922 resultados para Prediction Models for Air Pollution
The pollen grains of Ambrosia spp. are considered to be important aeroallergens in parts of southern and central Europe. Back-trajectories have been analysed with the aim of finding the likely sources of Ambrosia pollen grains that arrived at Poznań (Poland). Temporal variations in Ambrosia pollen at Poznań from 1995–2005 were examined in order to identify Ambrosia pollen episodes suitable for further investigation using back-trajectory analysis. The trajectories were calculated using the transport model within the Lagrangian air pollution model, ACDEP (Atmospheric Chemistry and Deposition). Analysis identified two separate populations in Ambrosia pollen episodes, those that peaked in the early morning between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m., and those that peaked in the afternoon between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.. Six Ambrosia pollen episodes between 2001 and 2005 were examined using backtrajectory analysis. The results showed that Ambrosia pollen episodes that peaked in the early morning usually arrived at Poznań from a southerly direction after passing over southern Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, whereas air masses that brought Ambrosia pollen to Poznań during the afternoon arrived from a more easterly direction and predominantly stayed within the borders of Poland. Back-trajectory analysis has shown that there is a possibility that long-range transport brings Ambrosia pollen to Poznań from southern Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. There is also a likelihood that Ambrosia is present in Poland, as shown by the arrival of pollen during the afternoon that originated primarily from within the country.
The occurrence of symptoms in pollen allergy patients in urban areas may be affected by local environmental factors such as sources of pollution, natural and ornamental vegetation, local architecture impeding dispersion, etc. The aim of this study was to analyse the frequency of sensitization in pollen allergy patients and the relationship with antihistamine sales. For this study, a large number of clinical records, together with pharmaceutical and pollen data, were collected between 1999 and 2001 in the city of Córdoba, in the south of the Iberian Peninsula. Differences were observed in the symptoms suffered by pollen allergy patients in different areas of the city due to varying local emission of both biological and non-biological particles. Temporal distribution of symptoms over the three study years was influenced by meteorological factors, especially rainfall patterns; higher water supply to plants was associated with increased airborne pollen concentrations. Air pollution might be one of the main factors affecting the distribution of pollen allergy patients within the city. Recent years have seen a worsening of symptoms and increased sensitization to urban species such as plane-trees.
Here we review some of the most important aspects of recent work on Ragweed (Ambrosia) and birch (Betula) concerning: 1) sources, 2) trends & phenology and 3) dispersion and transformation. Sources: At Northern latitudes the birch fraction in forests usually exceeds 50% of all broadleaved trees and the abundance of birch decreases with latitude from 5%-20% in many mid-latitude regions and down to 0%-2% in more southern areas. Birches are also commonly found in small woodlands or planted as ornamental trees in urban areas. Ragweeds are herbaceous weed species that are associated with areas of disturbance. Ragweed is native to North America, but considered an invasive species in Europe, Australia and China. In Europe, the four main centres are: The Pannonian Plain, Ukraine, The Po Valley (Italy) and the Rhone Valley (France). Trends & Phenology: Birch pollen seasons have started earlier during the last decades. This trend appears have decreased during recent years despite increasing spring temperatures. Ragweed tends to experience less change in flowering date as ragweed flowering depends on photoperiod. Ragweed is increasing its distribution in Europe, but airborne concentrations of ragweed pollen are not universally increasing, e.g. due to control measures or pest attacks. Dispersion & transformation: The beginning of the birch pollen season is often heralded by episodes of Long Distance Transport (LDT) from the south. Similar LDT episodes are intermittently seen for ragweed, which can reach as far north as Scandinavia. Humidity and air pollution can modify pollen grains during atmospheric transport. This can cause a change in allergenic potential of the pollen grain and is a direction for future research including the effect of co-exposure of air pollution and the transformation of aeroallergens.
