983 resultados para Sjöblom, Paula: Toiminimen toimenkuva
Objective: A new adjustable pinch has been developed for producing a crush injury, with a previously known load of 5 kg, on a 5 mm-long segment of the nerve. Methods: Stainless steel was the material selected for building the pinch due its durability and possibility of sterilization with anti-septic substances, which are often corrosive. The crushing load of the pinch is adjustable by increasing or decreasing the tension of the spring by means of a screw used for calibration, which is performed by a load cell. Result: This pinch has been used in a few experimental investigations and was shown to be as efficient as both the universal testing machine and the dead weight machine, previously used. Conclusion: The developed pinch has the advantages of being portable and user-friendly. In addition, the pinch is cheap and allows for the standardization of the applied load.
In order to qualify and quantify nerve fiber lesion following an acute crush injury, a morphologic and morphometric study was carried out in 25 Wistar rats divided into live groups of five animals each according to the crushing load applied, i.e., 500,1000, 5000, 10 000, and 15 000 g. The injury was produced under general anesthesia on a 5 mm-long intermediate segment of the right sciatic nerve for 10 min using a dead-weight machine. The animals were killed with an excessive dose of anesthetics 72 h later and submitted to perfusion with a fixing solution through the abdominal aorta immediately after death. Both the right and left sciatic nerves were removed and prepared for histologic and morphometric examinations: 5 mu m-thick sections stained with 1% Toluidine blue were examined under a light microscope equipped with a video camera linked to a computer loaded with a graphic program (KS 400). The morphometric studies included measuring total number of fibers, fiber density, fiber diameter, myelin fiber area, axon diameter, axon area and G ratio. The results showed that damage to the nerve fibers began to appear as early as with the 500g load and was similar in all groups despite the load applied, increasing with the 10000 and 15000g loads, although the external supporting tissues and small diameter fibers were preserved. The predominant type of lesion produced was axonotmesis. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Study Design. Prospective clinical electromyographic study in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis and control group. Objective. To evaluate electromyographic amplitude from erector spinae muscles of patients with idiopathic scoliosis in comparison with control volunteers without spinal deformities. Summary of Background Data. Previous studies have indicated an increased electromyographic activity in paravertebral muscles in the convex side of the scoliotic curvature. However, in previous studies there is the absence or poor description of methods used, and some studies were conducted before the recording and processing recommendations for surface electromyographic signals had been described. Methods. Thirty individuals, matched by sex, age, and body mass index, were divided into two groups: scoliosis and control. The electric activity of the erector spinae muscles was determined by surface electromyography on both sides of the three levels of spine: T8, L2, and L5. Results. Normalized electromyographic amplitudes of erector spinae muscles, in the convex and concave sides of the apex region of the scoliotic curve in the thoracic and lumbar regions, were not significantly different. Also, there was no significant difference between the muscles of these regions when the scoliosis group was compared with the control group. The erector spinae muscle at the L5 level, representing the lower vertebral limit of the lumbar scoliotic curve, had significantly higher electromyographic activity on the convex side. However, the same alteration was shown in the control group homologous muscle (on the left side). Conclusion. Erector spinae muscles on the convex and concave sides at the curvature apex in patients with idiopathic scoliosis and small magnitude of curves did not show significant differences in electromyographic amplitude. Future studies should evaluate whether intragroup activation differences, at the L5 level in 80% of the maximum voluntary isometric contractions with predominance of the left side of the vertebral column, have any relation to the condition.
