946 resultados para Telecomunicaciones
In this paper, we describe a complete development platform that features different innovative acceleration strategies, not included in any other current platform, that simplify and speed up the definition of the different elements required to design a spoken dialog service. The proposed accelerations are mainly based on using the information from the backend database schema and contents, as well as cumulative information produced throughout the different steps in the design. Thanks to these accelerations, the interaction between the designer and the platform is improved, and in most cases the design is reduced to simple confirmations of the “proposals” that the platform dynamically provides at each step. In addition, the platform provides several other accelerations such as configurable templates that can be used to define the different tasks in the service or the dialogs to obtain or show information to the user, automatic proposals for the best way to request slot contents from the user (i.e. using mixed-initiative forms or directed forms), an assistant that offers the set of more probable actions required to complete the definition of the different tasks in the application, or another assistant for solving specific modality details such as confirmations of user answers or how to present them the lists of retrieved results after querying the backend database. Additionally, the platform also allows the creation of speech grammars and prompts, database access functions, and the possibility of using mixed initiative and over-answering dialogs. In the paper we also describe in detail each assistant in the platform, emphasizing the different kind of methodologies followed to facilitate the design process at each one. Finally, we describe the results obtained in both a subjective and an objective evaluation with different designers that confirm the viability, usefulness, and functionality of the proposed accelerations. Thanks to the accelerations, the design time is reduced in more than 56% and the number of keystrokes by 84%.
We introduce in this paper a method to calculate the Hessenberg matrix of a sum of measures from the Hessenberg matrices of the component measures. Our method extends the spectral techniques used by G. Mantica to calculate the Jacobi matrix associated with a sum of measures from the Jacobi matrices of each of the measures. We apply this method to approximate the Hessenberg matrix associated with a self-similar measure and compare it with the result obtained by a former method for self-similar measures which uses a fixed point theorem for moment matrices. Results are given for a series of classical examples of self-similar measures. Finally, we also apply the method introduced in this paper to some examples of sums of (not self-similar) measures obtaining the exact value of the sections of the Hessenberg matrix.
We develop a novel remote sensing technique for the observation of waves on the ocean surface. Our method infers the 3-D waveform and radiance of oceanic sea states via a variational stereo imagery formulation. In this setting, the shape and radiance of the wave surface are given by minimizers of a composite energy functional that combines a photometric matching term along with regularization terms involving the smoothness of the unknowns. The desired ocean surface shape and radiance are the solution of a system of coupled partial differential equations derived from the optimality conditions of the energy functional. The proposed method is naturally extended to study the spatiotemporal dynamics of ocean waves and applied to three sets of stereo video data. Statistical and spectral analysis are carried out. Our results provide evidence that the observed omnidirectional wavenumber spectrum S(k) decays as k-2.5 is in agreement with Zakharov's theory (1999). Furthermore, the 3-D spectrum of the reconstructed wave surface is exploited to estimate wave dispersion and currents.
Nowadays, a wide offer of mobile augmented reality (mAR) applications is available at the market, and the user base of mobile AR-capable devices -smartphones- is rapidly increasing. Nevertheless, likewise to what happens in other mobile segments, business models to put mAR in value are not clearly defined yet. In this paper, we focus on sketching the big picture of the commercial offer of mAR applications, in order to inspire a posterior analysis of business models that may successfully support the evolution of mAR. We have gathered more than 400 mAR applications from Android Market, and analyzed the offer as a whole, taking into account some technology aspects, pricing schemes and user adoption factors. Results show, for example, that application providers are not expecting to generate revenues per direct download, although they are producing high-quality applications, well rated by the users.
Sistema abierto de Televisión Digital Terrestre (TDT) accesible para personas con deficiencia visual
Este artículo detalla el diseño, implementación y validación de un sistema abierto de Televisión Digital accesible para personas con deficiencia visual. La solución facilita que este colectivo pueda acceder a los contenidos de la guía electrónica de programación recibidos a través de la TDT, pudiendo configurar a demanda la interfaz de usuario gráfica (IGU) y la síntesis de voz (TTS). Se presenta el análisis de sistemas existentes, requisitos demandados por este colectivo y tecnologías disponibles, tanto de TDT como de TTS, con el fin de elegir las más apropiadas con criterios de accesibilidad, interoperabilidad y bajo coste. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación demuestran que el sistema desarrollado es congruente con los criterios del Diseño para Todos según constata la validación realizada. El sistema ofrece combinaciones de colores y fuentes (contraste, tamaño) para diferentes necesidades de la deficiencia visual, y utiliza TTS local y adaptable para las personas con ceguera.
