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Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are used extensively as biocides and their misuse may be contributing to the development of bacterial resistance. Although the major intrinsic resistance to QACs of Gram-negative bacteria is mediated by the action of tripartite multidrug transporters of the resistance-nodulation-division family, we aimed to test if the promiscuity of the recently characterized major facilitator superfamily multidrug transporter, MdtM, from Escherichia coli enabled it also to function in the efflux of QACs.
The ability of the major facilitator mdtM gene product, when overexpressed from multicopy plasmid, to protect E. coli cells from the toxic effects of a panel of seven QACs was determined using growth inhibition assays in liquid medium. Interaction between QACs and MdtM was studied by a combination of substrate binding assays using purified protein in detergent solution and transport assays using inverted vesicles.
E. coli cells that overproduced MdtM were less susceptible to the cytotoxic effects of each of the QACs tested compared with cells that did not overproduce the transporter. Purified MdtM bound each QAC with micromolar affinity and the protein utilized the electrochemical proton gradient to transport QACs across the cytoplasmic membrane. Furthermore, the results suggested a functional interaction between MdtM and the tripartite resistance-nodulation-division family AcrAB-TolC efflux system.
The results support a hitherto unidentified capacity for a single-component multidrug transporter of the major facilitator superfamily, MdtM, to function in the efflux of a broad range of QACs and thus contribute to the intrinsic resistance of E. coli to these compounds.


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Although antibiotics from different classes are frequently prescribed in combination to prevent the development of resistance amongst Cystic Fibrosis (CF) respiratory pathogens, there is a lack of data as to the efficacy of this approach. We have previously shown that a 4:1 (w/w) combination of fosfomycin and tobramycin (F:T) has excellent activity against CF pathogens with increased activity under physiologically relevant anaerobic conditions. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine whether F:T could delay or prevent the onset of resistance compared to either fosfomycin or tobramycin alone under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The frequency of spontaneous mutants arising following exposure to fosfomycin, tobramycin and F:T was determined for clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa and MRSA isolates under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The effect of sub-inhibitory concentrations of fosfomycin, tobramycin and F:T on the induction of resistance was also investigated, with the stability of resistance and fitness cost associated with resistance assessed if it developed. P. aeruginosa and MRSA isolates had a lower frequency of spontaneous mutants to F:T compared to fosfomycin and tobramycin under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. There was a maximum two-fold increase in F:T MICs when P. aeruginosa and MRSA isolates were passaged in sub-inhibitory F:T for 12 days. In contrast, sequential resistance to fosfomycin and tobramycin developed quickly (n = 3 days for both) after passage in sub-inhibitory concentrations. Once developed, both fosfomycin and tobramycin resistance was stable and not associated with a biological fitness cost to either P. aeruginosa or MRSA isolates. The results of this study suggest that F:T may prevent the development of resistance compared to fosfomycin or tobramycin alone under aerobic and physiologically relevant anaerobic conditions. F:T may be a potential treatment option in CF patients chronically colonised by MRSA and/or P. aeruginosa.


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Although there is currently no evidence of emerging strains of measles virus (MV) that can resist neutralization by the anti-MV antibodies present in vaccinees, certain mutations in circulating wt MV strains appear to reduce the efficacy of these antibodies. Moreover, it has been hypothesized that resistance to neutralization by such antibodies could allow MV to persist. In this study, we use a novel in vitro system to determine the molecular basis of MV's resistance to neutralization. We find that both wild-type and laboratory strain MV variants that escape neutralization by anti-MV polyclonal sera possess multiple mutations in their H, F, and M proteins. Cytometric analysis of cells expressing viral escape mutants possessing minimal mutations and their plasmid-expressed H, F, and M proteins indicates that immune resistance is due to particular mutations that can occur in any of these three proteins that affect at distance, rather than directly, the native conformation of the MV-H globular head and hence its epitopes. A high percentage of the escape mutants contain mutations found in cases of Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (SSPE) and our results could potentially shed light on the pathogenesis of this rare fatal disease.


