981 resultados para Naval tactics.


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Sosialistisen vallankumouksen jälkeen Neuvosto-Venäjän oli monien muiden kysymysten ohella ratkaistava sosialismin saavutusten puolustaminen. Aluksi ratkaisuksi suunniteltiin vapaaehtoisuuteen perustuvaa punakaartia, mutta riittävän miesvahvuuden turvaamiseksi päädyttiin yleiseen asevelvollisuuteen. Pian Venäjän sisällissodan jälkeen sotataidon suunta painottui enemmän vanhan armeijan asiantuntijoiden näkemysten kuin vallankumoussankarien kokemusten mukaiseksi, vaikka Frunzen puna-armeijalle kirjoittama doktriini perustui luokkataisteluun ja korosti sisällissodassa hyväksi koettua operatiivista liikkuvuutta. Neuvostoliiton ja Venäjän sotataidon perustana on Pietari I:n aloittama länsimainen suuntaus, jota kuitenkin täydentävät vahvat kansalliset piirteet. Venäläisen sotataidon henkisenä isänä voidaan hyvällä syyllä pitää Aleksandr Suvorovia, jonka opetukset näkyvät tekstilainausten lisäksi myös periaatteissa ja sotilaskasvatuksessa. Napoleonin sotien jälkeen perustettu Keisarillinen yleisesikunta-akatemia loi Venäjälle sotatieteellisen tutkimuksen ja opetuksen. Sotatieteen mahdollisuuksia ei 1800-luvun Venäjällä osattu täysin hyödyntää. Aseistuksen kasvavan tehon merkitystä vähättelevä asenne johti sotataidon taantumisen ja katastrofiin Venäjän–Japanin sodassa. Sen kokemuksia analysoidessaan Aleksandr Neznamov kehitti edelleen saksalaista operaation käsitettä ja loi perustan Neuvostoliitossa 1920-luvulla kehitetylle operaatiotaidolle. Neuvostoliittolaisen sotataidon päämääränä oli kehittää taktinen ja operatiivinen ratkaisu aseistuksen tehon kasvun aikaansaamaan puolustuksen ylivoimaisuuteen. Ratkaisussa hyödynnettiin brittien kokemuksia ja tutkimusta. Neuvostoliittolainen taktiikka ja operaatiotaito eivät kuitenkaan olleet brittiläisen mekanisoidun sodankäynnin tai saksalaisen salamasodan itäinen kopioita vaan itsenäisiin ratkaisuihin pohjautuvia. Syvän taistelun ja operaation teoriaa kokeiltiin harjoituksissa, ja sitä kehitettiin Stalinin vuoden 1937 puhdistuksiin saakka. Toisen maailmansodan taisteluissa puna-armeija sovelsi alkuvaiheen katastrofin jälkeen syvän taistelun ja syvän operaation oppeja. Komentajien ja joukkojen taito ei riittänyt teorian vaatimusten mukaiseen toimintaan, siksi syväksi aiotusta taistelusta tuli ajoittain ainoastaan tiheää. Suuren isänmaallisen sodan kokemusten perusteella neuvostoliittolainen sotatiede kehitti yleisjoukkojen taistelun periaatteet, jotka ovat säilyneet muuttumattomina nykypäivään saakka. Kylmän sodan aikakaudella ydin- ja tavanomaisen aseistuksen merkitys sodan ja taistelun kuvassa vaihteli. Lännen sotataidon ja aseteknologian kehitys pakotti Neuvostoliiton siirtymään 1980-luvulla sotilaallisessa ajattelussaan hyökkäyksestä puolustukseen. Neuvostoliiton hajoamisen jälkeen Venäjän sotilaallisen turvallisuuden takaajana on ydinaseistus. Yhdysvaltain tavanomainen ilma-avaruushyökkäyskyky vaatii Venäjää kehittämään torjuntajärjestelmiä. Tavanomaisten joukkojen rakentamisessa Venäjä seuraa tarkasti läntisen sotataidon kehittymistä, mutta pitäytyy omaperäisiin ratkaisuihin, joiden kehittämisessä sen vahvalla sotatieteellisellä järjestelmällä ja dialektisen materialismin metodilla on edelleen olennaisen tärkeä merkitys.


