780 resultados para PNEUMONIA


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Les progrès technologiques dans l’industrie de la viande ont des répercussions considérables sur les agents pathogènes de ces environnements. Parmi ceux-ci, Streptococcus suis occupe une place prédominante dans l’industrie porcine. En effet, S. suis, colonisateur naturel des voies respiratoires et digestives du porc, peut infecter son hôte en provoquant des méningites, septicémies, endocardites, arthrites ou pneumonies. De surcroît, S. suis peut également infecter l’humain en provoquant majoritairement des méningites et septicémies, et a notamment été la cause de deux épidémies en Chine en 1998 et 2005. La pathogenèse des infections à S. suis demeure partiellement connue à l’heure actuelle, rendant difficile le contrôle des infections. Il est par conséquent essentiel de caractériser les facteurs de virulence chez S. suis puisqu’ils pourraient représenter des cibles d’intérêt pour des applications préventives ou thérapeutiques. Ce projet de doctorat consiste donc en la caractérisation fonctionnelle de facteurs de virulence chez S. suis. Dans un premier temps, la capacité de S. suis à moduler son potentiel pro-inflammatoire en présence de concentrations sous-inhibitrices d’amoxicilline a été mise en évidence. Dans un second temps, la caractérisation plus avancée de la hyaluronate lyase de S. suis a permis de démontrer que son activité ne contribue pas à la virulence de la bactérie étant donné son absence au sein de souches les plus virulentes, mais que les interactions avec l’acide hyaluronique pourraient moduler la virulence de S. suis. Par la suite, l’étude fonctionnelle d’une DNase de S. suis a permis de démontrer son implication comme facteur de virulence et suggère son intérêt dans le développement de vaccins. Finalement, le dernier objectif du projet a permis la mise en évidence de la production de microvésicules fortement immunogéniques par S. suis. La présence de facteurs de virulence dans leur contenu protéique représente un élément encourageant dans le développement de vaccins contre l’agent pathogène. Ce projet a donc permis d’élargir les connaissances sur le potentiel néfaste de l’utilisation des antibiotiques à faible concentration dans l’industrie porcine, sur le rôle des activités hyaluronate lyase et DNase dans la virulence de S. suis, et de découvrir un nouveau mécanisme impliqué dans la virulence de la bactérie par le biais des microvésicules.


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Background - For dose reduction actions, the principle of “image quality as good as possible” to “image quality as good as needed” requires to know whether the physical measures and visual image quality relate. Visual evaluation and objective physical measures of image quality can appear to be different. If there is no noticeable effect on the visual image quality with a low dose but there is a objective physical measure impact, then the overall dose may be reduced without compromising the diagnostic image quality. Low dose imaging can be used for certain types of observations, e.g. thoracic scoliosis, control after metal implantation for osteosynthesis, reviewing pneumonia and tuberculosis. Aim of the study - To determine whether physical measures of noise predict visual (clinical) image quality at low dose levels.


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Introduction. Routine use of nasogastric tubes (NGT) after abdominal operations is intended to hasten the return of bowel function, diminish the risk of anastomotic leakage and prevent pulmonary complications. The aim of our study was to prospectively assess the tolerability and the safety of the non use of NGT after elective colorectal open operations. Patients and methods. Between March 2009 and December 2010, 110 consecutive patients underwent colo-rectal elective open surgery for neoplasm without nasogastric decompression. We analyzed the incidence of nausea and vomiting, the pulmonary complications, the return of bowel function the deep wound breakdown (fascial dehiscence) and the anastomotic leakage. Results. Only 15 patients (13,6%) reported nausea without vomiting immediately after surgery and 9 cases of vomiting were observed (8%), requiring the insertion of the NGT (nasogastric tube) in 5 (4,5%). A total of 105 patients (96,3%) were NGT free. No deep wound dehiscence was observed and only one real pneumonia occurred. Anastomotic dehiscence occured in 4 patients (3,6%) and a second surgical procedure was needed in three cases. The return of bowel function, except in the last four patients, occurred in 3,8 days average (range 2-7 days). Conclusion. We confirm the uselessness of the NGT in the framework of fast track program adopted in elective open colo-rectal surgery.


