931 resultados para Photography, High-speed
Die pneumatische Zerstäubung ist die häufigste Methode der Probenzuführung von Flüssigkeiten in der Plasmaspektrometrie. Trotz der bekannten Limitierungen dieser Systeme, wie die hohen Probenverluste, finden diese Zerstäuber aufgrund ihrer guten Robustheit eine breite Anwendung. Die flussratenabhängige Aerosolcharakteristik und pumpenbasierte Signalschwankungen limitieren bisher Weiterentwicklungen. Diese Probleme werden umso gravierender, je weiter die notwendige Miniaturisierung dieser Systeme fortschreitet. Der neuartige Ansatz dieser Arbeit basiert auf dem Einsatz modifizierter Inkjet-Druckerpatronen für die Dosierung von pL-Tropfen. Ein selbst entwickelter Mikrokontroller ermöglicht den Betrieb von matrixkodierten Patronen des Typs HP45 mit vollem Zugriff auf alle essentiellen Betriebsparameter. Durch die neuartige Aerosoltransportkammer gelang die effiziente Kopplung des Tropfenerzeugungssystems an ein ICP-MS. Das so aufgebaute drop-on-demand-System (DOD) zeigt im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen und miniaturisierten Zerstäubern eine deutlich gesteigerte Empfindlichkeit (8 - 18x, elementabhängig) bei leicht erhöhtem, aber im Grunde vergleichbarem Signalrauschen. Darüber hinaus ist die Flexibilität durch die große Zahl an Freiheitsgraden des Systems überragend. So ist die Flussrate über einen großen Bereich variabel (5 nL - 12,5 µL min-1), ohne dabei die primäre Aerosolcharakteristik zu beeinflussen, welche vom Nutzer durch Wahl der elektrischen Parameter bestimmt wird. Das entwickelte Probenzuführungssystem ist verglichen mit dem pneumatischen Referenzsystem weniger anfällig gegenüber Matrixeffekten beim Einsatz von realen Proben mit hohen Anteilen gelöster Substanzen. So gelingt die richtige Quantifizierung von fünf Metallen im Spurenkonzentrationsbereich (Li, Sr, Mo, Sb und Cs) in nur 12 µL Urin-Referenzmaterial mittels externer Kalibrierung ohne Matrixanpassung. Wohingegen beim pneumatischen Referenzsystem die aufwändigere Standardadditionsmethode sowie über 250 µL Probenvolumen für eine akkurate Bestimmung der Analyten nötig sind. Darüber hinaus wird basierend auf der Dosierfrequenz eines dualen DOD-Systems eine neuartige Kalibrierstrategie vorgestellt. Bei diesem Ansatz werden nur eine Standard- und eine Blindlösung anstelle einer Reihe unterschiedlich konzentrierter Standards benötigt, um eine lineare Kalibrierfunktion zu erzeugen. Zusätzlich wurde mittels selbst entwickelter, zeitlich aufgelöster ICP-MS umfangreiche Rauschspektren aufgenommen. Aus diesen gelang die Ermittlung der Ursache des erhöhten Signalrauschens des DOD, welches maßgeblich durch das zeitlich nicht äquidistante Eintreffen der Tropfen am Detektor verursacht wird. Diese Messtechnik erlaubt auch die Detektion einzeln zugeführter Tropfen, wodurch ein Vergleich der Volumenverteilung der mittels ICP-MS detektierten, gegenüber den generierten und auf optischem Wege charakterisierten Tropfen möglich wurde. Dieses Werkzeug ist für diagnostische Untersuchungen äußerst hilfreich. So konnte aus diesen Studien neben der Aufklärung von Aerosoltransportprozessen die Transporteffizienz des DOD ermittelt werden, welche bis zu 94 Vol.-% beträgt.
