923 resultados para PROGRAMES OF ACTION


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The frog skin host-defense peptide tigerinin-1R stimulates insulin release in vitro and improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in animal models of type 2 diabetes. This study extends these observation by investigating the molecular mechanisms of action underlying the beneficial metabolic effects of the analogue [Arg4]tigerinin-1R in mice with diet induced obesity, glucose intolerance and insulin resistance. The study also investigates the electrophysiological effects of the peptide on KATP and L-type Ca2+ channels in BRINBD11 clonal β cells. Non-fasting plasma glucose and glucagon concentrations were significantly (P<0.05) decreased and plasma insulin increased by twice daily treatment with [Arg4]tigerinin-1R (75 nmol.kg-1 body weight) for 28 days. Oral and intraperitoneal glucose tolerance were significantly (P < 0.05) improved accompanied by enhanced secretion and action of insulin. The peptide blocked KATP channels and, consistent with this, improved beta cell responses of isolated islets to a range of secretagogues. Peptide administration resulted in up-regulation of key functional genes in islets involved insulin secretion (Abcc8, Kcnj11, Cacna1c and Slc2a2) and in skeletal muscle involved with insulin action (Insr, Irs1, Pdk1, Pik3ca, and Slc2a4). These observations encourage further development of tigerinin-1R analogues for the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes.


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: High-grade serous ovarian cancer is characterized by genomic instability, with one half of all tumors displaying defects in the important DNA repair pathway of homologous recombination. Given the action of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors in targeting tumors with deficiencies in this repair pathway by loss of BRCA1/2, ovarian tumors could be an attractive population for clinical application of this therapy. PARP inhibitors have moved into clinical practice in the past few years, with approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) within the past 2 years. The U.S. FDA approval of olaparib applies to fourth line treatment in germline BRCA-mutant ovarian cancer, and European EMA approval to olaparib maintenance in both germline and somatic BRCA-mutant platinum-sensitive ovarian cancer. In order to widen the ovarian cancer patient population that would benefit from PARP inhibitors, predictive biomarkers based on a clear understanding of the mechanism of action are required. Additionally, a better understanding of the toxicity profile is needed if PARP inhibitors are to be used in the curative, rather than the palliative, setting. We reviewed the development of PARP inhibitors in phase I-III clinical trials, including combination trials of PARP inhibitors and chemotherapy/antiangiogenics, the approval for these agents, the mechanisms of resistance, and the outstanding issues, including the development of biomarkers and the rate of long-term hematologic toxicities with these agents.

IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: The poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitor olaparib has recently received approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA), with a second agent (rucaparib) likely to be approved in the near future. However, the patient population with potential benefit from PARP inhibitors is likely wider than that of germline BRCA mutation-associated disease, and biomarkers are in development to enable the selection of patients with the potential for clinical benefit from these agents. Questions remain regarding the toxicities of PARP inhibitors, limiting the use of these agents in the prophylactic or adjuvant setting until more information is available. The indications for olaparib as indicated by the FDA and EMA are reviewed.