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Introdução: A cavidade oral de um doente que esteja internado num serviço hospitalar apresenta uma flora diferente das pessoas saudáveis. Ao fim de 48 horas de internamento, a flora apresenta um maior número de microrganismos que rapidamente podem ser responsáveis por aparecimento de infeções secundárias, tais como pneumonias, resultante à proliferação bactérias que lhe está associada. Este risco é ainda superior em doentes críticos. Nesta população torna-se fundamental a implementação de um efetivo protocolo de higiene oral, procurando controlar ao máximo o desenvolvimento do biofilme oral. Objetivo: Avaliar o índice de biofilme oral dos doentes na admissão a um serviço de Cuidados Intensivos, procedendo á sua reavaliação após 7 dias de internamento e, procurando deste modo avaliar a eficácia de higienização oral efetuada no Serviço. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo prospetivo, institucional, descritivo, analítico e observacional realizado no Serviço de Cuidados Intensivos do CHP. Foram envolvidos no estudo doentes com mais de 18 anos, e com um tempo de internamento igual ou superior a 7 dias. Procedeu-se à colheita de dados demográficos, motivo de admissão, tempo de internamento, medicação prescrita, tipo de alimentação efetuada no serviço, necessidade ou não de suporte respiratório e qual o tipo de higiene realizada no serviço. Foi avaliado o índice de higiene oral simplificado de Greene & Vermillion (IHO-S) nas primeiras 24h e 7 dias após a 1ª avaliação. O IHO-S é um indicador composto que avalia 2 componentes, a componente de resíduos e a componente de cálculo, sendo cada componente avaliada numa escala de 0 a 3. São avaliadas 6 faces dentárias que são divididas em 3 porções clínicas (porção gengival, terço médio e porção oclusal). No final de cada avaliação é calculado o somatório do valor encontrado para cada face, sendo este total dividido pelo nº de faces analisadas. O cálculo do IHO-S por indivíduo corresponde à soma das componentes. Resultados: Foram avaliados 74 doentes, tendo-se excluído 42 por não terem a dentição mínima exigida. Os 32 doentes que completaram o estudo apresentaram uma idade média de 60,53 ± 14,44 anos, 53,1% eram do género masculino, e na sua maioria pertenciam a pacientes do foro médico e cirúrgico (37,5,5%). Os doentes envolvidos no estudo tiveram uma demora média de 15,69±6,69 dias de internamento, tendo-se verificado que 17 dos pacientes (53,1%) estiveram internados mais de 14 dias no Serviço de Cuidados Intensivos 1. Relativamente às características particulares da amostra verificou-se que durante o período de avaliação a maioria dos doentes estiveram sedados (75%), sob suporte ventilatório (81,3%) e a fazer suporte nutricional por via entérica por sonda nasogástrica (62,6%). O IHO-S inicial foi de 0,67±0,45tendo-se verificado um agravamento significativo ao fim de sete dias de internamento 1,04±0.51 (p<0,05).Este agravamento parece estar fundamentalmente dependente dos maus cuidados orais prestados aos doentes, não se tendo observado qualquer diferença significativa resultante dos aspetos particulares avaliados, com exceção para a nutrição entérica versus a soroterapia. Discussão e Conclusão: Apesar de vários estudos evidenciarem a necessidade de um boa higiene oral para evitar a proliferação bacteriana e o risco de infeção nosocomial, muitas das instituições de saúde continuam a não valorizar esta prática. Neste estudo observa-se que os doentes na admissão apresentam um bom índice de higiene oral tendo-se contudo observado um agravamento significativo ao fim de uma semana de internamento. Embora este agravamento possa não ser importante para o doente com uma semana de internamento ele poderá ser indicativo de um risco acrescido para infeções nosocomiais em doentes com internamentos mais prolongados, necessitando estes doentes de uma higiene oral mais eficaz.


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Objectives: To describe a case of pulmonary infiltrates and eosinophilia (PIE syndrome) probably caused by ciprofloxacin. Materials and methods: A 64-year-old woman was admitted to our department with suspected hospital-acquired pneumonia and treated with antibiotics. She had no symptoms but had peripheral eosinophilia. She had recently been given ciprofloxacin for a urinary tract infection. Results: The patient spontaneously improved after exhaustive negative investigations. Conclusion: We concluded that this patient had PIE syndrome probably caused by ciprofloxacin.