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This article is based on primary research conducted by the authors in Northern Ireland in Mourne House women’s unit at Maghaberry Prison in 2004 and in Ash House women’s prison unit in Hydebank Wood Young Offender Centre from 2005-2006. It explores the imprisonment of women in prison in the context of a society slowly and unevenly emerging from violent conflict and against a backdrop of the global rise of women’s imprisonment over the past two decades. The history of the gendered punishment of politically motivated prisoners is explored, followed by discussion of the findings of primary research in Mourne House women’s unit and, following its closure, in Ash House. The conclusion analyses how women’s prison experiences in the North contribute to an understanding of the contested terrain of agency and resistance. Finally, the article explores the potential for, and barriers, to change within women’s imprisonment in Northern Ireland.


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There is a growing emphasis on behavior change in intervention development programmes aimed at improving public health and healthcare professionals' practice. A number of frameworks and methodological tools have been established to assist researchers in developing interventions seeking to change healthcare professionals' behaviors. The key features of behavior change intervention design involve specifying the target group (i.e. healthcare professional or patient cohort), the target behavior and identifying mediators (i.e. barriers and facilitators) of behavior change. Once the target behavior is clearly specified and understood, specific behavior change techniques can then be used as the basis of the intervention to target identified mediators of behavior change. This commentary outlines the challenges for pharmacy practice-based researchers in targeting dispensing as a behavior when developing behavior change interventions aimed at pharmacists and proposes a definition of dispensing to consider in future research.


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Climate change is expected to have an impact on plant communities as increased temperatures are expected to drive individual species' distributions polewards. The results of a revisitation study after c. 34years of 89 coastal sites in Scotland, UK, were examined to assess the degree of shifts in species composition that could be accounted for by climate change. There was little evidence for either species retreat northwards or for plots to become more dominated by species with a more southern distribution. At a few sites where significant change occurred, the changes were accounted for by the invasion, or in one instance the removal, of woody species. Also, the vegetation types that showed the most sensitivity to change were all early successional types and changes were primarily the result of succession rather than climate-driven changes. Dune vegetation appears resistant to climate change impacts on the vegetation, either as the vegetation is inherently resistant to change, management prevents increased dominance of more southerly species or because of dispersal limitation to geographically isolated sites.


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Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry by Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica Universidade Nova de Lisboa.


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Tutkimuksen tavoite Tutkimuksen tavoite oli kerätä FI:n johdolle tietoa henkilöstön suhtautumisesta organisaatiomuutokseen. Tutkimus toimii pohjana muutosprosessin kriittiselle tarkastelulle ja mahdollisille muutoksille resurssien kohdentamisessa. Tutkimusmenetelmä Organisaatiomuutosta käsittelevä kirjallisuus muodosti tutkielman teoriapohjan. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella FI:n henkilöstölle ja neljällä haastattelulla henkilöstön ja johdon kanssa. Johtopäätökset Yleisesti tuloksista on nähtävissä, että vastaajat ovat aluksi vastustaneet muutosta, vaikka muutos itsessään onkin nähty positiivisena kehityksenä. Vastarintaa ovat aiheuttaneet pääasiallisesti muutoksen johtamisen tyyli ja tiedotuksen kokeminen riittämättömänä.


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By using glucosamine resistant mutants of Saccharomyces ceriv~sa~ an attempt was made to discover the mechanisms which cause glucose repression and/or the Crabtree effect. The strains used are 4B2, GR6, lOP3r, GR8l and GRI08. 4B2 is a wild type yeast while the others are its mutants. To characterize the biochemical reactions which made these mutants resistant to glucosamine poisoning the following experiments were done~ 1. growth and respiration; 2. transport of sugars; 3. effect of inorganic phosphate (Pi): 4. Hexokinase; 5. In yivo phosphorylation. From the above experiments the following conclusions may be drawn: (i) GR6 and lOP3r have normal respiratory and fermentative pathways. These mutants are resistant to glucosamine poisoning due to a slow rate of sugar transport which is due to change in the cell membrane. (ii) GR8l has a normal respiratory pathway. The slow growth on fermentable carbon sourCEE indicates that in GR8l the lesion is in or associated with the glycolytic pathway. The lower rate of sugar transport may be due to a change in energy metabolism. The invivo phosphorylation rate indicates that in GR81 facilitated diffusion is the dominant transport mechanism. (iii) GR108 msa normal glycolytic pathway but the respiratory pathway is abnormal. The slow rate of sugar transport is due to a change in energy metabolism. The lower percentage of in vivo phosphorylation is probably due to a lowered availability of ATP because of the mitochondrial lesion. In all mutants resistance to glucosamine poisoning is due to a lower rate of utilization of ATP. which is caused by various mechanisms (see above), making less ADP available for phosphorylation via ATP synthase which utilizes inorganic phosphate. Because of the lower utilization of Pi, the concentration of intra-mitochondrial Pi does not go down thus protecting mutants from glucosamine poisoning.


