977 resultados para Urban nature


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In Finland, European Union membership and economic globalisation have changed the position of regions from closed territorial systems to nodes of open international networks. The increasing complexity of cities as globalised knowledge centres and functionally specialised and diversified rural areas, and on the other hand growing disparities between prosperous urban cores and lagging peripheral areas are also essential features in contemporary regional development. These trends have produced new needs to promote mutual dialogue between cities and the countryside in western market economies. Urban-rural interaction is an idea which was developed in the late 1990s within regional policy to pull together these new challenges to regional development and handle cities and the countryside as a whole. The aim of my study is to conceptualise the idea of urban-rural interaction, explain the phenomenon theoretically, clarify past and present urban and rural development and analyse regional policies from the interaction angle. The ultimate purpose is to illustrate the existence and nature of particular interaction policy in a globalising society. The general method is discourse analysis, which I use in three cases: Central Finland, South-Ostrobothnia and South-West Finland. Theoretically I have a two-dimensional approach. On the first hand I use World-System theory to explain how the global economy is moulding urban and rural structures at the regional level. On the other hand I use regime theory to explain local political actions and practises between cities and the countryside under the overlapping pressures deriving from reformulated regional structures and policies.

Adaptation to globalisation in Finland has been carried out by strengthening urban centres. The stress in regional policy has been in urban development. The development of the countryside has mostly been implemented by a separate rural policy. At the end of the 1990s and early 2000s Finnish cities have actually shown themselves to be competitive in global markets. The drawbacks of the new growth centre policy have been the sparse network of prosperous cities and their weak spreading effects, which have hindered comprehensive regional development. Tensions between urban and rural areas have also deepened. In this situation the interaction policy is used as a way of balancing development and moderate conflicts within the regions. From this point of view urban-rural interaction can be seen as a way of tackling the challenges of globalisation.

On the other hand the results emphasise that actors involved in regional development still believe, although the hegemonic discourse is on urban policy, that there are opportunities to stimulate progress in the countryside as well. In the situation where regional authorities control development resources, rural development can be successful only if rural actors manage to establish fruitful relationships with their urban partners. This is also the weakness of the programme-based regional policy. If rural municipalities or other actors are for any reason incapable of building development regimes with cities, the offers of interaction policy will be useless.

The problem of the interaction policy is that the focus and methods of it have so far been rather underdeveloped. In order to improve the efficiency of the interaction policy, further research should concentrate on the social processes which define the position of cities and the countryside as partners of interaction, and practises which promote or prohibit the possibilities of developing the interaction policy. The efforts to define different contents of urban-rural interaction or promote interaction projects should not have such an important role in the future as they have had so far. Instead, the focus of interaction policy should be on questions such as how to manage the political tensions between town and country and how to create a positive atmosphere for regional policy where the needs of urban and rural development are promoted equally.


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Coherent regulation of landscape as a resource is a major challenge. How can the development interests of some actors (eg cable car operators and property developers) be reconciled with those of others (agriculture, forestry) and with conservation of biodiversity and scenic value? To help understand how the newly introduced Regional Nature Parks (RNPs) can improve the coherence of the regulation regime in Switzerland, we highlight current direct mechanisms for regulation of landscape as a resource (bans, inventories, subsidies) as well as indirect mechanisms (taking place through the regulation of the physical basis of landscapes, eg forest, land, and water planning policies). We show that RNPs are fundamentally innovative because they make it possible to manage and coordinate indirect strategies for appropriate regulation of resources at a landscape scale. In other words, RNPs enable organization of governance of landscape as a resource in a perimeter that is not necessarily restricted to administrative boundaries.


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Opinnäytetyöni on monimuototyö, jonka teososa on luonto-ohjelma/dokumenttielokuva The Nature of Rebirth, jonka toteutin yhteistyössä neljän muun opiskelijan kanssa. Toimin toisena käsikirjoittajana, ohjaajana ja tuottajana. Luonto-ohjelman keskeisenä ideana on kertoa luonnosta tavalla, joka korostaa ihmisen ja luonnon suhdetta, vuorovaikutusta sekä yhteenkietoutuneisuutta. Luonto-ohjelman aiheena on Euroopan vanhin metsä Bialowieza Puolassa. Kirjallisessa osiossa tarkastelen ja reflektoin luonto-ohjelman hermeneuttista sisällönluomista moniosaajan (käsikirjoittaja-ohjaaja-tuottajan) näkökulmasta. Hermeneuttisen sisällönluomisen käsite kuvastaa sitä prosessia, jonka kautta mielestäni lopullinen luonto-ohjelma luotiin. Se on työskentelytapa, joka perustuu kaaoksen ja järjestyksen väliseen jännitteeseen ja vuorovaikutukseen. Jännitteen ja vuorovaikutuksen kautta intuitiivisesta ideasta luodaan vaihe vaiheelta lopullista sisältöä. Hermeneuttinen sisällönluominen sopi tuotantoomme, jossa haasteena oli hakea muotoa ja tapaa kertoa Euroopan vanhimmasta metsästä ihmisten kautta. Hermeneuttinen sisällönluominen soveltuu sellaisille tuotannoille, joissa tekijällä on samanaikaisesti limittäin erilaisia pidemmän aikavälin tuotantoja. Rajaan tarkasteluni niihin tuotannon vaiheisiin, joissa hermeneuttinen sisällönluomisen prosessi oli suuressa roolissa joko omassa mielessäni tai työryhmän välisissä dialogeissa ja yhteistyössä. Nämä olivat ikään kuin solmukohtia, jotka piti ratkaista, jotta sisällönluominen olisi voinut taas jatkua. Luonto-ohjelman The Nature of Rebirth tuotannossa solmukohdat painottuivat erityisesti ennakkotuotantovaiheessa käsikirjoituksen luomiseen ja jälkituotantovaiheessa leikkausvaiheeseen. Solmukohtien lisäksi käsittelen luonto-ohjelmamme sisältöä laajemmassa yhteiskunnallisessa ja ohjelmavirran kontekstissa. Lähdekirjallisuutena olen käyttänyt sekä luonto-ohjelmiin että dokumenttielokuviin liittyviä teoksia ja artikkeleita. Lisäksi olen soveltanut monitieteisesti muiden tieteenalojen teorioita ja tutkimuksia, esimerkiksi hermeneuttisen sisällönluomisen viitekehyksessä. Osa tiedoista perustuu luentoihin Stadiassa tai keskusteluihin alan asiantuntijoiden kanssa. Lisäksi kirjallisessa osuudessa tuon esiin omia huomioitani sekä luonto-ohjelman tekijänä että luonto-ohjelmien katsojana.