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Merisodassa tapahtunut muutos – erityisesti konevoiman syrjäyttäessä purjeet ja raudan korvatessa puumateriaalin 1800-luvun loppupuolella – johti nykypäivänäkin merkittäviin merisodan teoreettisiin tarkasteluihin. Teorioihin pohjautuneet merisotataidon yleisperiaatteet saivat ensimmäisen maailmansodan aikana käytännön testauksensa. Voittajat ja häviäjät analysoivat taistelut sekä maailmalla vallinneen ripeän teknisen kehityksen, minkä seurauksena laivastojen varustelu kiihtyi uudestaan valtapolitiikan tueksi. Maailmansotien välisenä aikana pyrittiin kansainvälisin sopimuksin säätelemään suurten laivastojen, kuten Britannian, Ranskan, Italian, Japanin ja Yhdysvaltojen varustelukilpailua. Versaillesin rauhansopimus rajoitti samanaikaisesti Saksan merivoimien kokoa. Tässä työssä tutkitaan Britannian ja Saksan merivoimien varustelua ja merisotataidon kehittymistä maailmansotien välisenä aikana. Merisotataidon kehittymisen tarkastelu tapahtuu postimerkkien avulla. Postimerkki syntyi Englannissa vuonna 1840 ja sen käyttö yleistyi ympäri maailman lähes samanaikaisesti konevoimaa käyttäneiden laivojen kanssa. Postimerkkien kuva-aiheet olivat aluksi valtioiden päämiehiä, heraldiikkaa, maisemia tai abstrakteja aiheita. Vasta 1900-luvun alkupuolella kuva-aiheina saattoi olla lähes mitä vain, myös sotalaivojen kuvia. Postimerkkikokoelmastani erottuu tutkimusaiheeseen 335 merkkiä. Britannian ja Saksan kansallisarkistojen alkuperäislähteiden ja tutkimuskirjallisuuden dokumenttianalyysiin perustuvaa merisotataidon moninaista kehitystä verrataan tutkimuksessani postimerkkien kuva-aiheisiin ja niiden yksityiskohtiin 3 300 kertaa. Tällä menettelyllä pyrin selvittämään voiko postimerkkejä käyttää ja pitää merisotaidon kehityksen kattavina dokumentteina. Postimerkeissä satunnaisiksi jääneet virheet tai propaganda eivät vähennä merisotataidon kehityksen kuvaamisen dokumenttiarvoa. Postimerkkien sotalaivoihin liittyvät kuvat kattavat muutamaa laivaluokkaa lukuunottamatta molempien maiden kaikki taistelualuslajit- ja luokat. Postimerkeistä voidaan nähdä vanhat sotalaivat, niiden peruskorjaukset ja uudet luokat lentotukialuksista sukellusveneisiin. Alusten kuvat voidaan liittää Britannian kansainyhteisön muuttuneisiin strategisiin ja taktisiin tavoitteisiin niin Atlantilla kuin Kaukoidässä. Saksan merivoimien nousu Versaillesin rauhanehtojen rajoituksista ja lopulta pyrkimys Britannian kauppamerenkulun tuhoajaksi välittyy myös postimerkeistä. Yleinen sotatekninen kehitys, lentoneiden tulo merisotanäyttämölle ja aikanaan kansainvälisten tonnistorajoitusten poistuminen näkyvät postimerkeissä. Kokopostimerkin historian aikana vuoteen 2012 mennessä purjeettomien, nykyaikaisten sotalaivojen kuvia on julkaistu noin 3 350 postimerkillä, jotka on koottu Maailman suurin laivasto-osasto -postimerkkikokoelmaani noin 35 vuoden aikana


