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Naphthenic acids (NAs) are an important group of organic pollutants mainly found in hydrocarbon deposits. Although these compounds are toxic, recalcitrant, and persistent in the environment, we are just learning the diversity of microbial communities involved in NAs- degradation and the mechanisms by which NAs are biodegraded. Studies have shown that naphthenic acids are susceptible to biodegradation, which decreases their concentration and reduces toxicity. Nevertheless, little is still known about their biodegradability. The present PhD Thesis’s work is aimed to study the biodegradation of simple model NAs using bacteria strains belonging to the Rhodococcus genus. In particular, Rh. sp. BCP1 and Rh. opacus R7 were able to utilize NAs such as cyclohexane carboxylic acid and cyclopentane carboxylic acid as the sole carbon and energy sources, even at concentrations up to 1000 mg/L. The presence of either substituents or longer carboxylic acid chains attached to the cyclohexane ring negatively affected the growth by pure bacterial cultures. Moreover, BCP1 and R7 cells incubated in the presence of CHCA or CPCA show a general increase of saturated and methyl-substituted fatty acids in their membrane, while the cis-mono-unsaturated ones decrease, as compared to glucose-grown cells. The observed lipid molecules modification during the growth in the presence of NAs is suggested as a possible mechanism to decrease the fluidity of the cell membrane to counteract NAs toxicity. In order to further evaluate this toxic effect on cell features, the morphological changes of BCP1 and R7 cells were also assessed through Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), revealing interesting ultrastructural changes. The induction of putative genes, and the construction of a random transposon mutagenesis library were also carried out to reveal the mechanisms by which these Rhodococcus strains can degrade toxic compounds such as NAs.


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Durum wheat is the second most important wheat species worldwide and the most important crop in several Mediterranean countries including Italy. Durum wheat is primarily grown under rainfed conditions where episodes of drought and heat stress are major factors limiting grain yield. The research presented in this thesis aimed at the identification of traits and genes that underlie root system architecture (RSA) and tolerance to heat stress in durum wheat, in order to eventually contribute to the genetic improvement of this species. In the first two experiments we aimed at the identification of QTLs for root trait architecture at the seedling level by studying a bi-parental population of 176 recombinant inbred lines (from the cross Meridiano x Claudio) and a collection of 183 durum elite accessions. Forty-eight novel QTLs for RSA traits were identified in each of the two experiments, by means of linkage- and association mapping-based QTL analysis, respectively. Important QTLs controlling the angle of root growth in the seedling were identified. In a third experiment, we investigated the phenotypic variation of root anatomical traits by means of microscope-based analysis of root cross sections in 10 elite durum cultivars. The results showed the presence of sizeable genetic variation in aerenchyma-related traits, prompting for additional studies aimed at mapping the QTLs governing such variation and to test the role of aerenchyma in the adaptive response to abiotic stresses. In the fourth experiment, an association mapping experiment for cell membrane stability at the seedling stage (as a proxy trait for heat tolerance) was carried out by means of association mapping. A total of 34 QTLs (including five major ones), were detected. Our study provides information on QTLs for root architecture and heat tolerance which could potentially be considered in durum wheat breeding programs.


