946 resultados para Serum-albumin


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Background: Clinicians frequently use their own judgement to assess patient’s hydration status although there is limited evidence for the diagnostic utility of any individual clinical symptom. Hence, the aim of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of clinically assessed dehydration in older hospital patients (using multiple symptoms), versus dehydration measured using serum-calculated osmolality (CO) as the reference standard. Method: Participants were 44 hospital patients aged ≥ 60 years. Dehydration was assessed clinically and pathologically (CO) within 24 hours of admission and at study exit. Indicators of diagnostic accuracy were calculated. Results: Clinicians identified 27% of patients as dehydrated at admission, and 19% at exit, compared to 19% and 16% using CO. Agreement between the measures was fair at admission and poor at exit. Clinical assessment showed poor sensitivity for predicting dehydration with reasonable specificity. Conclusions: Compared to the use of CO, clinical assessment of dehydration in older patients was poor. Given that failure to identify dehydration in this population may have serious consequences, we recommend that clinicians do not rely upon their own assessments without also using the reference standard.


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IN the cyclic female albino rat, a release of pituitary luteinizing hormone (LH) occurs on the afternoon of proestrus1-5. This apparently induces ovulation, for ova are seen in the Fallopian tube 12 h later. Similarly, it is well known that in immature rats primed with pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMS), ovulation can be induced by the administration of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) or LH, the ova being seen in the Fallopian tube 12 h later. No information is available, however, about the mode of action of LH, released or administered, in bringing about ovulation. We have approached this problem by blocking the action of the ovulating hormone (LH) at various times after administration. © 1970 Nature Publishing Group.


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The primary aim of this thesis was the evaluation of the perfusion of normal organs in cats using contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS), to serve as a reference for later clinical studies. Little is known of the use of CEUS in cats, especially regarding its safety and the effects of anesthesia on the procedure, thus, secondary aims here were to validate the quantitative analyzing method, to investigate the biological effects of CEUS on feline kidneys, and to assess the effect of anesthesia on splenic perfusion in cats undergoing CEUS. -- The studies were conducted on healthy, young, purpose-bred cats. CEUS of the liver, left kidney, spleen, pancreas, small intestine, and mesenteric lymph nodes was performed to characterize the normal perfusion of these organs on ten anesthetized, male cats. To validate the quantification method, the effects of placement and size of the region of interest (ROI) on perfusion parameters were investigated using CEUS: Three separate sets of ROIs were placed in the kidney cortex, varying in location, size, or depth. The biological effects of CEUS on feline kidneys were estimated by measuring urinary enzymatic activities, analyzing urinary specific gravity, pH, protein, creatinine, albumin, and sediment, and measuring plasma urea and creatinine concentrations before and after CEUS. Finally, the impact of anesthesia on contrast enhancement of the spleen was investigated by imaging cats with CEUS first awake and later under anesthesia on separate days. -- Typical perfusion patterns were found for each of the studied organs. The liver had a gradual and more heterogeneous perfusion pattern due to its dual blood flow and close proximity to the diaphragm. An obvious and statistically significant difference emerged in the perfusion between the kidney cortex and medulla. Enhancement in the spleen was very heterogeneous at the beginning of imaging, indicating focal dissimilarities in perfusion. No significant differences emerged in the perfusion parameters between the pancreas, small intestine, and mesenteric lymph nodes. -- The ROI placement and size were found to have an influence on the quantitative measurements of CEUS. Increasing the depth or the size of the ROI decreased the peak intensity value significantly, suggesting that where and how the ROI is placed does matter in quantitative analyses. --- A significant increase occurred in the urinary N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) to creatinine ratio after CEUS. No changes were noted in the serum biochemistry profile after CEUS, with the exception of a small decrease in blood urea concentration. The magnitude of the rise in the NAG/creatinine ratio was, however, less than the circadian variation reported earlier in healthy cats. Thus, the changes observed in the laboratory values after CEUS of the left kidney did not indicate any detrimental effects in kidneys. Heterogeneity of the spleen was observed to be less and time of first contrast appearance earlier in nonanesthetized cats than in anesthetized ones, suggesting that anesthesia increases heterogeneity of the feline spleen in CEUS. ---- In conclusion, the results suggest that CEUS can be used also in feline veterinary patients as an additional diagnostics aid. The perfusion patterns found in the imaged organs were typical and similar to those seen earlier in other species, with the exception of the heterogeneous perfusion pattern in the cat spleen. Differences in the perfusion between organs corresponded with physiology. Based on the results, estimation of focal perfusion defects of the spleen in cats should be performed with caution and after the disappearance of the initial heterogeneity, especially in anesthetized or sedated cats. Finally, these results indicate that CEUS can be used safely to analyze kidney perfusion also in cats. Future clinical studies are needed to evaluate the full potential of CEUS in feline medicine as a tool for diagnosing lesions in various organ systems.