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Neste trabalho o risco da aplicação de moluscicidas (metaldeído e metiocarbe) para o isópode terrestre Porcellionides pruinosus foi avaliado usando como parâmetros a mortalidade e biomarcadores de exposição. O tempo até à morte dos isópodes (após contacto com os moluscicidas) foi muito curto, especialmente no caso da exposição ao metiocarbe. Os vários biomarcadores revelaram-se úteis para a compreensão do modo de acção dos dois moluscicidas neste isópode, particularmente o efeito do carbamato metiocarbe na inibição da enzima acetilcolinesterase (AChE). Os efeitos de combinações binárias de três produtos de protecção das plantas (PPP) dimetoato, glifosato e espirodiclofeno foram avaliados testando o comportamento de evitamento de P. pruinosus, o sucesso reprodutivo do colêmbolo Folsomia candida e o crescimento das plantas Brassica rapa e Triticum aestivum, usando os dois modelos de referência de concentração de adição (CA) e acção independente (IA). O modelo MIXTOX foi usado para avaliar possíveis desvios (devido a interacções entre os pesticidas) dos dois modelos de referência. Os resultados obtidos permitem constatar que estes PPP quando aplicados segundo a dose recomendada não acarretam efeitos perniciosos para os organismos testados. Foi detectado sinergismo na mistura feita com glifosato e espirodiclofeno no isópode P. pruinosus e na mistura com glifosato e dimetoato na planta T. aestivum. Um ecossistema terrestre em pequena escala (“STEM”) foi desenvolvido, contendo um solo agrícola mediterrânico. Nestes STEM, minhocas (Eisenia andrei), P. pruinosus, B. rapa e “bait-lamina” foram incorporados no sentido de avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de dimetoato com espirodiclofeno e glifosato com dimetoato. A dose recomendada de aplicação dos PPP, quer na exposição individual quer nas misturas binárias não teve quaisquer efeitos nas espécies testadas. As minhocas foram sensíveis à aplicação conjunta de dimetoato com espirodiclofeno (10 vezes a dose recomendada) na sua distribuição vertical ao longo da coluna do STEM, e foi detectado sinergismo (i.e. mais minhocas escaparam do que a predição feita pelo modelo IA). Em todas as misturas binárias feitas com glifosato e dimetoato registou-se um decréscimo no consumo de “bait-lamina”, indicando sinergismo (menos “bait-lamina” consumidos que o esperado). Dos quatro biomarcadores (Catalase, AChE, GST e LPO) avaliados nos isópodes, verificaram-se diferenças significativas na actividade da enzima AChE (quando dimetoato foi aplicado no solo) e LPO (aumento da actividade devido à aplicação de glifosato e dimetoato).


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This thesis analyses the concept of Political Will, suggests its operationalization and establishes a typological theory that provides the necessary support for the diverse strategies of action of a leader. It claims that political leadership styles articulate a choice of action that results from the Political Will of a leader, which is determined by his intention and his discerned possibilities to act. One main research question guided our research: How does a political leader select and change his leadership style? The most illustrative literature on political leadership is reviewed and the characteristics of democratic governance are analyzed. This is followed by an overview of the most noteworthy theories on the theme and a claim for the need of concept coherence, given the multiplicity of the existent standpoints. After that, we concentrate on leadership styles, with a focus on the local governance context. Human action and intentionality are addressed with particular attention, as well as the motivational drivers for action, in order to advance a conceptualization of Political Will through two dimensions: intention and possibility. This analysis led to a number of relevant propositions: (1) Political Will ‘exists’ when the agent has the intent and the possibility to act; (2) these two dimensions ‘translate’ simultaneously what the agent believes he must do and can do; (3) Intention and possibility reflect diverse but limited worldviews; (4) political leadership styles result from the agent’s Political Will; (5) different combinations of the expected and actual worldviews result in different leadership styles; and (6) political leadership styles can change accordingly to several strategies which allow conformity or reflect reaction to worldviews. We suggested the operationalization of the two dimensions of Political Will through the analytical tool of Grid-group Theory, which provided the identification of the heuristic devices that allowed further comprehension on the subjectivity of the agent’s choice. Four standard property spaces – representing four types of leadership styles – result from a preliminary approach to this process. Afterwards, and because these dimensions operate simultaneously, we advance on the analysis and suggest some plausible heuristical conflicts to happen and describe which consequences, strategies and type migrations are conceivable. An inclusive and more complete set of resulting property spaces renders fourteen different types of leadership styles and sixty different predictable causal paths that result from the expected migration strategies. Case-studies were conducted as plausibility probes designed to provide improvements to our theoretical claims and addressed the cases we selected for research purposes: Portuguese Mayors. The findings from five case studies are discussed and the probable impact and congruence of each with the theoretical claims are assessed. The communalities of the causal mechanisms related to the function of intention and possibility as the dimensions of Political Will and their role in explaining different leadership styles are, finally, addressed. To conclude, we advance some repercussions, mainly in the public policies field of research, and suggest a number of different and necessary paths for further work.