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The betaine/GABA transporter BGT1 is one of the most important osmolyte transporters in the kidney. BGT1 is a member of the neurotransmitter sodium symporter (NSS) family, facilitates Na+/Cl--coupled betaine uptake to cope with hyperosmotic stress. Betaine transport in kidney cells is upregulated under hypertonic conditions by a yet unknown mechanism when increasing amounts of intracellular BGT1 are inserted into the plasma membrane. Re-establishing isotonicity results in ensuing depletion of BGT1 from the membrane. BGT1 phosphorylation on serines and threonines might be a regulation mechanism. In the present study, four potential PKC phosphorylation sites were mutated to alanines and the responses to PKC activators, phorbol 12-myristate acetate (PMA) and dioctanoyl-sn-glycerol (DOG) were determined. GABA-sensitive currents were diminished after 30 min preincubation with these PKC activators. Staurosporine blocked the response to DOG. Three mutants evoked normal GABA-sensitive currents but currents in oocytes expressing the mutant T40A were greatly diminished. [3H]GABA uptake was also determined in HEK-293 cells expressing EGFP-tagged BGT1 with the same mutations. Three mutants showed normal upregulation of GABA uptake after hypertonic stress, and downregulation by PMA was normal compared to EGFP-BGT1. In contrast, GABA uptake by the T40A mutant showed no response to hypertonicity or PMA. Confocal microscopy of the EGFP-BGT1 mutants expressed in MDCK cells, grown on glass or filters, revealed that T40A was present in the cytoplasm after 24 h hypertonic stress while the other mutants and EGFP-BGT1 were predominantely present in the plasma membrane. All four mutants co-migrated with EGFP-BGT1 on Western blots suggesting they are full-length proteins. In conclusion, T235, S428, and S564 are not involved in downregulation of BGT1 due to phosphorylation by PKC. However, T40 near the N-terminus may be part of a hot spot important for normal trafficking or insertion of BGT1 into the plasma membrane. Additionally, a link between substrate transport regulation, insertion of BGT1 into the plasma membrane and N-glycosylation in the extracellular loop 2 (EL2) could be revealed. The functional importance of two predicted N-glycosylation sites, which are conserved in EL2 within the NSS family were investigated for trafficking, transport and regulated plasma membrane insertion by immunogold-labelling, electron microscopy, mutagenesis, two-electrode voltage clamp measurements in Xenopus laevis oocytes and uptake of radioactive-labelled substrate into MDCK cells. Trafficking and plasma membrane insertion of BGT1 was clearly promoted by proper N-glycosylation in both, oocytes and MDCK cells. De-glycosylation with PNGase F or tunicamycin led to a decrease in substrate affinity and transport rate. Mutagenesis studies revealed that in BGT1 N183 is the major N-glycosylation site responsible for full protein activity. Replacement of N183 with aspartate resulted in a mutant, which was not able to bind N-glycans suggesting that N171 is a non-glycosylated site in BGT1. N183D exhibited close to WT transport properties in oocytes. Surprisingly, in MDCK cells plasma membrane insertion of the N183D mutant was no longer regulated by osmotic stress indicating unambiguously that association with N-glycans at this position is linked to osmotic stress-induced transport regulation in BGT1. The molecular transport mechanism of BGT1 remains largely unknown in the absence of a crystal structure. Therefore investigating the structure-function relationship of BGT1 by a combination of structural biology (2D and 3D crystallization) and membrane protein biochemistry (cell culture, substrate transport by radioactive labeled GABA uptake into cells and proteoliposomes) was the aim of this work. While the functional assays are well established, structure determination of eukaryotic membrane transporters is still a challenge. Therefore, a suitable heterologous expression system could be defined, starting with cloning and overexpression of an optimized gene. The achieved expression levels in P. pastoris were high enough to proceed with isolation of BGT1. Furthermore, purification protocols could be established and resulted in pure protein, which could even be reconstituted in an active form. The quality and homogeneity of the protein allowed already 2D and 3D crystallization, in which initial crystals could be obtained. Interestingly, the striking structural similarity of BGT1 to the bacterial betaine transporter BetP, which became a paradigm for osmoregulated betaine transport, provided information on substrate coordination in BGT1. The structure of a BetP mutant that showed activity for GABA was solved to 3.2Å in complex with GABA in an inward facing open state. This structure shed some light into the molecular transport mechanisms in BGT1 and might help in future to design conformationally locked BGT1 to enforce the on-going structure determination.


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Volatile amines are prominent indicators of food freshness, as they are produced during many microbiological food degradation processes. Monitoring and indicating the volatile amine concentration within the food package by intelligent packaging solutions might therefore be a simple yet powerful way to control food safety throughout the distribution chain.rnrnIn this context, this work aims to the formation of colourimetric amine sensing surfaces on different substrates, especially transparent PET packaging foil. The colour change of the deposited layers should ideally be discernible by the human eye to facilitate the determination by the end-user. rnrnDifferent tailored zinc(II) and chromium(III) metalloporphyrins have been used as chromophores for the colourimetric detection of volatile amines. A new concept to increase the porphyrins absorbance change upon exposure to amines is introduced. Moreover, the novel porphyrins’ processability during the deposition process is increased by their enhanced solubility in non-polar solvents.rnrnThe porphyrin chromophores have successfully been incorporated into polysiloxane matrices on different substrates via a dielectric barrier discharge enhanced chemical vapour deposition. This process allows the use of nitrogen as a cheap and abundant plasma gas, produces minor amounts of waste and by-products and can be easily introduced into (existing) roll-to-roll production lines. The formed hybrid sensing layers tightly incorporate the porphyrins and moreover form a porous structure to facilitate the amines diffusion to and interaction with the chromophores.rnrnThe work is completed with the thorough analysis of the porphyrins’ amine sensing performance in solution as well as in the hybrid coatings . To reveal the underlying interaction mechanisms, the experimental results are supported by DFT calculations. The deposited layers could be used for the detection of NEt3 concentrations below 10 ppm in the gas phase. Moreover, the coated foils have been tested in preliminary food storage experiments. rnrnThe mechanistic investigations on the interaction of amines with chromium(III) porphyrins revealed a novel pathway to the formation of chromium(IV) oxido porphyrins. This has been used for electrochemical epoxidation reactions with dioxygen as the formal terminal oxidant.rn


