991 resultados para Travel patterns


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Due to its non-storability, electricity must be produced at the same time that it is consumed, as a result prices are determined on an hourly basis and thus analysis becomes more challenging. Moreover, the seasonal fluctuations in demand and supply lead to a seasonal behavior of electricity spot prices. The purpose of this thesis is to seek and remove all causal effects from electricity spot prices and remain with pure prices for modeling purposes. To achieve this we use Qlucore Omics Explorer (QOE) for the visualization and the exploration of the data set and Time Series Decomposition method to estimate and extract the deterministic components from the series. To obtain the target series we use regression based on the background variables (water reservoir and temperature). The result obtained is three price series (for Sweden, Norway and System prices) with no apparent pattern.


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Isolates of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (ISO-1, ISO-2, ISO-3, ISO-4, ISO-5 and ISO-6), the causal agent of anthracnose disease on mango fruits, were characterized by electrophoretic patterns of total proteins and esterase in polyacrylamida gel, and also, by production of extracellular enzymes on specific solid substrate. The electrophoretic analysis showed variation in number, intensity of coloration and position of the bands in the gel at each studied system tested. In contrast to the monomorphic behavior to total proteins, high esterase polymorfism was observed indicating difference among isolates. All isolates showed the activity of extracellular enzymes such as amylase, lipase, and protease with some variation among them. The proteolitic activity seemed to be more accentuated than the two other enzymes studied.


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In 2011 China became the worldâs second largest economy overtaking Japan. With its rapidly growing middle class buying diverse goods from consumption products to sophisticated technology and luxury products, it is also the fastest growing export market in the world. The purpose of this study is to examine what types of market entry modes Finnish SMEs use in China, which factors affect on their decisions and whether they have switched or combined the strategies after entering China. The goal is to understand the relevance of the entry mode choice related to the internationalization process and to evaluate how well it suits the Chinese business environment. The empirical part of the study is a semi structured qualitative analysis of six case companies that represent different industry fields. The cases were selected based on the recent literature about the Finnish industry fields China is interested in to gain knowledge and expertise from. Companies included in the study are an architect office, two pharmaceutical development companies, an ICT company, a plastic mechanics company and a clean tech company. The results of this study indicated that the market entry patterns of Finnish SMEs in China differ from each other based on the factors related to companyâs background, mode concerns and Chinese market influences.


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Politiskt deltagande är en definierande del av varje demokratiskt politiskt system, även mellan valen. Men det har skett en betydande utveckling i vilka aktiviteter som uppfattas som politiskt deltagande. Det är inte enbart aktiviteter i politiska partier som är i fokus, men ocksÃ¥ olika protestaktiviteter, delaktighet i nya sociala rÃrelser och livsstilspolitik i form av politisk konsumtion. Politiskt deltagande mellan valen kan leda till en potentiell legitimitetskonflikt. Den potentiella konflikten mellan ansvarsutkrävande och medborgarnas aktiva medverkan har varit känd sedan länge. Representativa demokratier har genom olika institutionella mekanismer fÃrsÃkt konstruera ett fungerande politiskt system som fÃrenar mÃjligheten fÃr politiskt deltagande med en tydlig ansvarsstruktur. I detta sammanhang har den institutionella Ãppenheten haft en central position eftersom denna antas pÃ¥verka hur lätt det är fÃr medborgarna att pÃ¥verka de formella beslutfattarna. Avhandlingen undersÃker därmed konsekvenserna av institutionell Ãppenhet fÃr olika former av politiskt deltagande. Resultaten tyder pÃ¥ att demokratiska staters institutionella uppbyggnad har väsentliga konsekvenser fÃr det politiska deltagandet. Men samspelet mellan systemet och deltagandet verkar vara mera invecklat än de dominerande teorierna om politiska institutioner och deltagande ger vid handen. Institutionell Ãppenhet har inte den fÃrväntade effekt beroende pÃ¥ om den politiska handlingen sker inom eller utanfÃr det formella systemet, och den institutionella effekten är mera uttalad fÃr fÃreningsaktivism och politisk konsumtion, vilket är de aktiviteter som ligger längst bort frÃ¥n det formella politiska systemet. Resultaten utmanar därmed centrala teoretiska antaganden inom forskningen om politiskt deltagande. I ljuset av de resultat som presenteras i avhandlingen framstÃ¥r det som särskilt angeläget att omvärdera effekten av institutionell Ãppenhet.


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Different climate models, modeling methods and carbon emission scenarios were used in this paper to evaluate the effects of future climate changes on geographical distribution of species of economic and cultural importance across the Cerrado biome. As the results of several studies have shown, there are still many uncertainties associated with these projections, although bioclimatic models are still widely used and effective method to evaluate the consequences for biodiversity of these climate changes. In this article, it was found that 90% of these uncertainties are related to methods of modeling, although, regardless of the uncertainties, the results revealed that the studied species will reduce about 78% of their geographic distribution in Cerrado. For an effective work on the conservation of these species, many studies still need to be carried out, although it is already possible to observe that climate change will have a strong influence on the pattern of distribution of these species.