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Um assunto que requer atenção é a avaliação ecológica da qualidade da água de ecossistemas de água doce. Uma abordagem que surge como promissora é a biomonitorização baseada em biomarcadores, porque pode avaliar a saúde dos organismos e obter sinais de alerta precoce acerca dos riscos ambientais. Até agora, porém, o uso de biomarcadores em espécies de invertebrados, para diagnosticar danos ecológicos nos rios, é escasso. Por essa razão, existe uma necessidade urgente de desenvolver biomarcadores nas principais espécies de macroinvertebrados dos ecossistemas fluviais que são alvo de estudo. Esta tese tem como objectivo averiguar se as respostas in situ, aliadas aos biomarcadores, podem ser um método viável para avaliar os danos ecológicos de contaminantes em ecossistemas de água doce. Numa primeira fase, os biomarcadores foram usados para averiguar os mecanismos fisiológicos de adaptação genética de clones de Daphnia magna ao pesticida organofosforado fenitrothion. Numa segunda fase, os biomarcadores foram usados como ferramentas de diagnóstico de poluição em zonas ribeirinhas. Estes estudos foram realizados com três espécies-chave de macroinvertebrados: Daphnia magna, Corbicula fluminea e Hydropsyche exocellata, nos rios Besós e Llobregat e no Delta do rio Ebro (NE Espanha). Além disso, foram realizados com animais capturados nos rios, ou com ensaios de transplantes, e foram complementados com índices biológicos de macroinvertebrados e análises químicas da água e dos animais. Como os contaminantes químicos têm vários modos toxicológicos de acção e, portanto, afectam várias respostas bioquímicas dos organismos, foram analisados nas três espécies um conjunto de biomarcadores pertencentes a diferentes vias metabólicas. A abordagem experimental indica que o uso combinado de biomarcadores e outras medidas, tais como índices biológicos e testes in situ, contribui para diagnosticar os efeitos prejudiciais de contaminantes nas comunidades ribeirinhas.


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Nowadays, a systems biology approach is both a challenge as well as believed to be the ideal form of understanding the organisms’ mechanisms of response. Responses at different levels of biological organization should be integrated to better understand the mechanisms, and hence predict the effects of stress agents, usable in broader contexts. The main aim of this thesis was to evaluate the underlying mechanisms of Enchytraeus albidus responses to chemical stressors. Therefore, there was a large investment on the gene library enrichment for this species, as explained ahead. Overall, effects of chemicals from two different groups (metals and pesticides) were assessed at different levels of biological organization: from genes and biochemical biomarkers to population endpoints. Selected chemicals were: 1) the metals cadmium and zinc; 2) the insecticide dimethoate, the herbicide atrazine and the fungicide carbendazim. At the gene and sub-cellular level, the effects of time and dosage were also adressed. Traditional ecotoxicological tests - survival, reproduction and avoidance behavior - indicated that pesticides were more toxic than metals. Avoidance behaviour is extremely important from an ecological point of view, but not recommended to use for risk assessment purposes. The oxidative stress related experiment showed that metals induced significant effects on several antioxidant enzyme activities and substrate levels, as well as oxidative damage on the membrane cells. To increase the potential of our molecular tool to assess transcriptional responses, the existing cDNA library was enriched with metal and pesticide responding genes, using Suppression Subtractive Hybridization (SSH). With the sequencing information obtained, an improved Agilent custom oligonucleotide microarray was developed and an EST database, including all existing molecular data on E. albidus, was made publicly available as an interactive tool to access information. With this microarray tool, most interesting and novel information on the mechanisms of chemical toxicity was obtained, with the identification of common and specific key pathways affected by each compound. The obtained results allowed the identification of mechanisms of action for the tested compounds in E. albidus, some of which are in line with the ones known for mammals, suggesting across species conserved modes of action and underlining the usefulness of this soil invertebrate as a model species. In general, biochemical and molecular responses were influenced by time of exposure and chemical dosage and these allowed to see the evolution of events. Cellular energy allocation results confirmed the gene expression evidences of an increased energetic expenditure, which can partially explain the decrease on the reproductive output, verified at a later stage. Correlations found throughout this thesis between effects at the different levels of biological organization have further improved our knowledge on the toxicity of metals and pesticides in this species.