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Eine funktionierende Proteinqualitätskontrolle ist essenziell für die Vitalität einer Zelle. Das dynamische Gleichgewicht zwischen Proteinfaltung und -degradation wird von molekularen Chaperonen aufrechterhalten, deren Aktivität wiederum durch die Interaktion mit zahlreichen Cochaperonen moduliert wird. Das Cochaperon CHIP ist ein zentraler Faktor in Proteintriage-Entscheidungsprozessen, da es als Ubiquitinligase Chaperonsubstrate dem Abbau zuführt und somit die Chaperonmaschinerie direkt mit den Systemen der Proteindegradation verbindet. Um Polypeptide vor einem vorzeitigen Abbau zu schützen, wird die destruktive Aktivität von CHIP durch weitere Cochaperone reguliert. rnIn dieser Arbeit konnte die Hemmung der Ligaseaktivität von CHIP durch das Cochaperon BAG2 mechanistisch erstmals in einem zellulären System nachgewiesen werden. Dazu wurde die humane IMR-90 Fibroblasten Zelllinie verwendet. Die Ubiquitinierungsaktivität von CHIP wurde anhand von HSP72 als Modell-CHIP-Substrat untersucht. Durch die verringerte Ubiquitinierung, und damit dem reduzierten Abbau von HSP72, regulierte BAG2 dessen intrazelluläre Proteinspiegel, ohne dabei selbst eine Hitzeschockantwort zu induzieren. Überexprimiertes BAG2 wirkte sich trotz stabilisierter HSP72-Spiegel bei einem appliziertem Hitzestresses negativ auf die Zellvitalität aus, vermutlich da BAG2 durch die Inhibition von CHIP-vermittelter Ubiquitinierung massiv in das Gleichgewicht zwischen Substratfaltung und -degradation eingreift.rnDa sich die Mechanismen der Proteinqualitätskontrolle in der Alterung stark verändern und sich den wandelnden Bedingungen in der Zelle anpassen, wurde in einem zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit mit Hilfe des IMR-90 Zellsystems als etabliertes Modell zellulärer Seneszenz analysiert, inwieweit sich die Aktivität und die Regulation von CHIP durch BAG2 in der zellulären Alterung ändern. In seneszenten Zellen war HSP72 erheblich weniger ubiquitiniert als in jungen Fibroblasten, was auf eine reduzierte CHIP-Aktivität hinweist. Diese blieb jedoch durch BAG2 weiterhin modulierbar. Die Funktion von BAG2 als Inhibitor der Ubiquitinligase CHIP blieb demnach in seneszenten Zellen bestehen. In gealterten Fibroblasten regulierte BAG2 außerdem die Proteinspiegel des CHIP-Substrates und Seneszenzinitiators p53, was BAG2 eine mögliche Rolle in der Etablierung des Seneszenz-Phänotyps zuspricht. Weiterhin unterlagen die Proteinspiegel der beiden funktionell redundanten CHIP-Modulatoren BAG2 und HSPBP1 in der zellulären Alterung einer reziproken Regulation. In gealterten Mäusen trat die gegenläufige Veränderung der beiden Cochaperone gewebsspezifisch in der Lunge auf. Außerdem waren die BAG2-Proteinspiegel im Hippocampus gealterter Tiere signifikant erhöht.rnZusammenfassend konnte anhand der erzielten Ergebnisse die Funktion von BAG2 als Inhibitor von CHIP im zellulären System bestätigt werden. Außerdem durchlaufen die Aktivität und die Regulation von CHIP einen seneszenzspezifischen Adaptationsprozess, welcher für die Erhaltung der Proteostase in der Alterung relevant sein könnte und in welchem die Funktion von BAG2 als CHIP-Modulator möglicherweise eine wichtige Rolle spielt.rnZukünftige Studien könnten die komplexen Mechanismen weiterführend aufklären, mit denen CHIP-Aktivität reguliert wird. Dies kann helfen, der altersbedingten Abnahme an proteostatischer Kontrolle entgegenzuwirken und aberrante Proteinaggregation in altersassoziierten Erkrankungen vorzubeugen.rn


