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Both cracked and crack-free GaN/Al0.55Ga0.45N multiple quantum wells (MQWs) grown on GaN template by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition have been studied by triple-axis X-ray diffraction, grazing-incidence X-ray reflectivity, atomic force microscope, photoluminescence spectroscopy and low-energy positron annihilation spectroscopy. The experimental results show that cracks generation not only deteriorates the surface morphology, but also leads to a period dispersion and roughens the interfaces of MQWs. The mean density of dislocations in MQWs, determined from the average full-width at half-maximum of to-scan of each satellite peak, has been significantly enhanced by the cracks generation. Furthermore, the measurement of annihilation-line Doppler broadening reveals a higher concentration of negatively charged vacancies in the cracked MQWs. The combination of these vacancies and the high density of edge dislocations are assumed to contribute to the highly enhanced yellow luminescence in the cracked sample. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The control of shape and spatial correlation of InAs-InAlAs-InP(001) nanostructure superlattices has been realized by changing the As overpressure during the molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of InAs layers. InAs quantum wires (QWRs) are obtained under higher As overpressure (1x10(-5) Torr), while elongated InAs quantum dots (QDs) are formed under lower As overpressure (5x10(-6) or 2.5x10(-6) Torr). Correspondingly, spatial correlation changes from vertical anti-correlation in QWR superlattices to vertical correlation in QD superlattices, which is well explained by the different alloy phase separation in InAlAs spacer layers triggered by the InAs nanostrcutures. It was observed that the alloy phase separation in QD superlattices could extend a long distance along the growth direction, indicating the vertical correlation of QD superlattices can be kept in a wide range of spacer layer thickness.


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Quantum point contact (QPC), one of the typical mesoscopic transport devices, has been suggested to be an efficient detector for quantum measurement. In the context of two-state charge qubit, our previous studies showed that the QPC's measurement back-action cannot be described by the conventional Lindblad quantum master equation. In this work, we study the measurement problem of a multistate system, say, an electron in disordered potential, subject to the quantum measurement of the mesoscopic detector QPC. The effect of measurement back-action and the detector's readout current are analyzed, where particular attention is focused on some new features and the underlying physics associated with the measurement-induced delocalization versus the measurement voltages.


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The origin of spurious solutions in the eight-band envelope function model is examined and it is shown that spurious solutions arise from the additional spurious degeneracies caused by the unphysical bowing of the conduction bands calculated within the eight-band k center dot p model. We propose two approaches to eliminate these spurious solutions. Using the first approach, the wave vector cutoff method, we demonstrate the origin and elimination of spurious solutions in a transparent way without modifying the original Hamiltonian. Through the second approach, we introduce some freedom in modifying the Hamiltonian. The comparison between the results from the various modified Hamiltonians suggests that the wave vector cutoff method can give accurate enough description to the final results.


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The structural and optical properties of GaAsSb/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) and strain-compensated GaAsP/GaAs/GaAsSb/GaAs/GaAsP QWs grown on a GaAs substrate by molecular beam epitaxy are investigated using high-resolution x-ray diffraction and photoluminescence (PL) measurements. We demonstrated that the insertion of tensile GaAsP layers into the active region of GaAsSb/GaAs QWs effectively improves the structural and optical quality. Even the Sb composition is as high as 0.39. The PL spectra at 11 K and room temperature indicate that the PL peak of strain-compensated QWs has a narrower linewidth and higher intensity in comparison to the sample without strain compensation. The results of PL peak blueshift with increasing excitation show the strain-compensated GaAsSb/GaAs interface characteristic of type-I band alignment. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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In the framework of the effective-mass and adiabatic approximations, by setting the effective-mass of electron in the quantum disks (QDs) different from that in the potential barrier material, we make some improvements in the calculation of the electronic energy levels of vertically stacked self-assembled InAs QD. Comparing with the results when an empirical value was adopted as the effective-mass of electron of the system, we can see that the higher levels become heightened. Furthermore, the Stark shifts of the system of different methods are compared. The Stark shifts of holes are also studied. The vertical electric field changes the splitting between the symmetric level and the antisymmetric one for the same angular momentum. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The laterally confining potential of quantum dots (QDs) fabricated in semiconductor heterostructures is approximated by an elliptical two-dimensional harmonic-oscillator well or a bowl-like circular well. The energy spectrum of two interacting electrons in these potentials is calculated in the effective-mass approximation as a function of dot size and characteristic frequency of the confining potential by the exact diagonalization method. Energy level crossover is displayed according to the ratio of the characteristic frequencies of the elliptical confinement potential along the y axis and that along the x axis. Investigating the rovibrational spectrum with pair-correlation function and conditional probability distribution, we could see the violation of circular symmetry. However, there are still some symmetries left in the elliptical QDs. When the QDs are confined by a "bowl-like" potential, the removal of the degeneracy in the energy levels of QDs is found. The distribution of energy levels is different for the different heights of the barriers. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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We have investigated the effect of different cap layers on the photoluminescence (PL) of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs). Based upon different cap layers, the wavelength of InAs QDs can be tuned to the range from 1.3 to 1.5 mum. An InAlAs and InGaAs combination layer can enlarge the energy separation between the ground and first excited radiative transition. GaAs/InAs short period superlattices (SLs) make the emission wavelength shift to 1.53 mum. The PL intensity of InAs QDs capped with GaAs/InAs SLs shows an anomalous increase with increasing temperature. We attribute this to the transfer of carriers between different QDs.


