996 resultados para RELAXATION RESPONSE


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An implicit sub-grid scale model for large eddy simulation is presented by utilising the concept of a relaxation system for one dimensional Burgers' equation in a novel way. The Burgers' equation is solved for three different unsteady flow situations by varying the ratio of relaxation parameter (epsilon) to time step. The coarse mesh results obtained with a relaxation scheme are compared with the filtered DNS solution of the same problem on a fine mesh using a fourth-order CWENO discretisation in space and third-order TVD Runge-Kutta discretisation in time. The numerical solutions obtained through the relaxation system have the same order of accuracy in space and time and they closely match with the filtered DNS solutions.


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Sydämen krooninen vajaatoiminta on merkittävä maailmanlaajuinen ongelma. Se on erilaisten sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien aiheuttama monimuotoinen oireyhtymä. Sydämen vasemman kammion hypertrofia eli sydämen seinämien paksuuntuminen on yksi keskeinen tekijä, joka voi olla sydämen vajaatoiminnan taustalla. Kohonnut verenpaine on yleisin syy, joka johtaa sydänlihaksen paksuuntumiseen. Tämä johtaa sydämen pumppaustoiminnan häiriintymiseen, erilaisten neurohormonaalisten mekanismien aktivaatioon ja edelleen sydämen vajaatoimintaan. Sydämen vajaatoiminnan neurohormonaalisista mekanismeista tärkeimmät ovat reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteroni-järjestelmän ja sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatio, sydämen rakenteiden uudelleenmuovautuminen, sydänlihassolujen apoptoosi ja systeeminen tulehdustila. Sydämen hypertrofiaa ja sen syntymistä pyritään estämään kohonneen verenpaineen lääkehoidolla. Reniini-angiotensiini-aldosteronijärjestelmällä on keskeinen merkitys sydämen vajaatoiminnassa. Sydämen vajaatoiminnan ennusteeseen vaikuttavista lääkeaineista angiotensiinikonvertasin estäjät (ACEestäjät) ovat säilyttäneet johtoasemansa jo vuosikymmenten ajan. Angiotensiinireseptoreiden salpaajien (AT1-salpaajien) odotettiin syrjäyttävän ACE-estäjät sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa, mutta toistaiseksi niitä pidetään vain vaihtoehtoisina lääkkeinä. Sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatiota vähentävät β-salpaajat ovat vakiinnuttaneet asemansa toiseksi tärkeimpänä lääkeryhmänä. Diureetit ovat paljon käytetty lääkeaineryhmä sydämen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa, mutta niistä ainoastaan aldosteroniantagonisteilla on tutkitusti ennustetta parantavaa vaikutusta. Kroonisen vajaatoiminnan hoidossa käytetään edelleen myös digoksiinia. Tulevaisuudessa sydämen vajaatoiminnan ennusteeseen vaikuttavia lääkeaineita voivat olla reniinin estäjät, neutraaliendopeptidaasin estäjät, vasopressiinin antagonistit tai inflammatroisiin sytokiineihin vaikuttavat molekyylit. Erikoistyön kokeellisessa osiossa tarkoituksena oli tutkia sydämen hypertrofian kehittymistä vatsa-aortta kuristetuilla rotilla ja kalsiumherkistäjä levosimendaanin sekä AT1-salpaaja valsartaanin vaikutuksia hypertrofian kehittymiseen. Kokeellisessa osiossa arvioitiin myös sydämen hypertrofian ja vajaatoiminnan jyrsijämallina käytetyn vatsa-aortan kuristuksen (koarktaation) toimivuutta ja vaikutuksia ultraäänen avulla määritettyihin kardiovaskulaarisiin parametreihin. Vatsa-aortta kuristettiin munuaisvaltimoiden yläpuolelta. Kuristus saa aikaan verenpaineen kohoamisen ja sydämen työtaakan lisääntymisen. Pitkittyessään tila johtaa sydänlihaksen hypertrofiaan ja vajaatoimintaan. 64 eläintä jaettiin ryhmiin, siten että jokaiseen ryhmään tuli kahdeksan eläintä. Ryhmistä kolmelle annettiin lääkeaineena levosimendaania kolmella eri päiväannoksella (0,01 mg/kg; 0,10 mg/kg; 1,00 mg/kg) ja kolmelle valsartaania kolmella eri päiväannoksella (0,10 mg/kg; 1,00 mg/kg; 10,00 mg/kg) juomaveden mukana. Lääkitys aloitettiin leikkauksen jälkeen ja jatkettiin kahdeksan viikon ajan. Kardiovaskulaariset parametrit, kuten isovolumetrinen relaksaatioaika (IVRT), vasemman kammion läpimitta systolessa ja diastolessa sekä seinämäpaksuudet, ejektiofraktio (EF), supistuvuusosuus (FS), minuuttitilavuus (CO) ja iskutilavuus (SV) määritettiin kahdeksan viikon kuluttua leikkauksesta ultraäänitutkimuksen avulla. Lisäksi määritettiin eläinten sydämen paino suhteessa ruumiin painoon. Tuloksia verrattiin ilman lääkehoitoa olleeseen koarktaatioryhmään. Eläinmallin toimivuutta arvioitiin vertaamalla koarktaatioryhmän tuloksia sham-operoidun ryhmän tuloksiin. Levosimendaanilla havaittiin työssä sydämen systolista toimintaa parantava vaikutus. Tämä näkyi tendenssinä parantaa ejektiofraktioita ja vasemman kammion supistuvuusosuuksia. Sydämen diastoliseen toimintaan ei kummallakaan lääkeaineella ollut merkittävää vaikutusta. Diastolista toimintaa arvioitiin isovolumetrisen relaksaatioajan muutoksilla. Sydämen hypertrofian kehittymiseen ei kummallakaan lääkeaineella ollut merkittävää vaikutusta. Eläinmallin todettiin mallintavan hyvin sydämen hypetrofiaa ihmisellä, mutta ei niinkään sydämen vajaatoimintaa.