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Rhogocytes, also termed ‘pore cells’, exist free in the hemolymph or embedded in the connective tissue of different body parts of molluscs, notably gastropods. These unique cells can be round, elongated or irregularly shaped, and up to 30 μm in diameter. Their hallmark is the so-called slit apparatus: i.e. pocket-like invaginations of the plasma membrane creating extracellular lacunae, bridged by cytoplasmic bars. These bars form distinctive slits of ca. 20 nm width. A slit diaphragm composed of proteins establishes a molecular sieve with holes of 20 x 20 nm. Different functions have been assigned to this special molluscan cell type, notably biosynthesis of the hemolymph respiratory protein hemocyanin. It has further been proposed, but not proven, that in the case of red-blooded snail species rhogocytes might synthesize the hemoglobin. However, the secretion pathway of these hemolymph proteins, and the functional role of the enigmatic slit apparatus remained unclear. Additionally proposed functions of rhogocytes, such as heavy metal detoxification or hemolymph protein degradation, are also not well studied. This work provides more detailed electron microscopical, histological and immunobiochemical information on the structure and function of rhogocytes of the freshwater snails Biomphalaria glabrata and Lymnaea stagnalis. By in situ hybridization on mantle tissues, it proves that B. glabrata rhogocytes synthesize hemoglobin and L. stagnalis rhogocytes synthesize hemocyanin. Hemocyanin is present, in endoplasmic reticulum lacunae and in vesicles, as individual molecules or pseudo-crystalline arrays. The first 3D reconstructions of rhogocytes are provided by means of electron tomography and show unprecedented details of the slit apparatus. A highly dense material in the cytoplasmic bars close to the diaphragmatic slits was shown, by immunogold labeling, to contain actin. By immunofluorescence microscopy, the protein nephrin was localized at the periphery of rhogocytes. The presence of both proteins in the slit apparatus supports the previous hypothesis, hitherto solely based on similarities of the ultrastructure, that the molluscan rhogocytes are phylogenetically related to mammalian podocytes and insect nephrocytes. A possible secretion pathway of respiratory proteins that includes a transfer mechanism of vesicles through the diaphragmatic slits is proposed and discussed. We also studied, by electron microscopy, the reaction of rhogocytes in situ to two forms of animal stress: deprivation of food and cadmium contamination of the tank water. Significant cellular reactions to both stressors were observed and documented. Notably, the slit apparatus surface and the number of electron-dense cytoplasmic vesicles increased in response to cadmium stress. Food deprivation led to an increase in hemocyanin production. These observations are also discussed in the framework of using such animals as potential environmental biomarkers.