Angiotensin (Ang) I-converting enzyme (ACE) is involved in the control of blood pressure by catalyzing the conversion of Ang I into the vasoconstrictor Ang II and degrading the vasodilator peptide bradykinin. Human ACE also functions as a signal transduction molecule, and the binding of ACE substrates or its inhibitors initiates a series of events. In this study, we examined whether Ang II could bind to ACE generating calcium signaling. Chinese hamster ovary cells transfected with an ACE expression vector reveal that Ang II is able to bind with high affinity to ACE in the absence of the Ang II type 1 and type 2 receptors and to activate intracellular signaling pathways, such as inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate and calcium. These effects could be blocked by the ACE inhibitor, lisinopril. Calcium mobilization was specific for Ang II, because other ACE substrates or products, namely Ang 1-7, bradykinin, bradykinin 1-5, and N-acetyl-seryl-aspartyl-lysyl-proline, did not trigger this signaling pathway. Moreover, in Tm5, a mouse melanoma cell line endogenously expressing ACE but not Ang II type 1 or type 2 receptors, Ang II increased intracellular calcium and reactive oxygen species. In conclusion, we describe for the first time that Ang II can interact with ACE and evoke calcium and other signaling molecules in cells expressing only ACE. These findings uncover a new mechanism of Ang II action and have implications for the understanding of the renin-Ang system. (Hypertension. 2011;57:965-972.) . Online Data Supplement
Using BCG, MPT-51 and Ag85 as antigens in an indirect ELISA for the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis
This study evaluated the Mycobacterium tuberculosis protein antigen MPT-51, the trimeric antigen 85 (Ag85) complex, and Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) in an indirect ELISA to diagnose bovine tuberculosis (TB) from serum samples. Serum was collected from 208 intra-dermal tuberculin test (ITT)-positive and 54 ITT-negative animals from a region where bovine TB is endemic. Using the Ag85 and BCG antigens, the indirect ELISA was able to discriminate ITT-positive from ITT-negative animals. This level of discrimination was not achieved when using the MPT-51 antigen. The highest sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp) of the test was found when BCG was used (Se, 82%; Sp, 91%). Further work in different epidemiological settings and with larger numbers of animals will be required to validate these findings. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Of the hundreds of new tuberculosis ( TB) vaccine candidates some have therapeutic value in addition to their prophylactic properties. This is the case for the DNA vaccine encoding heat-shock protein 65 (DNAhsp65) from Mycobacterium leprae. However, there are concerns about the use of DNA vaccines in certain populations such as newborns and pregnant women. Thus, the optimization of vaccination strategies that circumvent this limitation is a priority. This study evaluated the efficacy of a single dose subunit vaccine based on recombinant Hsp65 protein against infection with M. tuberculosis H37Rv. The Hsp65 protein in this study was either associated or not with immunostimulants, and was encapsulated in biodegradable PLGA microspheres. Our results demonstrate that the protein was entrapped in microspheres of adequate diameter to be engulfed by phagocytes. Mice vaccinated with a single dose of Hsp65-microspheres or Hsp65 + CpG-microspheres developed both humoral and cellular-specific immune responses. However, they did not protect mice against challenge with M. tuberculosis. By contrast, Hsp65+KLK-microspheres induced specific immune responses that reduced bacilli loads and minimized lung parenchyma damage. These data suggest that a subunit vaccine based on recombinant protein Hsp65 is feasible.
Purpose: To describe the presence of iris neovascularization in a rabbit-model of retinal neovascularization induced by the intravitreal injection of latex-derived angiogenic fraction microspheres (LAF). Materials and Methods: Eight New Zealand rabbits received one intravitreal injection of PLGA (L-lactide-coglycolide) microspheres with 50 ug of LAF in the right eye (Group A). Microspheres without the LAF (0.1 ml) were injected in controls (Group B; n = 8). Follow-up with clinical evaluation and iris fluorescein angiography was performed after 4 weeks when eyes were processed for light microscopy. Results: All eyes from Group A showed significant vascular dilation, conjunctival hyperemia and neovascularization on the iris surface, after LAF injection. No vascular changes were observed in Group B. Conclusions: The intravitreal injection of microspheres containing the LAF can induce rubeosis iridis in rabbits and could be used as a simple experimental model for iris neovascularization.