Die Materialverfolgung gewinnt in der Metallindustrie immer mehr an Bedeutung:rnEs ist notwendig, dass ein Metallband im Fertigungsprozess ein festgelegtes Programm durchläuft - erst dann ist die Qualität des Endprodukts garantiert. Die bisherige Praxis besteht darin, jedem Metallband eine Nummer zuzuordnen, mit der dieses Band beschriftet wird. Bei einer tagelangen Lagerung der Bänder zwischen zwei Produktionsschritten erweist sich diese Methode als fehleranfällig: Die Beschriftungen können z.B. verloren gehen, verwechselt, falsch ausgelesen oder unleserlich werden. 2007 meldete die iba AG das Patent zur Identifikation der Metallbänder anhand ihres Dickenprofils an (Anhaus [3]) - damit kann die Identität des Metallbandes zweifelsfrei nachgewiesen werden, eine zuverlässige Materialverfolgung wurde möglich.Es stellte sich jedoch heraus, dass die messfehlerbehafteten Dickenprofile, die als lange Zeitreihen aufgefasst werden können, mit Hilfe von bisherigen Verfahren (z.B. L2-Abstandsminimierung oder Dynamic Time Warping) nicht erfolgreich verglichen werden können.Diese Arbeit stellt einen effizienten feature-basierten Algorithmus zum Vergleichrnzweier Zeitreihen vor. Er ist sowohl robust gegenüber Rauschen und Messausfällen als auch invariant gegenüber solchen Koordinatentransformationen der Zeitreihen wie Skalierung und Translation. Des Weiteren sind auch Vergleiche mit Teilzeitreihen möglich. Unser Framework zeichnet sich sowohl durch seine hohe Genauigkeit als auch durch seine hohe Geschwindigkeit aus: Mehr als 99.5% der Anfragen an unsere aus realen Profilen bestehende Testdatenbank werden richtig beantwortet. Mit mehreren hundert Zeitreihen-Vergleichen pro Sekunde ist es etwa um den Faktor 10 schneller als die auf dem Gebiet der Zeitreihenanalyse etablierten Verfahren, die jedoch nicht im Stande sind, mehr als 90% der Anfragen korrekt zu verarbeiten. Der Algorithmus hat sich als industrietauglich erwiesen. Die iba AG setzt ihn in einem weltweit einzigartigen dickenprofilbasierten Überwachungssystemrnzur Materialverfolgung ein, das in ersten Stahl- und Aluminiumwalzwerkenrnbereits erfolgreich zum Einsatz kommt.
Chlamydiae are obligate intracellular bacteria with a strong global prevalence. They cause infections of the eye, lung and the genital tract and can either replicate in inclusion compartments or persist inside their host cell. In this thesis we focused on two aspects of chlamydiae infection. We hypothesize that transcription factor AP-1 is crucial for a replicative chlamydiae infection in epithelial cells. In addition we suggest that chlamydiae hide inside apoptotic blebs for a silent uptake by macrophages as immune evasion strategy.rnFocusing on AP-1, we could demonstrate that during Chlamydia pneumoniae infection, protein expression and phosphorylation of the AP-1 family member c-Jun significantly increased in a time and dose dependent manner. A siRNA knockdown of c-Jun in HEp-2 cells reduced chlamydial load, resulting in smaller inclusions and a significant lower chlamydial recovery. Furthermore, inhibition of the c-Jun containing AP-1 complexes, using Tanshinone IIA, changed the replicative infection into a persistent phenotype, characterized by (i) smaller, aberrant inclusions, (ii) a strong decrease in chlamydial load, as well as by (iii) its reversibility after removal of Tanshinone IIA. As chlamydiae are energy parasites, we investigated whether Tanshinone IIA interferes with energy/metabolism related processes. rnA role for autophagy or gene expression of glut-1 and c-jun in persistence could not be determined. However we could demonstrate Tanshinone IIA treatment to be accompanied by a significant decrease of ATP levels, probably causing a chlamydiae persistent phenotype.rnRegarding the chlamydial interaction with human primary cells we characterized infection of different chlamydiae species in either pro-inflammatory (type I) or anti-inflammatory (type II) human monocyte derived macrophages (hMDM). We found both phenotypes to be susceptible to chlamydiae infection. Furthermore, we observed that upon Chlamydia trachomatis and GFP-expressing Chlamydia trachomatis infection more hMDM type II were infected. However the chlamydial load was higher in hMDM type I and correspondingly, more replicative-like inclusions were found in this phenotype. Next, we focused on the chlamydial transfer using a combination of high speed live cell imaging and GFP-expressing Chlamydia trachomatis for optimal visualization. Thereby, we could successfully visualize the formation of apoptotic, chlamydiae-containing blebs and the interaction of hMDM with these blebs. Moreover, we observed the development of a replicative infection in hMDM. rnIn conclusion, we demonstrated a crucial role of AP-1 for C. pneumoniae development and preliminary time lapse data suggest that chlamydiae can be transferred to hMDMs via apoptotic blebs. In all, these data may contribute to a better understanding of chlamydial infection processes in humans.rn