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Tutkimuksen tavoite on selvittää digitaalisen sisällön ominaisuuksia, jotka vaikuttavat ryhtyvätkö kuluttajat jakamaan, tykkäämään ja kommentoimaan sitä sosiaalisessa mediassa. Tällä pyritään auttamaan yrityksiä ymmärtämään paremmin viraalisuutta, jotta he pystyisivät tuottamaan ja julkaisemaan nettisivuillaan ja sosiaalisessa mediassa parempaa sisältöä, jota kuluttajat jakaisivat enemmän. Tutkimus toteutetaan muodostamalla hypoteeseja mahdollisista ominaisuuksista kirjallisuuden perusteella ja testaamalla niitä regressioanalyyseillä empiirisessä osiossa. Tulokset paljastavat yhdeksän piirrettä, jotka lisäävät viraalisuutta: kiinnostavuus, neutraalisuus, yllättävyys, viihdyttävyys, epäkäytännöllisyys, artikkelin ja Facebook julkaisun pituus, eri sisältö taktiikoiden käyttö (erityisesti blogit ja kuvat lisäävät viraalisuutta) sekä kun mielipidevaikuttaja tai kuuluisuus jakaa sisällön.


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The return of the Porkkala naval base, which was leased to the Soviet Union at the end of World War II was unexpectedly returned in early 1956, 42 years before the USSR's lease on the area was to expire. There is no commonly accepted reason, and therefore the purpose of this work is to study the possible motives behind the return of Porkkala. These seem to have been reflected in the new foreign policy after the death of Stalin, which went far beyond returning Porkkala to Finland. The Soviet Union's courting of the non-aligned powers during this time, into which category Finland was assigned, also seems to be more than coincidence. However, the greater events of 1956, and the fact that Porkkala is remembered almost exclusively in Finland may have conspired to trap the events around Porkkala into the smaller narrative of Finnish-Soviet relations and the rise of Kekkonen to the presidency, due in no small part to his presence in negotiating the return of Porkkala. However this does not negate the message that Porkkala was intended to broadcast the USSR's new approach to neutrality. Through primary and secondary sources, gleaned from archives in Finland, memoirs of people involved, and historical literature, this thesis hopes to broaden the view that Porkkala's main and only significance lay in the changes it brought to Finnish-Soviet relations.


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Value of online business has grown to over one trillion USD. This thesis is about search engine optimization, which focus is to increase search engine rankings. Search engine optimization is an important branch of online marketing because the first page of search engine results is generating majority of the search traffic. Current articles about search engine optimization and Google are indicating that with the proper use of quality content, there is potential to improve search engine rankings. However, the existing search engine optimization literature is not noticing content at a sufficient level. To decrease that difference, the content-centered method for search engine optimization is constructed, and content in search engine optimization is studied. This content-centered method consists of three search engine optimization tactics: 1) content, 2) keywords, and 3) links. Two propositions were used for testing these tactics in a real business environment and results are suggesting that the content-centered method is improving search engine rankings. Search engine optimization is constantly changing because Google is adjusting its search algorithm regularly. Still, some long-term trends can be recognized. Google has said that content is growing its importance as a ranking factor in the future. The content-centered method is taking advance of this new trend in search engine optimization to be relevant for years to come.


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This thesis examines the optimization of a website in terms of creating website visibility and interesting and attractive online information, with the aim of finding ways how the case company can increase the number of online visitors for the websites, who would even-tually contact the case company, and become customers. The theoretical part concentrates on website visibility, academic knowledge about search engine optimization, integrated marketing communications, website effectiveness and influence tactics (mostly non-coercive) in an online b2b buying context. The empirical part included an experiment of two weeks on the case website. Search engine optimization requires the most relevant key terms and keywords to be selected and carefully implemented to meta descriptions of the most informational pages. The information visible to visitors on these pages was also opti-mized to make it interesting and purposeful for the targeted audience. The most suitable influence tactics were implemented to certain pages to attract the website visitors to con-tact the case company. The results suggest that relevant key terms in meta descriptions do improve, or maintain the same high, ranking a page has on search engine result pages, but this is not directly connected to the amount of visitors to the website. The number of visi-tors does not either affect the amount of customer contacts the company received during the experiment period.