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A dissertação de doutoramento apresentada insere-se na área de electrónica não-linear de rádio-frequência (RF), UHF e microondas, tendo como principal campo de acção o estudo da distorção nãolinear em arquitecturas de recepção rádio, nomeadamente receptores de conversão directa como Power Meters, RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) ou SDR (Software Define Radio) front-ends. Partindo de um estudo exaustivo das actuais arquitecturas de recepção de radiofrequência e revendo todos os conceitos teóricos relacionados com o desempenho não-linear dos sistemas/componentes electrónicos, foram desenvolvidos algoritmos matemáticos de modulação dos comportamentos não-lineares destas arquitecturas, simulados e testados em laboratório e propostas novas arquitecturas para a minimização ou cancelamento do impacto negativo de grandes interferidores em frequências vizinhas ao do sistema pretendido.


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The introduction of chemicals into the environment by human activities may represent a serious risk to environmental and human health. Environmental risk assessment requires the use of efficient and sensitive tools to determine the impact of contaminants on the ecosystems. The use of zebrafish for the toxicity assessment of pharmaceuticals, drugs, and pollutants, is becoming well accepted due to zebrafish unique advantages for the screening of compounds for hazard identification. The aim of the present work is to apply toxicogenomic approaches to identify novel biomarkers and uncovered potential modes of action of classic and emergent contaminants able to disrupt endocrine systems, such as the Retinoic Acid Receptor, Retinoid X Receptor and the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor. This study relies on different nuclear and cytosolic protein receptors and other conditional (ligand- or stress- activated) transcriptional factors that are intimately involved in the regulation of defensome genes and in mechanisms of chemical toxicity. The transcriptomic effects of organic compounds, endogenous compounds, and nanoparticles were analysed during the early stages of zebrafish development. Studying the gene expression profiles of exposed and unexposed organisms to pollutants using microarrays allowed the identification of specific gene markers and to establish a "genetic code" for the tested compounds. Changes in gene expression were observed at toxicant concentrations that did not cause morphological effects. Even at low toxicant concentrations, the observed changes in transcript levels were robust for some target genes. Microarray responses of selected genes were further complemented by the real time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) methodology. The combination of bio-informatic, toxicological analyses of differential gene expression profiles, and biochemical and phenotypic responses across the treatments allowed the identification of uncovered potential mechanisms of action. In addition, this work provides an integrated set of tools that can be used to aid management-decision making by improving the predictive capability to measure environmental stress of contaminants in freshwater ecosystems. This study also illustrates the potential of zebrafish embryos for the systematic, large-scale analysis of chemical effects on developing vertebrates.


