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Yellow fever (YF) vaccines (17D-204 and 17DD) are well tolerated and cause very low rates of severe adverse events (YEL-SAE), such as serious allergic reactions, neurotropic adverse diseases (YEL-AND), and viscerotropic diseases (YEL-AVD). Viral and host factors have been postulated to explain the basis of YEL-SAE. However, the mechanisms underlying the occurrence of YEL-SAE remain unknown. The present report provides a detailed immunological analysis of a 23-year-old female patient. The patient developed a suspected case of severe YEL-AVD with encephalitis, as well as with pancreatitis and myositis, following receipt of a 17D-204 YF vaccination. The patient exhibited a decreased level of expression of Fc-gamma R in monocytes (CD16, CD32, and CD64), along with increased levels of NK T cells (an increased CD3(+) CD16(+/-) CD56(+/-)/CD3(+) ratio), activated T cells (CD4(+) and CD8(+) cells), and B lymphocytes. Enhanced levels of plasmatic cytokines (interleukin-6 [IL-6], IL-17, IL-4, IL-5, and IL-10) as well as an exacerbated ex vivo intracytoplasmic cytokine pattern, mainly observed within NK cells (gamma interferon positive [IFN-gamma(+)], tumor necrosis factor alpha positive [TNF-alpha(+)], and IL-4 positive [IL-4(+)]), CD8(+) T cells (IL-4(+) and IL-5(+)), and B lymphocytes (TNF-alpha(+), IL-4(+), and IL-10(+)). The analysis of CD4(+) T cells revealed a complex profile that consisted of an increased frequency of IL-12(+) and IFN-gamma(+) cells and a decreased percentage of TNF-alpha(+), IL-4(+), and IL-5+ cells. Depressed cytokine synthesis was observed in monocytes (TNF-alpha(+)) following the provision of antigenic stimuli in vitro. These results support the hypothesis that a strong adaptive response and abnormalities in the innate immune system may be involved in the establishment of YEL-AND and YEL-AVD.
Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is a well-known marker of osteoclasts and bone resorption. Here we have investigated whether osteoblast-like cells (hFOB 1.19) present TRAP activity and how would be its pattern of expression during osteoblastic differentiation. We also observed how the osteoblastic differentiation affected the reduced glutathione levels. TRAP activity was measured using the p-nitrophenylphosphate substrate. The osteogenic potential of hFOB 1.19 cells was studied by measuring alkaline phosphatase activity and mineralized nodule formation. Oxidative stress was determined by HPLC and DNTB assays. TRAP activity and the reduced glutathione-dependent microenvironment were modulated during osteoblastic differentiation. During this phase, TRAP activity, as well as alkaline phosphatase and glutathione increased progressively up to the 21st day, decreasing thereafter. We demonstrate that TRAP activity is modulated during osteoblastic differentiation, possibly in response to the redox state of the cell, since it seemed to depend on suitable levels of reduced glutathione.
The hypothesis that growth hormone (GH) up-regulates the expression of enzymes, matrix proteins, and differentiation markers involved in mineralization of tooth and bone matrices was tested by the treatment of Lewis dwarf rats with GH over 5 days, The molar teeth and associated alveolar bone were processed for immunohistochemical demonstration of bone morphogenetic proteins 2 and 4 (BMP-2 and -4), bone morphogenetic protein type IA receptor (BMPR-IA), bone alkaline phosphatase (ALP), osteocalcin (OC), osteopontin (OPN), bone sialoprotein (BSP), and E11 protein (E11), The cementoblasts, osteoblasts, and periodontal ligament (PDL) cells responded to GH by expressing BMP-2 and -4, BMPR-IA, ALP, OC, and OPN and increasing the numbers of these cells. No changes were found in patterns of expression of the late differentiation markers BSP and E11 in response to GH, Thus, GH evokes expression of bone markers of early differentiation in cementoblasts, PDL cells, and osteoblasts of the periodontium. We propose that the induction of BMP-2 and -4 and their receptor by GH compliments the role of GH-induced insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in promoting bone and tooth root formation.
Antibodies were raised against specific peptides from N-terminal regions of the alpha (1) and alpha (3) isoforms of the GABA(A) receptor, and used to assess the relative expression of these proteins in the superior frontal and primary motor cortices of 10 control, nine uncomplicated alcoholic and six cirrhotic alcoholic cases were matched for age and post-mortem delay. The regression of expression on post-mortem delay was not statistically significant for either isoform in either region. In both cortical areas, the regression of a, expression on age differed significantly between alcoholic cases, which showed a decrease, and normal controls, which did not. Age had no effect on alpha (3) expression. The alpha (1) and alpha (3) isoforms were found to be expressed differentially across cortical regions and showed a tendency to be expressed differentially across case groups. In cirrhotic alcoholics, alpha (1) expression was greater in superior frontal than in motor cortex, whereas this regional difference was not significant in controls or uncomplicated alcoholics. In uncomplicated alcoholics, alpha (3) expression was significantly lower in superior frontal than in motor cortex. Expression of alpha (1) was significantly different from that Of alpha (3) in the superior frontal cortex of alcoholics, but not in controls. In motor cortex, there were no significant differences in expression between the isoforms in any case group.
