942 resultados para Practical training in school


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We investigated the effect of different exercise modalities on high sensitivity-C reactive protein (hs-CRP) and other inflammatory markers in patients with type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome. Eighty-two patients were randomized into 4 groups: sedentary control (A); receiving counseling to perform low-intensity physical activity (B); performing prescribed and supervised high-intensity aerobic (C) or aerobic + resistance (D) exercise (with the same caloric expenditure) for 12 months. Evaluation of leisure-time physical activity and assessment of physical fitness, cardiovascular risk factors and inflammatory biomarkers was performed at baseline and every 3 months. Volume of physical activity increased and HbA1c decreased in Groups B–D. VO2max, HOMA-IR index, HDL-cholesterol, waist circumference and albuminuria improved in Groups C and D, whereas strength and flexibility improved only in Group D. Levels of hs-CRP decreased in all three exercising groups, but the reduction was significant only in Groups C and D, and particularly in Group D. Changes in VO2max and the exercise modalities were strong predictors of hs-CRP reduction, independent of body weight. Leptin, resistin and interleukin-6 decreased, whereas adiponectin increased in Groups C and D. Interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α and interferon-γ decreased, whereas anti-inflammatory interleukin-4 and 10 increased only in Group D. In conclusion, physical exercise in type 2 diabetic patients with the metabolic syndrome is associated with a significant reduction of hs-CRP and other inflammatory and insulin resistance biomarkers, independent of weight loss. Long-term high-intensity (preferably mixed) training, in addition to daytime physical activity, is required to obtain a significant anti-inflammatory effect.


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This thesis is about young students’ writing in school mathematics and the ways in which this writing is designed, interpreted and understood. Students’ communication can act as a source from which teachers can make inferences regarding students’ mathematical knowledge and understanding. In mathematics education previous research indicates that teachers assume that the process of interpreting and judging students’ writing is unproblematic. The relationship between what students’ write, and what they know or understand, is theoretical as well as empirical. In an era of increased focus on assessment and measurement in education it is necessary for teachers to know more about the relationship between communication and achievement. To add to this knowledge, the thesis has adopted a broad approach, and the thesis consists of four studies. The aim of these studies is to reach a deep understanding of writing in school mathematics. Such an understanding is dependent on examining different aspects of writing. The four studies together examine how the concept of communication is described in authoritative texts, how students’ writing is viewed by teachers and how students make use of different communicational resources in their writing. The results of the four studies indicate that students’ writing is more complex than is acknowledged by teachers and authoritative texts in mathematics education. Results point to a sophistication in students’ approach to the merging of the two functions of writing, writing for oneself and writing for others. Results also suggest that students attend, to various extents, to questions regarding how, what and for whom they are writing in school mathematics. The relationship between writing and achievement is dependent on students’ ability to have their writing reflect their knowledge and on teachers’ thorough knowledge of the different features of writing and their awareness of its complexity. From a communicational perspective the ability to communicate [in writing] in mathematics can and should be distinguished from other mathematical abilities. By acknowledging that mathematical communication integrates mathematical language and natural language, teachers have an opportunity to turn writing in mathematics into an object of learning. This offers teachers the potential to add to their assessment literacy and offers students the potential to develop their communicational ability in order to write in a way that better reflects their mathematical knowledge.


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This research aims to determine the dimensions of motivation and satisfaction, acquired, through the perception in context of job training, by future technicians (students) in the hospitality and tourism industry, particularly by technical courses in the hotel and restaurant sector. The methodology comprises three distinct stages. First were recovered instruments (questionnaires), already validated by other authors of motivation and satisfaction, which had the intention to replicate studies conducted in other scientific knowledge fields, such as tourism. Those instruments were recovered from the reviewed literature conducted about other themes. On second place the measuring instruments were submitted to a pre-test, or rather, were subject of a pioneer study, in order to verify other assumptions such as semantic errors or see if there was the possibility of some prepared questions to be consider invalidated by poor formulation or interpretation. Finally, were applied in three educational institutions who agreed to cooperate on the research, with the reservation that the interviewed needed a mandatory pre-requirement that consisted in conducting a minimum training in work context (TWC). Then, proceed the statistical analysis to support all the empirical part. The results show that, in general, motivation and satisfaction were present during the period of training in work context. To some people it meant a very important period of personal and professional life, concerning the interactions, emotions and involvement with touristic organizations but also the personal and social relationships.


