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The stability characteristics of a Helmholtz velocity profile in a stably stratified, compressible fluid in the presence of a lower rigid boundary are studied. A jump in the Brunt-Vaisala frequency at a level different from the shear zone is introduced and the variation of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency with respect to the vertical coordinate in the middle layer of the three-layered model is considered. An analytic solution in each of the layers is obtained, and the dispersion relation is solved numerically for parameters relevant to the model. The effect of shear in the lowermost layer of the three-layered model for a Boussinesq fluid is discussed. The results are compared with the earlier studies of Lindzen and Rosenthal, and Sachdev and Satya Narayanan. In the present model, new unstable modes with larger growth rates are obtained and the most unstable gravity wave modes are found to agree closely with the observed ones at various heights. Physics of Fluids is copyrighted by The American Institute of Physics.


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The results of extensive transport studies in localized regime of mesoscopic two-dimensional electron systems (2DES) with varying disorder are presented. A quick overview of previously achieved result is given. The main focus is on the observation of density dependent instabilities manifested by strong resistance oscillations induced by high perpendicular magnetic fields B-perpendicular to. While the amplitude of the oscillations is strongly enhanced with increasing B-perpendicular to, their position in electron density remains unaffected. The temperature dependence of resistivity shows a transition from an activated behaviour at high temperature to a saturated behaviour at low T. In the positions of resistance minima, the T dependence can even become metal-like (d rho/dT > 0). The activation energies obtained from the high T behaviour exhibit a formation of plateaux in connection with the resistance oscillations when analyzed as a function of electron density. We suggest the interplay between a strongly interacting electron phase and the background disorder as a possible explanation for our observation.


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Abstract is not available.


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The enzyme carnitine acetyltransferase (acetyl-CoA:carnitine O-acetyltransferase, EC has been purified to homogeneity from hepatic mitochondria of clofibrate-fed rats. It is a protein of molecular weight 56 000 composed of two non-identical subunits of molecular weight 34 000 and 25 000. The enzyme is inhibited by palmityl-CoA as well as acetyl carnitine. The inhibition by fatty acyl-CoA is competitive with respect to both the substrates, carnitine and acetyl-CoA. The inhibition by acetylcarnitine is reversed by carnitine but not by acetyl-CoA.


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Single layered transition metal dichalcogenides have attracted tremendous research interest due to their structural phase diversities. By using a global optimization approach, we have discovered a new phase of transition metal dichalcogenides (labelled as T′′), which is confirmed to be energetically, dynamically and kinetically stable by our first-principles calculations. The new T′′ MoS2 phase exhibits an intrinsic quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect with a nontrivial gap as large as 0.42 eV, suggesting that a two-dimensional (2D) topological insulator can be achieved at room temperature. Most interestingly, there is a topological phase transition simply driven by a small tensile strain of up to 2%. Furthermore, all the known MX2 (M = Mo or W; X = S, Se or Te) monolayers in the new T′′ phase unambiguously display similar band topologies and strain controlled topological phase transitions. Our findings greatly enrich the 2D families of transition metal dichalcogenides and offer a feasible way to control the electronic states of 2D topological insulators for the fabrication of high-speed spintronics devices.


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Parthenium hysterophorus L. (Asteraceae) is a weed of national significance in Australia. Among the several arthropod agents introduced into Australia to control populations of P. hysterophorus biologically, Epiblema strenuana Walker (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is the most widespread and abundant agent. By intercepting the normal transport mechanisms of P. hysterophorus, the larvae of E. strenuana drain nutrients, other metabolic products, and energy, and place the host plant under intense metabolic stress. In this study, determinations of total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) levels and carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of fixed products in different parts of the plant tissue, including the gall, have been made to establish the function of gall as a sink for the nutrients. Values of δ13C and δ15N in galls were significantly different than those in proximal and distal stems, whereas the TNC levels were insignificant, when measured in the total population of P. hysterophorus, regardless of plant age. However, carbon, nitrogen, and TNC signatures presented significant results, when assayed in different developmental stages of P. hysterophorus. Carbon isotope ratios in galls were consistently more negative than those from the compared plant organs. Nitrogen isotope ratios in galls, on the contrary, were either similar to or less negative than the compared plant organs, especially within a single host-plant stage population (i.e., either rosette, preflowering, or flowering stage). TNC levels varied within compared plant populations. The stem distal to the gall functioned more efficiently as a nodal channel than the stem proximal to the gall, especially in the translocation of nitrogenous nutrients. Our findings indicate that the gall induced by E. strenuana functions as a sink for the assayed nutrients, although some variations have been observed in the patterns of nutrient mobilization. By creating a sink for the nutrients in the gall, E. strenuana is able to place the overall plant metabolism under stress, and this ability indicates E. strenuana has the necessary potential for use as a biological-control agent.