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A study has been carried out on the non-specific interference due to serum in the avidin biotin micro-ELISA for monkey chorionic gonadotropin. Results suggest that it is not due to any proteolytic activity in the serum, but immunoglobulin or associated factors interfering at the level of antigen-antibody interaction. This interference was eliminated by heating samples at 60°C for 30 min.


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A method is described for monitoring the concentration of endogenous receptor-bound gonadotropin in the ovarian tissue. This involved development of a radioimmunoassay procedure, the validity of which for measuring all of the tissue-bound hormone has been established. The specificity of the method of measurement was indicated by the fact that high levels of FSH could be measured only in target tissue such as follicles, while non-target organs showed little FSH. Using this method, the amount of FSH in the non-luteal ovarian tissue of the hamster at different stages of the estrous cycle was quantitated and compared with serum FSH levels found at these times. No correlation could be found between serum and tissue FSH levels at all times. On the morning of estrus, for example, when the serum level of FSH was high, the ovarian concentration was low, and on the evening of diestrus-2 the ovary exhibited high concentration of FSH, despite the serum FSH concentration being low at this time. The highest concentration of FSH in the ovary during the cycle was found on the evening of proestrus. Although a large amount of this was found in the Graafian follicles, a considerable amount could still be found in the �growing� follicles. Ovarian FSH concentration could be considered to be a reflection of FSH receptor content, since preventing the development of FSH receptors by blocking initiation of follicular development during the cycle resulted in a decrease in the concentration of FSH in the ovary. The high concentration of FSH in the ovary seen on the evening of diestrus-2 was not influenced either by varying the concentration of estrogen or by neutralization of LH. Neutralization of FSH on diestrus-2, on the other hand, caused a drastic reduction in the ovarian LH concentration on the next day (i.e. at proestrus), thus suggesting the importance of FSH in the induction of LH receptors.


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The method for the purification of goat serum retinol-binding protein consists of DEAE-cellulose chromatography of the serum followed by preparative polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. After electrophoresis, the retinol-binding protein containing zone is identified by the specific fluorescence of retinol. For raising the antibodies, the portion of the gel containing retinol binding protein is homogenized and injected intradermally and intramuscularly to rabbits. The availability of this simple method for the isolation of retinol-binding protein and production of its antibodies enables the development of a radioimmunoassay for this protein.


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Glioblastoma (GBM; grade IV astrocytoma) is the most malignant and common primary brain tumor in adults. Using combination of 2-DE and MALDI-TOF MS, we analyzed 14 GBM and 6 normal control sera and identified haptoglobin alpha 2 chain as an up-regulated serum protein in GBM patients. GBM-specific up-regulation was confirmed by ELISA based quantitation of haptoglobin (Hp) in the serum of 99 GBM patients as against lower grades (49 grade III/AA; 26 grade II/DA) and 26 normal individuals (p = 0.0001). Further validation using RT-qPCR on an independent set (n = 78) of tumor and normal brain (n = 4) samples and immunohistochemcial staining on a subset (n = 42) of above samples showed increasing levels of transcript and protein with tumor grade and were highest in GBM (p = < 0.0001 and < 0.0001, respectively). Overexpression of Hp either by stable integration of Hp cDNA or exogenous addition of purified Hp to immortalized astrocytes resulted in increased cell migration. RNAi-mediated silencing of Hp in glioma cells decreased cell migration. Further, we demonstrate that both human glioma and mouse melanoma cells overexpressing Hp showed increased tumor growth. Thus, we have identified haptoglobin as a GBM-specific serum marker with a role on glioma tumor growth and migration.