p73 has recently been identified as a structural and functional homolog of the tumor suppressor protein p53. Overexpression of p53 activates transcription of p53 effector genes, causes growth inhibition and induced apoptosis. We describe here the effects of a tumor-derived truncated transcript of p73 alpha (p73 Delta exon2) on p53 function and on cell death. This transcript, which lacks the acidic N-terminus corresponding to the transactivation domain of p53, was initially detected in a neuroblastoma cell line. Overexpression of p73 Delta exon2 partially protects lymphoblastoid cells against apoptosis induced by anti-Fas antibody or cisplatin. By cotransfecting p73 Delta exon2 with wild-type p53 in the p53 null line Saos 2, we found that this truncated transcript reduces the ability of wild-type p53 to promote apoptosis. This anti-apoptotic effect was also observed when p73 Delta exon2 was co-transfected with full-length p73 (p73 alpha). This was further substantiated by suppression of p53 transactivation of the effector gene p21-Waf1 in p73 Delta exon2 transfected cells and by inhibition of expression of a reporter gene under the control of the p53 promoter. Thus, this truncated form of p73 can act as a dominant-negative agent towards transactivation by p53 and p73 alpha, highlighting the potential implications of these findings for p53 signaling pathway. Furthermore, we demonstrate the existence of a p73 Delta exon2 transcript in a very significant proportion (46%) of breast cancer cell lines. However, a large spectrum of normal and malignant tissues need to be surveyed to determine whether this transdominant p73 variant occurs in a tumor-specific manner.
Polynucleotide immunisation with the E7 gene of human papillomavirus (HPV) type 16 induces only moderate levels of immune response, which may in part be due to limitation in E7 gene expression influenced by biased HPV codon usage. Here we compare for expression and immunogenicity polynucleotide expression plasmids encoding wild-type (pWE7) or synthetic codon optimised (pHE7) HPV16 E7 DNA. Cos-1 cells transfected with pHE7 expressed higher levels of E7 protein than similar cells transfected with pW7. C57BL/6 mice and F1 (C57X FVB) E7 transgenic mice immunised intradermally with E7 plasmids produced high levels of anti-E7 antibody. pHE7 induced a significantly stronger E7-specific cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response than pWE7 and 100% tumour protection in C57BL/6 mice, but neither vaccine induced CTL in partially E7 tolerant K14E7 transgenic mice. The data indicate that immunogenicity of an E7 polynucleotide vaccine can be enhanced by codon modification. However, this may be insufficient for priming E7 responses in animals with split tolerance to E7 as a consequence of expression of E7 in somatic cells. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA).
An understanding of the mechanisms that explain the initiation and early evolution of colorectal cancer should facilitate the development of new approaches to effective prevention and intervention. This review highlights deficiencies in the current model for colorectal neoplasia in which APC mutation is placed at the point of initiation. Other genes implicated in the regulation of apoptosis and DNA repair may underlie the early development of colorectal cancer. Inactivation of these genes may occur not by mutation or loss but through silencing mediated by methylation of the gene's promoter region. hMLH1 and MGMT are examples of DNA repair genes that are silenced by methylation. Loss of expression of hMLH1 and MGMT protein has been demonstrated immunohistochemically in serrated polyps. Multiple lines of evidence point to a serrated pathway of neoplasia that is driven by inhibition of apoptosis and the subsequent inactivation of DNA repair genes by promoter methylation. The earliest lesions in this pathway are aberrant crypt foci (ACF). These may develop Into hyperplastic polyps or transform while still of microscopic size into admixed polyps, serrated adenomas, or traditional adenomas. Cancers developing from these lesions may show high- or low-level microsatellite instability (MSI-H and MSI-L, respectively) or may be microsatellite stable (MSS). The suggested clinical model for this alternative pathway is the condition hyperplastic polyposis. If colorectal cancer is a heterogeneous disease comprising discrete subsets that evolve through different pathways, it is evident that these subsets will need to be studied individually in the future.
This present study was undertaken to assess potential effects of cadmium on CYP4A11 apoprotein in human liver and kidney as detected by Western blotting using a highly specific anti-peptide antibody. Liver and kidney cortex samples were autopsy specimens of 37 individuals (26 mates and I I females) whose ages ranged from 3 to 89 years. All were Caucasians who had not been exposed to cadmium in the workplace. Reduced CYP4A11 apoprotein levels were found in chronic hepatitis samples and in liver samples showing fatty changes. In contrast, increased CYP4A11 apoprotein levels were found in liver samples having higher cadmium content compared to the lower cadmium content samples. Increased CYP4A11 levels were also found in liver samples from female donors, compared to male donors; the difference being attributable to higher female liver cadmium burden. In distinction to liver, lowered CYP4A11 levels were seen in the kidney cortex samples which have high cadmium content, It is proposed here that the difference between the absolute cadmium burden of the liver and kidney samples may be responsible for the different patterns of expression of CYP4A11 in these two tissues. Further, since cadmium exposure may be associated with derangement in blood pressure control, it is interesting to note the possible relationship between altered CYP4A11-dependent production of arachidonic acid hydroxy and epoxy metabolites in kidney cortex and altered control of blood pressure. Our findings provide a possible link between these observations. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
First isolated in the fly and now characterised in vertebrates, the Slit proteins have emerged as pivotal components controlling the guidance of axonal growth cones and the directional migration of neuronal precursors. As well as extensive expression during development of the central nervous system (CNS), the Slit proteins exhibit a striking array of expression sites in non-neuronal tissues, including the urogenital system, limb primordia and developing eye. Zebrafish Slit has been shown to mediate mesodermal migration during gastrulation, while Drosophila slit guides the migration of mesodermal cells during myogenesis. This suggests that the actions of these secreted molecules are not simply confined to the sphere of CNS development, but rather act in a more general fashion during development and throughout the lifetime of an organism. This review focuses on the non-neuronal activities of Slit proteins, highlighting a common role for the Slit family in cellular migration.
