951 resultados para Property (Roman law)
El nuevo escenario internacional produce lo que se ha dado en caracterizar como la globalización del derecho, especialmente en el ámbito de los derechos humanos. En este contexto se analiza la incidencia del Sistema Interamericano de protección de los Derechos Humanos con especial énfasis en el derecho de la información, desde la optica del derecho interno. Nos preguntamos acerca de cómo se presenta la tensión entre la lógica estatal con su rasgo de afirmación en la soberanía y monopolio en la creación de la jurisdicción doméstica, con la doctrina del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos, que consecuentemente conduce hacia una globalización jurídica de estos temas. Esto refleja un debilitamiento en el monopolio de creación y aplicación del derecho por parte de los Estados. A partir de este dato del escenario internacional buscamos determinar la incidencia de los informes de la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y los pronunciamientos de la Corte Interamericana en materia de derecho de la información y su influencia en la jurisprudencia y creación de legislación en nuestro país. The new internacional scenario produces wtah has come to be characterized as the globalization of law, especially in the field of the human rights. In this context we analyze the impact of the Inter-American system of human Rights, whit particular emphasis on media law in domestic law
It is common to find in experimental data persistent oscillations in the aggregate outcomes and high levels of heterogeneity in individual behavior. Furthermore, it is not unusual to find significant deviations from aggregate Nash equilibrium predictions. In this paper, we employ an evolutionary model with boundedly rational agents to explain these findings. We use data from common property resource experiments (Casari and Plott, 2003). Instead of positing individual-specific utility functions, we model decision makers as selfish and identical. Agent interaction is simulated using an individual learning genetic algorithm, where agents have constraints in their working memory, a limited ability to maximize, and experiment with new strategies. We show that the model replicates most of the patterns that can be found in common property resource experiments.
There is a relation between the generalized Property R Conjecture and the Schoenflies Conjecture that suggests a new line of attack on the latter. The new approach gives a quick proof of the genus 2 Schoenflies Conjecture and suffices to prove the genus 3 case, even in the absence of new progress on the generalized Property R Conjecture.
The purpose of this short note is to prove that a stable separable C*-algebra with real rank zero has the so-called corona factorization property, that is, all the full multiplier projections are properly in finite. Enroute to our result, we consider conditions under which a real rank zero C*-algebra admits an injection of the compact operators (a question already considered in [21]).
We give a series of interesting subgroups of finite index in Aut(Fn). One of them has index 42 in Aut(F3) and infinite abelianization. This implies that Aut(F3) does not have Kazhdan’s property (T) (see [3] and [6] for another proofs). We proved also that every subgroup of finite index in Aut(Fn), n &= 3, which contains the subgroup of IA-automorphisms, has a finite abelianization.
Partant de la réception internationale du film Le Roman d'un tricheur de Sacha Guitry dans laquelle la voix du cinéaste est fréquemment rapprochée de celle du "bonimenteur" de l'époque muette, cette étude examine les particularités de ce film en termes de positionnement du narrateur over par rapport aux images et par rapport au spectateur. Une filiation est posée entre ce film et Providence de Resnais au niveau des manifestations de l'oralité: là aussi, le narrateur occupe la place d'instigateur du monde filmique et de spectateur des images qu'il commente.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la Società Italiana di Musicologia entre abril i maig del 2006. S’ha estudiat la influència de la música italiana durant les primeres dècades del segle XVIII, en les composicions en llengua romanç d’aquesta època conservades a l’arxiu musical de la catedral de Tortosa -Tarragona -. Sha a consultat de bibliografia específica així com la consulta directa de fonts italianes de l’època i l’estudi de les seves característiques (tipus d’escriptura, compasos més freqüents, estructura formal, veus/instruments utilitzats, ...). La consulta s’ha fet a diferents arxius i biblioteques romanes (arxiu històric i biblioteca de la Accademia Nazionale di S. Cecilia, biblioteca del Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra, arxiu de la Chiesa del Gesú, arxiu de la Chiesa Nazionale Spagnola, biblioteca del Conservatorio di musica Santa Cecilia i Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Vittorio Emanuele II), així com de la Biblioteca Apostolica i el Archivio Segreto del Vaticano. La recerca ha confirmat que, durant les primeres dècades del segle XVIII, hi ha una influència considerable de la música italiana “de moda” en les composicions de la catedral de Tortosa escrites en llengua vernacla i, després d’un estudi comparatiu i de l’anàlisi d’una mostra de les obres italianes i de la Seu, s’ha arribat a la conclusió de que, si bé hi ha elements italians en les composicions tortosines, no es perd en elles el llenguatge hispànic de la tradició, si no que més bé hi ha una convivència de tots dos, fins i tot en una mateixa obra.