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Stress relaxation testing is often utilised for determining whether athermal straining contributes to plastic flow; if plastic strain rate is continuous across the transition from tension to relaxation then plastic strain is fully thermally activated. This method was applied to an aged type 316 stainless steel tested in the temperature range 973–1123 K and to a high purity Al in the recrystallised annealed condition tested in the temperature range 274–417 K. The results indicated that plastic strain is thermally activated in these materials at these corresponding test temperatures. For Al, because of its high strain rate sensitivity, it was necessary to adopt a back extrapolation procedure to correct for the finite period that the crosshead requires to decelerate from the constant speed during tension to a dead stop for stress relaxation.


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In this article we present a new, general but simple, microscopic expression for time-dependent solvation energy of an ion. This expression is surprisingly similar to the expression for the time-dependent dielectric friction on a moving ion. We show that both the Chandra-Bagchi and the Fried-Mukamel formulations of solvation dynamics can be easily derived from this expression. This expression leads to an almost perfect agreement of the theory with all the available computer simulation results. Second, we show here for the first time that the mobility of a light solute ion can significantly accelerate its own solvation, specially in the underdamped limit. The latter result is also in excellent agreement with the computer simulations.


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In this paper, dynamic response of an infinitely long beam resting on a foundation of finite depth, under a moving force is studied. The effect of foundation inertia is included in the analysis by modelling the foundation as a series of closely spaced axially vibrating rods of finite depth, fixed at the bottom and connected to the beam at the top. Viscous damping in the beam and foundation is included in the analysis. Steady state response of the beam-foundation system is obtained. Detailed numerical results are presented to study the effect of various parameters such as foundation mass, velocity of the moving load, damping and axial force on the beam. It is shown that foundation inertia can considerably reduce the critical velocity and can also amplify the beam response.