Using a subtractive hybridisation approach, we enriched for genes likely to play a role in embryonic development of the mammalian face and other structures. This was achieved by subtracting cDNA derived from adult mouse liver from that derived from 10.5 dpc mouse embryonic branchial arches 1 and 2. Random sequencing of clones from the resultant library revealed that a high percentage correspond to genes with a previously established role in embryonic development and disease, while 15% represent novel or uncharacterised genes. Whole mount in situ hybridisation analysis of novel genes revealed that approximately 50% have restricted expression during embryonic development. In addition to expression in branchial arches, these genes showed a range of expression domains commonly including neural tube and somites. Notably, all genes analysed were found to be expressed not only in the branchial arches but also in the developing limb buds, providing support for the hypothesis that development of the limbs and face is likely to involve analogous molecular processes. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Over the last several decades, a shift in thinking has brought to the fore the power of language as more than simply a method of expression. Indeed, language is a constituent part of social practices and social identity. For teachers, both pre-service and in-service, teaching roles are often represented through surface and generative metaphors, the latter of which are tacit. In order to study the way in which language, and in particular metaphor, influences thinking about teaching roles, the authors of this article combined their data to examine the metaphoric discourse of both pre-service and in-service teachers. Contextualizing two separate studies in their respective teacher education programs, this article highlights the obstacle of unexposed generative metaphors and the value of ongoing professional development. In addition, it emphasizes the importance of deconstructing traditional dichotomies as central to teacher education reform.
As formas de definir «corrupção e fraude» são infinitas, pelo que a aplicação do Direito penal constitucional pode ficar prejudicada. A comunicação e o comentário público e política são por vezes feitos em termos profundamente equivocados. Recentemente, em Portugal, destacados políticos e comentadores chegaram a apelar à «criminalização do enriquecimento ilícito», nem que fosse com o sacrifício da própria Constituição ou do Estado de Direito. É a democracia que passa a estar em perigo. Ao mesmo tempo que se defende com fanatismo quase teológico o sistema económico capitalista, procura-se consagrar na lei a sua destruição. Ou seja, há uma certa demagogia política que quer ter tudo ao mesmo tempo como se isso fosse possível. Perante isto, resta ao cidadão comum agir se for necessário sob as possibilidades das causas de justificação e fazendo uso do direito constitucional de resistência. ABSTRACT Ways to define «corruption and fraud» are endless, so the application of constitutional criminal law may be impaired. The communication and public comment and politics are sometimes done in terms profoundly mistaken. Recently, in Portugal, prominent politicians and commentators have come to call the «criminalization of illicit enrichment» (embezzlement) even if it was at the sacrifice of the Constitution or the rule of law. It is democracy that happens to be in danger. At the same time it defends itself with almost theological fanaticism the capitalist economic system, seeking to enshrine in law its destruction. That is, there is a certain political demagoguery that wants to have everything at the same time as if that were possible. Given this, it remains to ordinary act if necessary under the scope of defenses and making use of the constitutional right of resistance.
Aos direitos fundamentais não basta a letra da lei. É preciso praticá-los a todo o momento: Canotilho e Vital. Respeito à Constituição da informação! É fundamental o direito à expressão e informação, seja ou não seja por meio da comunicação social dirigida às massas. § Os direitos fundamentais das liberdades de expressão e de imprensa compreendem dentro de si o direito de expressão do pensamento e o direito de informação. Abstract: Fundamental rights not just the letter of the law. You need to practice them all the time: Canotilho and Vital. Respect for the Constitution of information! It is essential the right to expression and information, whether or not it is through social communication to the masses. § The fundamental rights of expression and press freedoms include within itself the right of expression of thought and the right to information.
Revolução do 25 de Abril de 1974 e Constituição. 2/4/1976 é a data de nascimento da Constituição da República Portuguesa. No intermédio vigorou a Constituição salazarista de 1933. § Revolution of April 25, 1974 and the Constitution. 02/04/1976 is the date of birth of the Portuguese Constitution. The intermediate lasted Salazar's Constitution of 1933.
Mestrado (PES II), Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 26 de Junho de 2014, Universidade dos Açores.