 313 ± 25 vs. 266 ± 27 min) and higher maximum nonesterified fatty acid (0.73 ± 0.05 vs. 0.60 ± 0.03 mmol/L) and glucose (7.92 ± 0.22 vs. 7.25 ± 0.22 mmol/L) concentrations after the SFA than the UNSAT meal, respectively (P ≤ 0.05). In the Svedberg flotation rate 60-400 TG-rich lipoprotein fraction, meal × genotype interactions were observed for incremental area under the curve (IAUC) for the TG (P = 0.038) and apoE (P = 0.016) responses with a 58% lower apoE IAUC after the UNSAT than the SFA meal (P = 0.017) in the E4 carriers. CONCLUSIONS:Our data indicate that APOE genotype had a modest impact on the postprandial response to meals of varying fat composition in normolipidemic men. The physiologic importance of greater apoE concentrations after the SFA-rich meals in APOE4 carriers may reflect an impact on TG-rich lipoprotein clearance from the circulation. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01522482.
This study was conducted at three sites of different characteristics in Sao Paulo State Sao Paulo (SPA), Piracicaba (PRB) and Mate Atlantica Forest (MAT) PM(10), n-alkanes. pristane and phytane, PAHs, water-soluble ions and biomass burning tracers like levoglucosan and retene, were determined in quartz fiber filters. Samplings occurred on May 8th to August 8th, 2007 at the MAT site; on August 15th to 29th in 2007 and November 10th to 29th in 2008 at the PRB site and, March 13th to April 4th in 2007 and August 7th to 29th in 2008 at the SPA site Aliphatic compounds emitted biogenically were less abundant at the urban sites than at the forest site, and its distribution showed the influence of tropical vascular plants Air mass transport front biomass burning regions is likely to impact the sites with specific molecular markers The concentrations of all species were variable and dependent of seasonal changes In the most dry and polluted seasons, n-alkane and canon total concentrations were similar between the megacity and the biomass burning site PAHs and inorganic ion abundances were higher at Sao Paulo than Piracicaba, yet, the site influenced by biomass burning seems lobe the most impacted by the organic anion abundance in the atmosphere Pristane and phytane confirm the contamination by petroleum residues at urban sites, at the MAT site, biological activity and long range transport of pollutants might influence the levels of pristane (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved
Lithium salt solutions of Li(CF3SO2)(2)N, LiTFSI, in a room-temperature ionic liquid (RTIL), 1-butyl-2,3-dimethyl-imidazolium cation, BMMI, and the (CF3SO2)(2)N-, bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide anion, [BMMI][TFSI], were prepared in different concentrations. Thermal properties, density, viscosity, ionic conductivity, and self-diffusion coefficients were determined at different temperatures for pure [BMMI][TFSI] and the lithium solutions. Raman spectroscopy measurements and computer simulations were also carried out in order to understand the microscopic origin of the observed changes in transport coefficients. Slopes of Walden plots for conductivity and fluidity, and the ratio between the actual conductivity and the Nernst-Einstein estimate for conductivity, decrease with increasing LiTFSI content. All of these studies indicated the formation of aggregates of different chemical nature, as it is corroborated by the Raman spectra. In addition, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations showed that the coordination of Li+ by oxygen atoms of TFSI anions changes with Li+ concentration producing a remarkable change of the RTIL structure with a concomitant reduction of diffusion coefficients of all species in the solutions.