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I have more often thought over what I am thinking and also I have often told it to others - professional development and collegial feedback on kindergarten teams. The need for professional feedback surfaces year after year in enquiries made among staff members in the field of early childhood education. Because the pressure to be effective adds to the workload of the heads of kindergartens, there are few opportunities to give staff concrete feedback on a daily basis. Because peers are able to observe each other close at hand, their reciprocal feedback can compensate for that of the kindergarten head. In this study the practical training process of collegial feedback is studied and also the opportunities for feedback as a means of supporting professional development in the context of kindergarten. The development project involving the entire kindergarten community (N=21) was implemented in 2003-2004 through three developing cycles. The Johar´s Window , produced by Luft and Jung with the Model of Situational Leadership by Hersey and Blanchard, acted as a theoretical frame of reference. It has been used in this study both for its qualitative and its quantitative methods. The data were carried out through questions, interviews, diaries, written descriptions and monthly evaluations. The qualitative and quantitative methods were also used in analysing the data. The results showed that during the training process, the staff as a giver of feedback moved from the professional basic level to the professional maturity level. Their awareness of both their own and their peers´ know-how expanded from the initial state to the final state. It became evident that team size is the essential key element in the practise of giving feedback to team members. The team atmosphere and the commitment of the team members are in significant factors in the training of giving and receiving feedback. As a result of analyses, delivering feedback was grouped into three categories: developmental feedback, descriptive feedback and either supportive or destructive feedback. Receiving feedback was likewise groupped into three categories: aspiring to develop, unaccommodating and accepting. The ability to control feelings improved along with the skills of giving feedback; it was possible to analyse development through the professional development model represented in the theory of the study. The results showed that professional know-how of other kinds also developed during the process. Giving feedback among fellow workers enables team members to receive feedback everyday. Training to give feedback means examining a field of professional know-how and also formulating shared rules. The results of this study give support to previous studies that have emphasised practical training in natural circumstances. Keywords: feedback, professional development, learning at work


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The present paper studied the school bullying and the primary impact factors, for understanding the nature of bullying, and providing measures and references to the elimination and controlling of school bullying. Primarily with methods of questionnaires and psychometrics, combined with case study and interviews, the following findings were found: in Chinese culture, bullying is a behavior intentionally causing harm to the weaker or weakers. There were 5 types of bullying-physical, social exclusion, threat, breakage and verbal. In Chinese schools the occurrence of bullying had regular patterns. The factor that impact children's bullying behavior was personality traits, interpersonal techniques, family atmosphere, education and upbringing styles. In personality traits, bullies tended to be more extroversive, impulsive, obstinate, obdurate and lack of sympathy. Victims tended to be more introversive, self-restrained, lack of confidence, lonely, anxious and depressive. Both of them expressed more mental problem tendencies than normal children did. When confronted with interpersonal conflicts, they used little problem solving strategies. Bullies had more extroverted emotional responses, and victims had more social support strategies. In the light of family influence, bullies were relatively superior in family's social economic conditions. But their parents had little time and energy spent on them. They tended to be punitive, and had indulgent, reject or despotic upbringing styles. The role of victim might be related to the disadvantage of family's social economic status. Their parents had the tendency of spoiling and overindulgence. The research concluded that in different cultures the connotation of bullying was not homogenous. The occurrence of school bullying had regular patterns. Bullying behavior was primarily influenced by the personality traits of both bullies and victims, the coping strategies of interpersonal conflicts, family's social economic status, parents' basic emotional attitudes, ways of educating, punitive tendencies and school atmosphere. The occurrence of bullying behavior was the result of the combined process of past experience, behavior habits, personality traits, cognitive evaluation, certain evocative clues and the environment conditions. It reminded that quality education and mental health education in schools was essential. Strengthening basic social skill training in school, creating positive family atmosphere, having more communications between schools and families and implementing strict regulations against bullying was essential to interfere and eliminate the school bullying.


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Debates unfolding around the recent development of M Level programmes for teacher education are not unfamiliar to those being addressed in other professional disciplines such as business. A strong theme in our analysis is that reflective practitioners could be provided with a wider range of tools and methods to support them in their reflection. Considerable energies have been expended on e portfolios, but our experience of use of paper based reflective
sketchbooks suggests that they may have some distinct advantages over text-dominated electronic media. In fact such sketchbooks challenge typed text as the dominant route to learning and communication (Gilbert 1998), (New, 2005), (Hickman, 2007). Professionals in teacher education are currently exploring ways in which M level can be conceived in terms of professional learning. This is also important terrain in other professions. For example, best practice in business management involves constant innovation so that students do not experience a split between the research context of the business faculty and the experience of operating in the business situation. This is paralleled in education by the concern that trainees do not experience a split between the research or scholarly informed approach of university tutors, and the experience of practical teaching in school. Our research question is concerned with how a consciously developed reflective sketchbook method can generate levels of critical thought that are both postgraduate and professionally valued in the workplace. We are also interested in the contribution this form of enquiry at M Level can make in terms of life long learning.


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Recent trends show an increasing number of weblabs, implemented at universities and schools, supporting practical training in technical courses and providing the ability to remotely conduct experiments. However, their implementation is typically based on individual architectures, unable of being reconfigured with different instruments/modules usually required by every experiment. In this paper, we discuss practical guidelines for implementing reconfigurable weblabs that support both local and remote control interfaces. The underlying infrastructure is based on reconfigurable, low-cost, FPGA-based boards supporting several peripherals that are used for the local interface. The remote interface is powered by a module capable of communicating with an Ethernet based network and that can either correspond to an internal core of the FPGA or an external device. These two approaches are discussed in the paper, followed by a practical implementation example.


