1000 resultados para Monica Berger


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A armazenagem de água no solo é muito variável no tempo e no espaço devido à influência de vários fatores ambientais e topográficos. Objetivou-se neste estudo: quantificar a armazenagem de água no solo; avaliar sua estabilidade temporal e sua variabilidade espacial em um local próximo e outro distante do sistema radicular numa sucessão feijão/aveia-preta; e constatar sua variabilidade espacial em função do relevo. Em área experimental de 1.500 m², situada em Piracicaba-SP (latitude de 22° 42' 30" S, longitude de 47° 38' 00" W e 546 m de altitude), estabeleceram-se 60 pontos de amostragem, distanciados entre si de 5 m, numa grade de 10 por 6 pontos (50 x 30 m). Os valores da armazenagem de água no solo apresentaram comportamento-padrão para o solo estudado, com valores maiores em profundidade do que na camada mais superficial. Houve maior estabilidade temporal da armazenagem de água no solo durante o período chuvoso, porém na fase de secagem do solo a estabilidade temporal também foi constatada, mas com valores de coeficiente de correlação mais elevados na camada de 0,0-0,80 m, mostrando que essa estabilidade foi claramente devida à posição topográfica desses pontos, os quais estão localizados na porção mais baixa do relevo. Assim, o ponto 52 foi escolhido como representativo da média na fase de recarga de água no solo em ambas as camadas estudadas, e o ponto 46, na camada superior durante a fase de secagem do solo. A dependência espacial da variabilidade da armazenagem de água no solo foi detectada em ambas as camadas de solo, porém com maior alcance na camada de 0,0-0,40 m, quando houve ocorrência de precipitação. Quando as chuvas cessaram, o alcance foi maior na camada de 0,0-0,80 m. Durante o período chuvoso, o padrão de variabilidade espacial foi muito semelhante em ambas as camadas de solo, com armazenagens maiores na faixa de maior inclinação e depressões do terreno.


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Hypomagnesemia and hypophosphatemia are frequent after severe burns; however, increased urinary excretion does not sufficiently explain the magnitude of the mineral depletion. We measured the mineral content of cutaneous exudates during the first week after injury. Sixteen patients aged 34 +/- 9 y (mean +/- SD) with thermal burns were studied prospectively and divided in 3 groups according to the extent of their burn injury and the presence or absence of mineral supplements: group 1 (n = 5), burns covering 26 +/- 5% of body surface; group 2 (n = 6), burns covering 41 +/- 10%; and group 3 (n = 5), burns covering 42 +/- 6% with prescription of magnesium and phosphate supplements. Cutaneous exudates were extracted from the textiles (surgical drapes, dressings, sheets, etc) surrounding the patients from day 1 to day 7 after injury. Mean magnesium serum concentrations decreased below reference ranges in 12 patients between days 1 and 4 and normalized thereafter. Phosphate, normal on day 0, was low during the first week. Albumin concentrations, normal on day 0, decreased and remained low. Urinary magnesium and phosphate excretion were within reference ranges and not larger in group 3. Mean daily cutaneous losses were 16 mmol Mg/d and 11 mmol P/d (largest in group 2). Exudative magnesium losses were correlated with burn severity (r = 0.709, P = 0.003). Cutaneous magnesium losses were nearly four times larger than urinary losses whereas cutaneous phosphate losses were smaller than urinary phosphate losses. Mean daily losses of both magnesium and phosphate were more than the recommended dietary allowances. Exudative losses combined with urinary losses largely explained the increased mineral requirements after burn injury.


