971 resultados para SPIN-CROSSOVER


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The formation rate of university spin-out firms has increased markedly over the past decade. While this is seen as an important channel for the commercialisation of academic research, concerns have centred around high failure rates and no-to-low growth among those which survive compared to other new technology based firms. Universities have responded to this by investing in incubators to assist spin-outs to overcome their liability of newness. Yet how effective are incubators in supporting these firms? Here we examine this in terms of the structural networks that spin-out firms form, the role of the incubator in this and the effect of this on the spin-out process.


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We have collected initial evidence that tidal interaction between a late-type star and its close-in, massive planet can lead to a spin-up of the host star. We propose to explore this further by studying a small sample of proper motion pairs in which one of the stars is orbited by a Hot Jupiter. We will determine if the activity-estimated age appears to be strongly different for the two stars, which would indicate a tidal spin up of the Hot Jupiter host star. We propose to observe 4 such systems with Chandra/ACIS-S, and to perform a similar observation of one additional system with large angular separation using XMM-Newton/EPIC. The total proposed exposure times are 141 ks (Chandra) and 38 ks (XMM).


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When a planet transits its host star, it blocks regions of the stellar surface from view; this causes a distortion of the spectral lines and a change in the line-of-sight (LOS) velocities, known as the Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect. Since the LOS velocities depend, in part, on the stellar rotation, the RM waveform is sensitive to the star-planet alignment (which provides information on the system’s dynamical history). We present a new RM modelling technique that directly measures the spatially-resolved stellar spectrum behind the planet. This is done by scaling the continuum flux of the (HARPS) spectra by the transit light curve, and then subtracting the infrom the out-of-transit spectra to isolate the starlight behind the planet. This technique does not assume any shape for the intrinsic local profiles. In it, we also allow for differential stellar rotation and centre-to-limb variations in the convective blueshift. We apply this technique to HD 189733 and compare to 3D magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. We reject rigid body rotation with high confidence (>99% probability), which allows us to determine the occulted stellar latitudes and measure the stellar inclination. In turn, we determine both the sky-projected (λ ≈ −0.4 ± 0.2◦) and true 3D obliquity (ψ ≈ 7+12 −4 ◦ ). We also find good agreement with the MHD simulations, with no significant centre-to-limb variations detectable in the local profiles. Hence, this technique provides a new powerful tool that can probe stellar photospheres, differential rotation, determine 3D obliquities, and remove sky-projection biases in planet migration theories. This technique can be implemented with existing instrumentation, but will become even more powerful with the next generation of high-precision radial velocity spectrographs.


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O presente trabalho tem como objectivo estudar as práticas de crossover entre as técnicas vocais que os cantores líricos e de teatro musical utilizam, assim como as técnicas vocais subjacentes às referidas práticas. Descrevem-se as técnicas vocais utilizadas no canto lírico e no teatro musical por pedagogos que fundamentam o seu trabalho com as descobertas da investigação na área da voz, e comparam-se as referidas técnicas para entender quais os pontos comuns e quais os pontos divergentes. Devido à elevada percentagem de pontos comuns às duas técnicas concluiu-se que são muito próximas entre si, o que faz sentido por serem executadas pela mesma estrutura fisiológica. Apresentam-se as entrevistas efectuadas a cantores profissionais de canto lírico e de teatro musical sobre os aspectos fundamentais das técnicas vocais que utilizam e como fazem o crossover entre as mesmas. Dos resultados dos inquéritos concluiu-se que a maioria dos cantores utiliza habitualmente práticas de crossover na sua performance. A segunda conclusão retirada dos resultados do inquérito foi que a execução das referidas práticas é intuitiva na maioria dos casos, e não conscientemente efectuada. Apresenta-se um caso de aplicação em contexto performativo das práticas de crossover: o papel do soprano na cantata cénica "Moby Dick - Aos Peixes". A utilização tecnicamente consciente das práticas de crossover permitiu estabilizar a execução vocal desde o início dos ensaios e obter posteriormente uma performance consistente mas versátil, sem fixar a execução vocal ao longo da carreira do espectáculo. Os apêndices incluem informação anatomofisiológica útil para este estudo, um resumo dos métodos de estudo científico da voz, o questionário utilizado no inquérito, as tabelas dos dados obtidos, a partitura anotada de "Aos Peixes" e o DVD do espectáculo realizado no Centro Cultural de Belém, em Lisboa. ABSTRACT: The present work aims to understand the crossover mecanisms that the classical singers and the musical theatre singers use, and the vocal techniques underlying those practices. This work describes the vocal techniques taught in the lyrical singing and in the musical theatre singing by teachers who base their pedagogy on the findings of scientific investigation of voice and singing. The techniques used in both fields are compared to understand their similarities and diferences. This process led to the conclusion that both techniques are very close, due to the high percentage of common items found, and this makes sense since both techniques are produced by the same physiologic struture: the vocal system. Professional singers from the lyrical and the musical theatre scene were interviewed to explain the basic foundations of their vocal technique and how do they do the crossover between those styles, from a technical point of view. The results of these interviews led to the conclusion that the majority of the singers performs crossover actions in their singing. The second conclusion is that for the majority of singers these crossover actions are intuitive, inspired by the music, the text or the dramatic context, and not informed by technically conscious actions. It is presented a case study of how these crossover methods were used in a staged cantata: the soprano role in "Moby Dick - Aos Peixes". The use of conscious technically informed crossover practice allowed to stabilize the vocal execution right from the beginning of rehearsals and obtain afterwards a performance which was both consistent and versatile, not fixed, during the running of the show. The appendixes include useful anatomical and physiological information, a summary of the methods of the scientific study of voice, the formulary used in the enquiry, the data tables of the field work, the annotated score of "Moby Dick - Aos Peixes" and the DVD from the play filmed at Centro Cultural de Belém, in Lisbon.