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Dans le but de vérifier l’impact d’un changement soudain dans l’agrégation érythrocytaire sur certains paramètres cardiovasculaires, une transfusion par échange sanguin du tiers du volume a été effectuée avec du sang hyperagrégeant chez le rat de souche Brown Norway. La pression caudale, le volume cardiaque systolique, la fraction d’éjection, le débit cardiaque, le rythme cardiaque et la résistance périphérique à l’écoulement sanguin ont été observés non-intrusivement sur 19 jours suite à la transfusion. Les rats ont été sacrifiés plus d’un mois suivant la transfusion et une étude ex vivo de la réponse à deux agents dilatateurs (l’acétylcholine et le nitroprussiate de sodium) a été menée sur les artérioles mésentériques. Des variations des paramètres cardiovasculaires, soit le débit, le volume systolique et la résistance périphérique, ont été remarquées dans les trois premiers jours posttransfusion. Une résistance du muscle vasculaire lisse au monoxyde d’azote a été notée chez les rats transfusés au sang hyperagrégeant alors qu’aucune dysfonction endothéliale n’était apparente en réponse à l’acétylcholine.


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La leucémie lymphoblastique aiguë des cellules Pré-B (B-ALL) reste le type de cancer le plus souvent diagnostiqué chez les enfants. Des études ont montré que des déterminants génétiques jouent un rôle important dans la susceptibilité/résistance au développement de ce cancer. À cet égard, les gènes Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR) sont d'une importance particulière. Ces gènes sont fortement polymorphiques et codent pour des récepteurs qui contrôlent l’activité fonctionnelle des cellules Natural Killer (NK). Notre hypothèse est que les gènes activateurs des KIR s’associent avec la résistance innée pour développer la B-ALL. Afin d'évaluer cette hypothèse, nous avons entrepris une étude de cas-contrôles chez des enfants canadiens-français dans laquelle nous avons utilisé l'ADN génomique de 100 patients atteints de B-ALL ainsi que l’ADN de 245 individus sains. La présence ou l'absence de chaque gène KIR a été détectée par PCR en utilisant des amorces de séquences spécifiques. Nous avons trouvé que la présence des gènes KIR activateurs est significativement diminuée chez les enfants leucémiques par rapport aux témoins. En outre, le nombre de ces gènes a aussi montré une association significative linéaire avec la résistance au développement d’une B-ALL. Cela suggère des effets additifs de ces gènes permettant de conférer une protection contre ce cancer. Ces résultats pourraient être utiles afin de déceler de façon précoce les enfants ayant un risque de développer cette leucémie. Enfin, des stratégies thérapeutiques basées sur les récepteurs KIR pourraient être envisagées et s'avérer utiles concernant le traitement de ce cancer chez les enfants.