In January 2008, China imposed a new labour contract law. This new law is the most significant reform to the law of employment relations in mainland China in more than a decade. The paper provides a theoretical framework on the inter-linkages between labour market regulation, option value and the choice and timing of employment. All in all, the paper demonstrates that the Labour Contract Law in it´s own right will have only small impacts upon employment in the fast-growing Chinese economy. On the contrary, induced increasing unit labour costs represent the real issue and may reduce employment.
This paper shows that introducing weak property rights in the standard real business cycle (RBC) model can help to explain economic fluctuations. This is motivated by the empirical observation that changes in institutions in emerging markets are related to the evolution of the main macroeconomic variables. In particular, in Mexico, the movements in productivity in the data are associated with changes in institutions, so that we can explain productivity shocks to a large extent as shocks to the quality of institutions. We find that the model with shocks to the degree of protection of property rights only - without technology shocks - can match the second moments in the data for Mexico well. In particular, the fit is better than that of the standard neoclassical model with full protection of property rights regarding the auto-correlations and cross-correlations in the data, especially those related to labor. Viewing productivity shocks as shocks to institutions is also consistent with the stylized fact of falling productivity and non-decreasing labor hours in Mexico over 1980-1994, which is a feature that the neoclassical model cannot match.
This paper operates at the interface of the literature on the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI) on host countries, and the literature on the determinants of institutional quality. We argue that FDI contributes to economic development by improving institutional quality in the host country and we attempt to test this proposition using a large panel data set of 70 developing countries during the period 1981 and 2005, and we show that FDI inflows have a positive and highly significant impact on property rights. The result appears to be very robust and is and not affected by model specification, different control variables, or a particular estimation technique. As far as we are aware this is the first paper to empirically test the FDI – property rights linkage.
This paper has three contributions. First, it shows how field work within small firms in PR Chinese has provided new evidence which enables us to measure and calibrate Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), as ‘spirit’, and Intangible Assets (IA), as ‘material’, for use in models of small firm growth. Second, it uses inter-item correlation analysis and both exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to provide new measures of EO and IA, in index and in vector form, for use in econometric models of firm growth. Third, it estimates two new econometric models of small firm employment growth in PR China, under the null hypothesis of Gibrat’s Law, using our two new index-based and vector-based measures of EO and IA. Estimation is by OLS with adjustment for heteroscedasticity, and for sample selectivity. Broadly, it finds that EO attributes have had little significant impact on small firm growth, and indeed innovativeness and pro-activity paradoxically may even dampen growth. However, IA attributes have had a positive and significant impact on growth, with networking, and technological knowledge being of prime importance, and intellectual property and human capital being of lesser but still significant importance. In the light of these results, Gibrat’s Law is generalized, and Jovanovic’s learning theory is extended, to emphasise the importance of IA to growth. These findings cast new empirical light on the oft-quoted national slogan in PR China of “spirit and material”. So far as small firms are concerned, this paper suggests that their contribution to PR China’s remarkable economic growth is not so much attributable to the ‘spirit’ of enterprise (as suggested by propaganda) as, more prosaically, to the pursuit of the ‘material’.
In this paper, we provide an explanation of why privatization may attract foreign investors willing to enter a regional market. Privatization turns the formerly-public firm into a less aggressive competitor since profit-maximizing output is lower than the welfaremaximizing one. The drawback is that social welfare generally decreases. We also investigate tax/subsidy competition for FDI and put forward its potentially positive role. On the one hand, it may reduce the negative impact on welfare of an FDI-attracting privatization. On the other hand, it may prevent a welfare-reducing investment by the foreign firm. This sheds light on the substitute/complementary relationship between the two policies and the two objectives of governments.
Institutions, and more speci cally private property rights, have come to be seen as a major determinant of long-run economic development. We evaluate the case for property rights as an explanatory factor of the Industrial Revolution and derive some lessons for the analysis of developing countries today. We pay particular attention to the role of property rights in the accumulation of physical capital and the production of new ideas. The evidence that we review from the economic history literature does not support the institutional thesis.