980 resultados para Sessions, Hanson


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The development of an openly available layer of scholarly and scientific content requires access to all types of output from the scholarly and scientific process. Interoperable and sustainable infrastructure components are invaluable elements and the content should be clearly licensed for re-use. Open Knowledge will improve the discoverability and re-usability of content across the sectors, to the benefit of higher education and research and will help the (European) knowledge economy to move forward. In Autumn 2013, scoping sessions took place with experts to discuss their views around the value of making knowledge open and the steps which need to be taken to achieve this. These discussions are collected in the Knowledge Exchange discussion paper on Open Knowledge.


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The 23rd Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation was held between 17 and 21 March 2003 at The Legend Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, hosted by the Community Conservation Network, Hawaii, and WWF-Malaysia. The meeting was attended by slightly more than 300 participants representing 73 countries, a dramatic drop in participation from previous years brought about in no small part by the looming war in the middle east region and concerns over travel safety. For 22 years the Symposium had bee an Americas-based event, even though it is the annual gathering of the "international" sea turtle society, and with the move to Malaysia, the Symposium hoped to raise the awareness among the general public of the plight of amrine turtles in Southeast Asia, and share the enormous exspertise of the world authorities on sea turtles with this so-far underrepresented region. Adopting the thems, "Living With Turtles", the Symposium had a very personal flavour, and the smaller number of participants made it possible to make and renew acquaintances, and have time for discussion between sessions. While the travel safety concern excuse was often quoted, it was a pity, particularly to the large contingent of people who attended the event for the first time from underrepresented regions, that many of the household names linked to marine turtle biology and conservation were not present to share their knowledge and promote the global concerns on the plight of turtle populations.


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) convened a workshop on Evaluating Approaches and Technologies for Monitoring Organic Contaminants in the Aquatic Environment in Ann Arbor, MI on July 21-23, 2006. The primary objectives of this workshop were to: 1) identify the priority management information needs relative to organic contaminant loading; 2) explore the most appropriate approaches to estimating mass loading; and 3) evaluate the current status of the sensor technology. To meet these objectives, a mixture of leading research scientists, resource managers, and industry representatives were brought together for a focused two-day workshop. The workshop featured four plenary talks followed by breakout sessions in which arranged groups of participants where charged to respond to a series of focused discussion questions. At present, there are major concerns about the inadequacies in approaches and technologies for quantifying mass emissions and detection of organic contaminants for protecting municipal water supplies and receiving waters. Managers use estimates of land-based contaminant loadings to rivers, lakes, and oceans to assess relative risk among various contaminant sources, determine compliance with regulatory standards, and define progress in source reduction. However, accurately quantifying contaminant loading remains a major challenge. Loading occurs over a range of hydrologic conditions, requiring measurement technologies that can accommodate a broad range of ambient conditions. In addition, in situ chemical sensors that provide a means for acquiring continuous concentration measurements are still under development, particularly for organic contaminants that typically occur at low concentrations. Better approaches and strategies for estimating contaminant loading, including evaluations of both sampling design and sensor technologies, need to be identified. The following general recommendations were made in an effort to advance future organic contaminant monitoring: 1. Improve the understanding of material balance in aquatic systems and the relationship between potential surrogate measures (e.g., DOC, chlorophyll, particle size distribution) and target constituents. 2. Develop continuous real-time sensors to be used by managers as screening measures and triggers for more intensive monitoring. 3. Pursue surrogate measures and indicators of organic pollutant contamination, such as CDOM, turbidity, or non-equilibrium partitioning. 4. Develop continuous field-deployable sensors for PCBs, PAHs, pyrethroids, and emerging contaminants of concern and develop strategies that couple sampling approaches with tools that incorporate sensor synergy (i.e., measure appropriate surrogates along with the dissolved organics to allow full mass emission estimation).[PDF contains 20 pages]