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Over 11 million tons of nanomaterials (NMs) have been produced in 2012 and predictions point the increase in production. Despite predictions and extended usage via consumer products and industry, the understanding of the potential impact of these materials on the environment is virtually absent. The main aim of this thesis is to understand how a selected group of nanomaterials (metal based particles) may impact soil invertebrates, with special focus on the mechanisms of response. Since a case-by-case Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) of all the emerging contaminants (particularly NMs) is impossible, among others due to time and cost reasons, to gain understanding on the mechanism of action and response is very important to reach a common paradigm. Understanding the modes of action provides predictive characters in cross particle extrapolation. Besides, it also provides insight for the production of new and sustainable materials. Overall, the effects of the selected NMs (Copper and Silver, Titanium and Zirconium oxides) and the respective salt forms, were investigated at the gene expression (using high-throughput tools, microarray and qPCR technology), biochemical (using enzymatic assays for analysis of oxidative stress markers) and organism (survival and reproduction as in OECD test guidelines) levels, this using standard soil species (Enchytraeus albidus, Enchytraeus crypticus, Eisenia fetida). Gene expression analysis provided valuable information on the mechanisms affected by each of the NMs. The gene expression profile highlighted a (nano)material signature and the effect of the duration of exposure. The functional analyses integrated with the biochemical and organism data, revealed a good understanding power. The biochemical parameters (oxidative stress related) were distinct across the materials and also influenced by duration of exposure and concentration. The standardized organismal responses differed the least between the various materials. The overall outcome is that, in this context of NMs effect assessment, gene expression and enzymatic assays introduced a very important knowledge gap, which could not had been achieved by the standard organismal effects alone. A reoccurring issue with some metal based NMs is the possible dissolution and subsequent release of ions that then causes toxicity e.g. Cu-NPs or Ag-NPs release Cu2+ or Ag+. The oxidation state of the particles was investigated, although this was not the focus of the thesis. The study of fate, e.g. dissolution of NPs, is also only in its beginning and the appropriate techniques are currently being developed. The results showed a specific nanoparticle effect. The UV exposure with titanium dioxide nanoparticles increased its effect.


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The main scope of this work was to evaluate the metabolic effects of anticancer agents (three conventional and one new) in osteosarcoma (OS) cells and osteoblasts, by measuring alterations in the metabolic profile of cells by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy metabolomics. Chapter 1 gives a theoretical framework of this work, beginning with the main metabolic characteristics that globally describe cancer as well as the families and mechanisms of action of drugs used in chemotherapy. The drugs used nowadays to treat OS are also presented, together with the Palladium(II) complex with spermine, Pd2Spm, potentially active against cancer. Then, the global strategy for cell metabolomics is explained and the state of the art of metabolomic studies that analyze the effect of anticancer agents in cells is presented. In Chapter 2, the fundamentals of the analytical techniques used in this work, namely for biological assays, NMR spectroscopy and multivariate and statistical analysis of the results are described. A detailed description of the experimental procedures adopted throughout this work is given in Chapter 3. The biological and analytical reproducibility of the metabolic profile of MG-63 cells by high resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) NMR is evaluated in Chapter 4. The metabolic impact of several factors (cellular integrity, spinning rate, temperature, time and acquisition parameters) on the 1H HRMAS NMR spectral profile and quality is analysed, enabling the definition of the best acquisition parameters for further experiments. The metabolic consequences of increasing number of passages in MG-63 cells as well as the duration of storage are also investigated. Chapter 5 describes the metabolic impact of drugs conventionally used in OS chemotherapy, through NMR metabolomics studies of lysed cells and aqueous extracts analysis. The results show that MG-63 cells treated with cisplatin (cDDP) undergo a strong up-regulation of lipid contents, alterations in phospholipid constituents (choline compounds) and biomarkers of DNA degradation, all associated with cell death by apoptosis. Cells exposed to doxorubicin (DOX) or methotrexate (MTX) showed much slighter metabolic changes, without any relevant alteration in lipid contents. However, metabolic changes associated with altered Krebs cycle, oxidative stress and nucleotides metabolism were detected and were tentatively interpreted at the light of the known mechanisms of action of these drugs. The metabolic impact of the exposure of MG-63 cells and osteoblasts to cDDP and the Pd2Spm complex is described in Chapter 6. Results show that, despite the ability of the two agents to bind DNA, the metabolic consequences that arise from exposure to them are distinct, namely in what concerns to variation in lipid contents (absent for Pd2Spm). Apoptosis detection assays showed that, differently from what was seen for MG-63 cells treated with cDDP, the decreased number of living cells upon exposure to Pd2Spm was not due to cell death by apoptosis or necrosis. Moreover, the latter agent induces more marked alterations in osteoblasts than in cancer cells, while the opposite seemed to occur upon cDDP exposure. Nevertheless, the results from MG-63 cells exposure to combination regimens with cDDP- or Pd2Spm-based cocktails, described in Chapter 7, revealed that, in combination, the two agents induce similar metabolic responses, arising from synergy mechanisms between the tested drugs. Finally, the main conclusions of this thesis are summarized in Chapter 8, and future perspectives in the light of this work are presented.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia, Especialidade em Biologia Molecular, Universidade do Algarve, 2008