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Objetivou-se, neste estudo exploratório/descritivo, identificar conhecimentos e necessidades dos cuidadores da criança com Infecção Respiratória Aguda (IRA) através de uma amostra de 129 crianças atendidas no serviço de crescimento e desenvolvimento de uma unidade de saúde. Foram aplicados formulários junto aos cuidadores, em seu domicílio, nos meses de fevereiro e março de 2002. Os cuidadores eram do sexo feminino, a maioria jovem, com ensino fundamental incompleto e com renda de 1 a 2 salários. Em relação aos primeiros cuidados com a criança doente, 48,2% dos cuidadores procuram o médico, 36,6% medicam por conta própria e 13,2% utilizam fitoterápicos. Como medidas de prevenção contra pneumonia em crianças com IRA leve, os cuidadores utilizam medidas de senso comum e sabem reconhecer sinais de gravidade das doenças, por experiências anteriores, revelando uma lacuna do conhecimento dos principais sinais e sintomas de doenças graves do trato respiratório


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Noonan syndrome is a relatively common and heterogeneous genetic disorder, associated with congenital heart defect in about 50% of the cases. If the defect is not severe, life expectancy is normal. We report a case of Noonan syndrome in a preterm infant with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and lethal outcome associated to acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by Adenovirus pneumonia. A novel mutation in the RAF1 gene was identified: c.782C>G (p.Pro261Arg) in heterozygosity, not described previously in the literature. Consequently, the common clinical course in this mutation and its respective contribution to the early fatal outcome is unknown. No conclusion can be established regarding genotype/phenotype correlation.


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Streptococcus pneumoniae is a human pathobiont that colonizes the nasopharynx. S. pneumoniae is responsible for causing non-invasive and invasive disease such as otitis, pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis, being a leading cause of infectious diseases worldwide. Due to similarities with closely related species sharing the same niche, it may be a challenge to correctly distinguish S. pneumoniae from its relatives when using only non-culture based methods such as real time PCR (qPCR). In 2007, a molecular method targeting the major autolysin (lytA) of S. pneumoniae by a qPCR assay was proposed by Carvalho and collaborators to identify pneumococcus. Since then, this method has been widely used worldwide. In 2013, the gene encoding for the ABC iron transporter lipoprotein PiaA, was proposed by Trzcinzki and collaborators to be used in parallel with the lytA qPCR assay. However, the presence of lytA gene homologues has been described in closely related species such as S. pseudopneumoniae and S. mitis and the presence of piaA gene is not ubiquitous between S. pneumoniae. The hyaluronate lyase gene (hylA) has been described to be ubiquitous in S. pneumoniae. This gene has not been used so far as a target for the identification of S. pneumoniae. The aims of our study were to evaluate the specificity, sensitivity, positive predicted value (PPV) and negative predicted value (NPV) of the lytA and piaA qPCR methods; design and implement a new assay targeting the hylA gene and evaluate the same parameters above described; analyze the assays independently and the possible combinations to access what is the best approach using qPCR to identify S. pneumoniae. A total of 278 previously characterized strains were tested: 61 S. pseudopneumoniae, 37 Viridans group strains, 30 type strains from other streptococcal species and 150 S. pneumoniae strains. The collection included both carriage and disease isolates. By Mulilocus Sequence Analysis (MLSA) we confirmed that strains of S. pseudopneumoniae could be misidentified as S. pneumoniae when lytA qPCR assay is used. The results showed that as a single target, lytA had the best combination of specificity, sensitivity, PPV and NPV being, 98.5%, 100.0%, 98.7% and 100.0% respectively. The combination of targets with the best values of specificity, sensibility, PPV and NPV were lytA and piaA, with 100.0%, 93.3%, 97.9% and 92.6%, respectively. Nonetheless by MLSA we confirmed that strains of S. pseudopneumoniae could be misidentified as S. pneumoniae and some capsulated (23F, 6B and 11A) and non-capsulated S. pneumoniae were not Identified using this assay. The hylA gene as a single target had the lowest PPV. Nonetheless it was capable to correctly identify all S. pneumoniae.