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Irreversible, Pressure induced, quasicrystal-to-crystal transitions are observed for the first time in melt spun alloys at 4.9 GPa for Al 78 Mn22 and 9.3 GPa for Al86 Mn14 by monitoring the electrical resistivities of these alloys as a function of pressure. Electron diffraction and x-ray measurements are used to show that these quasicrystalline phases have icosohedral point group symmetry. The crystalline phases which appear at high pressures are identified as h.c.p. for Al78 Mn22 and orthorhombic for Al86 Mn14.


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Induced Cotton effects have been observed in the visible region on interaction of bilirubin with chiral mono- and diamines and poly-l-lysine. At alkaline pH distinct CD spectra are observed for bilirubin bound to the α-helical and β-sheet conformation of poly-l-lysine, which differ from that observed for the pigment bound to human serum albumin. The CD pattern observed on binding to N-acetyl-Lys-N1-methylamide in CH2Cl2 and dioxane is different from that observed in the presence of l-Ala-NH-(CH2)6-NH-l-Ala in dioxane. The latter case resembles the spectrum observed in the presence of human serum albumin. Binding to the helical polypeptide melittin and the antiparallel β-sheet peptide, gramicidin S, in aqueous solutions results in opposite signs of the bilirubin CD bands. The quenching of tryptophan fluorescence in melittin, in aqueous solution and enhancement of bilirubin fluorescence in dioxane on binding to gramicidin S have been used to monitor pigment-peptide interactions. The results suggest the utility of bilirubin as a conformational probe.


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Probiooteilla kantakohtaisia vaikutuksia ihmisen immuunijärjestelmään terveillä aikuisilla Probiooteilla on kantakohtaisia tulehduksen välittäjäaineita vähentäviä vaikutuksia ja probioottien yhdistelmien vaikutukset eroavat yksittäisten kantojen vaikutuksista selviää TtM Riina Kekkosen tuoreesta väitöstutkimuksesta. TtM Riina Kekkonen on selvittänyt väitöskirjassaan eri probioottikantojen vaikutuksia immuunivasteeseen valkosolumallissa sekä terveillä aikuisilla lumekontrolloiduissa kliinisissä tutkimuksissa. Aikaisemmin probioottien vaikutuksia on tutkittu lähinnä allergian ja erilaisten vatsavaivojen ehkäisyssä ja hoidossa. Probiootteja sisältäviä tuotteita käyttävät kuluttajat ovat kuitenkin useimmiten terveitä aikuisia, ja probioottien vaikutus terveiden aikuisten immuunijärjestelmään on ollut puutteellisesti selvitettyä. Valkosolumallissa probioottikantojen havaittiin poikkeavan toisistaan niiden kyvyssä aktivoida immuunivasteen välittäjäaineiden, sytokiinien, tuotantoa. Anti-inflammatorisia, eli tulehdusta lievittäviä vaikutuksia nähtiin lähinnä Bifidobacterium ja Propionibacterium sukuihin kuuluvilla kannoilla. Streptococcus ja Leuconostoc sukuihin kuuluvat kannat puolestaan aktivoivat Th1 tyyppistä, soluvälitteistä immuunivastetta. Eri probioottien kombinaatiot eivät saaneet aikaan voimakkaampaa aktivaatiota yksittäisiin kantoihin verrattuna, joka viittaa probioottien keskinäiseen kilpailuun niiden ollessa kontaktissa ihmisen solujen kanssa. Probioottikantojen valinta kliinisiin tutkimuksiin tehtiin niiden anti-inflammatoristen ominaisuuksien perusteella. Parhaita anti-inflammatorisia kantoja olivat B. lactis ssp. animalis Bb12 ja P. freudenreichii ssp. shermanii JS, joiden lisäksi tutkimuksiin valittiin myös L. rhamnosus GG (LGG) hyvin tutkittuna referenssikantana. Solutöiden tulokset eivät olleet täysin verrannollisia kliinisen työn tuloksiin, koska LGG näytti omaavan parhaat anti-inflammatoriset ominaisuudet kliinisissä tutkimuksissa vaikka solutyössä sen aikaansaamat vasteet olivat melko vaimeita. Kolmen viikon kliinisessä tutkimuksessa terveillä aikuisilla LGG alensi mm. tulehdusta kuvaavan C-reaktiivisen proteiinin ja inflammatoristen sytokiinien määrää. Pidemmässä kolmen kuukauden pituisessa kliinisessä tutkimuksessa LGG:llä ei ollut vaikutusta terveiden aikuisten infektiosairastavuuteen, mutta LGG lyhensi vatsavaivojen kestoa. Probioottien vaikutukset immuunijärjestelmään näyttävät olevan kantakohtaisia ja erityisesti Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG:llä havaittiin anti-inflammatorisia vaikutuksia. Valkosolumallia ei tulisi käyttää ainoana probioottikantojen skriinausmenetelmänä niiden immunologisia vaikutuksia selvitettäessä, koska solutöiden tulokset eivät olleet täysin verrannollisia kliinisten tutkimusten tuloksiin. Sen sijaan veren perifeeristen lymfosyyttien eristäminen ja niiden aktivoitumisen selvittäminen lyhytaikaisessa kliinisessä tutkimuksessa voisi toimia suhteellisen helppona skiinausmenetelmänä.