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Value of online business has grown to over one trillion USD. This thesis is about search engine optimization, which focus is to increase search engine rankings. Search engine optimization is an important branch of online marketing because the first page of search engine results is generating majority of the search traffic. Current articles about search engine optimization and Google are indicating that with the proper use of quality content, there is potential to improve search engine rankings. However, the existing search engine optimization literature is not noticing content at a sufficient level. To decrease that difference, the content-centered method for search engine optimization is constructed, and content in search engine optimization is studied. This content-centered method consists of three search engine optimization tactics: 1) content, 2) keywords, and 3) links. Two propositions were used for testing these tactics in a real business environment and results are suggesting that the content-centered method is improving search engine rankings. Search engine optimization is constantly changing because Google is adjusting its search algorithm regularly. Still, some long-term trends can be recognized. Google has said that content is growing its importance as a ranking factor in the future. The content-centered method is taking advance of this new trend in search engine optimization to be relevant for years to come.


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The purpose of the study is to define the characteristics of strong personal brands on social media in Finland. Personal branding as a phenomenon is no longer limited to celebrities and political leaders. The digital revolution and the change in online behavior have created the need for a deeper investigation of the characteristics of strong personal brands on social media. The work of different academics on personal branding are examined to gain a comprehensive understanding on this research topic that has gone through a revolution during the last decade. Early impression management theory is refined to include elements from more modern literature related to personal branding, brand identity management and social media to create a theoretical framework that simplifies the process of personal brand building on social media. The framework consisting of three phases clarifies the process of modern personal branding. The results of the study are presented in line with three research themes derived from the theoretical framework: the background of the brand, the brand identity management and the social media behavior and activities. Mixed methods are used in the research as means to broaden perception on the subject. The quantitative part of the study defines general characteristics concerning the most follower personal brands in Finland in three social media channels – Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The other part of the research was conducted by single case study including two Finnish personal brands cases to provide a deeper understanding of personal branding practices of strong social media personal brands. The results of the study show that the most used social media channels differ in terms of the personal brand characteristics and personal branding activities. Due to the characteristics of the channels also the post activities of the personal brands differ quite significantly. It can be also inferred that there is a difference between brands with an existing offline awareness and the brands with no awareness before joining the social media. In order to reduce the gap between the ideal brand image and the current image, the brand should have a clear vision as well as a good understanding of the target group and the value it creates for its target audience. The brand identity needs to be managed by communicating with the target audience authentically in the right channels, with relevant content. The dedication, the target group’s behavior and the ability to create valuable and relevant content determines the right tactics for social media personal branding.  


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Contient : Réception d'ambassadeurs (1663-1686) ; Pièces sur l'Acadie et le Canada ; « Lettera scritta da Venetia da un partiale del popolo di Messina all' Eccellentiss. Senato de quella città ». Impr. S. l. n. d., in-8° de 14 pages ; « Arrest de la Cour du Parlement contre la nommée Jeanne Moyon, veuve Jean Lesur, et autres, accusées de prostitution publique. » Impr. Paris, P.-G. Simon, 1750, in-4° de 4 pages ; Extrait de la relation envoyée par M. de Terron du combat naval du 8 janvier 1776 ; Inscriptions de l'Arsenal de Brest, par Victorin Santeul et P. Corneille ; « Discorso sopra le due comete apparse l'anno corrente 1682 gl'ultimi giorni d'agosto... dedicate all' ill. et eccell. sig. Nicolo Doria, senatore della Republica de Genova... » Impr. Gênes, Antonio Casamara, s. d., in-4° de 8 pages ; « Coppie d'une lettre qu'un François écrit à un de ses amis, contenant ce qui s'est passé à Gênes pour célébrer la naissance de Mgr le duc de Bourgogne. » Impr. Marseille, P. Mesnier, 1682, in-4° de 12 pages ; Liste des vaisseaux danois armés à Copenhague en 1683 ; « Liste des officiers qui sont dans les forts Cataracoüy et Niagara. » ; Pièces sur Cayenne ; Pêche de la baleine ; Envoi de denrées en Irlande