Experimental models of infection are good tools for establishing immunological parameters that have an effect on the host-pathogen relationship and also for designing new vaccines and immune therapies. In this work, we evaluated the evolution of experimental tuberculosis in mice infected with increasing bacterial doses or via distinct routes. We showed that mice infected with low bacterial doses by the intratracheal route were able to develop a progressive infection that was proportional to the inoculum size. In the initial phase of disease, mice developed a specific Th1-driven immune response independent of inoculum concentration. However, in the late phase, mice infected with higher concentrations exhibited a mixed Th1/Th2 response, while mice infected with lower concentrations sustained the Th1 pattern. Significant IL-10 concentrations and a more preeminent T regulatory cell recruitment were also detected at 70 days post-infection with high bacterial doses. These results suggest that mice infected with higher concentrations of bacilli developed an immune response similar to the pattern described for human tuberculosis wherein patients with progressive tuberculosis exhibit a down modulation of IFN-gamma production accompanied by increased levels of IL-4. Thus, these data indicate that the experimental model is important in evaluating the protective efficacy of new vaccines and therapies against tuberculosis. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Culture filtrate proteins (CFP) are potential targets for tuberculosis vaccine development. We previously showed that despite the high level of gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) production elicited by homologous immunization with CFP plus CpG oligodeoxynucleotides (CFP/CpG), we did not observe protection when these mice were challenged with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In order to use the IFN-gamma-inducing ability of CFP antigens, in this study we evaluated a prime-boost heterologous immunization based on CFP/CpG to boost Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccination in order to find an immunization schedule that could induce protection. Heterologous BCG-CFP/CpG immunization provided significant protection against experimental tuberculosis, and this protection was sustained during the late phase of infection and was even better than that conferred by a single BCG immunization. The protection was associated with high levels of antigen-specific IFN-gamma and interleukin-17 (IL-17) and low IL-4 production. The deleterious role of IL-4 was confirmed when IL-4 knockout mice vaccinated with CFP/CpG showed consistent protection similar to that elicited by BCG-CFP/CpG heterologous immunization. These findings show that a single dose of CFP/CpG can represent a new strategy to boost the protection conferred by BCG vaccination. Moreover, different immunological parameters, such as IFN-gamma and IL-17 and tightly regulated IL-4 secretion, seem to contribute to the efficacy of this tuberculosis vaccine.
We present a comparative study of the physico-chemical properties, in vitro cytotoxicity and in vivo antibody production of surface-complexed DNA in EPC/DOTAP/DOPE (50/25/25% molar) liposomes and DOTAP/DOPE (50/50% molar) lipoplexes. The study aims to correlate the biological behavior and structural properties of the lipid carriers. We used DNA-hsp65, whose naked action as a gene vaccine against tuberculosis has already been demonstrated. Additionally, surface-complexed DNA-hsp65 in EPC/DOTAP/DOPE (50/25/25% molar) liposomes was effective as a single-dose tuberculosis vaccine. The results obtained showed that the EPC inclusion stabilized the DOTAP/DOPE structure, producing higher melting temperature and lower zeta potential despite a close mean hydrodynamic diameter. Resemblances in morphologies were identified in both structures, although a higher fraction of loaded DNA was not electrostatically bound in EPC/DOTAP/DOPE. EPC also induced a striking reduction in cytotoxicity, similar to naked DNA-hsp65. The proper immune response lead to a polarized antibody production of the IgG2a isotype, even for the cytotoxic DOTAP/DOPE. However, the antibody production was detected at 15 and 30 days for DOTAP/DOPE and EPC/DOTAP/DOPE, respectively. Therefore, the in vivo antibody production neither correlates with the in vitro cytotoxicity, nor with the structural stability alone. The synergistic effect of the structural stability and DNA electrostatic binding upon the surface of structures account for the immunological effects. By adjusting the composition to generate proper packing and cationic lipid/DNA interaction, we allow for the optimization of liposome formulations for required immunization or gene therapy. In a specific manner, our results contribute to studies on the tuberculosis therapy and vaccination. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nematode parasites from the genus Strongyloides spp. are important pathogens of the intestinal mucosa of animals and humans. Their complex life cycles involve alternating developmental adaptations between larvae stages and the adult parthenogenetic female. Here, we report, primarily through homology-based searching, the existence of the major components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system in this genus, using the available EST data from S. ratti, S. stercoralis, and Parastrongyloides trichosuri. In this study, S. venezuelensis was used as our model organism for detection of proteasome activity and ubiquitinated substrates in cytosolic preparations from the L3 larvae and the adult female. Marked differences in proteasome capabilities were found when these two stages were compared. A preference for degradation of chymotryptic synthetic peptides was found in both stages with the adult exhibiting a higher rate of hydrolysis compared to the larvae. Due to the high evolutionary conservation of proteasome alpha subunits, an anti-human proteasome antibody was able to recognize proteasome subunits in these preparations by Western blotting, supporting the proposal that the activity of the ubiqutin-proteasome system is developmentally regulated in this nematode.