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) Workshop entitled "Technologies for Measuring Currents in Coastal Environments" was held in Portland, Maine, October 26-28, 2005, with sponsorship by the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System (GoMOOS), an ACT partner organization. The primary goals of the event were to summarize recent trends in nearshore research and management applications for current meter technologies, identify how current meters can assist coastal managers to fulfill their regulatory and management objectives, and to recommend actions to overcome barriers to use of the technologies. The workshop was attended by 25 participants representing state and federal environmental management agencies, manufacturers of current meter technologies, and researchers from academic institutions and private industry. Common themes that were discussed during the workshop included 1) advantages and limitations of existing current measuring equipment, 2) reliability and ease of use with each instrument type, 3) data decoding and interpretation procedures, and 4) mechanisms to facilitate better training and guidance to a broad user group. Seven key recommendations, which were ranked in order of importance during the last day of the workshop are listed below. 1. Forums should be developed to facilitate the exchange of information among users and industry: a) On-line forums that not only provide information on specific instruments and technologies, but also provide an avenue for the exchange of user experiences with various instruments (i.e. problems encountered, cautions, tips, advantages, etc). (see References for manufacturer websites with links to application and technical forums at end of report) b) Regional training/meetings for operational managers to exchange ideas on methods for measuring currents and evaluating data. c) Organize mini-meetings or tutorial sessions within larger conference venues. 2. A committee of major stakeholders should be convened to develop common standards (similar to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) committee) that enable users to switch sensors without losing software or display capabilities. (pdf contains 28 pages)


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The Workshop on Climate Change and Salmon Production was held in Vancouver, Canada, 26-27 March 1998. The Workshop was organized and sponsored by the North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission (NPAFC). Each Party to the Commission designated one scientist to the Workshop Steering Committee. Each member of the Steering Committee chaired one half-day session of the Workshop. All necessary arrangements were made by the NPAFC Secretariat in cooperation with the Steering Committee and the Canadian Party to the Commission. (PDF contains 60 pages) Over 70 scientists, industry representatives and fisheries officials attended the Workshop. There were 20 presentations of scientific papers followed by the discussion sessions. Extended abstracts are included in this Technical Report, which also contains opening address by the Chairman of the Steering Committee and short review of the Workshop by the Coordinator. The material presented in the Technical Report has not been peer reviewed and does not necessarily reflect the views of either the NPAFC or the Parties. The material has been edited by the technical editor for clarity and publication purposes only. Items in this Report should not be cited except as personal communication and with the author's permission.


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[EN] The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that cooperative learning strategies will help to increase nutrition knowledge of nurses and nursing assistants caring for the elderly in different institutional communities of the Basque Country, Spain. The target population was a sample of volunteers, 16 nurses and 28 nursing assistants. Training consisted of 12 nutrition education sessions using cooperative strategies conducted over a period of 3 consecutive weeks. The assessment instruments included two pretest and two posttest questionnaires with questions selected in multiplechoice format. The first questionnaire was about general knowledge of applied nutrition (0-88 point scale) and the second one on geriatric nutrition knowledge (0-18 point scale). Data were analyzed using SPSS vs. 11.0. The outcomes indicated a significant increase in general nutrition knowledge (difference between the pre- and posttest mean score: 14.5±10.1; P<0.001) and in geriatric nutrition knowledge for all participants (difference between the pre- and post-test mean score: 4.6±4.6; P<0.001). So the results indicated that cooperative learning strategies could improve the nutrition knowledge of nursing staff. Additionally, the results of this study provide direction to continuing nutrition education program planners regarding appropriate content and methodology for programs.


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The 25th annual meeting of WEFTA was held in Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, in November 1995 as an "International Seafood Conference". In 12 sessions 40 oral presentations and 60 posters were presented. The topics included among others: Quality assurance, consumer demands and behaviour, processing, packaging, distribution, nutrition, storage, analytical methodology. The conference was attended by 210 participants from 33 countries.


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En este trabajo se propone mediante dos sesiones de Educación Física, la inclusión educativa de un alumno con parálisis cerebral mediante actividades y juegos. Previa a esta programación, se destaca la relevancia que tiene la inclusión a nivel social y el eco que está logrando en la comunidad educativa. Centrándonos en su análisis conceptual y haciendo referencia al alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales, se numeran la infinidad de beneficios existentes para todo el grupo. Analizados sus beneficios y teniendo en cuenta las adaptaciones necesarias, se presentan las actividades mencionadas con anterioridad y se resaltan las conclusiones extraídas.