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The π-electronic excitations and excited-state geometries of trans-stilbene (tS) are found by combining exact solutions of the Pariser-Parr-Pople (PPP) model and semiempirical Parametric Method 3 (PM3) calculations. Comprehensive comparisons with tS spectra are obtained and related to the fluorescence and topological alternation of poly(paraphenylenevinylene) (PPV). The one-photon absorption and triplet of tS correspond, respectively, to singlet and triplet bipolarons confined to two phenyls, while the tS2- ground state is a confined charged bipolaron. Independent estimates of the relaxation energy between vertical and adiabatic excitation show the bipolaron binding energy to depend on both charge and spin, as expected for interacting π electrons in correlated or molecular states. Complete configuration interaction within the PPP model of tS accounts for the singlet-triplet gap, for the fine-structure constants and triplet-triplet spectra, for two-photon transitions and intensities, and for one-photon spectra and the radiative lifetime, although the relative position of nearly degenerate covalent and ionic singlets is not resolved. The planar PM3 geometry and low rotational barrier of tS agree with resolved rotational and vibrational spectra in molecular beams. PM3 excitation and relaxation energies for tS bipolarons are consistent with experiment and with PPP results. Instead of the exciton model, we interpret tS excitations in terms of states that are localized on each ring or extended over an alternating chain, as found exactly in Hückel theory, and find nearly degenerate transitions between extended and localized states in the singlet, triplet, and dianion manifolds. The large topological alternation of the extended system increases the ionicity and interchanges the order of the lowest one- and two-photon absorption of PPV relative to polyenes.


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A molecular theory of underdamped dielectric relaxation of a dense dipolar liquid is presented. This theory properly takes into account the collective effects that are present (due to strong intermolecular correlations) in a dipolar liquid. For small rigid molecules, the theory again leads to a three-variable description which, however, is somewhat different from the traditional version. In particular, two of the three parameters are collective in nature and are determined by the orientational pair correlation function. A detailed comparison between the theory and the computer simulation results of Neria and Nitzan is performed and an excellent agreement is obtained without the use of any adjustable or free parameter - the calculation is fully microscopic. The theory can also provide a systematic description of the Poley absorption often observed in dipolar liquids in the high-frequency regime.


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Psychoanalytic interpretation is normally understood as a sequence of two utterances: the analyst gives an interpretation and the patient responds to it. This paper suggests that, in the interpretative sequence, there is also a third utterance where psychoanalytic work takes place. This third interpretative turn involves the analyst’s action after the patient’s response to the interpretation. Using conversation analysis as method in the examination of audio-recorded psychoanalytic sessions, the paper will explicate the psychoanalytic work that gets done in third interpretative turns. Through it, the analyst takes a stance towards the patient’s understandings of the interpretation, which are shown in the patient’s response to the interpretation. The third interpretative turns on one hand ratify and accept the patient’s understandings, but, in addition to that, they also introduce a shift of perspective relative to them. In most cases, the shift of perspective is implicit but sometimes it is made explicit. The shifts of perspective bring to the foreground aspects or implications of the interpretation that were not incorporated in the patient’s response. They recast the description of the patient’s experience by showing new layers or more emotional intensity in it. The results are discussed in the light of Faimberg’s concept of listening to listening and Schlesinger’s concept of follow-up interpretation.


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Mutation and/or dysfunction of signaling proteins in the mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction pathway are frequently observed in various kinds of human cancer. Consistent with this fact, in the present study, we experimentally observe that the epidermal growth factor (EGF) induced activation profile of MAP kinase signaling is not straightforward dose-dependent in the PC3 prostate cancer cells. To find out what parameters and reactions in the pathway are involved in this departure from the normal dose-dependency, a model-based pathway analysis is performed. The pathway is mathematically modeled with 28 rate equations yielding those many ordinary differential equations (ODE) with kinetic rate constants that have been reported to take random values in the existing literature. This has led to us treating the ODE model of the pathways kinetics as a random differential equations (RDE) system in which the parameters are random variables. We show that our RDE model captures the uncertainty in the kinetic rate constants as seen in the behavior of the experimental data and more importantly, upon simulation, exhibits the abnormal EGF dose-dependency of the activation profile of MAP kinase signaling in PC3 prostate cancer cells. The most likely set of values of the kinetic rate constants obtained from fitting the RDE model into the experimental data is then used in a direct transcription based dynamic optimization method for computing the changes needed in these kinetic rate constant values for the restoration of the normal EGF dose response. The last computation identifies the parameters, i.e., the kinetic rate constants in the RDE model, that are the most sensitive to the change in the EGF dose response behavior in the PC3 prostate cancer cells. The reactions in which these most sensitive parameters participate emerge as candidate drug targets on the signaling pathway. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Recycling plastic waste from water bottles has become one of the major challenges worldwide. The present study provides an approach for the use plastic waste as reinforcement material in soil. The experimental results in the form of stress-strain-pore water pressure response are presented. Based on experimental test results, it is observed that the strength of soil is improved and compressibility reduced significantly with addition of a small percentage of plastic waste to the soil. The use of the improvement in strength and compressibility response due to inclusion of plastic waste can be advantageously used in bearing capacity improvement and settlement reduction in the design of shallow foundations. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The frequency and temperature dependence of the dielectric constant and the electrical conductivity of the transparent glasses in the composition 0.5Cs(2)O-0.5Li(2)O-3B(2)O(3) (CLBO) were investigated in the 100 Hz - 10 MHz frequency range. The dielectric constant for the as-quenched glass increased with increasing temperature, exhibiting anomalies in the vicinity of the glass transition and crystallization temperatures. The temperature coefficient of dielectric constant was estimated (35 +/- 2 ppm. K-1) using Havinga's formula. The dielectric loss at 313 K is 0.005 +/- 0.0005 at all the frequencies understudy. The activation energy associated with the electrical relaxation determined from the electric modulus spectra was found to be 1.73 +/- 0.05 eV, close to that of the activation energy obtained for DC conductivity (1.6 +/- 0.06 eV). The frequency dependent electrical conductivity was analyzed using Jonscher's power law. The combination of these dielectric characteristics suggests that these are good candidates for electrical energy storage device applications.