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Afin de lutter contre la mortalité maternelle dont les taux restent encore élevés avec 401 pour 100 000 naissances vivantes en 2005, le Sénégal a mis en œuvre dans la continuité de ses stratégies novatrices de délégation de compétences pour renforcer l’accès aux soins obstétricaux et néonataux d’urgence, un programme alternatif de formation au D.E.S de Gynécologie et Obstétrique de médecins généralistes basés dans les zones éloignées. A partir du curriculum du programme classique, ce programme allie l’enseignement à distance à l’aide des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication, des stages pratiques dans les sites du CHU, le coaching par les enseignants du CHU dans les Centres de santé où officient les médecins apprenants, des évaluations en ligne et les évaluations annuelles formelles du programme de formation classique. Il a été mis en œuvre dans deux districts du Sénégal par la Chaire de Gynécologie et d’Obstétrique du CHU de Dakar. Ce travail présente l’évaluation à mi-parcours de ce programme en analysant son implantation et ses effets à travers une étude de cas, grâce à des données qualitatives et quantitatives. Les résultats montrent : une évolution favorable des indicateurs sanitaires dans les deux sites du programme comparativement aux sites témoins, une augmentation du niveau de connaissance et de compétence des apprenants, et un niveau de satisfaction élevé des deux apprenants, des enseignants et des bénéficiaires. Cependant, des améliorations sont à apporter dans la mise en œuvre du programme en particulier en termes d’opérationnalisation des innovations pédagogiques, de coordination et de pérennisation par le Ministère de la Santé.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O artigo traz dados de uma investigação cujo objetivo foi contribuir para a compreensão das formas por meio das quais a Psicologia vem sendo apropriada pelos projetos de formação de professores em serviço. Mediante o exame do projeto de formação do município de São Paulo, o "Programa Ler e Escrever, Prioridade na escola. Projeto Toda Força ao 1º Ano", analisam-se as concepções psicológicas em suas formas de conceber as crianças, a aprendizagem e o projeto de sua iniciação na cultura escrita. A partir das reconceitualizações sobre a aprendizagem, em que esta é considerada uma decorrência da natureza construtiva da mente infantil, é pertinente perguntar em que medida essas ideias rompem com aquelas anteriores, pertencentes ao assim chamado "ensino tradicional". Para responder a essas perguntas, recorreu-se a algumas das contribuições da história da leitura.


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O presente estudo denominado “Inclusão, Direitos Humanos e Igualdade: Educar para a diferença” direcionou-se para a temática da deficiência física evidente. Partindo do mestrado em Ação Humanitária, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento, incidimos o nosso estudo na temática dos direitos humanos associada à da inclusão. A diferença, usualmente, origina exclusão em virtude de que o que é diferente não é socialmente aceite. Vivemos numa sociedade formatada para o “normal” em que o “normal” apresenta-se sempre como um modo de supressão gradual da diferença e da uniformização da diversidade e onde dificilmente encaixa a “diferença”. Uma das áreas onde se verifica tratamento diferenciado é a nível da deficiência que, não sendo entendida pela sociedade, gera um ciclo vicioso que dificilmente se quebra. Para tal, a escola terá de desempenhar um papel de extrema importância, modificando mentalidades, promovendo a deficiência, para que no futuro esta não seja encarada como uma diferença, mas como uma mais-valia no processo de singularidade e de diversidade humanas. Os comportamentos e os movimentos de transformação não podem ser impostos, mas devem ser introduzidos, compreendidos e modificados, pois só desta forma podem servir como alavanca de suporte para uma sociedade mais justa, mais inclusiva, mais humana, pois está nas mãos de cada um de nós, educadores, formar futuros cidadãos conscientes, ativos e responsáveis. A sociedade atual vive momentos conturbados decorrentes de interesses geopolíticos e estratégicos que potenciam conflitos armados, em que cada vez mais a população é indiscriminadamente afetada. Uma das consequências destes conflitos é a deficiência física evidente, aqui explorada, e que é uma realidade inerente à nossa prática profissional. Todos os dias são colocados em questão os direitos humanos de quem tem que conviver diariamente com ambientes bélicos. Apesar da sociedade portuguesa estar pouco desperta para esta realidade, pareceu-nos pertinente levar esta temática para a escola tentando explorar as perceções de crianças face à deficiência física evidente, quando observada noutras crianças, em ambiente escolar. Fizemos a aplicação de diversos métodos (inquéritos, visualização de imagens e vídeo, atividades de simulação de deficiência), atividades práticas em ambiente escolar que nos permitissem atingir o nosso objetivo geral. Posteriormente, foi realizada a interpretação de dados decorrentes da aplicação da metodologia, quer quantitativamente, quer qualitativamente efetuada a sua análise e retiradas conclusões.