PURPOSE: To identify the occurrence, types, and severity of associated injuries outside the facial region among patients diagnosed with facial fractures, and to analyze whether there are any factors related to associated injuries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of 401 patients diagnosed with facial fractures during the 2-year period from 2003 to 2004. RESULTS: Associated injuries were observed in 101 patients (25.2%). The most common type of injury was a limb injury (13.5%), followed by brain (11.0%), chest (5.5%), spine (2.7%), and abdominal (0.8%) injuries. Multiple associated injuries were observed in 10% and polytrauma in 7.5%. The mortality rate was 0.2%. The occurrence of associated injury correlated significantly with trauma mechanism and fracture type; high-speed accidents and severe facial fractures were significant predictors of associated injury. CONCLUSIONS: Associated injuries are frequent among patients who have sustained facial fractures. The results underscore the importance of multiprofessional collaboration in diagnosis and sequencing of treatment, but also the importance of arranging appropriate clinical rotations for maxillofacial residents in training.
There is a demand for technologies able to assess the perfusion of surgical flaps quantitatively and reliably to avoid ischemic complications. The aim of this study is to test a new high-speed high-definition laser Doppler imaging (LDI) system (FluxEXPLORER, Microvascular Imaging, Lausanne, Switzerland) in terms of preoperative mapping of the vascular supply (perforator vessels) and postoperative flow monitoring. The FluxEXPLORER performs perfusion mapping of an area 9 x 9 cm with a resolution of 256 x 256 pixels within 6 s in high-definition imaging mode. The sensitivity and predictability to localize perforators is expressed by the coincidence of preoperatively assessed LDI high flow spots with intraoperatively verified perforators in nine patients. 18 free flaps are monitored before, during, and after total ischemia. 63% of all verified perforators correspond to a high flow spot, and 38% of all high flow spots correspond to a verified perforator (positive predictive value). All perfused flaps reveal a value of above 221 perfusion units (PUs), and all values obtained in the ischemic flaps are beneath 187 PU. In summary, we conclude that the present LDI system can serve as a reliable, fast, and easy-to-handle tool to detect ischemia in free flaps, whereas perforator vessels cannot be detected appropriately.
In contact shots, all the materials emerging from the muzzle (combustion gases, soot, powder grains, and metals from the primer) will be driven into the depth of the entrance wound and the following sections of the bullet track. The so-called "pocket" ("powder cavity") under the skin containing soot and gunpowder particles is regarded as a significant indicator of a contact entrance wound since one would expect that the quantity of GSR deposited along the bullet's path rapidly declines towards the exit hole. Nevertheless, experience has shown that soot, powder particles, and carboxyhemoglobin may be found not only in the initial part of the wound channel, but also far away from the entrance and even at the exit. In order to investigate the propagation of GSRs under standardized conditions, contact test shots were fired against composite models of pig skin and 25-cm-long gelatin blocks using 9-mm Luger pistol cartridges with two different primers (Sinoxid® and Sintox®). Subsequently, 1-cm-thick layers of the gelatin blocks were examined as to their primer element contents (lead, barium, and antimony as discharge residues of Sinoxid® as well as zinc and titanium from Sintox®) by means of X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. As expected, the highest element concentrations were found in the initial parts of the bullet tracks, but also the distal sections contained detectable amounts of the respective primer elements. The same was true for amorphous soot and unburned/partly burned powder particles, which could be demonstrated even at the exit site. With the help of a high-speed motion camera it was shown that for a short time the temporary cavitation extends from the entrance to the exit thus facilitating the unlimited spread of discharge residues along the whole bullet path.