A Grand Experiment: John Walden '07 House and Home: Todd Pritsky '91 Game Changer: Jocelyn Giangrande '88 Alumni notes Newsmakers Obituaries
A internet tem provocado mudanças significativas em processos de compra, venda e troca de bens e serviços entre empresas e clientes. Uma das áreas mais afetadas pela internet é o comércio: têm-se novos produtos, processos e relações entre os atores. Esta pesquisa tem como tema os modelos de negócios de empresas que comercializam virtualmente produtos virtuais, ou seja, produtos ou serviços que podem ser divulgados, vendidos, pagos, entregues ou utilizados pela internet. O foco da pesquisa são os modelos de negócios. Um modelo de negócios pode ser definido como um sumário lógico da criação de valor de uma organização ou uma rede de empresas, incluindo suposições sobre seus parceiros, competidores e clientes, cuja importância consiste em identificar e analisar papéis, funções, recursos e habilidades necessários para manter uma empresa atuante e sustentável. O contexto de aplicação é a indústria de software, mais especificamente o Application Solution Provider, um produto virtual baseado em software, que consiste em hospedagem e gerenciamento remoto de soluções em sistemas de informação. Os elementos motivadores da pesquisa advém da pesquisa de Kauffman e Walden (2001), que indica a necessidade do estudo dos produtos virtuais, devido ao potencial de crescimento destes. Os autores também sugerem pesquisas que busquem compreender como os modelos de negócio estão sendo modificados pela (e para a) internet, formulando uma base de modelos de negócios para comércio eletrônico que possa oferecer às empresas que o utilizarem uma vantagem competitiva sustentável. Tendo em vista a delimitação de tema, foco e contexto apresentados, a questão de pesquisa consiste em estudar quais são os componentes de modelos de negócios e como se manifestam em uma empresa que comercializa eletronicamente produtos virtuais. O objetivo do trabalho é consolidar os componentes de modelos de negócios e compreender como estes se manifestam em uma empresa que comercializa eletronicamente produtos virtuais. O objetivo do trabalho é consolidar os componentes de modelos de negócios e compreender como estes se manifestam em uma empresa que comercializa eletronicamente produtos virtuais. Em relação aos procedimentos metodológicos, realizou-se análise de documentos, entrevistas com especialistas e estudo de caso. A análise de documentos teve o intuito de criar um conjunto de componentes de modelos de negócios baseado na teoria (artigos sobre o tema). Este conjunto de componentes foi apreciado por um grupo de especialistas. A partir da análise do roteiro de componentes os especialistas sugeriram unir, desmembrar, excluir, alterar ou manter inalterado cada um dos componentes. O roteiro consolidado após a opinião dos especialistas foi aplicado em um caso prático – um produto virtual comercializado eletronicamente – visando verificar a consistência e adequação do roteiro de componentes. O resultado deste trabalho – um conjunto de componentes de modelos de negócios – potencialmente pode ser útil a empresas que comercializam eletronicamente seus produtos, seja para definir um modelo de negócios adequado à sua atividade, seja para orientar, diagnosticar e compreender um modelo de negócios que já esteja em atividade.
O presente trabalho constitui uma tentativa de exploração dos aspectos psicológicos inerentes ao processo de controle social, segundo a perspectiva da "análise experimental do comportamento" de B. F. Skinner. Diversas proposições sociológicas correntes sobre algumas dimensões do problema geral são levantadas e criticamente articuladas com a abordagem comportamental skinneriana. No primeiro capítulo - "O Controle Social nas Instituições Totais”, é feita uma introdução conceitual ao condicionamento operante aproveitando-se para isso a descrição sociológica realizada por Goffman da vida naquelas instituições, são também aí discutidas algumas das interpretações erroneas das proposições skinnerianas e seus maus usos nas organizações fechadas. Desenvolve-se, no segundo capítulo, um exame comparativo das ficções literárias de "1984 “ e "Walden II", com o propósito de pela focalização de suas técnicas características de controle social, suscitar já, de modo informal, diversos pontos críticos do problema, que vêm a receber tratamento mais pormenorizado nos três capítulos seguintes. Em "Controle Social na Vida Cotidiana", discute-se a natureza difusa que o controle assume nesse contexto mais amplo, ressaltando-se o emprego que se faz, para esse fim, de artifícios motivacionais e ideológicos. Para a articulação com o pensamento skinneriano, é privilegiada abordagem da Sociologia do Conhecimento proposta por Berger e Luckmann. No quarto capítulo, que trata da "Identificação de Controladores e Controlados", procede-se a uma reinterpretação comportamentista dos constructos cognitivistas de “intenção” e "percepção”, com que comumente se descreve as iniciativas de controle por parte dos atores sociais. A análise de Becker dos mecanismos de criação e imposição de regras é utilizada par a apoiar a estratégia de reinterpretação. O