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Die Proteinhomöostase wird in der Zelle von drei Stoffwechselwegen reguliert: den molekularen Chaperonen, dem Ubiquitin-Proteasom-System und dem autophagosomalen Abbauweg. Die (Makro)Autophagie verpackt und transportiert zytosolische Komponenten in Autophagosomen zu den Lysosomen, wo sie abgebaut werden. Eine Störung dieses Abbauwegs wirkt auf die Proteostase.rnIn dieser Dissertation wurde C. elegans als Modellorganismus zur Erforschung von Proteinstabilität genutzt. In einer RNAi-vermittelten Proteostase-Analyse von Chromosom I und ausgewählter zusätzlicher Gene wurde ein Wurmstamm, der ein Luc::GFP-Konstrukt im Muskel exprimiert, genutzt. Dieses Reporterprotein aggregiert unter Hitzestressbedingungen und diese Aggregation kann durch Modulatoren der Proteostase beeinflusst werden. Dabei wurden mögliche neue Faktoren der Proteinhomöostase entdeckt. Durch weitere Experimente bei denen die Aggregation von PolyQ35::YFP im AM140-System, der Paralyse-Phänotyp und die Akkumulation Thioflavin S-gefärbter Aggregate von Aβ42 im CL2006-Wurmstamm und die Effekte auf die Autophagie mittels eines GFP::LGG1-Konstrukt analysiert wurden, konnten rbg-1 und rbg-2 als neue Modulatoren der Proteinhomöostase, insbesondere der Autophagie, identifiziert werden.rnIm Säuger bilden beide Orthologe dieser Gene, RAB3GAP1 und RAB3GAP2 den heterodimeren RAB3GAP-Komplex, der bisher nur bekannt war für die Stimulation der Umwandlung der GTP-gebundenen aktiven Form zur GDP-gebundenen inaktiven Form der RAB GTPase RAB3. In Immunoblot-Analysen und mikroskopischen Darstellungen im Säugersystem konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Effekte auf die Proteostase über den autophagosomalen Abbauweg wirken. RAB3GAP1/2 wirken als positive Stimulatoren, wenn die Lipidierung von LC3-I und der autophagische Flux von LC3-II und p62/SQSTM1 betrachtet werden. Diese Effekte werden aber nicht über die RAB GTPase RAB3 vermittelt. Die Proteine FEZ1 und FEZ2 haben einen antagonistischen Effekt auf die Autophagie und wenn alle vier Komponenten RAB3GAP1, RAB3GAP2, FEZ1 und FEZ2 zusammen herunter- oder hochreguliert werden, heben sich diese Effekte auf. In Co-Immunopräzipitationen und proteomischen Analysen konnte keine direkte Interaktion zwischen dem RAB3GAP-Komplex und FEZ1/2 oder zu anderen Autophagie-Genen nachgewiesen werden.rnHier konnte der RAB3GAP-Komplex funktionell mit Proteostase und Autophagie in C. elegans und Säugerzellen assoziiert werden. Dieser Komplex zeigt Einflüsse auf die autophagosomale Biogenese indem sie die Proteostase und die Bildung von (prä)autophagosomalen Strukturen in C. elegans und die Lipidierung von LC3 und damit den autophagischen Flux der Autophagiesubstrate LC3-II und p62/SQSTM1 in Säugerzellen beeinflusst. Darüber hinaus wirkt RAB3GAP der komplexen Autophagie-Unterdrückung durch FEZ1 und FEZ2 entgegen. Somit konnte gezeigt werden, dass RAB3GAP als neuartiger Faktor auf die autophagosomale Biogenese und somit auf die Proteostase wirkt.rn


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Global climate change is impacting coral reefs worldwide, with approximately 19% of reefs being permanently degraded, 15% showing symptoms of imminent collapse, and 20% at risk of becoming critically affected in the next few decades. This alarming level of reef degradation is mainly due to an increase in frequency and intensity of natural and anthropogenic disturbances. Recent evidence has called into question whether corals have the capacity to acclimatize or adapt to climate changes and some groups of corals showed inherent physiological tolerance to environmental stressors. The aim of the present study was to evaluate mRNA expression patterns underlying differences in thermal tolerance in specimen of the common reef-building coral Pocillopora verrucosa collected at different locations in Bangka Island waters (North Sulawesi, Indonesia). Part of the experimental work was carried out at the CoralEye Reef Research Outpost (Bangka Island). This includes sampling of corals at selected sites and at different depths (3 and 12 m) as well as their experimental exposure to an increased water temperature under controlled conditions for 3 and 7 days. Levels of mRNAs encoding ATP synthase (ATPs) NADH dehydrogenase (NDH) and a 70kDa Heat Shock Protein (HSP70) were evaluated by quantitative real time PCR. Transcriptional profiles evaluated under field conditions suggested an adaptation to peculiar local environmental conditions in corals collected at different sites and at the low depth. Nevertheless, high–depth collected corals showed a less pronounced site-to-site separation suggesting more homogenous environmental conditions. Exposure to an elevated temperature under controlled conditions pointed out that corals adapted to the high depth are more sensitive to the effects of thermal stress, so that reacted to thermal challenge by significantly over-expressing the selected gene products. Being continuously exposed to fluctuating environmental conditions, low-depth adapted corals are more resilient to the stress stimulus, and indeed showed unaffected or down-regulated mRNA expression profiles. Overall these results highlight that transcriptional profiles of selected genes involved in cellular stress response are modulated by natural seasonal temperature changes in P. verrucosa. Moreover, specimens living in more variable habitats (low-depth) exhibit higher basal HSP70 mRNA levels, possibly enhancing physiological tolerance to environmental stressors.