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The operational sex ratio has long been considered an important constraint on the structure of mating systems. The effects of an experimentally manipulated sex ratio on mating behavior and selection were investigated in a polygynous species, Gryllus pennsylvanicus, where the potential exists for spatial/temporal fluctuations in sex ratio of field populations. Four different sex ratios (males: females, 5:0, 5:2, 5:5, 5:10) were investigated. Observations were conducted in late summer over two field seasons, from 2400 h , to 1000 h EST. Several male characters thought to be associated with male reproduc.tive success were studied: calling duration, searching distance, weight, fighting behavior, courtship frequency, and mating success. Variance in male mating success was used as the indicator for the opportunity for sexual selection. Total selection was estimated as the univariate regression coefficient between relative fitness and the character of interest, while direct selection was estimated as standardized partial regression coefficients generated from a multiple regression of relative fitness on each character. The opportunity for sexual selection was highest at 5:2 and lowest at 5:10. The frequency of fighting behavior was highest at 5:2 and 5:5. Fighting ability (% wins) was determined to be an important correlate of male body weight. Direct selection for increased male body weight was detected at 5:2, while total selection for body weight was seen at 5:5. Selection on male body weight was not detected at 5: 10. Calling duration decreased as sex ratio became more female-biased. Total and direct selection were detected for increased calling at 5:2, only total selection for calling was seen at 5:5, whereas direct selection against calling was detected at 5: 10. Searching distance also decreased as sex ratio became more female-biased, however no form of selection was detected for searching at any of the sex ratios. Data are discussed in terms of sexual selection on male reproductive tactics, the mating system and maintenance of genetic variation in male reproductive behavior.


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Materials related to military and naval operations of the 1812 era, research of the late Robert Malcomson, Canadian author and historian. Materials include photocopies of materials relating to the War of 1812, photographs and detailed research notes Malcomson made regarding his approach to research (mainly found in Series VIII). Materials were originally arranged in binders relating to an area of research or a certain publication. Articles were removed from the binders and placed in folders using original titles from the binders as series or sub-series titles. Articles within the binders were separated by tabs indicating what the article related to in the publication or topic of interest. In order to avoid repetition, the writing on the tab was used for folder titles, as each folder would be a part of the Series under which it was grouped. The tab names could be authors, events, accounts etc. of the War. Series and sub-series titles were derived from the original titles on the binders. Original intellectual order was retained, grouping similar subjects into Series and Sub-series. Dates recorded were the publication dates of the articles; however, if no publication date was present the date of retrieval was used if from an academic database (ex. JSTOR). The black and white photos from various repositories are reproductions of paintings, microfilm etc. on photographic paper. The colour photographs from various repositories are actual photographs. All books donated by Malcomson were integrated into the University’s Special Collections book collection. These volumes are noted at the end of the finding aid under separated materials.


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In 1973, Kathleen Pearson offered a pivotal first step into understanding deception in competitive sport and its many intricacies. However, the analysis falls short of truly deciphering this widespread phenomenon. By creating a taxonomy based on Torres (2000) understanding of various types of skills in an athletic contest, a wider array of deceptive practices are encompassed. Once the taxonomy is put forth, weighing the categories against the three-pronged ethical permissibility test established utilizing elements from formalism, conventionalism and broad internalism sheds lights on what deceptive practices should be deemed ethically permissible for use and which tactics should not be a part of an athlete’s repertoire. By understanding which categories of deception are permissible, the most fair and athletically excellent contest can be created between the opposing players of teams.