London has traditionally exported most of its waste to former mineral workings in surrounding counties for landfill. Many of these sites are being filled and opportunities for new sites are limited. Virtually all waste reprocessing and recycling facilities, with the exception of textile sorting and some facilities for glass and organic waste composting, are outside London. The Mayor of London's Vision for Waste in London is that by 2020, municipal waste should not compromise London’s future as a sustainable city. This will involve managing waste better, so that its impact on the local and global environment and on London communities, economy and health is minimised. The majority of waste and recyclable materials in London are currently collected and transported for recovery, disposal or reprocessing by road in large vehicles. Environmental costs include, adding to congestion, noise, energy usage, air pollution, and accidents. The Mayor is keen to increase recycling and reuse of waste materials in London, and to ensure that as more of London's waste is diverted away from landfill sites to recycling facilities. Several projects and initiatives have been established and these are reviewed in the paper.
The paper reviews the study and use of urban consolidation centres (UCCs) which are a freight transport initiative intended to reduce goods vehicle traffic, vehicle-related greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution. An international literature review has identified 114 UCC schemes in 17 countries (12 in the European Union (EU) and 5 outside the EU) that have been the subject of either a feasibility study, trial or a fully operational scheme in the last 40 years. The period from 2006 to 2010 has been the most active 5-year period in terms of UCC study, trial and scheme generation since the first UCC study was carried out in the early 1970s. Five countries account for the majority of all the 114 UCC schemes identified: France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and the UK. The vast majority of UCCs serve either all or part of an urban area. Examples of UCCs serving a single property (such as an airport or shopping centre) and construction sites have also been identified. Key organizational, operational, and financial issues that are critical to the success of UCCs are discussed. The traffic and environmental impacts of UCC trials and fully operational schemes are also reviewed.
Low noise surfaces have been increasingly considered as a viable and cost-effective alternative to acoustical barriers. However, road planners and administrators frequently lack information on the correlation between the type of road surface and the resulting noise emission profile. To address this problem, a method to identify and classify different types of road pavements was developed, whereby near field road noise is analyzed using statistical learning methods. The vehicle rolling sound signal near the tires and close to the road surface was acquired by two microphones in a special arrangement which implements the Close-Proximity method. A set of features, characterizing the properties of the road pavement, was extracted from the corresponding sound profiles. A feature selection method was used to automatically select those that are most relevant in predicting the type of pavement, while reducing the computational cost. A set of different types of road pavement segments were tested and the performance of the classifier was evaluated. Results of pavement classification performed during a road journey are presented on a map, together with geographical data. This procedure leads to a considerable improvement in the quality of road pavement noise data, thereby increasing the accuracy of road traffic noise prediction models.
According to numerous studies, airborne nanoparticles have a potential to produce serious adverse human health effects when deposited into the respiratory tract. The most important parts of the lung are the alveolar regions with their enormous surface areas and potential to transfer nanoparticles into the blood stream. These effects may be potentiated in case of the elderly, since this population is more susceptible to air pollutants in general and more to nanoparticles than larger particles. The main goal of this investigation was to determine the exposure of institutionalized elders to nanoparticles using Nanoparticle Surface Area Monitor (NSAM) equipment to calculate the deposited surface area (DSA) of nanoparticles into elderly lungs. In total, 193 institutionalized individuals over 65 yr of age were examined in four elderly care centers (ECC). The occupancy daily pattern was achieved by applying a questionnaire, and it was concluded that these subjects spent most of their time indoors, including the bedroom and living room, the indoor microenvironments with higher prevalence of elderly occupancy. The deposited surface area ranged from 10 to 46 mu m(2)/cm(3). The living rooms presented significantly higher levels compared with bedrooms. Comparing PM10 concentrations with nanoparticles deposited surface area in elderly lungs, it is conceivable that living rooms presented the highest concentration of PM10 and were similar to the highest average DSA. The temporal distribution of DSA was also assessed. While data showed a quantitative fluctuation in values in bedrooms, high peaks were detected in living rooms.