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O presente relatório expõe as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio curricular, frequentado na Bluepharma - Indústria Farmacêutica S.A. e na TREAT U, Lda. uma Spin-off da Universidade de Coimbra, no âmbito do Mestrado em Biomedicina Farmacêutica da Universidade de Aveiro. Esta foi uma experiência de 6 meses que teve duas componentes, uma multidisciplinar e outra monodisciplinar, as quais me permitiram desenvolver os conhecimentos e aptidões adquiridas ao longo do curso de mestrado e de as aplicar ao mundo real. Para além do desenvolvimento de competências profissionais, esta experiência possibilitou também a aquisição e desenvolvimento de várias aptidões, quer a nível pessoal como social. Nos primeiros dois meses desta minha experiência adquiri um conhecimento essencialmente teórico em várias áreas da indústria farmacêutica (financeira, desenvolvimento de negócio, assuntos regulamentares, investigação e desenvolvimento de medicamentos, garantia da qualidade, etc.) através da minha passagem pela Bluepharma. De seguida, na minha experiência de quatro meses na TREAT U, foi-me dada a oportunidade de realizar de forma mais independente, as funções inerentes ao cargo de assistente da gerência, com especial enfoque para atividades de gestão de projeto (incluindo assuntos regulamentares), tais como, apoio na preparação do plano de desenvolvimento não clínico e na preparação do pedido de aconselhamento científico. Este relatório começa assim por descrever os objectivos do estágio e uma breve descrição das instituições que me acolheram para a sua realização. De seguida, os conhecimentos adquiridos na vertente multidisciplinar do estágio e depois as atividades desenvolvidas no âmbito monodisciplinar. Por fim, apresenta uma análise das dificuldades e desafios encontrados bem como os esforços realizados para os ultrapassar.


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Background: The present study investigated whether prochlorperazine affects vestibular-ocular reflex (VOR) and vestibulo-perceptual function. Methods: We studied 12 healthy naïve subjects 3 hours after a single dose of oral prochlorperazine 5mg in a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over study in healthy young subjects. Two rotational tests in yaw were used: 1) a Threshold task investigating perceptual motion detection and nystagmic thresholds (acceleration steps of 0.5deg/s/s) and 2) Suprathreshold responses to velocity steps of 90deg/s in which vestibulo-ocular (VO) and vestibulo-perceptual (VP) time constants of decay, as well as VOR gain, were measured. Results: Prochlorperazine had no effect upon any measure of nystagmic or perceptual vestibular function compared to placebo. This lack of effects on vestibular-mediated motion perception suggests that the drug is likely to act more as an antiemetic than as an anti-vertiginous agent.


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The purpose of this project is to study the spin-off of Sonae Capital, which took place in January 2008. Taking the form of a case study, this project is divided between the case narrative and a teaching note. I study the background and motivation of the transaction, along with its outcome. With the available information at the time of the case, I value Sonae Capital at the date of the spin-off and describe a possible trading strategy involving both the spun-off and the demerged companies. Finally, I conclude that the transaction was more beneficial for the parent company, Sonae SGPS, and that it did not follow the typical outperformance pattern observed in other spin-offs.