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Introduction: In the last few years a significant number of papers have related the use of proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs) to potential serious adverse effects that have resulted in social unrest. Objective: The goal of this paper was to provide a literature review for the development of an institutional position statement by Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva (SEPD) regarding the safety of long-term PPI use. Material and methods: A comprehensive review of the literature was performed to draw conclusions based on a critical assessment of the following: a) current PPI indications; b) vitamin B12 deficiency and neurological disorders; c) magnesium deficiency; d) bone fractures; e) enteric infection and pneumonia; f) interactions with thienopyridine derivatives; e) complications in cirrhotic patients. Results: Current PPI indications have remained unchanged for years now, and are well established. A general screening of vitamin B12 levels is not recommended for all patients on a PPI; however, it does seem necessary that magnesium levels be measured at therapy onset, and then monitored in subjects on other drugs that may induce hypomagnesemia. A higher risk for bone fractures is present, even though causality cannot be concluded for this association. The association between PPIs and infection with Clostridium difficile is mild to moderate, and the risk for pneumonia is low. In patients with cardiovascular risk receiving thienopyridines derivatives it is prudent to adequately consider gastrointestinal and cardiovascular risks, given the absence of definitive evidence regardin potential drug-drug interactions; if gastrointestinal risk is found to be moderate or high, effective prevention should be in place with a PPI. PPIs should be cautiously indicated in patients with decompensated cirrhosis. Conclusions: PPIs are safe drugs whose benefits outweigh their potential side effects both short-term and long-term, provided their indication, dosage, and duration are appropriate.


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New antibacterial compounds, preferentially exploiting novel cellular targets, are urgently needed to fight the increasing resistance of pathogens against conventional antibiotics. Here we demonstrate that Carolacton, a myxobacterial secondary metabolite previously shown to damage Streptococcus mutans biofilms, inhibits planktonic growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae TIGR4 and multidrug-resistant clinical isolates of serotype 19A at nanomolar concentrations. A Carolacton diastereomer is inactive in both streptococci, indicating a highly specific interaction with a conserved cellular target. S. mutans requires the eukaryotic-like serine/threonine protein kinase PknB and the cysteine metabolism regulator CysR for susceptibility to Carolacton, whereas their homologues are not needed in S. pneumoniae, suggesting a specific function for S. mutans biofilms only. A bactericidal effect of Carolacton was observed for S. pneumoniae TIGR4, with a reduction of cell numbers by 3 log units. The clinical pneumonia isolate Sp49 showed immediate growth arrest and cell lysis, suggesting a bacteriolytic effect of Carolacton. Carolacton treatment caused a reduction in membrane potential, but not membrane integrity, and transcriptome analysis revealed compensatory reactions of the cell. Our data show that Carolacton might have potential for treating pneumococcal infections.


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Background: Benefits of mobile phone deployment for children <5 in low-resource settings remain unproven. The target population of the current demonstration study in Bushenyi District, Uganda, presented with acute fever, pneumonia, or diarrhoea and were treated by community health workers (CHWs) providing integrated community case management (iCCM). Methods: An observational study was conducted in five parishes (47 villages) served by CHWs well versed in iCCM with supplemental training in mobile phone use. Impact was assessed by quantitative measures and qualitative evaluation through household surveys, focus group discussions, and key informant interviews. Results: CHWs in targeted sites improved child healthcare through mobile phone use coupled with iCCM. Of acutely ill children, 92.6% were correctly managed. Significant improvements in clinical outcomes compared to those obtained by CHWs with enhanced iCCM training alone were unproven in this limited demonstration. Nonetheless, qualitative evaluation showed gains in treatment planning, supply management, and logistical efficiency. Provider confidence and communications were enhanced as was ease and accuracy of record keeping. Conclusion: Mobile phones appear synergistic with iCCM to bolster basic supportive care for acutely ill children provided by CHWs. The full impact of expanded mobile phone deployment warrants further evaluation prior to scaling up in low-resource settings.