A prática de exercício físico é considerado condição essencial para a manutenção de uma boa saúde. A faixa etária de frequentadores de ginásios inclui utentes desde os 8 aos 80 anos, incluindo assim os grupos mais sensíveis à poluição do ar interior. Embora exista legislação específica para ginásios, nomeadamente para as condições de implementação, a mesma é reduzida e não contempla a qualidade do ar interior (QAI). O objetivo geral deste estudo consistiu na avaliação da QAI de quatro ginásios existentes na área metropolitana do Porto. O período de amostragem realizou-se entre 2 de Maio e 20 de Junho 2014 e, após a caracterização dos ginásios, foram monitorizados os seguintes parâmetros: partículas ultrafinas (< 100 nm), matéria particulada suspensa no ar de frações PM1, PM2,5, PM4 e PM10, dióxido de carbono, monóxido de carbono, ozono, compostos orgânicos voláteis, formaldeído, temperatura ambiente e humidade relativa durante 24 h/dia em salas com diferentes actividades (sala de musculação e cardiofitness e sala de aulas de grupo). Os resultados da avaliação dos parâmetros físicos e químicos foram comparados com os limiares de proteção e margem de tolerância do Decreto-Lei nº 118/2013 de 20 de Agosto, a Portaria nº 353-A/2013 de 4 de Dezembro e o Diploma que regula a construção, instalação e funcionamento dos ginásios. Os poluentes com maiores níveis de excedência são o dióxido de carbono, compostos orgânicos voláteis e as partículas PM2,5. As excedências devem-se essencialmente à sobrelotação das salas, excesso de atividade física e ventilação insuficiente. A localização da instalação dos ginásios é também um fator de extrema importância, sendo recomendado que este se situe em local pouco influenciado pelo tráfego automóvel, assim como, afastado de locais de possível interferência devido às atividades presentes, como é o caso da restauração existente em centros comerciais.
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientada por: Professora Doutora Patrícia Alexandra Gregório Ramos
Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientado pela professora Doutora Maria Teresa Ribeiro Pereira Esta dissertação não inclui as críticas e sugestões feitas pelo Júri.
Nos últimos anos tem-se assistido à introdução de novos dispositivos de medição da poluição do ar baseados na utilização de sensores de baixo custo. A utilização menos complexa destes sistemas, possibilita a obtenção de dados com elevada resolução temporal e espacial, abrindo novas oportunidades para diferentes metodologias de estudos de monitorização da poluição do ar. Apesar de apresentarem capacidades analíticas distantes dos métodos de referência, a utilização destes sensores tem sido sugerida e incentivada pela União Europeia no âmbito das medições indicativas previstas na Diretiva 2008/50/CE, com uma incerteza expandida máxima de 25%. O trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito da disciplina de Projeto consistiu na escolha, caracterização e utilização em medições reais de um sensor de qualidade do ar, integrado num equipamento protótipo desenvolvido com esse fim, visando obtenção uma estimativa da incerteza de medição associada à utilização deste dispositivo através da aplicação da metodologia de demonstração de equivalência de métodos de medição de qualidade do ar definida pela União Europeia. A pesquisa bibliográfica realizada permitiu constatar que o monóxido de carbono é neste momento o parâmetro de qualidade do ar que permite ser medido de forma mais exata através da utilização de sensores, nomeadamente o sensor eletroquímico da marca Alphasense, modelo COB4, amplamente utilizado em projetos de desenvolvimento neste cotexto de monitorização ambiental. O sensor foi integrado num sistema de medição com o objetivo de poder ser utlizado em condições de autonomia de fornecimento de energia elétrica, aquisição interna dos dados, tendo em consideração ser o mais pequeno possível e de baixo custo. Foi utlizado um sistema baseado na placa Arduino Uno com gravação de dados em cartão de memória SD, baterias e painel solar, permitindo para além do registo das tensões elétricas do sensor, a obtenção dos valores de temperatura, humidade relativa e pressão atmosférica, com um custo global a rondar os 300 euros. Numa primeira fase foram executados um conjunto de testes laboratoriais que permitiram a determinação de várias características de desempenho em dois sensores iguais: tempo de resposta, a equação modelo do sensor, avaliação da repetibilidade, desvio de curto e longo termo, interferência da temperatura e histerese. Os resultados demonstraram um comportamento dos sensores muito linear, com um tempo de resposta inferior a um minuto e com uma equação modelo do sensor dependente da variação da temperatura. A estimativa da incerteza expandida laboratorial ficou, para ambos os sensores, abaixo dos 10%. Após a realização de duas campanhas reais de medição de CO em que os valores foram muito baixos, foi realizada uma campanha de quinze dias num parque de estacionamento subterrâneo que permitiu a obtenção de concentrações suficientemente elevadas e a comparação dos resultados dos sensores com o método de referência em toda a gama de medição (0 a 12 mol.mol-1). Os valores de concentração obtidos pelos dois sensores demonstraram uma excelente correlação com o método de referência (r2≥0,998), obtendo-se resultados para a estimativa da incerteza expandida de campo inferiores aos obtidos para a incerteza laboratorial, cumprindo o objetivo de qualidade de dados definido para as medições indicativas de incerteza expandida máxima de 25%. Os resultados observados durante o trabalho realizado permitiram confirmar o bom desempenho que este tipo de sensor pode ter no âmbito de medições de poluição do ar com um caracter mais indicativo.