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La bléomycine est un antibiotique cytotoxique, son potentiel génotoxique est plus important quand elle est utilisée en combinaison avec des agents antinéoplasiques sur le cancer testiculaire, que sur les autres types qui développent souvent une résistance envers la drogue. Notre but consiste alors de mettre en évidence ce mécanisme de résistance en utilisant l’organisme modèle Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nous avons démontré au sein de notre laboratoire, que les levures délétées au niveau de leur coactivateur transcriptionnel Imp2, présentent une hypersensibilité à la bléomycine, en raison de son accumulation toxique dans la cellule. Ceci suggère que Imp2 pourrait réguler l’expression d’une ou de plusieurs pompes à efflux, capables d’expulser la bléomycine à l’extérieur de la cellule. Pour tester notre hypothèse, nous avons recherché des suppresseurs multicopies capables de restaurer la résistance à la bléomycine chez le mutant imp2, et c’est ainsi que nous avons identifié l'activateur transcriptionnel Yap1. Ce dernier se lie à une région spécifique localisée au niveau du promoteur et permet d’activer l'expression d'un sous-ensemble de gènes, codant pour des pompes à efflux, impliquées dans la résistance aux drogues. Selon la littérature, au moins 27 pompes à efflux ont été identifiées chez la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae, certaines d’entre elles disposent du site de liaison pour Yap1, tels que Qdr3, Tpo2 et Tpo1. Afin de déterminer si une de ces pompes expulse la bléomycine, nous avons créé des mutations simples et doubles en combinaison avec IMP2, aussi nous avons verifié si les mutants étaient sensibles à la drogue et enfin, nous avons testé si la surexpression de Yap1 pouvait restaurer le phénotype sauvage chez ces mutants, via l’activation de pompes à efflux.


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Investigations on the fracture behaviour of polymer blends is the topic of this thesis. The blends selected are PP/HDPE and PS/HIPS. PP/HDPE blend is chosen due to its commercial importance and PS/HIPS blend is selected to study the transition from brittle fracture to ductile fracture.PP/HDPE blends were prepared at different compositions by melt blending at 180°C and fracture failure process was investigated by conducting notch sensitivity test and tensile test at different strain rates. The effects of two types of modifiers (particulate and elastomer) on the fracture behaviour and notch sensitivity of PP/HDPE blends were studied. The modifiers used are calcium carbonate, a hard particulate filler commonly used in plastics and Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM). They were added in 2%, 4% and 6% by weight of the blends.The study shows that the mechanical properties of PP/HDPE blends can be optimized by selecting proper blend compositions. The selected modifiers are found to alter and improve the fracture behaviour and notch sensitivity of the blends. Particulate fillers like calcium carbonate can be used for making the mechanical behaviour more stable at the various blend compositions. The resistance to notch sensitivity of the blends is found to be marginally lower in the presence of calcium carbonate. The elastomeric modifier EPDM produces a better stability of the mechanical behaviour. A low concentration of EPDM is sufficient to effect such a change. EPDM significantly improves the resistance to notch sensitivity of the blends. The study shows that judicious selection of modifiers can improve the fracture behaviour and notch sensitivity of PP/HDPE blends and help these materials to be used for critical applications.For investigating the transition in fracture behaviour and failure modes, PS/HIPS blends were selected. The blends were prepared by melt mixing followed by injection moulding to prepare the specimens for conducting tensile, impact and flexure tests. These tests were used to simulate the various conditions which promote failure.The tensile behaviour of unnotched and notched PS/HIPS blend samples were evaluated at slow speeds. Tensile strengths and moduli were found to increase at the higher testing speed for all the blend combinations whereas maximum strain at break was found to decrease. For a particular speed of testing, the tensile strength and modulus show only a very slight decrease as HIPS content is increased up to about 40%. However, there is a drastic decrease on increasing the HIPS content thereafter.The maximum strain at break shows only a very slight change up to about 40% HIPS content and thereafter shows a remarkable increase. The notched specimens also follow a comparable trend even though the notch sensitivity is seen high for PS rich blends containing up to 40% HIPS. The notch sensitivity marginally decreases with increase in HIPS content. At the same time, it is found to increase with the increase in strain rate. It is observed that blends containing more than 40% HIPS fail in ductile mode.The impact characteristics of PSIHIPS blends studied were impact strength, the energy absorbed by the test specimen and impact toughness. Remarkable increase in impact strength is observed as HIPS content in the blend exceeds 40%. The energy absorbed by the test specimens and the impact toughness also show a comparable trend.Flexural testing which helps to characterize the load bearing capacity was conducted on PS/HIPS blend samples at the two different testing speeds of 5mmlmin and 10 mm/min. The flexural strength increases with increase in testing speed for all the blend compositions. At both the speeds, remarkable reduction in flexural strength is observed as HIPS content in the blend exceeds 40%. The flexural strain and flexural energy absorbed by the specimens are found to increase with increase in HIPS content. At both the testing speeds, brittle fracture is observed for PS rich blends whereas HIPS rich blends show ductile mode of failure.Photoelastic investigations were conducted on PS/HIPS blend samples to analyze their failure modes. A plane polariscope with a broad source of light was utilized for the study. The coloured isochromatic fringes formed indicate the presence of residual stress concentration in the blend samples. The coverage made by the fringes on the test specimens varies with the blend composition and it shows a reducing trend with the increase in HIPS content. This indicates that the presence of residual stress is a contributing factor leading to brittle fracture in PS rich blends and this tendency gradually falls with increase in HIPS content and leads to their ductile mode of failure.