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Combustion-derived and manufactured nanoparticles (NPs) are known to provoke oxidative stress and inflammatory responses in human lung cells; therefore, they play an important role during the development of adverse health effects. As the lungs are composed of more than 40 different cell types, it is of particular interest to perform toxicological studies with co-cultures systems, rather than with monocultures of only one cell type, to gain a better understanding of complex cellular reactions upon exposure to toxic substances. Monocultures of A549 human epithelial lung cells, human monocyte-derived macrophages and monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDCs) as well as triple cell co-cultures consisting of all three cell types were exposed to combustion-derived NPs (diesel exhaust particles) and to manufactured NPs (titanium dioxide and single-walled carbon nanotubes). The penetration of particles into cells was analysed by transmission electron microscopy. The amount of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), the total antioxidant capacity (TAC) and the production of tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and interleukin (IL)-8 were quantified. The results of the monocultures were summed with an adjustment for the number of each single cell type in the triple cell co-culture. All three particle types were found in all cell and culture types. The production of ROS was induced by all particle types in all cell cultures except in monocultures of MDDCs. The TAC and the (pro-)inflammatory reactions were not statistically significantly increased by particle exposure in any of the cell cultures. Interestingly, in the triple cell co-cultures, the TAC and IL-8 concentrations were lower and the TNF-alpha concentrations were higher than the expected values calculated from the monocultures. The interplay of different lung cell types seems to substantially modulate the oxidative stress and the inflammatory responses after NP exposure.


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BACKGROUND: Diverse psychological factors are involved in the pathophysiology of stress. In order to devise effective intervention strategies, it is important to elucidate which factors play the most important role in the association between psychological stress and exacerbation of Crohn's disease (CD). We hypothesized that the association between perceived stress and exacerbation of CD would remain after removal of mood and anxiety components, which are largely involved in stress perception. METHODS: In all, 468 adults with CD were recruited and followed in different hospitals and private practices of Switzerland for 18 months. At inclusion, patients completed the Perceived Stress Questionnaire and anxiety and depression were assessed using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. During the follow-up, gastroenterologists assessed whether patients presented with a CD exacerbation. By means of binary logistic regression analysis, we estimated the factor by which one standard deviation of perceived stress would increase the odds of exacerbation of CD with and without controlling for anxiety and depression. RESULTS: The odds of exacerbation of CD increased by 1.85 times (95% confidence interval 1.43-2.40, P < 0.001) for 1 standard deviation of perceived stress. After removing the anxiety and depression components, the residuals of perceived stress were no longer associated with exacerbation of CD. CONCLUSIONS: The association between perceived stress and exacerbation of CD was fully attributable to the mood components, specifically anxiety and depression. Future interventional studies should evaluate the treatment of anxiety and depression as a strategy for potential prevention of CD exacerbations. (Inflamm Bowel Dis 2011;).


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Objective Impaired function of the central gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) system, which provides the brain’s major inhibitory pathways, is thought to play an important role in the pathophysiology of anxiety disorders. The effect of acute psychological stress on the human GABA-ergic system is still unknown, however. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of acute stress on prefrontal GABA levels. Method A recently developed noninvasive magnetic resonance spectroscopy method was used to measure changes in the GABA concentration of the prefrontal cortex in 10 healthy human subjects during a threat-of-shock condition and during a safe condition (two sessions on different days). The main outcome measure was the mean GABA concentration within a 3×3×2-cm3 voxel selected from the medial prefrontal cortex. Results Prefrontal GABA decreased by approximately 18% in the threat-of-shock condition relative to the safe condition. This reduction was specific to GABA, since the concentrations of N-acetyl-aspartate, choline-containing compounds, and glutamate/glutamine levels obtained in the same spectra did not change significantly. Conclusions This result appeared compatible with evidence from preclinical studies in rodents, which showed rapid presynaptic down-regulation of GABA-ergic neurotransmission in response to acute psychological stress. The molecular mechanism and functional significance of this reduced inhibitory effect of acute psychological stress in relation to impaired GABA-ergic function in anxiety disorders merit further investigation.