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo esencial ofrecer una solución de accesibilidad a los dispositivos móviles táctiles para personas con discapacidad física con afección en los miembros superiores. El diseño, desarrollo y validación de la solución detallada está basado en una plataforma abierta y de bajo coste como Android que, mediante la interconexión de conmutadores comerciales y el uso de un sistema de barrido con realimentación por voz sintetizada, permite al usuario acceder a todas las funciones básicas de la telefonía móvil. El análisis de los requisitos de usuario es un eje central de este trabajo para lo cual se ha contado con la participación de la Asociación de Lesionados Medulares y Grandes Discapacitados Físicos (ASPAYM), de la Asociación de Padres de Alumnos Minusválidos (APAM) y del Centro de Referencia Estatal de Atención al Daño Cerebral (CEADAC). El sistema resultante preserva las expectativas de autonomía personal y privacidad demandadas.
Mobile and wireless communications systems have become an important part of our everyday lives. These ubiquitous technologies have a profound effect on how we live. People predict bright future to wireless technologies, but it wouldn’t be possible without a hard work of thousands of scientists in the wireless innovation research arena. My Marie Curie project is investigating enabling technologies for future mobile and wireless communications systems
Este artículo presenta una solución al problema de autenticación segura, portable y expandible realizando una combinación de la tecnología Java y el almacenamiento del certificado digital X.509 en las tarjetas Java para acceder a los servicios ofrecidos por una institución, en este caso concreto la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá, garantizando la autenticidad, confidencialidad, integridad y no repudio.
Este paper presenta la tecnología Java Card y los certificados X.509 como método de autenticación en aplicaciones web en ambientes universitarios, en el caso concreto la Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP). La solución consiste en mejorar el escenario de acceso a los servicios de la UTP tratando de extender el uso de la Infraestructura de Clave Pública, llevando a cabo la integración de estas tecnologías que aporten mayor seguridad a todos los usuarios y que gocen de un acceso a los servicios ofrecidos de manera flexible, segura, garantizando la autenticidad, confidencialidad, integridad y no repudio.
End-User Development Success Factors and their Application to Composite Web Development Environments
The Future Internet is expected to be composed of a mesh of interoperable Web services accessed from all over the Web. This approach has not yet caught on since global user-service interaction is still an open issue. Successful composite applications rely on heavyweight service orchestration technologies that raise the bar far above end-user skills. The weakness lies in the abstraction of the underlying service front-end architecture rather than the infrastructure technologies themselves. In our opinion, the best approach is to offer end-to-end composition from user interface to service invocation, as well as an understandable abstraction of both building blocks and a visual composition technique. In this paper we formalize our vision with regard to the next-generation front-end Web technology that will enable integrated access to services, contents and things in the Future Internet. We present a novel reference architecture designed to empower non-technical end users to create and share their own self-service composite applications. A tool implementing this architecture has been developed as part of the European FP7 FAST Project and EzWeb Project, allowing us to validate the rationale behind our approach.
Web development is currently driven by model-view-controller (MVC) frameworks. How has content management adapted to this scenario? This paper reviews content management features in Ruby on Rails framework and its most popular plug-ins. These features are distributed among the different layers of the MVC architecture
This contribution aims to illustrate the potential of the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) technique as a tool to analyze different parts of a solar cell (surface state, heterointerfaces, profile composition of ohmic contacts, etc). Here, the analysis is specifically applied to III-V multijunction solar cells used in concentrator systems. The information provided from such XPS analysis has helped to understand the physico-chemical nature of these surfaces and interfaces, and thus has guided the technological process in order to improve the solar cell performance.
This paper presents some of the results of a method to determine the main reliability functions of concentrator solar cells. High concentrator GaAs single junction solar cells have been tested in an Accelerated Life Test. The method can be directly applied to multi-junction solar cells. The main conclusions of this test carried out show that these solar cells are robust devices with a very low probability of failure caused by degradation during their operation life (more than 30 years). The evaluation of the probability operation function (i.e. the reliability function R(t)) is obtained for two nominal operation conditions of these cells, namely simulated concentration ratios of 700 and 1050 suns. Preliminary determination of the Mean Time to Failure indicates a value much higher than the intended operation life time of the concentrator cells.
This paper presents a general systems that can be taken into account to control between elements in an antenna array. Because the digital phase shifter devices have become a strategic element and also some steps have been taken for their export by U.S. Government, this element has increased its price to the low supply in the market. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt some solutions that allow us to deal with the design and construction of antenna arrays. system based on a group of a staggered phase shift with external switching is shown, which is extrapolated array.
El objetivo de este trabajo es el análisis comparativo de dos fuentes de irradiación solar para el territorio peninsular español, siguiendo la iniciativa de estudios previos para otras regiones. La primera de estas fuentes corresponde a medidas de irradiación global diaria en el plano horizontal realizadas por los piranómetros de la red de estaciones meteorológicas del Sistema de Información Agroclimática del Regadío (SIAR), perteneciente al Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Rural y Marino. Esta red está compuesta por más de 360 estaciones ubicadas en once Comunidades Autónomas de la España peninsular. La otra fuente de comparación es un conjunto de imágenes de satélite proporcionadas por la iniciativa denominada ``The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring'' (CM-SAF).