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Many plant strengtheners are promoted for their supposed effects on nutrient uptake and/or resistance induction (IR). In addition, many organic fertilizers are supposed to enhance plant health and several studies have shown that tomatoes grown organically are more resistant to late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans to tomatoes grown conventionally. Much is known about the mechanisms underlying IR. In contrast, there is no systematic knowledge about genetic variation for IR. Therefore, the following questions were addressed in the presented dissertation: (i) Is there genetic variation among tomato genotypes for inducibility of resistance to P. infestans? (ii) How do different PS compare with the chemical inducer BABA in their ability to IR? (iii) Does IR interact with the inducer used and different organic fertilizers? A varietal screening showed that contrary to the commonly held belief IR in tomatoes is genotype and isolate specific. These results indicate that it should be possible to select for inducibility of resistance in tomato breeding. However, isolate specificity also suggests that there could be pathogen adaptation. The three tested PS as well as two of the three tested organic fertilisers all induced resistance in the tomatoes. Depending on PS or BABA variety and isolate effects varied. In contrast, there were no variety and isolate specific effects of the fertilisers and no interactions with the PS and fertilisers. This suggests that the different PS should work independent of the soil substrate used. In contrast the results were markedly different when isolate mixtures were used for challenge inoculations. Plants were generally less susceptible to isolate mixtures than to single isolates. In addition, the effectiveness of the PS was greater and more similar to BABA when isolate mixtures were used. The fact that the different PS and BABA differed in their ability to induce resistance in different host genotype -pathogen isolate combinations puts the usefulness of IR as a breeding goal in question. This would result in varieties depending on specific inducers. The results with the isolate mixtures are highly relevant. On the one hand they increase the effectiveness of the resistance inducers. On the other hand, measures that increase the pathogen diversity such as the use of diversified host populations will also increase the overall resistance of the hosts. For organic tomato production the results indicate that it is possible to enhance the tomato growing system with respect to plant health management by using optimal fertilisers, plant strengtheners and any measures that increase system diversity.


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The Staphylococcus spp. they can cause a wide range of infections systemic and located in community and hospital patients. Its high pathogenicity and growing resistance to multiple antimicrobials including methicillin, causes high morbiditymortality rates, causing a high epidemiological impact. Objective: to determine the phenotypic profile of resistance to different antimicrobials in strains of the genus Staphylococcus spp. Materials and methods: collected 75 strains and determined them susceptibility to different antibiotics by the Kirby-Bauer method. The production of betalactamasecheck using the nitrocefin test. (Resistance to Methicillin in S. aureus was conductedusing Mueller Hinton with 4% NaCl and oxacillin 6 μg/mL). Inducible clindamycin resistance tamizo by D-Test test. Results: they were isolated by 38% of staphylococcus coagulase negative (SNA) and 62% of S. aureus. 53% were penicillin resistant staphylococci: S. aureus with 58% and 42% SNA. 47% of the strains showed resistance to methicillin: S. aureus with 61% and SNA with 39%. A strain of S. aureus showed inducible resistance to clindamycin (1.33%). Coagulase negative staphylococci were isolated mostly from blood samples (31%), blood (29%), tip of catheter (5%) and came mostly from neonatal ICU (25%), medical (21%) and surgery (16%).Conclusions: S. aureus and SNA were isolated with greater frequency in blood and wounds from surgery and neonatal ICU. The predominant resistance phenotypes were penicillin and oxacillin.