977 resultados para PAC
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Pac-Man is a well-known, real-time computer game that provides an interesting platform for research. We describe an initial approach to developing an artificial agent that replaces the human to play a simplified version of Pac-Man. The agent is specified as a simple finite state machine and ruleset. with parameters that control the probability of movement by the agent given the constraints of the maze at some instant of time. In contrast to previous approaches, the agent represents a dynamic strategy for playing Pac-Man, rather than a pre-programmed maze-solving method. The agent adaptively "learns" through the application of population-based incremental learning (PBIL) to adjust the agents' parameters. Experimental results are presented that give insight into some of the complexities of the game, as well as highlighting the limitations and difficulties of the representation of the agent.
The Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension is a combinatorial measure of a certain class of machine learning problems, which may be used to obtain upper and lower bounds on the number of training examples needed to learn to prescribed levels of accuracy. Most of the known bounds apply to the Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) framework, which is the framework within which we work in this paper. For a learning problem with some known VC dimension, much is known about the order of growth of the sample-size requirement of the problem, as a function of the PAC parameters. The exact value of sample-size requirement is however less well-known, and depends heavily on the particular learning algorithm being used. This is a major obstacle to the practical application of the VC dimension. Hence it is important to know exactly how the sample-size requirement depends on VC dimension, and with that in mind, we describe a general algorithm for learning problems having VC dimension 1. Its sample-size requirement is minimal (as a function of the PAC parameters), and turns out to be the same for all non-trivial learning problems having VC dimension 1. While the method used cannot be naively generalised to higher VC dimension, it suggests that optimal algorithm-dependent bounds may improve substantially on current upper bounds.
The public political investments of urban mobility financed by PAC of Cup 2014 have developed discussions and questions by the civil society in Brazil expecting positive results to the urban infrastructure referring to the possible human rights violation and, specially, rights of habitation related to the removing/expropriation noticed. Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, is into this context, due to the urban mobility project linking North Zone of the city to the Arena das Dunas stadium, financed by the PAC of Cup 2014, named West Structural Corridor, that crosses a field of social interest and proposes almost 400 expropriations. This research analyzes how strategies and mechanisms of integration were presented between the mobility project of West Structural Corridor and the Social Interest Habitation affected by this project. We have as hypothesis those projects financed by PAC of Cup 2014/Urban Mobility to Natal/RN present many problems related to the integration of social interest to the housing project, however the National Politics of Urban Development has planned this integration. As a result we detach 3 strategies in the elaboration process about the integration of those politics: (i) integration between municipal secretaries involved in this project; (ii) urban integration of the city; and (iii) integration of public rules or public politics integrated. For each strategy were presented the main mechanisms used to establish the integration of the project. Those mechanisms, however, in this process of establishment/implementation of the empirical research, presented many contradictions and conflicts that compose problems to the integration between the mobility project and the housing area affected.
El comportamiento progresivo de la econom?a extractiva, en el contexto del discurso desarrollista en Colombia, ha ido profundiz?ndose de la mano con la intensificaci?n del conflicto social, pol?tico y armado. Las afectaciones en cada territorio del pa?s han tenido sus particularidades; en el caso del pac?fico colombiano como territorio-regi?n, la vinculaci?n del conflicto social pol?tico y armado sobreviene s?lo hasta finales de la d?cada de los 90?s del siglo XX. El presente ejercicio de investigaci?n, indaga sobre la forma c?mo el desarrollo despliega sus dispositivos de muerte a trav?s del Estado-Naci?n: Necropol?tica. As? mismo, se expone el lugar que ocupa y ocup? la idea de desarrollo, como estrategia del lenguaje, para el perfeccionamiento del mismo a trav?s de las instituciones de car?cter nacional e internacional. Se presenta c?mo las concepciones sobre el desarrollo operan de forma particular en la regi?n del pac?fico colombiano y sus comunidades ?tnico-raciales de la mano con el desplazamiento del conflicto social, pol?tico y armado a la regi?n. Aqu?, las geograf?as del terror y los megaproyectos del desarrollo parecen coexistir. Finalmente se presenta la materializaci?n de la falacia del ?desarrollo en el territorio en disputa donde se han configurado m?ltiples acciones de confinamiento que permitir? asentar el an?lisis de las concepciones del desarrollo.
O Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (PAC) abrange uma série de medidas de caráter econômico, e teve como finalidade promover a retomada dos investimentos em setores estratégicos da economia. Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal comparar um período sem o programa (1994-2006) com o período em que foi implantado o PAC (2007-2013). Assim, pode-se verificar que o crescimento da economia brasileira, medido através do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) a preços correntes, foi influenciado pelos investimentos ocorridos através do programa, mesmo que esse intervalo seja marcado por uma grande crise, em 2008. Pois, como apontam os resultados obtidos desse estudo, no intervalo 2007-2013 as taxas médias de crescimento do PIB, Formação Bruta de Capital Fixo (FBCF) e Utilização da Capacidade Instalada (UCI) são maiores do que as do intervalo 1994- 2006.
La PAC que viene. Periodo 2014-2020.
Art. 7.- Difusión de la Información Pública.- Por la transparencia en la gestión administrativa que están obligadas a observar todas las instituciones del Estado que conforman el sector público en los términos del artículo 225 de la Constitución de la República y demás entes señalados en el artículo 1 de la presente Ley, difundirán a través de un portal de información o página web, así como de los medios necesarios a disposición del público, implementados en la misma institución, la siguiente información mínima actualizada, que para efectos de esta Ley, se la considera de naturaleza obligatoria.
Los pagos directos, ayudas que se abonan directamente al agricultor, constituyen la columna vertebral de la Política Agrícola Común (PAC) debido a su importancia presupuestaria y a su impacto sobre la renta agraria. El modelo surgido tras las reformas de 2003 y 2008 ha presentado algunos elementos cuestionables en la definición de los beneficiarios de la política, el impacto medioambiental del régimen, la distribución de las ayudas entre Estados miembros y dentro de los mismos, las repercusiones específicas de los modelos históricos y regional, ect. Por ello la PAC reclamaba una reforma que la hiciera más eficaz y legítima, reforma que tras largos y arduos debates se aprobó en 2013. El objetivo de este trabajo es proporcionar una visión global sobre la arquitectura del nuevo sistema de pagos directos emanado de la reforma de la PAC para el período 2015-2020, definiendo los principales instrumentos y mecanismos, así como una valoración de los mismos, sin olvidar la aplicación del sistema en España.
Background The accurate measurement of Cardiac output (CO) is vital in guiding the treatment of critically ill patients. Invasive or minimally invasive measurement of CO is not without inherent risks to the patient. Skilled Intensive Care Unit (ICU) nursing staff are in an ideal position to assess changes in CO following therapeutic measures. The USCOM (Ultrasonic Cardiac Output Monitor) device is a non-invasive CO monitor whose clinical utility and ease of use requires testing. Objectives To compare cardiac output measurement using a non-invasive ultrasonic device (USCOM) operated by a non-echocardiograhically trained ICU Registered Nurse (RN), with the conventional pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) using both thermodilution and Fick methods. Design Prospective observational study. Setting and participants Between April 2006 and March 2007, we evaluated 30 spontaneously breathing patients requiring PAC for assessment of heart failure and/or pulmonary hypertension at a tertiary level cardiothoracic hospital. Methods SCOM CO was compared with thermodilution measurements via PAC and CO estimated using a modified Fick equation. This catheter was inserted by a medical officer, and all USCOM measurements by a senior ICU nurse. Mean values, bias and precision, and mean percentage difference between measures were determined to compare methods. The Intra-Class Correlation statistic was also used to assess agreement. The USCOM time to measure was recorded to assess the learning curve for USCOM use performed by an ICU RN and a line of best fit demonstrated to describe the operator learning curve. Results In 24 of 30 (80%) patients studied, CO measures were obtained. In 6 of 30 (20%) patients, an adequate USCOM signal was not achieved. The mean difference (±standard deviation) between USCOM and PAC, USCOM and Fick, and Fick and PAC CO were small, −0.34 ± 0.52 L/min, −0.33 ± 0.90 L/min and −0.25 ± 0.63 L/min respectively across a range of outputs from 2.6 L/min to 7.2 L/min. The percent limits of agreement (LOA) for all measures were −34.6% to 17.8% for USCOM and PAC, −49.8% to 34.1% for USCOM and Fick and −36.4% to 23.7% for PAC and Fick. Signal acquisition time reduced on average by 0.6 min per measure to less than 10 min at the end of the study. Conclusions In 80% of our cohort, USCOM, PAC and Fick measures of CO all showed clinically acceptable agreement and the learning curve for operation of the non-invasive USCOM device by an ICU RN was found to be satisfactorily short. Further work is required in patients receiving positive pressure ventilation.
