938 resultados para Miniature painting, Iranian


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Contient : 1° « L'Ystoire de Meliadus et de Gyron le Courtois et du chevalier sans paour », de « RUSTICIEN, de Pise » ; 2° « Le Livre de Meliadus et de Guiron le Courtois et de Palamedes », du même, contenant en partie le roman de Guiron le Courtois d' « HELIE DE BORRON », dont le prologue est conservé


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Notes marginales : départ d'Antoine Limousin, enfant de chœur à Saint-Maur, en 1678 (26 mars 1678, f. 7v) ; serments du nouvel abbé de Saint-Maur (XVe-XVIe s., f. 8v et XVe s., f. 150) ; « Husson fil. Jeh. Hua » (XVe s., f. 299v).


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Enterocystoplasty and gastrocystoplasty have been developed to restore adequate bladder capacity but they still result in the undesired harmful contact of urine with the intestinal mucosa. In an attempt to prevent this nonphysiological interface we performed several modified enterocystoplasties in the mini-pig model using a pedicled, detubularized, de-epithelialized sigmoid patch. Five techniques of patch coverage were used to evaluate urothelial growth or survival on the sigmoid patch. All but 1 patch had intestinal mucosa remnants with mucocele formation. When no coverage was applied or a biodegradable polyglactin mesh was temporarily covering the pedicled, detubularized, de-epithelialized sigmoid patch, severe shrinkage occurred. Partial cover with autologous urothelium islets seemed to decrease shrinkage. Adequate urothelium survival and satisfactory elastic properties of the patch were observed when total cover of the sigmoid patch was achieved with a sheet of homologous urothelium recovering autologous urothelial islets or when the patch was applied to protruding urothelium obtained following sagittal posterior detrusor myotomy.


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This painting with an exceptional iconography of the Assumption of the Virgin with All the Saints, was saved from a altarpiece in the church of Santa Maria de l'Alba in Manresa, which was burnt during the Spanish Civil War. The article attributes this painting to Antoni Viladomat i Manalt (1678-1755), one of the most relevant figures in the Catalan artistic scene in the 18th century, and it dates it to the latter years of his extensive artistic career. An analysis of the work shows that the Catalan painter incorporated some figurative elements that he borrowed from an engraving of the Swiss engraver, Jakob Frey (1681-1752), interpreted from a canvas of the Italian painter Sebastiano Conca (1680-1764). This helps to relate the canvas of the Barcelona painter-based on his previous figurative work with high Roman baroque- to the new proposals of the so-called Roman barrochetto. In addition the study hopes to offer the reader an artistically cultural view of Antoni Viladomat, openly concerned by the novelties that constantly reached Catalonia by means of the engravings


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El fet que la pintura decorativa del darrer quart del Set-cents sigui una de les manifestacions plàstiques més interessants de la producción catalana del moment ha estat el motor impulsor de la nostra dedicació al tema dins el marc del projecte de recerca ACAF/ART. Així, centrarem la nostra ponéncia en els programes decoratius del palaus barcelonins d'aquest període.


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Lligada a d’altres activitats, com la de l’artista pintor, la del fuster, l’artesà o l’arquitecte, larestauració no ha estat una disciplina ben delimitada que ens permeti seguir la seva progressióal llarg de la història. El posicionament de l’home davant del seu patrimoni cultural i artísticen cada moment històric, i el respecte per les mostres del passat, defi neix de quina formaes conservarà, o no, i també de quina forma s’hi intervindrà. Per fer un recorregut històriccal tenir en compte tots els aspectes que infl uencien en el fet de conservar i en la forma defer-ho: els gustos artístics del moment, l’evolució social i econòmica de la població i també lavessant funcional, ja sigui en el sentit estrictament pràctic on en el valor espiritual i religiós,que han tingut assignats molts objectes de patrimoni.


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Lligada a d’altres activitats, com la de l’artista pintor, la del fuster, l’artesà o l’arquitecte, larestauració no ha estat una disciplina ben delimitada que ens permeti seguir la seva progressióal llarg de la història. El posicionament de l’home davant del seu patrimoni cultural i artísticen cada moment històric, i el respecte per les mostres del passat, defi neix de quina formaes conservarà, o no, i també de quina forma s’hi intervindrà. Per fer un recorregut històriccal tenir en compte tots els aspectes que infl uencien en el fet de conservar i en la forma defer-ho: els gustos artístics del moment, l’evolució social i econòmica de la població i també lavessant funcional, ja sigui en el sentit estrictament pràctic on en el valor espiritual i religiós,que han tingut assignats molts objectes de patrimoni.