O uso de ligações adesivas aumentou significativamente nos últimos anos e é hoje em dia uma técnica de ligação dominante na indústria aeronáutica e automóvel. As ligações adesivas visam substituir os métodos tradicionais de fixação mecânicos na união de estruturas. A melhoria ao longo dos anos de vários modelos de previsão de dano, nomeadamente através do Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF), tem ajudado ao desenvolvimento desta técnica de ligação. Os Modelos de Dano coesivo (MDC), usados em conjunto com MEF, são uma ferramenta viável para a previsão de resistência de juntas adesivas. Os MDC combinam critérios da resistência dos materiais para a iniciação do dano e conceitos da mecânica da fratura para a propagação da fenda. Existem diversas formas de leis coesivas possíveis de aplicar em simulações por MDC, em função do comportamento expectável dos materiais que estão a ser simulados. Neste trabalho, estudou-se numericamente o efeito de diversas formas de leis coesivas na previsão no comportamento de juntas adesivas, nomeadamente nas curvas forçadeslocamento (P-) de ensaios Double-Cantilever Beam para caracterização à tração e ensaios End-Notched Flexure para caraterização ao corte. Também se estudou a influência dos parâmetros coesivos à tração e corte nas curvas P- dos referidos ensaios. Para o Araldite®AV138 à tração e ao corte, a lei triangular é a que melhor prevê o comportamento do adesivo. Para a previsão da resistência de ambos os adesivos Araldite® 2015 e SikaForce® 7752, a lei trapezoidal é a que melhor se adequa, confirmando assim que esta lei é a que melhor caracteriza o comportamento de dano de adesivos tipicamente dúcteis. O estudo dos parâmetros revelou influência distinta na previsão do comportamento das juntas, embora com bastantes semelhanças entre os diferentes tipos de adesivos.
The ill effects of second-hand smoke are now well documented. To protect the population from exposure to tobacco smoke, comprehensive smoking bans are necessary as expressed in the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and its guidelines. Switzerland has only a partial smoking ban full of exceptions which has been in effect since 2010, which reproduces the so-called Spanish model. In September 2012, the Swiss citizens refused a proposal for a more comprehensive ban. This case study examines the reasons behind this rejection and draws some lessons that can be learnt from it.
