1000 resultados para Mobile Tire Testers.


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El trabajo describe el proyecto de desarrollo de un SIG 3D de código abierto para dispositivos móviles (Apple-iOS y Android) y para navegadores web con tecnología WebGL. En la fase actual, nos centraremos en el diseño e implementación del globo virtual, como elemento esencial que da soporte al SIG 3D y de una IDE que permite la programación de nuevas funcionalidades al globo. Dentro de los objetivos de diseño del globo virtual tenemos (i) simplicidad, con código estructurado que facilita la portabilidad y con una API de código abierto sencilla, (ii) eficiencia, tomando en cuenta los recursos hardware de los dispositivos móviles más extendidos en el mercado, (ii) usabilidad, implementando una navegación intuitiva mediante gestos para la interacción en pantalla y (iv) escalabilidad, gracias a una API desarrollada, se permite aumentar de las prestaciones mediante el desarrollo de scripts y podrán ser ejecutados tanto dentro del navegador web como de forma nativa en las plataformas móviles. Ante un panorama de clara proliferación de aplicaciones para móviles, Glob3 Mobile pretende ser una apuesta fuerte que llegue a convertirse en un SIG 3D de código abierto que abarque variadas aplicaciones sectoriales, algunas ya en marcha


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Aquesta tesi està inspirada en els agents naturals per tal de planificar de manera dinàmica la navegació d'un robot diferencial de dues rodes. Les dades dels sistemes de percepció són integrades dins una graella d'ocupació de l'entorn local del robot. La planificació de les trajectòries es fa considerant la configuració desitjada del robot, així com els vértexs més significatius dels obstacles més propers. En el seguiment de les trajectòries s'utilitzen tècniques locals de control predictiu basades en el model, amb horitzons de predicció inferiors a un segon. La metodologia emprada és validada mitjançant nombrosos experiments.


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A limited number of ‘cashless transaction’ studies addressed the issue that the mode of payment affects perceptions of money and purchase behaviour, the majority of the research is in the area of the credit card payment mode. Credit card based research has shown that when a credit card based payment is used, the volume, value and type of products purchased increase. Whether this is due to the credit element or to the ‘cashless or mobile’ element of the transaction is not known. The notion that the tangibility of cash influences perceptions of money is not novel, but it is untested. This discussion paper suggests that under conditions of cash, there is awareness (conscious/unconscious) that a possession of value transferred and this perception may well have a direct impact on people’s perception of money and their spending behaviour.


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This paper presents a case study of the two similar sized, new, technology-based firms acting as alliance partners in the Mobile commerce industry. The analysis describes how the alliance dynamics in our case study relate to seminal research in the field of business alliance formation. Contrary to the established predictions we find that the negative influence on alliance performance described as a consequence of the dissolved routinized alliance pattern by seminal authors is not present. At the same time, the case study shows that internalization of complementary assets does not by necessity result in dissolution of the business alliance as argued from a resource and competence based perspective.


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Mobile internet represents a major new trend in communication technologies use and consumption, but few evidence exists that confirms claims of novelty and social change in association with this technology use. This paper characterizes the use of mobile internet in a southern European country and associated patterns of use, focusing both on users’ profiles, forms of access, motivations to use and most popular activities undertaken via this technology, from a diffusion of innovations and social adoption of technologies perspectives, and tries to compare mobile it with fixed access to the internet in order to validate possible transformations that point to new social configurations. We seek to understand the way stakeholders perceive and characterize the European context of mobile internet. The depicted study involved a qualitative stage consisting of a set of interviews with mobile communications industry representatives and market research community in the country. These interviews were analysed in Nvivo, leading to the following eleven main categories that are explored throughout the paper: smartphones in Europe, mobile internet in Europe, users profiles, obstacles to the spread, forms of access, forms of use, motivations to use mobile internet, limitations of smartphones, apps, digital divide VS digital union and predictions for the future, as well as several subcategories forming a tree categorization. According to the data collected, mobile phones’ sales are decreasing in Europe and worldwide but on the other hand smartphones are having an exponential growth which leads to the democratization of internet access via mobile devices. As a consequence of this, it is believed that mobile internet access will soon exceed the fixed one. Mobile internet users are multiplatform, they exploit all the possibilities of mobility and they are spending less time on computers. The main obstacles to the spread of mobile internet are the high prices of price plans and there is still a lack of information and knowledge regarding the service. Mobile internet users are developing new online surfing behaviours based on apps and less in browsers and social networks represent a very high share of internet traffic through mobile phones. With mobility, “dead time” is turning into useful time and users are more likely to be available to try new services and analyze products. Innovative services concerning geolocation, consumerism, share and relationships are growing and it is necessary to highlight that mobile internet allows calling and texting, which can turn telecommunications companies into the role of Dump Pipes. This exploratory design raises questions in relation with mobile internet access and its social consequences, and provides interesting indicative research results relevant for future research in this area.


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POPULATION = Terme générique pour désigner l’adhésion d’une population, ou d’un groupe significatif de citoyens d’un territoire d’appartenance, au projet de muséologie sociale. Celle-ci se mesure par le degré de participation, d’implication et de vision partagée, d’interaction au sein de la collectivité territoriale, son fief. PARTICIPANTS = Sont les acteurs actifs au sein de la population adhérante, partie prenante au projet de muséologie social. La participation se mesure selon le degré d’implication dans le projet et de compréhension de celui-ci (Intérêt, gestion partagée, militance, volonté de capacitation...) COOPÉRANT = Par solidarité, par engagement, il s’insère dans le système de l’action ccopérative, possédant ses règles propres, offrant sa contribution à l’unité de production conciliant la dimension sociale (de la muséologie), son idée au regroupement de personnes désireuses de contribuer à la production commune de biens de qualité au service de la population dont ils sont issus.


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Waved albatrosses often relocate their eggs during incubation by placing the egg between the tarsi and shuffling forward. This behavior frequently results in eggs becoming lodged between rocks, accounting for at least 10%, and perhaps as much as 80%, of breeding failures. Because albatross populations worldwide are currently threatened, artificial means of augmenting reproductive success may be necessary to mitigate losses caused by anthropogenic effects. We characterize the frequency and extent of egg movement; test several hypotheses related to microhabitat, timing, and incubation location to explain the behavior; and investigate the utility of repositioning lodged eggs in a location in which breeding birds might resume incubation. Egg rescue increased both the likelihood of continued incubation as well as the hatching rate in our experiment, and provides an efficient, low-cost management option for this species.


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The intelligent controlling mechanism of a typical mobile robot is usually a computer system. Research is however now ongoing in which biological neural networks are being cultured and trained to act as the brain of an interactive real world robot – thereby either completely replacing or operating in a cooperative fashion with a computer system. Studying such neural systems can give a distinct insight into biological neural structures and therefore such research has immediate medical implications. The principal aims of the present research are to assess the computational and learning capacity of dissociated cultured neuronal networks with a view to advancing network level processing of artificial neural networks. This will be approached by the creation of an artificial hybrid system (animat) involving closed loop control of a mobile robot by a dissociated culture of rat neurons. This paper details the components of the overall animat closed loop system architecture and reports on the evaluation of the results from preliminary real-life and simulated robot experiments.


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This paper presents the development of an indoor localization system using camera vision. The localization system has a capability to determine 2D coordinate (x, y) for a team of mobile robots, Miabot. The experimental results show that the system outperforms our existing sonar localizer both in accuracy and a precision.


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