Apart from one article published by Rabl and Sigrist in 1992 (Rechtsmedizin 2:156-158), there are no further reports on secondary skull fractures in shots from captive bolt guns. Up to now, the pertinent literature places particular emphasis on the absence of indirect lesions away from the impact point, when dealing with the wounding capacity of slaughterer's guns. The recent observation of two suicidal head injuries accompanied by skull fractures far away from the bolt's path gave occasion to experimental studies using simulants (glycerin soap, balls from gelatin) and skull brain models. As far as ballistic soap was concerned, the dimensions of the bolt's channel were assessed by multi-slice computed tomography before cutting the blocks open. The test shots to gelatin balls and to skull-brain models were documented by means of a high-speed motion camera. As expected, the typical temporary cavity effect of bullets fired from conventional guns could not be observed when captive bolt stunners were discharged. Nevertheless, the visualized transfer of kinetic energy justifies the assumption that the secondary fractures seen in thin parts of the skull were caused by a hydraulic burst effect.
OBJECTIVE To determine the practicability and accuracy of central corneal thickness (CCT) measurements in living chicks utilizing a noncontact, high-speed optical low-coherence reflectometer (OLCR) mounted on a slit lamp. ANIMALS STUDIED Twelve male chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus). Procedures Measurements of CCT were obtained in triplicate in 24 eyes of twelve 1-day-old anaesthetized chicks using OLCR. Every single measurement taken by OLCR consisted of the average result of 20 scans obtained within seconds. Additionally, corneal thickness was determined histologically after immersion fixation in Karnovsky's solution alone (20 eyes) or with a previous injection of the fixative into the anterior chamber before enucleation (4 eyes). RESULTS Central corneal thickness measurements using OLCR in 1-day-old living chicks provide a rapid and feasible examination technique. Mean CCT measured with OLCR (189.7 ± 3.34 μm) was significantly lower than histological measurements (242.1 ± 47.27 μm) in eyes with fixation in Karnovsky's solution (P = 0.0005). In eyes with additional injection of Karnovsky's fixative into the anterior chamber, mean histologically determined CCT was 195.2 ± 8.25 μm vs. 191.9 ± 8.90 μm with OLCR. A trend for a lower variance was found compared to the eyes that had only been immersion fixed. CONCLUSION Optical low-coherence reflectometry is an accurate examination technique to measure in vivo CCT in the eye of newborn chicks. The knowledge of the thickness of the chick cornea and the ability to obtain noninvasive, noncontact measurements of CCT in the living animal may be of interest for research and development of eye diseases in chick models.
Background As predicted by theory, traits associated with reproduction often evolve at a comparatively high speed. This is especially the case for courtship behaviour which plays a central role in reproductive isolation. On the other hand, courtship behavioural traits often involve morphological and behavioural adaptations in both sexes; this suggests that their evolution might be under severe constraints, for instance irreversibility of character loss. Here, we use a recently proposed method to retrieve data on a peculiar courtship behavioural trait, i.e. antennal coiling, for 56 species of diplazontine parasitoid wasps. On the basis of a well-resolved phylogeny, we reconstruct the evolutionary history of antennal coiling and associated morphological modifications to study the mode of evolution of this complex character system. Results Our study reveals a large variation in shape, location and ultra-structure of male-specific modifications on the antennae. As for antennal coiling, we find either single-coiling, double-coiling or the absence of coiling; each state is present in multiple genera. Using a model comparison approach, we show that the possession of antennal modifications is highly correlated with antennal coiling behaviour. Ancestral state reconstruction shows that both antennal modifications and antennal coiling are highly congruent with the molecular phylogeny, implying low levels of homoplasy and a comparatively low speed of evolution. Antennal coiling is lost on two independent occasions, and never reacquired. A zero rate of regaining antennal coiling is supported by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Conclusions Our study provides the first comparative evidence for a tight correlation between male-specific antennal modifications and the use of the antennae during courtship. Antennal coiling in Diplazontinae evolved at a comparatively low rate, and was never reacquired in any of the studied taxa. This suggests that the loss of antennal coiling is irreversible on the timescale examined here, and therefore that evolutionary constraints have greatly influenced the evolution of antennal courtship in this group of parasitoid wasps. Further studies are needed to ascertain whether the loss of antennal coiling is irreversible on larger timescales, and whether evolutionary constraints have influenced courtship behavioural traits in a similar way in other groups.