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To evaluate primary care physicians' attitude towards implementation of rotavirus (RV) immunisation into the Swiss immunisation schedule, an eight-question internet-based questionnaire was sent to the 3799 subscribers of InfoVac, a nationwide web-based expert network on immunisation issues, which reaches >95% of paediatricians and smaller proportions of other primary care physicians. Five demographic variables were also inquired. Descriptive statistics and multivariate analyses for the main outcome "acceptance of routine RV immunisation" and other variables were performed. Diffusion of innovation theory was used for data assessment. Nine-hundred seventy-seven questionnaires were returned (26%). Fifty percent of participants were paediatricians. Routine RV immunisation was supported by 146 participants (15%; so called early adopters), dismissed by 620 (64%), leaving 211 (21%) undecided. However, when asked whether they would recommend RV vaccination to parents if it were officially recommended by the federal authorities and reimbursed, 467 (48.5%; so called early majority) agreed to recommend RV immunisation. Multivariate analysis revealed that physicians who would immunise their own child (OR: 5.1; 95% CI: 4.1-6.3), hospital-based physicians (OR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.1-2.3) and physicians from the French (OR: 1.6; 95% CI: 1.2-2.3) and Italian speaking areas of Switzerland (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.1-5.8) were more likely to support RV immunisation. Diffusion of innovation theory predicts a >80% implementation if approximately 50% of a given population support an innovation. Introduction of RV immunisation in Switzerland is likely to be successful, if (i) the federal authorities issue an official recommendation and (ii) costs are covered by basic health care insurance.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of sodium bicarbonate and lactate for continuous veno-venous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF) in critically ill patients. DESIGN AND SETTINGS: Prospective crossed-over controlled trial in the surgical and medical ICUs of a university hospital. PATIENTS: Eight patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) requiring CVVHDF. INTERVENTION: Each patient received the two buffers in a randomized sequence over two consecutive days. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: The following variables were determined: acid-base parameters, lactate production and utilization ((13)C lactate infusion), glucose turnover (6,6(2)H(2)-glucose), gas exchange (indirect calorimetry). No side effect was observed during lactate administration. Baseline arterial acid-base variables were equal with the two buffers. Arterial lactate (2.9 versus 1.5 mmol/l), glycemia (+18%) and glucose turnover (+23%) were higher in the lactate period. Bicarbonate and glucose losses in CVVHDF were substantial, but not lactate elimination. Infusing (13)C lactate increased plasma lactate levels equally with the two buffers. Lactate clearance (7.8+/-0.8 vs 7.5+/-0.8 ml/kg per min in the bicarbonate and lactate periods) and endogenous production rates (14.0+/-2.6 vs 13.6+/-2.6 mmol/kg per min) were similar. (13)C lactate was used as a metabolic substrate, as shown by (13)CO(2) excretion. Glycemia and metabolic rate increased significantly and similarly during the two periods during lactate infusion. CONCLUSION: Lactate was rapidly cleared from the blood of critically ill patients without acute liver failure requiring CVVHDF, being transformed into glucose or oxidized. Lactate did not exert undesirable effects, except moderate hyperglycemia, and achieved comparable effects on acid-base balance to bicarbonate.