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Lan honetan, elkarrekintzaren bidez irakasle batek ikasleengan ezagutzak eraikitzeko zer mekanismoren bidez lortzen duen aztertu da, laguntzak nola egokitzen dituen eta laguntzeari nola uzten dion ikertuz. Helburua, elkarrekintzan eragina daukaten mekanismoak identifikatzea, deskribatzea eta ulertzea izan da. Horretarako, ikasleen iniziatiba bultzatzen duen giroan oinarritutako behaketa parte-hartzailea erabili da, errealitatea sistematikoki behatu eta eman diren gertaerak jaso, deskribatu, aztertu eta interpretatu direlarik. Behin transkribatutako saioak aztertuta, elkarrekintza segmentuak atera dira, horietan gehien errepikatzen diren jokabide-patroiak jasoz. Laguntzak egokitzean zein laguntzeari uztean, irakaslea ikasleen iniziatibetatik abiatzen dela ondorioztatu da.


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A partir dos anos 1990, tornou-se cada vez mais notória a formação de iniciativas de economia solidária que surgem com a perspectiva primeira de superar as condições de pobreza. Os Empreendimentos Econômicos Solidários (EES) configuram formas coletivas de organização do trabalho em que a relação entre capital e trabalho não está posta da forma tradicional e em que a dinâmica de gestão apresenta importante significado político e cultural, dando condições para superar a privação de capacidade políticas e materiais. O desenvolvimento da economia solidária no Brasil foi convergindo para a consolidação do Movimento da Economia Solidária, que possui, como principal expressão, o Fórum Brasileiro de Economia Solidária. A pesquisa que orienta esta tese estuda as dinâmicas que caracterizam a formação e consolidação do Fórum Brasileiro de Economia Solidária e visa, a partir deste sujeito de pesquisa, à percepção de como os atores políticos deste movimento estão configurando a organização popular em prol da transformação social. Para a realização da pesquisa, desenvolveu-se um estudo que envolveu, entre outros, trabalho de campo através de um corpus de pesquisa voltado ao acompanhamento de três plenárias estaduais (RJ, PB e RS) que compuseram o processo preparatório da IV Plenária Nacional de Economia Solidária. Além disso, realizou-se uma caracterização geral da situação da economia solidária nos três estados estudados no campo, tendo como fonte o Sistema de Informação de Economia Solidária da Secretaria Nacional de Economia Solidária. Este trabalho parte da compreensão de que a questão social é a categoria que melhor explica a totalidade do contexto em que se formam EES e, consequentemente, o movimento da economia solidária no Brasil. Assim, a reflexão teórica da presente tese é pautada na perspectiva de discutir a organização popular no movimento de economia solidária como contraponto significativo na questão social.


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Lough Erne in Northern Ireland has been the subject of much research over the last 30 years by, amongst others, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD). In this article, the authors provide a summary of a workshop held on the 16–17th October 2003 in Enniskillen, on the shores of Lough Erne, which gave an opportunity to step back and take a holistic look at the Erne lakes. Ecological change has been driven by many factors, including land use changes and species invasions. The workshop consisted of five sessions which are summarised in this article: Session 1 – Invasive species, nutrients, phytoplankton and macrophytes; Session 2 – Zooplankton, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish; Session 3 – An ecosystem approach – relating the previous sessions; Session 4 – How does Lough Erne fit into lake classifications? Implications of the Water Framework Directive; Session 5 – Using new techniques to examine food webs and species invasions. Identifying a future research programme for Lough Erne.