BACKGROUND: Multiple risk prediction models have been validated in all-age patients presenting with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI); however, they have not been validated specifically in the elderly. METHODS: We calculated the GRACE (Global Registry of Acute Coronary Events) score, the logistic EuroSCORE, the AMIS (Acute Myocardial Infarction Swiss registry) score, and the SYNTAX (Synergy between Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with TAXUS and Cardiac Surgery) score in a consecutive series of 114 patients ≥75 years presenting with ACS and treated with PCI within 24 hours of hospital admission. Patients were stratified according to score tertiles and analysed retrospectively by comparing the lower/mid tertiles as an aggregate group with the higher tertile group. The primary endpoint was 30-day mortality. Secondary endpoints were the composite of death and major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE) at 30 days, and 1-year MACE-free survival. Model discrimination ability was assessed using the area under receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC). RESULTS: Thirty-day mortality was higher in the upper tertile compared with the aggregate lower/mid tertiles according to the logistic EuroSCORE (42% vs 5%; odds ratio [OR] = 14, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 4-48; p <0.001; AUC = 0.79), the GRACE score (40% vs 4%; OR = 17, 95% CI = 4-64; p <0.001; AUC = 0.80), the AMIS score (40% vs 4%; OR = 16, 95% CI = 4-63; p <0.001; AUC = 0.80), and the SYNTAX score (37% vs 5%; OR = 11, 95% CI = 3-37; p <0.001; AUC = 0.77). CONCLUSIONS: In elderly patients presenting with ACS and referred to PCI within 24 hours of admission, the GRACE score, the EuroSCORE, the AMIS score, and the SYNTAX score predicted 30 day mortality. The predictive value of clinical scores was improved by using them in combination.
Vitamin D metabolites are important in the regulation of bone and calcium homeostasis, but also have a more ubiquitous role in the regulation of cell differentiation and immune function. Severely low circulating 25-dihydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentrations have been associated with the onset of active tuberculosis (TB) in immigrant populations, although the association with latent TB infection (LTBI) has not received much attention. A previous study identified the prevalence of LTBI among a sample of Mexican migrant workers enrolled in Canada's Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SA WP) in the Niagara Region of Ontario. The aim of the present study was to determine the vitamin D status of the same sample, and identify if a relationship existed with LTBI. Studies of vitamin D deficiency and active TB are most commonly carried out among immigrant populations to non-endemic regions, in which reactivation of LTBI has occurred. Currently, there is limited knowledge of the association between vitamin D deficiency and LTBI. Entry into Canada ensured that these individuals did not have active TB, and L TBI status was established previously by an interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) (QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-Tube®, Cellestis Ltd., Australia). Awareness of vitamin D status may enable individuals at risk of deficiency to improve their nutritional health, and those with LTBI to be aware of this risk factor for disease. Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency among the Mexican migrant workers was determined from serum samples collected in the summer of 2007 as part of the cross sectional LTBI study. Samples were measured for concentrations of the main circulating vitamin D metabolite, 25(OH)D, with a widely used 1251 250HD RIA (DiaSorin Inc.®, Stillwater, MN), and were categorized as deficient «37.5 nmoI/L), insufficient (>37.5 nmollL, < 80 nmol/L) or sufficient (2::80 nmoI/L). Fisher's exact tests and t tests were used to determine if vitamin D status (sufficiency or insufficiency) or 25(OH)D concentrations significantly differed by sex or age categories. Predictors of vitamin D insufficiency and 25(OH)D concentrations were taken from questionnaires carried out during the previous study, and analyzed in the present study using multiple regression prediction models. Fisher's exact test and t test was used to determine if vitamin D status or 25(OH)D concentration differed by LTBI status. Strength of the relationship between interferongamma (IFN-y) concentration (released by peripheral T cells in response to TB antigens) and 25(OH)D concentration was analyzed using a Spearman correlation. Out of 87 participants included in the study (78% male; mean age 38 years), 14 were identified as LTBI positive but none had any signs or symptoms of TB reactivation. Only 30% of the participants were vitamin D sufficient, whereas 68% were insufficient and 2% were deficient. Significant independent predictors of lower 25(OH)D concentrations were sex, number of years enrolled in the SA WP and length of stay in Canada. No significant differences were found between 25(OH)D concentrations and LTBI status. There was a significant moderate correlation between IFN-y and 25(OH)D concentrations ofLTBI-positive individuals. The majority of participants presented with Vitamin D insufficiency but none were severely deficient, indicating that 25(OH)D concentrations do not decrease dramatically in populations who temporarily reside in Canada but go back to their countries of origin during the Canadian winter. This study did not find a statistical relationship between low levels of vitamin D and LTBI which suggests that in the presence of overall good health, lower than ideal levels of 2S(OH)D, may still be exerting a protective immunological effect against LTBI reactivation. The challenge remains to determine a critical 2S(OH)D concentration at which reactivation is more likely to occur.