capítulo final explora uma dimensão menos tradicional do problema - "O Controle para a Mudança Social". As proposições específicas de dois autores Popper e Mannheim - são aqui articuladas com as de Skinner. Caracterizado o estado da sociedade contemporânea como de incessante mudança desordenada, discute-se as condições necessárias para uma mudança planejada e suas implicações psicossociais. Na conclusão do trabalho, busca-se ampliar a perspectiva histórica do problema do controle social, por meio de uma análise retrospectiva proporcionada por Schneider e uma especulação prospectiva envolvendo a apreciação sócio- política do controle gradualista e democrático da mudança social. Defende-se, durante essa apreciação, a tese de que a engenharia comportamental de Skinner é gradualista e democrática em seu todo.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
von Walden F, Casagrande V, Ostlund Farrants AK, Nader GA. Mechanical loading induces the expression of a Pol I regulon at the onset of skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 302: C1523-C1530, 2012. First published March 7, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00460.2011.-The main goal of the present study was to investigate the regulation of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene transcription at the onset of skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Mice were subjected to functional overload of the plantaris by bilateral removal of the synergist muscles. Mechanical loading resulted in muscle hypertrophy with an increase in rRNA content. rDNA transcription, as determined by 45S pre-rRNA abundance, paralleled the increase in rRNA content and was consistent with the onset of the hypertrophic response. Increased transcription and protein expression of c-Myc and its downstream polymerase I (Pol I) regulon (POL1RB, TIF-1A, PAF53, TTF1, TAF1C) was also consistent with the increase in rRNA. Similarly, factors involved in rDNA transcription, such as the upstream binding factor and the Williams syndrome transcription factor, were induced by mechanical loading in a corresponding temporal fashion. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that these factors, together with Pol I, were enriched at the rDNA promoter. This, in addition to an increase in histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation, demonstrates that mechanical loading regulates rRNA synthesis by inducing a gene expression program consisting of a Pol I regulon, together with accessory factors involved in transcription and chromatin remodeling at the rDNA promoter. Altogether, these data indicate that transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms take place in the regulation of ribosome production at the onset of muscle hypertrophy.
Background In ROCKET AF, rivaroxaban was non-inferior to adjusted-dose warfarin in preventing stroke or systemic embolism among patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). We aimed to investigate whether the efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban compared with warfarin is consistent among the subgroups of patients with and without previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA). Methods In ROCKET AF, patients with AF who were at increased risk of stroke were randomly assigned (1:1) in a double-blind manner to rivaroxaban 20 mg daily or adjusted dose warfarin (international normalised ratio 2-0-3.0). Patients and investigators were masked to treatment allocation. Between Dec 18,2006, and June 17,2009,14 264 patients from 1178 centres in 45 countries were randomly assigned. The primary endpoint was the composite of stroke or non-CNS systemic embolism. In this substudy we assessed the interaction of the treatment effects of rivaroxaban and warfarin among patients with and without previous stroke or TIA. Efficacy analyses were by intention to treat and safety analyses were done in the on-treatment population. ROCKET AF is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00403767. Findings 7468 (52%) patients had a previous stroke (n=4907) or TIA (n=2561) and 6796 (48%) had no previous stroke or TIA. The number of events per 100 person-years for the primary endpoint in patients treated with rivaroxaban compared with warfarin was consistent among patients with previous stroke or TIA (2.79% rivaroxaban vs 2.96% warfarin; hazard ratio [HR] 0-94,95% CI 0.77-1.16) and those without (1.44% vs 1.88%; 0.77, 0.58-1-01; interaction p=0.23). The number of major and non-major clinically relevant bleeding events per 100 person-years in patients treated with rivaroxaban compared with warfarin was consistent among patients with previous stroke or TIA (13.31% rivaroxaban vs 13.87% warfarin; HR 0.96,95% CI 0.87-1-07) and those without (16.69% vs 15.19%; 1.10, 0.99-1.21; interaction p=0.08). Interpretation There was no evidence that the relative efficacy and safety of rivaroxaban compared with warfarin was different between patients who had a previous stroke or TIA and those who had no previous stroke or TIA. These results support the use of rivaroxaban as an alternative to warfarin for prevention of recurrent as well as initial stroke in patients with AF.