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AMPA receptors are an important class of ionotropic glutamate receptors which participate in fast excitatory synaptic transmission in most brain areas. They have a pivotal role in adjustment of cell membrane excitability as their cell membrane expression levels is altered in brain physiology such as in learning and memory formation. AMPA receptor function and trafficking is regulated by several proteins, such as transmembrane AMPA receptor regulatory proteins (TARPs). NMDA-type glutamate receptors are important target molecules of ethanol. The role of AMPA receptors in the actions of ethanol has not been clarified as thoroughly. Furthermore, the regulation of AMPA receptor synthesis and their possible adaptation in neurons with altered inhibitory mechanisms are poorly understood. In this thesis work AMPA receptor pharmacology, trafficking and synaptic localization was studied using patch-clamp electrophysiology. Both native and recombinant AMPA receptors were studied. Hippocampal slices from transgenic Thy1alfa6 mice with altered inhibition were used to study adaptation of AMPA receptors. Ethanol was found to inhibit AMPA receptor function by increasing desensitization of the receptor, as the steady-state current was inhibited more than the peak current. Ethanol inhibition was reduced when cyclothiazide was used to block desensitization and when non-desensitizing mutant receptors were studied. Ethanol also increased the rate of desensitization, which was increased further by the coexpression of TARP-proteins. We found that the agonist binding capability is important for trafficking AMPA receptors from endoplasmic reticulum to the cell membrane. TARP rescues the surface expression of non-binding AMPA receptor mutants in HEK293 cells, but not in native neurons. Studies with Thy1alfa6 mice revealed that decreased inhibition decrease AMPA receptor mediated excitation keeping the neurotransmission in balance. Thy1alfa6 mice also had lower sensitivity to electroshock convulsions, presumably due to the decreased AMPA receptor function. The results suggest that during alcohol intoxication ethanol may inhibit AMPA receptors by increasing the rate and the extent of desensitization. TARPs appear to enhance ethanol inhibition. TARPs also participate in trafficking of AMPA receptors upon their synthesis in the cell. AMPA receptors mediate also long-term adaptation to altered neuronal excitability, which adds to their well-known role in synaptic plasticity.


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The pressure dependence of the electrical of the electrical resistivity of bulk GeSe2 glass shows a semiconductor-to-metal transition at 7 GPa pressure. The high pressure phase is examined using he x-ray diffractometer and is found to be crystalline, with a face-centered cubic structure having a =4.06A. The electrical conductivity has also been studied as a function of temperature at various pressures.


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Generation of effective immune responses against pathogenic microbes depends on a fine balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory responses. Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is essential in regulating this balance and has garnered renewed interest recently as a modulator of the response to infection at the JAK-STAT signaling axis of host responses. Here, we examine how IL-10 functions as the “master regulator” of immune responses through JAK-STAT, and provide a perspective from recent insights on bacterial, protozoan, and viral infection model systems. Pattern recognition and subsequent molecular events that drive activation of IL-10-associated JAK-STAT circuitry are reviewed and the implications for microbial pathogenesis are discussed.