944 resultados para Rugosidade superficial
El estudio sobre las condiciones de fertilidad y variables de calidad del melón resultan de suma importancia para el mejoramiento de la aptitud y competitividad del producto. El objetivo de esta tesis fue determinar la influencia del contenido de potasio y su efecto sobre relaciones nitrógeno/potasio de la solución de fertilizante sobre la producción, calidad y sanidad de los frutos en dos cultivares de melén (tipo Honey Dew y Cantaloupe)bajo invernáculo y sobre propiedades físico químicas del suelo. Se determinaron propiedades de calidad, sanitarias y se analizaron propiedades relacionadas a la fertilidad de los suelos. El rendimiento y las variables de calidad como: diámetro ecuatorial y polar, sólidos totales y azúcares presentaron en ambos cultivares mayor valor en el tratamiento con mayor contenido de potasio. El grosor de la cáscara no mostró diferencias significativas, al igual que en la resistencia a la presión, como tampoco el color superficial, la longitud de la cavidad central ni el contenido de nitratos en los frutos. Ambos cultivares fueron susceptibles a la inoculación con el Fusarium semitectum, aunque Honey Dew presentó una mayor resistencia a la infección, pero sin diferencias significativas. La mayoría de las variables relacionadas al suelo no se modificaron con los tratamientos de fertilización con excepción del contenido de potasio en cosecha y poscosecha. Este hecho sumado a las relaciones significativas y positivas entre los contenidos de potasio del suelo y variables relacionadas a la calidad y producción del cultivo de melón, sugiere que el efecto de la fertilización se dio fundamentalmente a través de cambios en la disponibilidad de potasio.
Los 5 poliedros regulares han sido modelo de la ciencia para los griegos y modelo de la astronomía para Kepler. Sin embargo, a pesar de su gran valor epistemológico su estudio es normalmente muy superficial en los cursos de Secundaria. Hace 20 años me formulé esta sencilla pregunta: ¿Cómo podemos calcular el volumen del icosaedro y del dodecaedro regular, conociendo solamente la medida de la arista? Esta pregunta dio lugar a una fascinante investigación, que comenzó en la búsqueda de diferentes medios para construir poliedros (se puede ver en la foto de la derecha un modelo a usar durante el taller) , un trabajo muy interesante con el álgebra de los irracionales cuadráticos, el uso de la trigonometría y el descubrimiento de varias y sorpresivas propiedades geométricas relacionadas algunas con el número áureo. Durante el curso los participantes aprenderán a construir, con regla y compás el pentágono regular(comenzando con su lado) , de la forma más simple y exacta, con su justificación paso a paso. Esto es imprescindible ya que en ambos el icosa y el dode hay numerosos pentágonos regulares. Este curso o taller es tan sólo un pequeño paseo en el increíble mundo de los 5 poliedros regulares, un mundo lleno de tesoros matemáticos, un mundo que espera a ser explorado y descubierto.
En este trabajo pretendemos mostrar que la presunta alternativa entre geometría sintética y geometría analítica es, en realidad, una falsa alternativa fruto de un análisis epistemológico superficial. Proponemos una forma de conectar, en la enseñanza de la geometría en secundaria, las técnicas sintéticas con las analíticas a fin de poner de manifiesto su complementariedad.
The water sorption and desorption behaviour of three commercial glass-ionomer cements used in clinical dentistry have been studied in detail. Cured specimens of each material were found to show slight but variable water uptake in high humidity conditions, but steady loss in desiccating ones. This water loss was found to follow Fick's law for the first 4-5 h. Diffusion coefficients at 22 degrees C were: Chemflex 1.34 x 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1), Fuji IX 5.87 x 10(-7) cm(2) s(-1), Aquacem 3.08 x 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1). At 7 degrees C they were: Chemflex 8.90 x 10(-7) cm(2) s(-1), Fuji IX 5.04 x 10(-7) cm(2) s(-1), Aquacem 2.88 x 10(-6) cm(2) s(-1). Activation energies for water loss were determined from the Arrhenius equation and were found to be Chemflex 161.8 J mol(-1), Fuji IX 101.3 J mol(-1), Aquacem 47.1 J mol(-1). Such low values show that water transport requires less energy in these cements than in resin-modified glass-ionomers. Fick's law plots were found not to pass through the origin. This implies that, in each case, there is a small water loss that does not involve diffusion. This was concluded to be water at the surface of the specimens, and was termed "superficial water". As such, it represents a fraction of the previously identified unbound (loose) water. Superficial water levels were: Chemflex 0.56%, Fuji IX 0.23%, Aquacem 0.87%. Equilibrium mass loss values were shown to be unaffected by temperature, and allowed ratios of bound:unbound water to be determined for all three cements. These showed wide variation, ranging from 1:5.26 for Chemflex to 1:1.25 for Fuji IX.