Gunshot injuries in the back may suggest the unjustified use of firearms. A wound in the back inflicted by a firearm should not automatically imply that the shooter aimed at the back. A previous study demonstrated that it is possible for men to turn their trunk faster than it takes for a shooter to fire or throw a hand-operated weapon. With a high speed motion camera the authors were able to demonstrate that it is also possible for women to turn their trunk fast enough, so that a shot in the back could have been aimed at the front of the body. This conclusion is also likely to apply to hand-operated or thrown weapons, since the velocity of their projectiles is considerably lower than that of firearms.
Lodox Statscan provides high-speed, high-quality, low radiation, full body imaging in a single scan, combined with three-dimensional reconstructive and zooming functionality. Several trauma centres have incorporated it into their advanced trauma life support protocol. This review gives a brief overview of the system.
Investigation uses simulation to explore the inherent tradeoffs ofcontrolling high-speed and highly robust walking robots while minimizing energy consumption. Using a novel controller which optimizes robustness, energy economy, and speed of a simulated robot on rough terrain, the user can adjust their priorities between these three outcome measures and systematically generate a performance curveassessing the tradeoffs associated with these metrics.
High-frequency respiratory impedance data measured noninvasively by the high-speed interrupter technique (HIT), particularly the first antiresonance frequency (f(ar,1)), is related to airway wall mechanics. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and repeatability of HIT in unsedated pre-term infants, and to compare values of f(ar,1) from 18 pre-term (post-conceptional age 32-37 weeks, weight 1,730-2,910 g) and 18 full-term infants (42-47 weeks, 3,920-5,340 g). Among the pre-term infants, there was good short-term repeatability of f(ar,1) within a single sleep epoch (mean (sd) coefficient of variance: 8 (1.7)%), but 95% limits of agreement for repeated measures of f(ar,1) after 3-8 h were relatively wide (-41 Hz; 37 Hz). f(ar,1) was significantly lower in pre-term infants (199 versus 257 Hz), indicating that wave propagation characteristics in pre-term airways are different from those of full-term infants. The present authors suggest that this is consistent with developmental differences in airway wall structure and compliance, including the influence of the surrounding tissue. Since flow limitation is determined by wave propagation velocity and airway cross-sectional area, it was hypothesised that the physical ability of the airways to carry large flows is fundamentally different in pre-term than in full-term infants.
Measurements of NOx within the snowpack at Summit, Greenland were carried out from June 2008 to July 2010, using a novel system to sample firn air with minimal disruption of the snowpack. These long-term measurements were motivated by the need of improving the representation of air-snow interactions in global models. Results indicated that the NOx budget within the snowpack was on the order of 550 pptv as maximum, and was constituted primarily for NO2. NOx production was observed within the first 50 cm of the snowpack during the sunlight season between February and August. Presence of NOx at larger depths was attributed to high speed wind and vertical transport processes. Production of NO correlated with the seasonal incoming radiation profile, while NO2 maximum was observed in April. These measurements constitute the larger data set of NOx within the firn and will improve the representation of processes driving snow photochemistry at Summit.
One of the scarcest resources in the wireless communication system is the limited frequency spectrum. Many wireless communication systems are hindered by the bandwidth limitation and are not able to provide high speed communication. However, Ultra-wideband (UWB) communication promises a high speed communication because of its very wide bandwidth of 7.5GHz (3.1GHz-10.6GHz). The unprecedented bandwidth promises many advantages for the 21st century wireless communication system. However, UWB has many hardware challenges, such as a very high speed sampling rate requirement for analog to digital conversion, channel estimation, and implementation challenges. In this thesis, a new method is proposed using compressed sensing (CS), a mathematical concept of sub-Nyquist rate sampling, to reduce the hardware complexity of the system. The method takes advantage of the unique signal structure of the UWB symbol. Also, a new digital implementation method for CS based UWB is proposed. Lastly, a comparative study is done of the CS-UWB hardware implementation methods. Simulation results show that the application of compressed sensing using the proposed method significantly reduces the number of hardware complexity compared to the conventional method of using compressed sensing based UWB receiver.