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Influence of succinonitrile (SN) dynamics on ion transport in SN-lithium perchlorate (LiClO4) electrolytes is discussed here via dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. Dielectric relaxation spectroscopy (similar to 2 x 10(-3) Hz to 3 MHz) of SN and SN-LiClO4 was studied as a function of salt content (up to 7 mol % or 1 M) and temperature (-20 to +60 degrees C). Analyses of real and imaginary parts of permittivity convincingly reveal the influence Of trans gauche isomerism and solvent-salt association (solvation) effects on ion transport. The relaxation processes are highly dependent on the salt concentration and temperature. While pristine SN display only intrinsic dynamics (i.e., trans-gauche isomerism) which enhances with an increase in temperature, SN-LiClO4 electrolytes especially at high salt concentrations (similar to 0.04-1 M) show salt-induced relaxation processes. In the concentrated electrolytes, the intrinsic dynamics was observed to be a function of salt content, becoming faster with an increase in salt concentration. Deconvolution of the imaginary part of the permittivity spectra using Havriliak-Negami (HN) function show a relaxation process corresponding to the above phenomena. The permittivity data analyzed using HN and Kohlrausch-Williams-Watta (KWW) functions show non-Debye relaxation processes and enhancement in the trans phase (enhanced solvent dynamics) as a function of salt concentration and temperature.


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Extensive molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out to calculate the orientational correlation functions Cl(t), G(t) = [4n/(21 + l)]Ci=-l (Y*lm(sZ(0)) Ylm(Q(t))) (where Y,,(Q) are the spherical harmonics) of point dipoles in a cubic lattice. The decay of Cl(t) is found to be strikingly different from higher l-correlation functions-the latter do not exhibit diffusive dynamics even in the long time. Both the cumulant expansion expression of Lynden-Bell and the conventional memory function equation provide very good description of the Cl(t) in the short time but fail to reproduce the observed slow, long time decay of c1 (t) .


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A new method is described for measuring intracellular free calcium concentrations, [(Ca2+)(i)], in the cells of Dictyostelium discoideum transformed with apoaequorin cDNA of the jellyfish, Aequorea victoria. Aequorin, a calcium-specific indicator, was regenerated in vivo from apoaequorin produced in the cells by incubation with coelenterazine. The results showed that [(Ca2+)(i)] in developing cells markedly increases at the aggregation stage and again at the culmination stage after a temporary drop at the migration stage. Except for the vegetative stage, the cells al all stages of development exhibit a sharp transient increase in [(Ca2+)(i)] upon stimulation with a cAMP (50 nM) pulse, high responses being observed at the migration and culmination stages. Separated prestalk cells of migrating slugs contain more than twice as much [(Ca2+)(i)] and show three times as large a response to cAMP stimulation as prespore cells.