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Avhandlingen handlar om hur kompositionen hos litoralt djurplankton varierar med omgivningens trofiska nivÃ¥ (m.a.o. eutrofieringsgrad). Arbetets inledande mÃ¥l är att beskriva hur mängden och artmÃ¥ngfalden hos djurplankton i strandnära vattnen och de omgivande organismsamhällen ändras med närsaltshalter. Huvudsyftet är att utreda allmänna mekanismer som styr dessa mÃnster och som pÃ¥ sÃ¥ sätt kan vara viktiga i att reglera samhällen även i andra ekologiska system. UndersÃkningarna gjordes i Ã¥ländska flador Ãver flera tillväxtsäsonger samt i laboratorier där omgivningsfÃrhÃ¥llanden i fladorna kunde simuleras och manipuleras. Djurplankton i dessa lagunlika vikar är lägliga modellsystem. Flador är lämpligt avgränsade frÃ¥n det omgivande havet och fÃrekommer allmänt i norra ÃstersjÃregionen. SÃ¥ledes kan de inom ett litet omrÃ¥de som Ãland representera hela regionala gradienten frÃ¥n näringsfattiga till näringsrika fÃrhÃ¥llanden. De smÃ¥ kräft- och hjuldjuren som djurplankton bestÃ¥r av befinner sig i mitten av näringsväven. De sammankopplar olika typer av mikrobiell produktion vidare till hÃgre konsumenter och är pÃ¥ sÃ¥ sätt centrala fÃr organismsamhällens struktur och funktion i nästan alla akvatiska miljÃer. I likhet med primärproducenterna (d.v.s. växter och alger som direkt pÃ¥verkas av närsaltshalterna, och som bl.a. utgÃr fÃda och habitat fÃr djurplankton) samvarierar kompositionen hos djurplankton tydligt med omgivningens trofiska nivÃ¥ tills den blir hÃg. Sedan bÃrjar hela samhällskompositionen utveckla sig Ã¥t tvÃ¥ skilda hÃ¥ll. Dessa mÃnster kan fÃr djurplanktonets del fÃrklaras med att dess komposition ingalunda styrs endast av primärproducenterna, utan av ett komplicerat samspel mellan dessa resurser samt konkurrerande och hÃgre konsumenter (d.v.s. predatorer pÃ¥ flera hÃgre trofinivÃ¥er). Detta kom fram speciellt i laboratoriefÃrhÃ¥llanden dÃ¥ kompositionen hos dessa samhällskomponenter manipulerades. BÃ¥de deras sammansättning och relativa tätheter i sig, samt en kombination av bÃ¥da visade sig styra djurplanktonkompositionen. Lokala processer (inom fladorna) och synnerligen fÃrändringar hos olika fundament- (speciellt vass, borstnate och rÃdsträfse), kärn- (speciellt yngel av a bborre och mÃrt) och nyckelarter (stora predatorer som gädda) verkar kunna avgÃra till vilken grad djurplanktonkompositionen samvarierar med omgivningens trofiska nivÃ¥. Inte bara samhällen utan ocksÃ¥ de mekanismer som styr dem ändras med omgivningens trofiska nivÃ¥. Flador är ypperliga naturliga laboratorier fÃr att studera dessa och även andra allmänekologiska mÃnster och mekanismer. De är ocksÃ¥ oerhÃrt viktiga miljÃer fÃr hela kustregionens natur.


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Maritime transport moves around 6 billion tonnes of freight every year. The freight consists of liquid bulks (45%), dry bulks (23%) and general cargo (32%). Freight traffic and transports chains vary according to region, commodity and the origin and the destination of freight. In the European Union the ports sector handles over 90% of the trade with third countries. The share of intra-EU trade is approximately 30% of the total transportation and the number of passengers is over 200 million every year. The Baltic Sea has more than 50,000 vessels a year pass the Skaw at the northernmost tip of Denmark on their way into or out of the Baltic. Roughly 60% to 70% of these vessels are cargo vessels and 17% to 25% tankers. Ports and maritime transport play a crucial role in global commerce today. Todayâs business environment is changing rapidly, and the constant changes create challenges for the transport industry and maritime traffic. Ports have to adapt to continuous changes in economic structures, logistics demands, and peopleâs travel and leisure patterns. In order to ensure the competitiveness of sea connections, the ports need to fully enhance multilateral cross-border understanding and cooperation. In this report the focus is on liner traffic between five ports in the Central Baltic Region: Stockholm, Tallinn, Helsinki Turku and Naantali. The report defines the drivers of the demand for cargo and passenger traffic and highlights the most important factors. The economic situation and foreign trade of each county are elaborated on with detailed information about the flows of traffic between the five ports. Based on expert interviews, the main characteristics of each port, including strengths and weaknesses, are presented. The report is based on primary and secondary data. Primary data was received through interviews and mail surveys. Secondary data was attained through a literature research, statistics, data given by the PENTA ports and webpages. The report is divided into two main parts: the drivers creating the demand for transport and the results of current cargo and passenger flows between PENTA ports.


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20 x 22 cm


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kuv., 12 x 18 cm


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kuv., 12 x 18 cm


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kuv., 14 x 20 cm