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The following case-study describes the situation involving eBay, PayPal and Carl Icahn as of February 2014. Its structure is divided between the narrative and a teaching note. The case narrative describes all the events between the three parties until the 24th of February 2014, when the activist investor Carl Icahn sends a public shareholder letter strongly criticizing eBay’s board and corporate governance practices while proposing at the same time the spin-off of PayPal from eBay. The teaching note intends to analyse the possibility of spinning-off PayPal, while at the same time analysing the Corporate Governance issues in eBay’s board. The final conclusion in the teaching note is favourable towards the spin-off of PayPal.


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The superconducting transition temperature Tc of metallic glasses ZrxFelOO-x (x=80, 75), Zr75(NixFelOO-x)25 (x=75, 50, 25), and CU2SZr75 were measured under quasi-hydrostatic pressure up to 8 OPa (80kbar). The volume (pressure) dependence of the electron-phonon coupling parameters Aep for CU25Zr75 was calculated using the McMillan equatio11. Using this volume dependence of Aep and the modified McMillan equation which incorporates spin-fluctuations, the volume dependence of the spin fluctuation parameter, Asf, was determined in Zr75Ni25, ZrxFelOO-x , a11d Zr75(NixFelOO-x)25. It was found that with increasing pressure, spinfluctuations are suppressed at a faster rate in ZrxFe lOO-x and Zr75(NixFelOO-x)25, as Fe concentration is increased. The rate of suppression of spin-fluctuations with pressure was also found to be higher in Fe-Zr glasses than in Ni-Zr glasses of similar composition.


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The frequency dependence of the electron-spin fluctuation spectrum, P(Q), is calculated in the finite bandwidth model. We find that for Pd, which has a nearly full d-band, the magnitude, the range, and the peak frequency of P(Q) are greatly reduced from those in the standard spin fluctuation theory. The electron self-energy due to spin fluctuations is calculated within the finite bandwidth model. Vertex corrections are examined, and we find that Migdal's theorem is valid for spin fluctuations in the nearly full band. The conductance of a normal metal-insulator-normal metal tunnel junction is examined when spin fluctuations are present in one electrode. We find that for the nearly full band, the momentum independent self-energy due to spin fluctuations enters the expression for the tunneling conductance with approximately the same weight as the self-energy due to phonons. The effect of spin fluctuations on the tunneling conductance is slight within the finite bandwidth model for Pd. The effect of spin fluctuations on the tunneling conductance of a metal with a less full d-band than Pd may be more pronounced. However, in this case the tunneling conductance is not simply proportional to the self-energy.


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A ~si MAS NMR study of spin-lattice relaxation behaviour in paramagnetic-doped crystalline silicates was undertaken, using synthetic magnesium orthosilicate (forsterite) and synthetic zinc orthosilicate (willemite) doped with 0.1% to 20% of Co(II), Ni(II), or CU(II), as experimental systems. All of the samples studied exhibited a longitudinal magnetization return to the Boltzmann distribution of nuclear spin states which followed a stretched-exponential function of time: Y=exp [- (tjTn) n], O