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Passivation and low temperature method was carried out to grow InGaN/GaN quantum dots (QDs). Atomic force microscope observations were performed to investigate the evolution of the surface morphology of the InGaN QDs superlattices with increasing the superlattices layer number. The result shows that the size of the QDs increases with increasing superlattices layer number. The QDs height and diameter increase from 18 and 50 run for the monolayer InGaN QDs to 37 and 80 urn for the four-stacked InGaN QDs layers, respectively. This result is considered to be due to the stress field from the sub-layer dots. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The structure and optical properties of In(Ga)As grown with the introduction of InGaAlAs or InAlAs seed dots layers are investigated. The area density and size homogeneity of the upper InGaAs dots are efficiently improved with the introduction of a layer of high-density buried dots. When the GaAs spacer layer is too thin to cover the seed dots, the upper dots exhibit the characterization of a quantum well. By analyzing the growth dynamics, we refer to it as an empty-core structure dot. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The in-plane optical anisotropies of a series of GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs single-quantum-well structures have been observed at room temperature by reflectance difference spectroscopy. The measured degree of polarization of the excitonic transitions is inversely proportional to the well width. Numerical calculations based on the envelope function approximation incorporating the effect of C-2v-interface symmetry have been performed to analyze the origin of the optical anisotropy. Good agreement with the experimental data is obtained when the optical anisotropy is attributed to anisotropic-interface structures. The fitted interface potential parameters are consistent with predicted values.


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The electronic structure of diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) superlattices under an in-plane magnetic field is studied within the framework of the effective-mass theory; the strain effect is also included in the calculation. The numerical results show that an increase of the in-plane magnetic field renders the DMS superlattice from the direct band-gap system to the indirect band-gap system, and spatially separates the electron and the hole by changing the type-I band alignment to a type-II band alignment. The optical transition probability changes from type I to type II and back to type I like at large magnetic field. This phenomenon arises from the interplay among the superlattice potential profile, the external magnetic field, and the sp-d exchange interaction between the carriers and the magnetic ions. The shear strain induces a strong coupling of the light- and heavy-hole states and a transition of the hole ground states from "light"-hole to "heavy"-hole-like states.


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Longitudinal spin transport in diluted magnetic semiconductor superlattices is investigated theoretically. The longitudinal magnetoconductivity (MC) in such systems exhibits an oscillating behavior as function of an external magnetic field. In the weak magnetic-field region the giant Zeeman splitting plays a dominant role that leads to a large negative magnetoconductivity. In the strong magnetic-field region the MC exhibits deep dips with increasing magnetic field. The oscillating behavior is attributed to the interplay between the discrete Landau levels and the Fermi surface. The decrease of the MC at low magnetic field is caused by the s-d exchange interaction between the electron in the conduction band and the magnetic ions. The spin polarization increases rapidly with increasing magnetic field and the longitudinal current becomes spin polarized in strong magnetic field. The effect of spin-disorder scattering on MC is estimated numerically for low magnetic fields and found to be neglectible for our system.


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A new method to form nanoscale InGaN quantum dots using MOCVD is reported, This method is much different from a method. which uses surfactant or the Stranski-Krastannow growth mode. The dots were formed by increasing the energy barrier for adatoms, which are hopping by surface passivation, and by decreasing the growth temperature. Thus, the new method can be called as a passivation-low-temperature method. Regular high-temperature GaN films were grown first and were passivated. A low-temperature thin layer of GaN dot was then deposited on the surface that acted as the adjusting layer. At last the high-density InGaN dots could be fabricated on the adjusting layer. Atomic force microscopy measurement revealed that InGaN dots were small enough to expect zero-dimensional quantum effects: The islands were typically 80 nm wide and 5 nm high. Their density was about 6 x 10(10) cm(-2). Strong photoluminescence emission from the dots is observed at room temperature, which is much stronger than that of the homogeneous InGaN film with the same growth time. Furthermore, the PL emission of the GaN adjusting layer shows 21 meV blueshift compared with the band edge emission of the GaN due to quantum confine effect. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements, we have studied the exciton localization effect in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wire (QWR) structures formed in corrugated narrow InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells (QWs) grown on (553)B GaAs substrate. The PL decay time in the QWR structure was found to be independent of the temperature for T < 70 K, showing a typical dynamical behavior of the localized excitons. This result is in striking contrast to the corresponding quantum well structures, where a linear increase of the PL decay time was observed. In addition, an increase of the exciton lifetime was observed at low temperature for the QWR structure as compared to a reference InGaAs/GaAs quantum well sample (1200 vs 400 ps). The observed longer decay time was attributed to the reduction in the spatial coherence of excitons in the QWR-like structure. In PL measurements, a significant polarization anisotropy was also found in our narrow InGaAs/GaAs QWs grown on (553)B GaAs. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.