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Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a worldwide health problem, with adverse outcomes of cardiovascular disease and premature death. The ageing of populations along with the growing prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension is leading to worldwide increase in the number of CKD patients. It has become evident that inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis complications. CKD patients also have an increased risk of atherosclerosis complications (including myocardial infarction, sudden death to cardiac arrhythmia, cerebrovascular accidents, and peripheral vascular disease). In line with this, oral and dental problems can be an important source of systemic inflammation. A decline in oral health may potentially act as an early marker of systemic disease progression. This series of studies examined oral health of CKD patients from predialysis, to dialysis and kidney transplantation in a 10-year follow-up study and in a cross-sectional study of predialysis CKD patients. Patients had clinical and radiographic oral and dental examination, resting and stimulated saliva flow rates were measured, whilst the biochemical and microbiological composition of saliva was analyzed. Lifestyle and oral symptoms were recorded using a questionnaire, and blood parameters were collected from the hospital records. The hypothesis was that the oral health status, symptoms, sensations, salivary flow rates and salivary composition vary in different renal failure stages and depend on the etiology of the kidney disease. No statistically significant difference were seen in the longitudinal study in the clinical parameters. However, some saliva parameters after renal transplantation were significantly improved compared to levels at the predialysis stage. The urea concentration of saliva was high in all stages. The salivary and plasma urea concentrations followed a similar trend, showing the lowest values in kidney transplant patients. Levels of immunoglobulin (Ig) A, G and M all decreased significantly after kidney transplantation. Increased concentrations of IgA, IgG and IgM may reflect disintegration of the oral epithelium and are usually markers of poor general oral condition. In the cross-sectional investigation of predialysis CKD patients we compared oral health findings of diabetic nephropathy patients to those with other kidney disease than diabetes. The results showed eg. more dental caries and lower stimulated salivary flow rates in the diabetic patients. HbA1C values of the diabetic patients were significantly higher than those in the other kidney disease group. A statistically significant difference was observed in the number of drugs used daily in the diabetic nephropathy group than in the other kidney disease group. In the logistic regression analyses, age was the principal explanatory factor for high salivary total protein concentration, and for low unstimulated salivary flow. Poor dental health, severity of periodontal disease seemed to be an explanatory factor for high salivary albumin concentrations. Salivary urea levels were significantly linked with diabetic nephropathy and with serum urea concentrations. Contrary to our expectation, however, diabetic nephropathy did not seem to affect periodontal health more severely than the other kidney diseases. Although diabetes is known to associate with xerostomia and other oral symptoms, it did not seem to increase the prevalence of oral discomfort. In summary, this series of studies has provided new information regarding the oral health of CKD patients. As expected, the commencement of renal disease reflects in oral symptoms and signs. Diabetic nephropathy, in particular, appears to impart a requirement for special attention in the oral health care of patients suffering from this disease.


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Monoclonal antibodies were raised against purified chicken retinol-binding protein. These were characterised extensively with respect to their ability to recognize retinol-binding proteins from different species. The monoclonal antibodies exhibited differential recognition characteristics. Though the majority presented restricted reactivities, one out of the four monoclonal antibodies studied cross-reacted with retinol-binding proteins from all species tested so far.