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Copper arsenite CuAs2O4 and Copper antimonite CuSb2O4 are S=1/2 (Cu2+ 3d9 electronic configuration) quasi-one-dimensional quantum spin-chain compounds. Both compounds crystallize with tetragonal structures containing edge sharing CuO6 octahedra chains which experience Jahn-Teller distortions. The basal planes of the octahedra link together to form CuO2 ribbon-chains which harbor Cu2+ spin-chains. These compounds are magnetically frustrated with competing nearest-neighbour and next-nearest-neighbour intrachain spin-exchange interactions. Despite the similarities between CuAs2O4 and CuSb2O4, they exhibit very different magnetic properties. In this thesis work, the physical properties of CuAs2O4 and CuSb2O4 are investigated using a variety of experimental techniques which include x-ray diffraction, magnetic susceptibility measurements, heat capacity measurements, Raman spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, neutron diffraction, and dielectric capacitance measurements. CuAs2O4 exhibits dominant ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour and weaker antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour intrachain spin-exchange interactions. The ratio of the intrachain interactions amounts to Jnn/Jnnn = -4.1. CuAs2O4 was found to order with a ferromagnetic groundstate below TC = 7.4 K. An extensive physical characterization of the magnetic and structural properties of CuAs2O4 was carried out. Under the effect of hydrostatic pressure, CuAs2O4 was found to undergo a structural phase transition at 9 GPa to a new spin-chain structure. The structural phase transition is accompanied by a severe alteration of the magnetic properties. The high-pressure phase exhibits dominant ferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour spin-exchange interactions and weaker ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour interactions. The ratio of the intrachain interactions in the high-pressure phase was found to be Jnn/Jnnn = 0.3. Structural and magnetic characterizations under hydrostatic pressure are reported and a relationship between the structural and magnetic properties was established. CuSb2O4 orders antiferromagnetically below TN = 1.8 K with an incommensurate helicoidal magnetic structure. CuSb2O4 is characterized by ferromagnetic nearest-neighbour and antiferromagnetic next-nearest-neighbour spin-exchange interactions with Jnn/Jnnn = -1.8. A (H, T) magnetic phase diagram was constructed using low-temperature magnetization and heat capacity measurements. The resulting phase diagram contains multiple phases as a consequence of the strong intrachain magnetic frustration. Indications of ferroelectricity were observed in the incommensurate antiferromagnetic phase.


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The employment of the bridging/chelating Schiff bases, N-salicylidene-4-methyl-o-aminophenol (samphH2) and N-naphthalidene-2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid (nacbH2), in nickel cluster chemistry has afforded eight polynuclear Ni(II) complexes with new structural motifs, interesting magnetic and optical properties, and unexpected organic ligand transformations. In the present thesis, Chapter 1 deals with all the fundamental aspects of polynuclear metal complexes, molecular magnetism and optics, while research results are reported in Chapters 2 and 3. In the first project (Chapter 2), I investigated the coordination chemistry of the organic chelating/bridging ligand, N-salicylidene-4-methyl-o-aminophenol (samphH2). The general NiII/tBuCO2-/samphH2 reaction system afforded two new tetranuclear NiII clusters, namely [Ni4(samph)4(EtOH)4] (1) and [Ni4(samph)4(DMF)2] (2), with different structural motifs. Complex 1 possessed a cubane core while in complex 2 the four NiII ions were located at the four vertices of a defective dicubane. The nature of the organic solvent was found to be of pivotal importance, leading to compounds with the same nuclearity, but different structural topologies and magnetic properties. The second project, the results of which are summarized in Chapter 3, included the systematic study of a new optically-active Schiff base ligand, N-naphthalidene-2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid (nacbH2), in NiII cluster chemistry. Various reactions between NiX2 (X- = inorganic anions) and nacbH2 were performed under basic conditions to yield six new polynuclear NiII complexes, namely (NHEt3)[Ni12(nacb)12(H2O)4](ClO4) (3), (NHEt3)2[Ni5(nacb)4(L)(LH)2(MeOH)] (4), [Ni5(OH)2(nacb)4(DMF)4] (5), [Ni5(OMe)Cl(nacb)4(MeOH)3(MeCN)] (6), (NHEt3)2[Ni6(OH)2(nacb)6(H2O)4] (7), and [Ni6(nacb)6(H2O)3(MeOH)6] (8). The nature of the solvent, the inorganic anion, X-, and the organic base were all found to be of critical importance, leading to products with different structural topologies and nuclearities (i.e., {Ni5}, {Ni6} and {Ni12}). Magnetic studies on all synthesized complexes revealed an overall ferromagnetic behavior for complexes 4 and 8, with the remaining complexes being dominated by antiferromagnetic exchange interactions. In order to assess the optical efficiency of the organic ligand when bound to the metal centers, photoluminescence studies were performed on all synthesized compounds. Complexes 4 and 5 show strong emission in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Finally, the ligand nacbH2 allowed for some unexpected organic transformations to occur; for instance, the pentanuclear compound 5 comprises both nacb2- groups and a new organic chelate, namely the anion of 5-chloro-2-[(3-hydroxy-4-oxo-1,4-dihydronaphthalen-1-yl)amino]benzoic acid. In the last section of this thesis, an attempt to compare the NiII cluster chemistry of the N-naphthalidene-2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid ligand with that of the structurally similar but less bulky, N-salicylidene-2-amino-5-chlorobenzoic acid (sacbH2), was made.