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Determinar la etiología de las neumonías para decidir su tratamiento, no es simple, sin una prueba confirmatoria los médicos se apoyan de evaluaciones clínicas, radiológicas, de laboratorio y edad de pacientes, es por ello, que se estudió una regla de predicción clínica que combinó varios elementos que incrementaron la capacidad diagnóstica de dicha patología. Objetivo: Se evaluó la capacidad diagnóstica de una escala de puntaje para predecir etiología en niños con neumonía (Bacterial Pneumonia Score), y otras variables no incluidas en el score que resultaron asociadas a las neumonías. Estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo de evaluación de prueba diagnóstica, en Hospital Benjamin Bloom, desde mayo a diciembre 2009, incluyendo ≥1 mes a 8 años de edad, hospitalizados por neumonía, con datos de temperatura, radiografía torácica, hemograma, hisopado nasofaríngeo, se excluyeron los pacientes que necesitaron cuidados en UCI o intermedios, con patologías respiratorias crónicas, cuerpo extraño o aspiración, enfermedades oncológicas, inmunodeficiencias o neumonía con radiografía 8 semanas previo al ingreso en estudio. Resultados: Se incluyeron 275 pacientes, de ellos 120 diagnosticados con patología viral y 180 con etiología bacteriana, se registraron datos del expediente clínico a través de un cuestionario que contempló variables del BPS además de otras que resultaron estadísticamente asociadas por Chi cuadrado. Según el score ≥ 4 puntos se calculó una sensibilidad de 79% (IC 95%: 75-82), especificidad de 91% (IC 95%: 85-96), valor predictivo positivo de 94% (IC 95% 90-97) y valor predictivo negativo de 69% (IC %: 61-78).y una eficacia diagnostica bajo curva ROC de 0.88. Conclusión: El BPS resultó tener buena capacidad para identificar la mayoría de pacientes con neumonía acteriana, pero se mostró más preciso para descartarla.


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Background: The ageing population, with concomitant increase in chronic conditions, is increasing the presence of older people with complex needs in hospital. People with dementia are one of these complex populations and are particularly vulnerable to complications in hospital. Registered nurses can offer simultaneous assessment and intervention to prevent or mitigate hospital-acquired complications through their skilled brokerage between patient needs and hospital functions. A range of patient outcome measures that are sensitive to nursing care has been tested in nursing work environments across the world. However, none of these measures have focused on hospitalised older patients. Method: This thesis explores nursing-sensitive complications for older patients with and without dementia using an internationally recognised, risk-adjusted patient outcome approach. Specifically explored are: the differences between rates of complications; the costs of complications; and cost comparisons of patient complexity. A retrospective cohort study of an Australian state’s 2006–07 public hospital discharge data was utilised to identify patient episodes for people over age 50 (N=222,440) where dementia was identified as a primary or secondary diagnosis (N=44,422). Extra costs for patient episodes were estimated based on length of stay (LOS) above the average for each patient’s Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) (N=157,178) and were modelled using linear regression analysis to establish the strongest patient complexity predictors of cost. Results: Hospitalised patients with a primary or secondary diagnosis of dementia had higher rates of complications than did their same-age peers. The highest rates and relative risk for people with dementia were found in four key complications: urinary tract infections; pressure injuries; pneumonia, and delirium. While 21.9% of dementia patients (9,751/44,488, p<0.0001) suffered a complication, only 8.8% of non-dementia patients did so (33,501/381,788, p<0.0001), giving dementia patients a 2.5 relative risk of acquiring a complication (p<0.0001). These four key complications in patients over 50 both with and without dementia were associated with an eightfold increase in length of stay (813%, or 3.6 days/0.4 days) and double the increased estimated mean episode cost (199%, or A$16,403/ A$8,240). These four complications were associated with 24.7% of the estimated cost of additional days spent in hospital in 2006–07 in NSW (A$226million/A$914million). Dementia patients accounted for 22.0% of these costs (A$49million/A$226million) even though they were only 10.4% of the population (44,488/426,276 episodes). Hospital-acquired complications, particularly for people with a comorbidity of dementia, cost more than other kinds of inpatient complexity but admission severity was a better predictor of excess cost. Discussion: Four key complications occur more often in older patients with dementia and the high rate of these complications makes them expensive. These complications are potentially preventable. However, the care that can prevent them (such as mobility, hydration, nutrition and communication) is known to be rationed or left unfinished by nurses. Older hospitalised people who have complex needs, such as those with dementia, are more likely to experience care rationing as their care tends to take longer, be less predictable and less curative in nature. This thesis offers the theoretical proposition that evidence-based nursing practices are rationed for complex older patients and that this rationed care contributes to functional and cognitive decline during hospitalisation. This, in turn, contributes to the high rates of complications observed. Thus four key complications can be seen as a ‘Failure to Maintain’ complex older people in hospital. ‘Failure to Maintain’ is the inadequate delivery of essential functional and cognitive care for a complex older person in hospital resulting in a complication, and is recommended as a useful indicator for hospital quality. Conclusions: When examining extra length of stay in hospital, complications and comorbid dementia are costly. Complications are potentially preventable, and dementia care in hospitals can be improved. Hospitals and governments looking to decrease costs can engage in risk-reduction strategies for common nurse sensitive complications such as healthy nursing work environments that minimise nurses’ rationing of functional and cognitive care. The conceptualisation of complex older patients as ‘business as usual’ rather than a ‘burden’ is likely necessary for sustainable health care services of the future. The use of the ‘Failure to Maintain’ indicators at institution and state levels may aid in embedding this approach for complex older patients into health organisations. Ongoing investigation is warranted into the relationships between the largest health services expense (hospitals), the largest hospital population (complex older patients), and the largest hospital expense (nurses). The ‘Failure to Maintain’ quality indicator makes a useful and substantive contribution to further clinical, administrative and research developments.