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Issues for the March 1813 Weekly Register newspaper (Baltimore, Maryland) are divided and includes the following War of 1812 related stories: March 6th, pages 1-16: Editor's proclamation on reporting on the war (p.1); Declaration of British Parliament - 9 January 1813 (pp.1-6); President's message to Senate and House of Representatives - February 24 (p.8); Events of the War including reports from Ogdensburgh,Battle of Frenchtown with Brigadier General James Winchester, Colonel Henry Proctor, and Round Head; (pp.9-13); naval events (pp.13-15); President Madison's speech - March 4 (pp.15-16). March 13th, pages 17-40 March 20th, pages 41-56 March 27th, pages 57-72 PLEASE CLICK ON THE WEEKLY PERIODICALS ON THE RIGHT OF THE SCREEN (PDF FILES)TO DOWNLOAD FILES. Look for other issues of the Weekly Register within this website. The Weekly Register, also known as Niles Weekly Register, was a weekly periodical edited by Hezekiah Niles (1777-1839) and published in Baltimore Maryland. Volumes of interest were published between 1811 (Vol. 1, No. 1, September 7, 1811) to 1814 (Vol. 5, No. 26, February 26, 1814). These volumes focus primarily on 19th century politics and government in the United States of America. Niles edited and published the Weekly Register until 1836, making it one of the most widely-circulated magazines in the United States. The popularity also made Niles into one of the most influential journalists of his day. Devoted primarily to politics, Niles' Weekly Register is considered an important source for the history of the period. The Register also recorded current economics, technology, science, medicine, geography, archaeology, the weather, and stories of human interest. Call Number: SPCL PER JK 1 N52


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This newspaper was published bi-weekly from June 1812 to September 1814 by S. Woodworth and Co. in New York. Editor Samuel Woodworth formed the content of the newspaper using official documents from both the American and British side with the intention to report the events of the war. Article topics in this issue include: Page 1: Letter from Maj. Gen. Van Rensselaer to Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn describing in detail the battle of Queenston; Page 2: Letter from Maj. Gen. Van Rensselaer to Maj. Gen. Henry Dearborn describing in detail the battle of Queenston; report of U.S. war sloop Wasp capturing the British war ship Frolic and the subsequent capture of the Wasp by another British war ship, Poictiers; copy of statement by U.S. President James Madison detailing battles in Detroit, Queenston, and his plans for the war; Page 3: copy of statement by U.S. President James Madison detailing battles in Detroit, Queenston, and his plans for the war; Page 4: copy of statement by U.S. President James Madison detailing battles in Detroit, Queenston, and his plans for the war; U.S. President James Madison promotes Capt. Z. Taylor to rank of Major for his part in defense of Ft. Harrison; report of various Naval movements;


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The "Columbian" was established by Mr. Holt in 1808 as an "organ of the Clintonians" (Journalism in the United States, from 1690-1872 By Frederic Hudson) and a replacement to the "Citizen". It was a passionate Democratic paper that supported both Jefferson and Madison. Holt later sold the "Columbian" to Alden Spooner, who published the Long Island "Star". The Columbian ceased in 1821. This issue includes the following War of 1812 topics: Page 2: copies of letters from U.S. Gen. H. Dearborn describing the U.S. attack on Ft. George 27 May 1813; letter from Gen. H. Dearborn describing U.S. pursuit of British troops at Beaver Dams and the U.S. capture of Fort Erie; list of U.S. killed and wounded in Commodore Isaac Chauncey's squadron in attack on York 27 April, 1813; list of killed and wounded in Commodore Isaac Chauncey's squadron in attack on Ft. George 27 May 1813; abstract of the cartel for the exchange of prisoners of war between Great Britain and the United States; mention of troop movements through New York on their way to the battle front; list of persons killed or lost on the privateer Saratoga; Page 3: account of the loss of the U.S. war ships the Growler and Eagle to the British; news from Quebec and Kingston of troop movements; U.S. ship Syren unsuccessfully pursues British ship Herald; account of a U.S. cargo ship being captured by a British military ship; account of U.S. ship Siro capturing British ship Loyal Sam; report from Halifax of recent British troop and ship movements; list of recent troop enrollments in various states; report of British troop build up in Kingston;