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Monoclonal antibodies raised against human serum retinol-binding protein (hRBP) were used as probes for the study of the antigenic determinants of hRBP and those shared with the same protein from other species. The antibodies could be classified into four distinct groups and react with the homologous proteins from the rat as well as the rabbit sera. Three of these antibodies recognize sequential or continuous epitopes while the remaining antibody is directed against a discontinuous or conformational epitope. By chemical cleavage with cyanogen bromide, the domains recognized by the monoclonal antibodies could be delineated. By solid-phase synthetic approach, the core sequences recognized by two of these monoclonal antibodies were identified to amino acid sequences 45–51 and 128–131 of the primary amino acid sequence of hRBP.


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The development of a radioreceptor assay (RRA) that can measure serum LH in a variety of species and CG in sera and urine of pregnant women and monkeys is reported. Using sheep luteal membrane as the receptor source and I-125-labelled hLH/hCG as the tracer, dose-response (displacement) curves were obtained using hLH or hCG as standard. The addition of LH-free serum (200 mul per tube) had no affect on the standard displacement curve. The assay is simple, requires less than 90 min to complete and provides reproducible results. The sensitivity of the assay was 0.6 ng hLH per tube and the intra- and interassay variations were 9.6 and 9.8, respectively. Sera obtained from male and female bonnet monkeys (Macaca radiata) and monkey pituitary extract showed parallelism to the standard curve. The concentrations of LH measured correlated with the physiological status of the animals. Sera of rats, rabbits, hamsters, guinea-pigs, sheep and humans showed parallelism to the hLH standard curve indicating the viability of the RRA to measure serum LH of different species. Since the receptors recognize LH and CG, detection of pregnancy in monkeys and women was possible using this assay. The sensitivity of the assay for hCG was 8.7 miu per tube. This RRA could be a convenient alternative to the Leydig cell bioassay for obtaining the LH bioactivity profile of sera and biological fluids.


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While the endocrine role of oestrogen is well established, its function in follicular maturation as an autocrine or paracrine regulator is less well understood. This study was designed to delineate the requirement of oestrogen for follicular development in immature rats. Exogenous gonadotrophin (25 IU pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) per rat) was administered to 21- to 23-day old female rats to induce follicular growth and development. In the experimental animals, synthesis of oestrogen was blocked by implanting an Alzet pump containing the aromatase inhibitor (AI) CGS 16949A (fadrozole hydrochloride; 50 mu g/rat per day). The treatment resulted in blockade of the PMSG induced increase in both serum and intrafollicular oestrogen (>95%), thus leading to an inhibition in uterine weight increment. Compared with the controls, ovarian weight increased markedly in both the PMSG (295%)- and PMSG+AI (216%)-primed animals. There was no significant difference in either the proliferative capabilities of the ovarian granulosa cells or their responsiveness to human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG; 200 pg/ml) and ovine FSH (20 ng/ml) between the PMSG- and PMSG+AI-treated groups. Histological examination of the ovary, however, indicated a decrease in the number of healthy antral follicles in the Al-treated group compared with the PMSG-primed animals but both the groups showed a percentage increase over the controls (PMSG, 225; PMSG+AI, 158). The responsiveness of the animals to an ovulatory dose of hCG was drastically reduced (>80% inhibition of ovulation) in the oestrogen-deprived animals; this could be overriden by exogenous administration of oestrogen. In conclusion, although blocking oestrogen synthesis in the PMSG-primed rat does not seem to alter the functional properties of the isolated granulosa cells in vitro there appears to be an effect on the number of follicles which complete maturation and are able to ovulate in vivo.


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It is well known that hyperprolactinaemia in the human leads to infertility. The therapy of choice in India has been the administration of bromocriptine (BCR) as tablets, This mode of administration is generally accompanied by undesirable side-effects such as giddiness, nausea, vomiting and postural hypotension, We demonstrate here the efficacy of microdoses of BCR administered intranasally (IN) to hyperprolactinaemic patients (n = 6) in reducing significantly the elevated serum prolactin levels and maintain them within the normal range, The IN mode of BCR administration, in addition to reducing the effective dose of the drug by 4-20-fold, results in little or no side-effects otherwise associated with oral therapy.