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Tese de dout., Ciências do Mar, Terra e Ambiente (Ecotoxicologia), Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Univ. do Algarve, 2012


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This thesis offers an original account of what personal well-being can be. Any account of education, it is believed, has to do with and aims at personal well-being. I approach this view on well-being not in a positive but in a negative way. I put forward some items that in certain circumstances can be taken by and called sources or forms of disorder. In the absence of such forms or sources of disorder, I assume that a certain order, prudential or moral, takes place and that constitutes the well-being of the person. The concept of ‘absence of disorder’ is introduced and argued as an educationally appropriate view of personal well-being which is the central educational aim. Therefore, ‘absence of disorder’ is positioned as the central aim of education. This concept is illuminated, for practical reasoning, by a list of seven possible forms of disorder: Comparison, Corruption, Dependency, Division, Fear, Self-disintegration and Violence. As a view of personal well-being, ‘absence of disorder’ is initially rooted in informed desire satisfaction, via the introduction of the concept of entropy. Prudentially, the agent’s informed desire is satisfied by living a life with low build up of entropy or disorder. But, in a second move such a base is also provided by the Levinasinian concept of ‘disinterest’ as a root for ‘what is to be a human’. Such ‘disinterest’ is related to the concepts of love and ofaction for its own sake’. It is at this final approach that an attempt is made towards the approximation of the ethical and the prudential aspects of social practices. Even if only to some extent successful, the argument is directed to the following conclusion: an education aiming at ‘absence of disorder’ may promote prudential well-being and give us some confidence in simultaneously favouring moral education.


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In order to produce packaging films with a broad spectrum of action on microorganisms, the effect of two antimicrobial (AM) to be included in the films, carvacrol and GSE were studied separately on different microorganisms. Carvacrol was more effective against the grampositive bacteria than against the gram-negative bacterium. GSE was not effective against yeast. Subsequently, a search for optimal combinations of carvacrol, GSE and the addition of chitosan (as a third component with film forming properties) was carried out. Response surface analysis showed several synergetic effects and three optimal AM combinations (OAMC) were obtained for each microorganism. The experimental validation confirmed that the optimal solutions found can successfully predict the response for each microorganism. The optimization of mixtures of the three components, but this time, using the same concentration for all microorganisms, was also studied to obtain an OAMC with wide spectrum of activity. The results of the response surface analysis showed several synergistic effects for all microorganisms. Three OAMC, OAMC-1, OAMC-2, OAMC-3, were found to be the optimal mixtures for all microorganisms. The radical scavenging activity (RSA) of the different agents was then compared with a standard antioxidant (AOX) BHT, at different concentrations; as also at the OAMC. The RSA increased in the following order: chitosanaction of OAMC-3. The physico-mechanical properties of 3 films, film-1 with OAMC-1, film-2 with OAMC-2 and film-3 with OAMC-3 were studied. Film-3 presented the lowest WVP, CO2P and TS values and the highest O2P whereas film-1 presented the highest WVP and the lowest crystallinity, CO2P, TS and luminosity. Being one of the components of GSE, gallic acid (GA) release in water from film-1, film-2 and film-3 was next studied over a 30 day period. The mathematical model for the release of GA based on Fick’s law successfully fitted the experimental data and GA diffusion coefficients, assumed to be Arrhenius temperature dependent were obtained for each film. This work will contribute to the development of environmentally friendly packaging films, resulting in improved food preservation and shelf-life extension.


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Tese de doutoramento, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2014