Using two mouse strains with different abilities to generate interferon (IFN)-gamma production after Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection, we tested the hypothesis that the frequency and activity of regulatory T (Treg) cells are influenced by genetic background. Our results demonstrated that the suppressive activity of spleen Treg cells from infected or uninfected BALB/c mice was enhanced, inhibiting IFN-gamma and interleukin (IL)-2 production. Infected C57BL/6 mice exhibited a decrease in the frequency of lung Treg cells and an increased ratio CD4(+):CD4(+)Foxp3(+) cells compared with infected BALB/c mice and uninfected C57BL/6 mice. Moreover, infected C57BL/6 mice also had a decrease in the immunosuppressive capacity of spleen Treg cells, higher lung IFN-gamma and IL-17 production, and restricted the infection better than BALB/c mice. Adoptive transfer of BALB/c Treg cells into BALB/c mice induced an increase in bacterial colony-forming unit (CFU) counts. Furthermore, BALB/c mice treated with anti-CD25 antibody exhibited lung CFU counts significantly lower than mice treated with irrelevant antibody. Our results show that in BALB/c mice, the Treg cells have a stronger influence than that in C57BL/6 mice. These data suggest that BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice may use some different mechanisms to control M. tuberculosis infection. Therefore, the role of Treg cells should be explored during the development of immune modulators, both from the perspective of the pathogen and the host. Immunology and Cell Biology (2011) 89, 526-534; doi:10.1038/icb.2010.116; published online 19 October 2010
In this study, the photodynamic action of liposomes (LP) and nanocapsules (NC) containing Chloroaluminum phthalocyanine (CIAIPc), on the human melanoma cell (WM 1552C), was assessed. The light source was setup at 672 nm, which corresponds to the maximum absorption wavelength of the CIAIPc. Both colloidal carriers presented size in nanometric scale as well as negative zeta potential. The cellular damage was light dose dependent ranging from 30% of cell death at 70 mJ.cm(-2) to 90% of death at 700 mJ.cm(-2). However, the photocytotoxic effect of LP at 70 mJ.cm(-2) was slightly more efficient to induce cellular death than NC formulation. At 140 mJ.cm(-2), and 700 mJ.cm(-2) both nanocarriers were equally efficient to induce cellular damage. Therefore, in the present work, the maximum phototoxic effect was obtained with 700 mJ.cm(-2) of light dose, in combination with 0.29 mu g.mL(-1) of CIAIPc encapsulated into LP and NC. The cells were also positive to annexin V, after the PDT treatment with LP and NC, showing that one of the mechanisms of cellular death involved is apoptosis. In summary, the potential of LP and NC as a drug delivery system, in Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) against melanoma, has been confirmed using a lower concentration of the photosensitizer and lower light doses than that applied in current protocols. This is an innovative proposal to treat melanoma cell lines that until now have not received the benefit of the PDT protocol for treatment.
The NO donor trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)(py)](BF(4))(3).H(2)O (py = pyridine) was loaded into poly-lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) microparticles using the double emulsification technique. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and dynamic light scattering revealed that the particles are spherical in shape, have a diameter of 1600 nm, and have low tendency to aggregate. The entrapment efficiency was 25%. SEM analysis of the melanoma cell B16-F10 in the presence of the microparticles containing the complex trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)(py)](BF(4))(3).H(2)O (pyMP) showed that the microparticles were adhered to the cell surface after 2 h of incubation. The complex with concentrations lower than 1 x 10(-4) M did not show toxicity in B16-F 10 murine cells. The complex in solution is toxic at higher concentrations (> 1 x 10(-3) M), with cell death attributed to NO release following the reduction of the complex. pyMP is not cytotoxic due to the lower bioavailability and availability of the entrapped complex to the medium and its reducing agents. However, pyMP is phototoxic upon light irradiation. The phototoxicity strongly suggests that cell death is due to NO release from trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)(py)](3+). This work shows that pyMP can serve as a model for a drug delivery system carrying the NO donor trans-[Ru(NO)(NH(3))(4)(py)](BF(4))(3).H(2)O, which can release NO locally at the tumor cell by radiation with light only. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This article reports the spread of bla(KPC-2) in the Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states, facilitated by globally spread K. pneumoniae clonal complex 258 (CC258) clones (ST258, ST11, and ST437) and a diversity of plasmids (IncFII, IncN, and IncL/M, two untypeable plasmids carrying Tn4401a or Tn4401b) successfully disseminated among species of the Enterobacteriaceae (Enterobacter cloacae, Serratia marcescens, and Citrobacter freundii). It also constitutes the first description of sequence type 258 (ST258) in Brazil, which was associated with a nosocomial hospital outbreak in Ribeirao Preto city.