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Pressupondo que o conhecimento sobre a doença renal crônica (DRC) e seu tratamento, possibilita ao cliente entendimento e aceitação para conviver com esse agravo, favorecendo comportamentos de autocuidado, delimitou-se os problemas: Qual é a qualidade de vida de clientes com DRC submetidos à hemodiálise? Quais são as necessidades de orientação de enfermagem para o autocuidado desses clientes visando à promoção de sua qualidade de vida? Objetivos específicos: Identificar as características sóciodemográficas e nosológicas de clientes com DRC, em hemodiálise, associando às suas necessidades de orientação de enfermagem para o autocuidado; Identificar a qualidade de vida desses clientes, aplicando o questionário de Kidney Disease Quality of Life Short Form (KDQOL-SF); Relacionar as necessidades de orientação de enfermagem para o autocuidado com a qualidade de vida dos clientes com DRC em terapia de hemodiálise. Descreve-se como marco referencial a Teoria do Autocuidado de Orem, concepções de autocuidado e de qualidade de vida. Pesquisa descritiva, quantitativa, através da entrevista individual realizada na Unidade de Diálise da Enfermaria de Nefrologia do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, no período de agosto de 2008 a maio de 2009. Foram sujeitos de pesquisa 43 clientes. Foram utilizados: formulário para caracterização da clientela e levantamento das necessidades de autocuidado e o questionário KDQOL-SF para mensurar a qualidade de vida dos sujeitos. Resultados: Os clientes com doença renal crônica em terapia de hemodiálise são, em sua maioria, do sexo masculino (55%) e mantém união estável (81%); situando-se 39,53%, na faixa etária de 45 a 65 anos e 79,07% na categoria de aposentados. 37,54% têm ensino fundamental. Quanto às características nosológicas, 74,42% possuem hipertensão arterial, encontrando-se 83,72% em hemodiálise, há menos de um ano. A qualidade de vida desses clientes, avaliada pelo KDQOL-SF, obteve os menores escores nas dimensões: limitações causadas por problemas da saúde física; condição de trabalho; limitações causadas por problemas da saúde emocional; capacidade funcional e sobrecarga imposta pela doença renal. Relacionando esse resultado com o obtido no questionário para avaliação das necessidades de orientação de enfermagem para o autocuidado tem-se: problemas da saúde física relacionado com terapia nutricional, ingestão de líquidos, complicações da hemodiálise, anticoagulação e prática de atividade física; relacionadas a problemas de saúde emocional tem-se a associação a grupos e a atividades de lazer; e relacionada à capacidade funcional e sobrecarga da doença renal tem-se a prática de atividade física. Conclui-se que a enfermagem, além de administrar a realização das sessões de hemodiálise, tem papel fundamental na educação à saúde dos clientes, familiares e/ou acompanhantes. O apoio do enfermeiro ao cliente no processo de enfrentamento e tratamento da DRC, contribui para que este adquira habilidade nas ações de autocuidado e consequentemente favoreça sua qualidade de vida.


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This chapter summarises the meeting, entitled ”Eutrophication: Research and Application to Water Supply”. The general feeling was that academic research on the process of eutrophication had progressed significantly over the past decade, but there had been little contact with the water managers, i.e. those whose work was at the sharp end of dealing with the associated problems. This chapter summarises the sessions held by experts in the field.


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Geology is the science that studies the Earth, its composition, structure and origin in addition to past and present phenomena that leave their mark on rocks. So why does society need geologists? Some of the main reasons are listed below: - Geologists compile and interpret information about the earth’s surface and subsoil, which allows us to establish the planet’s past history, any foreseeable changes and its relationship with the rest of the solar system. - Society needs natural resources (metals, non-metals, water and fossil fuels) to survive. The work of geologists is therefore a key part of finding new deposits and establishing a guide for exploring and managing resources in an environmentally-friendly way. - The creation of geological maps allows us to identify potential risk areas and survey different land uses; in other words, they make an essential contribution to land planning and proposing sustainable development strategies in a region. - Learning about Geology and the proper use of geological information contributes to saving lives and reducing financial loss caused by natural catastrophes such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, flooding and landslides, while also helping to develop construction projects, public works, etc. Through the proposed activities we aim to explain some of the basic elements of the different specialities within the field of Geological Sciences. In order to do this, four sessions have been organised that will allow for a quick insight into the fields of Palaeontology, Mineralogy, Petrology and Tectonics.