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Using data collected from professionals in a large U.S. national public accounting firm, we explored gender differences in perceived levels of role stress and job outcomes as well as the effects of a healthy lifestyle as a coping mechanism for role stress, burnout and related job outcomes. Our large sample size (1,681) and equal participation by women (49.7%) and men (50.3%) allowed us to analyze the causal relationships of these variables using a previously tested multi-disciplinary research model (Jones, Norman, & Wier, 2010). We found that women and men perceive similar levels of role stress as defined by role ambiguity and role overload, and that women perceive less role conflict. Men and women perceive similar levels of job satisfaction and job performance. Contrary to earlier studies, women do not report higher levels of turnover intentions. Results show that efforts of the public accounting firms over the past decade may be somewhat successful in reducing the levels of role stress and turnover intentions among women. Another plausible explanation could be that an expansionist theory of gender, work and family (Barnett & Hyde, 2001) may now be responsible for improved well-being of females to the point where the genders have converged in their experience of role stress and job outcomes in public accounting.


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Background: Stress reducing effects of Taiji, a mindful and gentle form of body movement, have been reported in previous studies, but standardized and controlled experimental studies are scarce. The present study investigates the effect of regular Taiji practice on psychobiological stress response in healthy men and women. Methods: 70 participants were randomly assigned to either Taiji classes or a waiting list. After 3 months, 26 (8 men, 18 women) persons in the Taiji group and 23 (9 men, 14 women) in the waiting control group underwent a standardized psychosocial stress test combining public speaking and mental arithmetic in front of an audience. Salivary cortisol and α-amylase, heart rate, and psychological responses to psychosocial stress were compared between the study groups. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01122706.) Results: Stress induced characteristic changes in all psychological and physiological measures. Compared to controls, Taiji participants exhibited a significantly lower stress reactivity of cortisol (p = .028) and heart rate (p = .028), as well as lower α-amylase levels (p = .049). They reported a lower increase in perceived stressfulness (p = .006) and maintained a higher level of calmness (p = .019) in response to psychosocial stress. Conclusion: Our results consistently suggest that practicing Taiji attenuates psychobiological stress reactivity in healthy subjects. This may underline the role of Taiji as a useful mind–body practice for stress prevention.


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Non-fouling surfaces that resist non-specific adsorption of proteins, bacteria, and higher organisms are of particular interest in diverse applications ranging from marine coatings to diagnostic devices and biomedical implants. Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is the most frequently used polymer to impart surfaces with such non-fouling properties. Nevertheless, limitations in PEG stability have stimulated research on alternative polymers that are potentially more stable than PEG. Among them, we previously investigated poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) (PMOXA), a peptidomimetic polymer, and found that PMOXA shows excellent anti-fouling properties. Here, we compare the stability of films self-assembled from graft copolymers exposing a dense brush layer of PEG and PMOXA side chains, respectively, in physiological and oxidative media. Before media exposure both film types prevented the adsorption of full serum proteins to below the detection limit of optical waveguide in situ measurements. Before and after media exposure for up to 2 weeks, the total film thickness, chemical composition, and total adsorbed mass of the films were quantified using variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry (VASE), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and optical waveguide lightmode spectroscopy (OWLS), respectively. We found (i) that PMOXA graft copolymer films were significantly more stable than PEG graft copolymer films and kept their protein-repellent properties under all investigated conditions and (ii) that film degradation was due to side chain degradation rather than due to copolymer desorption.


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Stress and burnout have been well-documented in graduate medical and undergraduate dental education, but studies among dental graduate students and residents are sparse. The purpose of this investigation was to examine perceived stressors and three dimensions of burnout among dental residents enrolled in the University of Bern, Switzerland. Thirty-six residents enrolled in five specialty programmes were administered the Graduate Dental Environment Stress (GDES30) questionnaire and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Individual stress items and overall GDES30 scores were used to quantify perceived stress. To measure burnout, proportions of burnout "cases" and MBI subscale scores were computed in the domains of emotional exhaustion (EE), depersonalization (DP) and reduced personal accomplishment (PA). Analyses relied on descriptive and bi-variate methods. The mean GDES30 score was 2.1 (SD = 0.4). "Lack of leisure time", "meeting the research requirement of the programme" and "completing graduation requirements" emerged as the top three stressors. Thirty-six percent of respondents were burnout "cases" on the PA scale, while this proportion was 17% for EE and 8% for DP. Both stress and burnout levels increased according to year of study, whereas younger residents and females had consistently higher stress and burnout scores compared to older ones and males. Overall, low levels of perceived stress and burnout were found among this group of Swiss dental residents.