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Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) in the United States, are estimated to cost nearly $10 billion annually. And, while device-related infections have decreased, the 60% attributed to pneumonia, gastrointestinal pathogens and surgical site infections (SSIs) remain prevalent. Furthermore, these are often complicated by antibacterial resistance that ultimately cause 2 million illnesses and 23,000 deaths in the US annually. Antibacterial resistance is an issue increasing in severity as existing antibiotics are losing effectiveness, and fewer new antibiotics are being developed. As a result, new methods of combating bacterial virulence are required. Modulating communications of bacteria can alter phenotype, such as biofilm formation and toxin production. Disrupting these communications provides a means of controlling virulence without directly interacting with the bacteria of interest, a strategy contrary to traditional antibiotics. Inter- and intra-species bacterial communication is commonly called quorum sensing because the communication molecules have been linked to phenotypic changes based on bacterial population dynamics. By disrupting the communication, a method called ‘quorum quenching’, bacterial phenotype can be altered. Virulence of bacteria is both population and species dependent; each species will secrete different toxic molecules, and total population will affect bacterial phenotype9. Here, the kinase LsrK and lactonase SsoPox were combined to simultaneously disrupt two different communication pathways with direct ties to virulence leading to SSIs, gastrointestinal infection and pneumonia. To deliver these enzymes for site-specific virulence prevention, two naturally occurring polymers were used, chitosan and alginate. Chitosan, from crustacean shells, and alginate, from seaweed, are frequently studied due to their biocompatibility, availability, self-assembly and biodegrading properties and have already been verified in vivo for wound-dressing. In this work, a novel functionalized capsule of quorum quenching enzymes and biocompatible polymers was constructed and demonstrated to have dual-quenching capability. This combination of immobilized enzymes has the potential for preventing biofilm formation and reducing bacterial toxicity in a wide variety of medical and non-medical applications.


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Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is the leading cause of hospitalisation for respiratory diseases among children under 5 years old. The aim of this study was to analyse RSV seasonality in the five distinct regions of Brazil using time series analysis (wavelet and Fourier series) of the following indicators: monthly positivity of the immunofluorescence reaction for RSV identified by virologic surveillance system, and rate of hospitalisations per bronchiolitis and pneumonia due to RSV in children under 5 years old (codes CID-10 J12.1, J20.5, J21.0 and J21.9). A total of 12,501 samples with 11.6% positivity for RSV (95% confidence interval 11 - 12.2), varying between 7.1 and 21.4% in the five Brazilian regions, was analysed. A strong trend for annual cycles with a stable stationary pattern in the five regions was identified through wavelet analysis of the indicators. The timing of RSV activity by Fourier analysis was similar between the two indicators analysed and showed regional differences. This study reinforces the importance of adjusting the immunisation period for high risk population with the monoclonal antibody palivizumab taking into account regional differences in seasonality of RSV.