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In societies with strong multigenerational links, economic uncertainty results in choosing to stay with one child, sometimes in association with postponement of first births (i.e. Italy) and sometimes in early childbearing (i.e. Bulgaria). The interaction between intergenerational family practices in lowest-low fertility contexts is likely to play a role on differences timing to parenthood. In this paper, we focus on the phenomenon of women who have one child in their early twenties in Bulgaria and do not intend to have a second child. We argue that the key to this process is the persistence of extended multigenerational households in the Bulgarian context and their effect on young couples' fertility decision making. We use semi-structured interview data from the project Fertility Choices in Central and Eastern Europe and ethnographic fieldnotes. The interviews were collected from a sample of 22 couples resident in Sofia and representing different permutations of educational level, marital status and number of children (0 or 1). The four-year ethnographic fieldwork was conducted in both rural and urban Bulgaria between 1997 and 2009. Results suggest that as long as the economic situation remains dire, and young Bulgarians hopes for the future remain cynical, multigenerational households represent the accepted practice of entering into parenthood for young families.


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China’s economic reforms, which began in 1978, resulted in remarkable income growth, and urban Chinese consumers have responded by dramatically increasing their consumption of meat, other livestock products, and fruits and by decreasing consumption of grain-based foods. Economic prosperity, a growing openness to international markets, and domestic policy reforms have changed the food marketing environment for Chinese consumers and may have contributed to shifts in consumer preferences. The objective of this paper is to uncover evidence of structural change in food consumption among urban residents in China. Both parametric and nonparametric methods are used to test for structural change in aggregate household data from 1981 to 2004. The tests provided a reasonably clear picture of changing food consumption over the study period.


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OBJECTIVE Assessing the adequacy of knowledge, attitude and practice of women regarding male and female condoms as STI/HIV preventive measures. METHOD An evaluative Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) household survey with a quantitative approach, involving 300 women. Data collection took place between June and August 2013, in an informal urban settlement within the municipality of João Pessoa, Paraiba, Northeast Brazil. RESULTS Regarding the male condom, most women showed inadequate knowledge and practice, and an adequate attitude. Regarding the female condom, knowledge, attitude and practice variables were unsatisfactory. Significant associations between knowledge/religious orientation and attitude/education regarding the male condom were observed. CONCLUSION A multidisciplinary team should be committed to the development of educational practices as care promotion tools in order to improve adherence of condom use.


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The aim of the project was to gauge the extent to which the so-called ‘Barcelona Model’ of urban transformation has been ‘exported’ to Britain and whether Barcelona has learned from British cities. We engage with the literature on successive British governments’ strategies for cities, focused on collecting data on contemporary policy initiatives and debates in the UK, did interviews in Manchester, London Barcelona and participated in the official visit of Leeds to Barcelona in March. Our research findings to date suggest that there is a good deal of mobility and interaction between Barcelona and the UK. However, it is by no means certain that this has resulted in definite instances of policy transfer. While the ‘Barcelona model’ has indeed featured in oficial discourse on urban regeneration in the UK, it does not appear to be the preferred best practice ‘model’ – other North American and European cities figure discursively as much, if not more. Where Barcelona does feature in official discourse, it is usually as an example of good design and an appealing urban aesthetic, rather than in terms of economic or social policy best practice. Our research suggests that the Barcelona model is seen as non-transferable to the UK due to the relatively more centralised governance structure therein.In contrast, evidence collected suggests that the Barcelona model is not influenced by UK British cities experiences but there is small evidence of being influenced by UK-based professionals.


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In recent years, many traffic engineers have advocated converting four-lane undivided urban streets to threelane two-way left-turn facilities. A number of these conversions have been successfully implemented. Accident rates have decreased while corridor and intersection levels of service remained acceptable. This conversion concept is yet another viable alternative “tool” to place in our urban safety/congestion toolbox.