A study was carried out in June/July 1996 in the River Po outflow in the northern Adriatic to investigate spawning of anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus and survival of larvae in relation to food availability and wind mixing. Hydrographic- and bongo net sampling was carried out on 2 grid surveys; one after a period of low winds and settled weather, and the other after an intervening period of strong winds, which resulted in a decrease in water column stratification. The spawning areas of anchovy and the larval distributions were associated with the river outflow plume (most clearly on the second survey grid, after the period of higher winds). Potential food particles for anchovy larvae, primarily copepod nauplii and copepodite stages, were also concentrated in the area influenced by the river outflow. Although there was a nearly 50% reduction in the mean water column abundance of potential food particles between the 2 survey grids, mostly due to a decline in abundance outside the immediate river plume area, there was no significant change in mortality of anchovy larvae between the 2 grids; the exponential decline in numbers of eggs and larvae to 10 mm in length being equivalent to overall mortality rates of 43.2%/d on the first survey and 44.7%/d on the second. The resilience of larval survival under potentially less favourable feeding conditions, following the period of wind mixing, was ascribed, in part, to the maintenance of local water column stratification by the superficial low salinity input from the River Po. This stratification in the immediate outflow area was associated with the presence of concentrated layers of potential food particles (typically >50 particles/L and 1.5 to 2.8 times the mean water column abundance) in the upper 10 m of the water column, coincident with peak numbers of anchovy larvae. However, since there was no evidence for lower larval survival in areas, less influenced by the immediate river outflow plume, a simple direct relationship between enhanced water column stability, improved feeding conditions and larval survival was not supported.
Mesozooplankton biomass and abundance were evaluated in epipelagic waters at 59 stations covering the Italian sector of the Ligurian Sea (north-western Mediterranean) in December 1990. This region is characterised by a cyclonic circulation which encloses a central divergence zone and is associated with a main thermohaline front offshore the western Ligurian coast. At the end of autumn, mesozooplankton biomass (range: 0.80–4.24 mg DW m−3) and the abundance (range: 83.8–932 ind. m−3) were lower in the divergence zone. On the contrary, in the Ligurian frontal zone at the periphery of the divergence and on the eastern continental shelf the greatest values of biomass and abundance were recorded. Copepods and appendicularians dominated the mesozooplankton community, the main taxa being the copepods Clausocalanus spp. (46% of total zooplankton) and Oithona spp. (15%) and the appendicularian Fritillaria spp. (12%). Three hydrological sub-regions, i.e. the divergence, the eastern continental shelf and the periphery of the divergence, were characterised by different zooplankton communities and characteristic species. Environmental differences between the three zones were mainly related to changes in bottom topography, sea surface temperatures and quantity of particulate organic matter. Vertical mesozooplankton abundance and taxa distribution from the surface to 1,900 m depth were also examined in one station. The results showed that the bulk of the community was concentrated in the upper 200 m, small copepods being dominant particularly in the upper 50 m. The copepod community was more diversified in sub-superficial waters, with a maximum observed in the 200–400 m layer. The distributions of main zooplankton taxa described in epipelagic waters in the eastern Ligurian Sea in autumn were compared with their distribution at surface in the north-western Mediterranean obtained by sampling performed with the Continuous Plankton Recorder in 1997–1999. The analysis of the zooplankton community in CPR samples confirms the dominance of small copepods (Paracalanus spp., Clausocalanus spp., Oithona spp.) and appendicularians in the north-western Mediterranean in late autumn-winter and shows that their distribution is mainly related to the main mesoscale hydrographic features characterising this basin.
A new species of lamellibrachiid vestimentiferan, Lamellibrachia anaximandri n. sp., has been found in the Eastern Mediterranean, close to cold seeps of fluid carrying dissolved methane and sources of sulfide in superficial sediments. It occurs at about 1100 to 2100 m depth, on some of the mud volcanoes on the Anaximander Mountains, south of Turkey, on the Mediterranean Ridge, south of Crete, and on the Nile deep-sea fan. In addition, it has been obtained from rotting paper inside a sunken ship, torpedoed in 1915 and lying at 2800 m depth, southeast of Crete. Some frenulate pogonophores also occur on the mud volcanoes (including a species of Siboglinum resembling S. carpinei and tubes of other unidentified genera). The new Lamellibrachia is the first vestimentiferan species to be described from the Mediterranean. It differs from L. luymesi taken from the Gulf of Mexico population in the very weak development of collars on its tube and in having a smaller number of pairs of branchial lamellae in the branchial plume. Sequencing of the COI and the mt16S genes confirms a difference at the species level between the new species and L. luymesi, and a difference between these two species and four described species of Lamellibrachia from the Pacific Ocean. The largest individuals of L. anaximandri n. sp. may be many years old, but there are numerous young individuals at some sites, showing that favourable conditions are available for settlement and early growth. The development of the branchial plume in a series of young stages reveals that the sheath lamellae, which are characteristic of the genus Lamellibrachia, begin to form only after the establishment of several pairs of branchial lamellae. Examination of the adult trophosome by transmission electron microscopy shows Gram-negative bacteria without internal stacked membranes, indicating that the symbionts are most probably sulfide oxidizing.
Disponibilidad del recurso hídrico en la microcuenca del río Bermúdez. Región central de Costa Rica.
La microcuenca del río Bermúdez es parte de la principal zona de explotación hídrica en la región Central de Costa Rica, razón por la cual se realiza un diagnóstico de la disponibilidad del recurso hídrico en esta microcuenca donde se identifican las áreas con mayor problemática de disponibilidad de este recurso. Para ello se calculó un balance hídrico mensual, según uso del suelo, unidad geomorfológica y zona climática. Con base en este balance se determinó y clasificó la disponibilidad del recurso, identificando en la microcuenca solamente tres categorías: alta, media y moderada. No existen áreas de baja disponibilidad de recurso hídrico lo que demuestra que la oferta es suficiente, sin embargo, existe una presión importante sobre el recurso hídrico pues más de la mitad del área de la microcuenca se encuentra con una disponibilidad moderada.