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Résumé Introduction : Les patients nécessitant une prise en charge prolongée en milieu de soins intensifs et présentant une évolution compliquée, développent une réponse métabolique intense caractérisée généralement par un hypermétabolisme et un catabolisme protéique. La sévérité de leur atteinte pathologique expose ces patients à la malnutrition, due principalement à un apport nutritionnel insuffisant, et entraînant une balance énergétique déficitaire. Dans un nombre important d'unités de soins intensifs la nutrition des patients n'apparaît pas comme un objectif prioritaire de la prise en charge. En menant une étude prospective d'observation afin d'analyser la relation entre la balance énergétique et le pronostic clinique des patients avec séjours prolongés en soins intensifs, nous souhaitions changer cette attitude et démonter l'effet délétère de la malnutrition chez ce type de patient. Méthodes : Sur une période de 2 ans, tous les patients, dont le séjour en soins intensifs fut de 5 jours ou plus, ont été enrôlés. Les besoins en énergie pour chaque patient ont été déterminés soit par calorimétrie indirecte, soit au moyen d'une formule prenant en compte le poids du patient (30 kcal/kg/jour). Les patients ayant bénéficié d'une calorimétrie indirecte ont par ailleurs vérifié la justesse de la formule appliquée. L'âge, le sexe le poids préopératoire, la taille, et le « Body mass index » index de masse corporelle reconnu en milieu clinique ont été relevés. L'énergie délivrée l'était soit sous forme nutritionnelle (administration de nutrition entérale, parentérale ou mixte) soit sous forme non-nutritionnelle (perfusions : soluté glucosé, apport lipidique non nutritionnel). Les données de nutrition (cible théorique, cible prescrite, énergie nutritionnelle, énergie non-nutritionnelle, énergie totale, balance énergétique nutritionnelle, balance énergétique totale), et d'évolution clinique (nombre des jours de ventilation mécanique, nombre d'infections, utilisation des antibiotiques, durée du séjour, complications neurologiques, respiratoires gastro-intestinales, cardiovasculaires, rénales et hépatiques, scores de gravité pour patients en soins intensifs, valeurs hématologiques, sériques, microbiologiques) ont été analysées pour chacun des 669 jours de soins intensifs vécus par un total de 48 patients. Résultats : 48 patients de 57±16 ans dont le séjour a varié entre 5 et 49 jours (motif d'admission : polytraumatisés 10; chirurgie cardiaque 13; insuffisance respiratoire 7; pathologie gastro-intestinale 3; sepsis 3; transplantation 4; autre 8) ont été retenus. Si nous n'avons pu démontrer une relation entre la balance énergétique et plus particulièrement, le déficit énergétique, et la mortalité, il existe une relation hautement significative entre le déficit énergétique et la morbidité, à savoir les complications et les infections, qui prolongent naturellement la durée du séjour. De plus, bien que l'étude ne comporte aucune intervention et que nous ne puissions avancer qu'il existe une relation de cause à effet, l'analyse par régression multiple montre que le facteur pronostic le plus fiable est justement la balance énergétique, au détriment des scores habituellement utilisés en soins intensifs. L'évolution est indépendante tant de l'âge et du sexe, que du status nutritionnel préopératoire. L'étude ne prévoyait pas de récolter des données économiques : nous ne pouvons pas, dès lors, affirmer que l'augmentation des coûts engendrée par un séjour prolongé en unité de soins intensifs est induite par un déficit énergétique, même si le bon sens nous laisse penser qu'un séjour plus court engendre un coût moindre. Cette étude attire aussi l'attention sur l'origine du déficit énergétique : il se creuse au cours de la première semaine en soins intensifs, et pourrait donc être prévenu par une intervention nutritionnelle précoce, alors que les recommandations actuelles préconisent un apport énergétique, sous forme de nutrition artificielle, qu'à partir de 48 heures de séjour aux soins intensifs. Conclusions : L'étude montre que pour les patients de soins intensifs les plus graves, la balance énergétique devrait être considérée comme un objectif important de la prise en charge, nécessitant l'application d'un protocole de nutrition précoce. Enfin comme l'évolution à l'admission des patients est souvent imprévisible, et que le déficit s'installe dès la première semaine, il est légitime de s'interroger sur la nécessité d'appliquer ce protocole à tous les patients de soins intensifs et ceci dès leur admission. Summary Background and aims: Critically ill patients with complicated evolution are frequently hypermetabolic, catabolic, and at risk of underfeeding. The study aimed at assessing the relationship between energy balance and outcome in critically ill patients. Methods: Prospective observational study conducted in consecutive patients staying 5 days in the surgical ICU of a University hospital. Demographic data, time to feeding, route, energy delivery, and outcome were recorded. Energy balance was calculated as energy delivery minus target. Data in means+ SD, linear regressions between energy balance and outcome variables. Results: Forty eight patients aged 57±16 years were investigated; complete data are available in 669 days. Mechanical ventilation lasted 11±8 days, ICU stay 15+9 was days, and 30-days mortality was 38%. Time to feeding was 3.1 ±2.2 days. Enteral nutrition was the most frequent route with 433 days. Mean daily energy delivery was 1090±930 kcal. Combining enteral and parenteral nutrition achieved highest energy delivery. Cumulated energy balance was between -12,600+ 10,520 kcal, and correlated with complications (P<0.001), already after 1 week. Conclusion: Negative energy balances were correlated with increasing number of complications, particularly infections. Energy debt appears as a promising tool for nutritional follow-up, which should be further tested. Delaying initiation of nutritional support exposes the patients to energy deficits that cannot be compensated later on.