We present new expected risk bounds for binary and multiclass prediction, and resolve several recent conjectures on sample compressibility due to Kuzmin and Warmuth. By exploiting the combinatorial structure of concept class F, Haussler et al. achieved a VC(F)/n bound for the natural one-inclusion prediction strategy. The key step in their proof is a d = VC(F) bound on the graph density of a subgraph of the hypercube—oneinclusion graph. The first main result of this paper is a density bound of n [n−1 <=d-1]/[n <=d] < d, which positively resolves a conjecture of Kuzmin and Warmuth relating to their unlabeled Peeling compression scheme and also leads to an improved one-inclusion mistake bound. The proof uses a new form of VC-invariant shifting and a group-theoretic symmetrization. Our second main result is an algebraic topological property of maximum classes of VC-dimension d as being d contractible simplicial complexes, extending the well-known characterization that d = 1 maximum classes are trees. We negatively resolve a minimum degree conjecture of Kuzmin and Warmuth—the second part to a conjectured proof of correctness for Peeling—that every class has one-inclusion minimum degree at most its VCdimension. Our final main result is a k-class analogue of the d/n mistake bound, replacing the VC-dimension by the Pollard pseudo-dimension and the one-inclusion strategy by its natural hypergraph generalization. This result improves on known PAC-based expected risk bounds by a factor of O(logn) and is shown to be optimal up to an O(logk) factor. The combinatorial technique of shifting takes a central role in understanding the one-inclusion (hyper)graph and is a running theme throughout.
We present new expected risk bounds for binary and multiclass prediction, and resolve several recent conjectures on sample compressibility due to Kuzmin and Warmuth. By exploiting the combinatorial structure of concept class F, Haussler et al. achieved a VC(F)/n bound for the natural one-inclusion prediction strategy. The key step in their proof is a d=VC(F) bound on the graph density of a subgraph of the hypercube—one-inclusion graph. The first main result of this report is a density bound of n∙choose(n-1,≤d-1)/choose(n,≤d) < d, which positively resolves a conjecture of Kuzmin and Warmuth relating to their unlabeled Peeling compression scheme and also leads to an improved one-inclusion mistake bound. The proof uses a new form of VC-invariant shifting and a group-theoretic symmetrization. Our second main result is an algebraic topological property of maximum classes of VC-dimension d as being d-contractible simplicial complexes, extending the well-known characterization that d=1 maximum classes are trees. We negatively resolve a minimum degree conjecture of Kuzmin and Warmuth—the second part to a conjectured proof of correctness for Peeling—that every class has one-inclusion minimum degree at most its VC-dimension. Our final main result is a k-class analogue of the d/n mistake bound, replacing the VC-dimension by the Pollard pseudo-dimension and the one-inclusion strategy by its natural hypergraph generalization. This result improves on known PAC-based expected risk bounds by a factor of O(log n) and is shown to be optimal up to a O(log k) factor. The combinatorial technique of shifting takes a central role in understanding the one-inclusion (hyper)graph and is a running theme throughout