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O monitoramento das variáveis que constituem a equação do balanço hídrico do solo em campo cultivado é necessário para avaliar com confiabilidade os períodos de déficits hídricos durante o ciclo das culturas, manejar a irrigação e quantificar perdas de nutrientes por lixiviação. Os componentes da equação do balanço hídrico podem variar no espaço e no tempo, e o estudo da estabilidade temporal da variabilidade espacial desses componentes é essencial para determinar quais são os pontos de observação no campo (locais) para monitorar a água do solo com precisão e esforço amostral reduzido. Assim, os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar os componentes do balanço da água (especificamente a variação de armazenamento de água do solo, drenagem interna e evapotranspiração real) de plantas de milho em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo e analisar a variabilidade espacial e temporal, por meio da técnica de estabilidade temporal. O estudo foi realizado em uma área do Campus da ESALQ/USP, município de Piracicaba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. O relevo da área experimental, que tem 1.500 m², é plano. Nessa área foram instalados 60 tubos de alumínio para acesso de uma sonda de nêutrons e 120 tensiômetros com manômetro de mercúrio (60 na profundidade de 0,75 m e 60 na profundidade de 0,85 m). Isso permitiu estimar a densidade de fluxo de água do solo na profundidade de 0,80 m por meio da equação de Darcy-Buckingham e o armazenamento de água na camada de 0,0-0,80 m, ao longo do ciclo da cultura. A precipitação pluvial foi medida por meio de um pluviômetro instalado no centro da área experimental, e a evaporação real foi considerada como desconhecida da equação do balanço hídrico. A pesquisa foi realizada dividindo o ciclo de cultivo em 13 períodos (P1 a P13). O uso da estatística descritiva foi feito para evidenciar a variação do comportamento dos dados após a remoção dos pontos discrepantes, que representaram entre 0,0 e 3,9 % dos pontos amostrais por período. O uso da estatística descritiva foi útil por ter apresentado a mudança no comportamento dos dados, após a retirada de valores discrepantes e extremos em alguns períodos. A técnica da estabilidade temporal é viável para avaliação do balanço hídrico no espaço e no tempo. Os coeficientes de correlação de Spearman entre os períodos indicaram estabilidade temporal para a armazenagem da água independentemente do teor de umidade do solo, mas não expressaram confiabilidade para a avaliação da drenagem interna e a evapotranspiração real da cultura. A evapotranspiração oscilou ao longo do ciclo da cultura mantendo-se praticamente constante nos períodos P5 a P9, em que houve maior desenvolvimento vegetativo das plantas.


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Background and objective: Patients in the ICU often get many intravenous (iv) drugs at the same time. Even with three-lumen central venous catheters, the administration of more than one drug in the same iv line (IVL) is frequently necessary. The objective of this study was to observe how nurses managed to administer these many medications and to evaluate the proportion of two-drugs associations (TDA) that are compatible or not, based on known compatibility data. Design: Observational prospective study over 4 consecutive months. All patients receiving simultaneously more than one drugs in the same IVL (Y-site injection or mixed in the same container) were included. For each patient, all iv drugs were recorded, as well as concentration, infusion solution, location on the IVL system, time, rate and duration of administration. For each association of two or more drugs, compatibility of each drug was checked with each other. Compatibilities between these pairs of drugs were assessed using published data (mainly Trissel LA. Handbook on Injectable Drugs and Trissel's Tables of Physical Compatibility) and visual tests performed in our quality control laboratory. Setting: 34 beds university hospital adult ICU. Main outcome measures: Percentage of compatibilities and incompatibilities between drugs administered in the same IVL. Results: We observed 1,913 associations of drugs administered together in the same IVL, 783 implying only two drugs. The average number of drugs per IVL was 3.1 ± 0.8 (range: 2-9). 83.2% of the drugs were given by continuous infusion, 14.3% by intermittent infusion and 2.5% in bolus. The associations observed allowed to form 8,421 pairs of drugs (71.7% drug-drug and 28.3% drug-solute). According to literature data, 80.2% of the association were considered as compatible and 4.4% incompatible. 15.4% were not interpretable because of different conditions between local practices and those described in the literature (drug concentration, solute, etc.) or because of a lack of data. After laboratory tests performed on the most used drugs (furosemide, KH2PO4, morphine HCl, etc.), the proportion of compatible TDA raised to 85.7%, the incompatible stayed at 4.6% and only 9.7% remain unknown or not interpretable. Conclusions: Nurses managed the administration of iv medications quite well, as only less than 5% of observed TDA were considered as incompatible. But the 10% of TDA with unavailable compatibility data should have been avoided too, since the consequences of their concomitant administration cannot be predictable. For practical reasons, drugs were analysed only by pairs, which constitutes the main limit of this work. The average number of drugs in the same association being three, laboratory tests are currently performed to evaluate some of the most observed three-drugs associations.


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57 patients with acute intussusception were admitted to the Children's Hospital Zurich between 1972 and 1979. All were treated surgically. One died, 7 needed a bowel resection, 9 intussusceptions were difficult and 32 easy to reduce. The retrospectively reviewed data show that the classic symptomatology, beginning suddenly in a healthy male (60%) under 3 years of age (91%) with attacks of colicky pain (81%), vomiting (93%), a palpable abdominal mass (72%) and rectal bleeding (72%), appears during the course of illness or may not be present at all. This leads to misdiagnosis, wrong treatment and worsening of the pathology. Blood per rectum, the most typical symptom, was present in the first hours of illness in only 5%, vomiting in 44% and colicky pain in 33% of the patients. A high degree of awareness is therefore necessary to diagnose intussusception during the first hours of illness, and particular stress must be laid on the accuracy of the diagnosis because reducibility and resection rate depend directly on the duration of the symptoms.


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A surprising new seven-parameter supersymmetric black ring solution of five-dimensional supergravity has recently been discovered. In this paper, M theory is used to give an exact microscopic accounting of its entropy.


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Fifty years after the clinical introduction of total parenteral nutrition (TPN) the Arvid Wretlind lecture is an opportunity to critically analyse the evolution and changes that have marked its development and clinical use. The standard crystalline amino acid solutions, while devoid of side effects, remain incomplete regarding their composition (e.g. glutamine). Lipid emulsions have evolved tremendously and are now included in bi- and tri-compartmental feeding bags enabling a true "total" PN provided daily micronutrients are prescribed. The question of exact individual energy, macro- and micro-nutrient requirements is still unsolved. Many complications attributed to TPN are in fact the consequence of under- or over-feeding: the historical hyperalimentation concept is the main cause, along with the use of fixed weight based predictive equations (incorrect in 70% of the critically ill patients). In the late 80's many complications (hyperglycemia, sepsis, fatty liver, exacerbation of inflammation, mortality) were attributed to TPN leading to its near abandon in favour of enteral nutrition (EN). Enteral feeding, although desirable for many reasons, is difficult causing a worldwide recurrence of malnutrition by insufficient feed delivery. TPN indications have evolved towards its use either alone or in combination with EN: several controversial trials published 2011-13 have investigated TPN timing, an issue which is not yet resolved. The initiation time varies according to the country between admission (Australia and Israel), day 4 (Swiss) and day 7 (Belgium, USA). The most important issue may prove to be and individualized and time dependent prescription of feeding route, energy and substrates.