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The objective of this work was to introduce the emerging non-contacting spray coating process and compare it to the existing coating techniques. Particular emphasis was given to the details of the spraying process of paper coating colour and the base paper requirements set by the new coating method. Spraying technology itself is nothing new, but the atomisation process of paper coating colour is quite unknown to the paper industry. The differences between the rheology of painting and coating colours make it very difficult to utilise the existing information from spray painting research. Based on the trials, some basic conclusion can be made:The results of this study suggest that the Brookfield viscosity of spray coating colour should be as low as possible, presently a 50 mPas level is regarded as an optimum. For the paper quality and coater runnability, the solids level should be as high as possible. However, the graininess of coated paper surface and the nozzle wear limits the maximum solids level to 60 % at the moment. Most likelydue to the low solids and low viscosity of the coating colour the low shear Brookfield viscosity correlates very well with the paper and spray fan qualities. High shear viscosity is also important, but yet less significant than the low shear viscosity. Droplet size should be minimized and besides keeping the brrokfield viscosity low that can be helped by using a surfactant or dispersing agent in the coating colour formula. Increasing the spraying pressure in the nozzle can also reduce the droplet size. The small droplet size also improves the coating coverage, since there is hardly any levelling taking place after the impact with the base paper. Because of the lack of shear forces after the application, the pigment particles do not orientate along the paper surface. Therefore the study indicates that based on the present know-how, no quality improvements can be obtained by the use of platy type of pigments. The other disadvantage of them is the rapid deterioration of the nozzle lifetime. Further research in both coating colour rheology and nozzle design may change this in the future, but so far only round shape pigments, like typically calcium carbonate is, can be used with spray coating. The low water retention characteristics of spray coating, enhanced by the low solids and low viscosity, challenge the base paper absorption properties.Filler level has to be low not to increase the number of small pores, which have a great influence on the absorption properties of the base paper. Hydrophobic sizing reduces this absorption and prevents binder migration efficiently. High surface roughness and especially poor formation of the base paper deteriorate thespray coated paper properties. However, pre-calendering of the base paper does not contribute anything to the finished paper quality, at least at the coating colour solids level below 60 %. When targeting a standard offset LWC grade, spraycoating produces similar quality to film coating, but yet blade coating being on a slightly better level. However, because of the savings in both investment and production costs, spray coating may have an excellent future ahead. The porousnature of the spray coated surface offers an optimum substrate for the coldset printing industry to utilise the potential of high quality papers in their business.


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El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el origen y consolidación del soporte de lienzo en la pintura europea de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII. Identificar las principales fibras que lo componen y realizar una clasificación de los distintos ligamentos empleados por los pintores del momento, con la ayuda de imágenes y fotografías de obras de arte. Así mismo, trataremos de analizar, a través de la bibliografía consultada, cuáles eran los diferentes modelos de bastidores utilizados y definir sus posibles alteraciones. De este modo, podremos ver la gran relevancia que tuvieron los diferentes tipos de telas en el campo de las técnicas artísticas, especialmente desde que se generalizó su uso en los siglos XV y XVI.


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Deficiency of protease-activated receptor-2 (PAR2) modulates inflammation in several models of inflammatory and autoimmune disease, although the underlying mechanism(s) are not understood. PAR2 is expressed on endothelial and immune cells, and is implicated in dendritic cell (DC) differentiation. We investigated in vivo the impact of PAR2 activation on DCs and T cells in PAR2 wild-type (WT) and knockout (KO) mice using a specific PAR2 agonist peptide (AP2). PAR2 activation significantly increased the frequency of mature CD11c(high) DCs in draining lymph nodes 24 hr after AP2 administration. Furthermore, these DCs exhibited increased expression of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and CD86. A significant increase in activated (CD44(+) CD62(-)) CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell frequencies was also observed in draining lymph nodes 48 hr after AP2 injection. No detectable change in DC or T-cell activation profiles was observed in the spleen. The influence of PAR2 signalling on antigen transport to draining lymph nodes was assessed in the context of delayed-type hypersensitivity. PAR2 WT mice that were sensitized by skin-painting with fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) to induce delayed-type hypersensitivity possessed elevated proportion of FITC(+) DCs in draining lymph nodes 24 hr after FITC painting when compared with PAR2 KO mice (0.95% versus 0.47% of total lymph node cells). Collectively, these results demonstrate that PAR2 signalling promotes DC trafficking to the lymph nodes and subsequent T-cell activation, and thus provides an explanation for the pro-inflammatory effect of PAR2 in animal models of inflammation.


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Urbano Fos fue uno de los mejores representantes del Barroco valenciano. En este estudio atribuimos a su pincel un lienzo inédito de gran calidad. Se trata de una magnífica representación de San Pascual Bailón. Con nuestra investigación hemos demostrado sus filiaciones técnico-artísticas y resaltado aquellos aspectos por los que se popularizó su pintura.


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La atribución a Joan Reixach de una tabla con la Flagelación, nos ha permitido aportar noticias inéditas en torno a su autor y a los lazos profesionales que pudieron unirle en ocasiones con Jacomart. Una asociación tácita demostrada documentalmente con una nueva noticia fechada en 1449 que explicaría la proximidad estilística y contractual de algunas de sus obras.


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Aquest text fa referència a una pintura a l’oli dedicada a sant Josep Oriol, conservada a l’església parroquial de la Pobla de Segur. Arran d’una anàlisi iconogràfica atenta de l’obra, dedicada a un sant beatificat a Barcelona el juny del 1807, un fet que comportà nombroses representacions de la mà dels artistes més notables, apunta la possibilitat, que pogués ser obra de Bonaventura Planella (1772-1844).


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A través de este texto, pretendemos dar a conocer los libros de horas iluminados conservados en bibliotecas públicas catalanas. Con este fin, se han analizado un total de quince manuscritos, a nuestro juicio los más interesantes desde el punto de vista artístico, localizados en la Biblioteca de Catalunya, Biblioteca de la Universidad de Barcelona, Archivo Histórico de la Ciudad de Barcelona, Museo Episcopal de Vic, Biblioteca del monasterio de Santa María de Montserrat y Biblioteca del Palacio de Perelada. Los libros de horas se han agrupado de acuerdo con su procedencia geográfica: antiguos reinos peninsulares (Corona de Aragón y de Castilla), Francia, repúblicas italianas, Inglaterra y territorios septentrionales del ducado de Borgoña. Cada uno de estos apartados se organiza en torno a una secuencia cronológica que comienza a fines del siglo XIV y concluye hacia el segundo cuarto del siglo XVI.


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La iglesia de Santo Tomás de Villanueva de Zaragoza es lo único que se conserva de lo que fuera el convento de agustinos observantes, llamado popularmente convento de la Mantería por ubicarse en la plaza del mismo nombre. Fué edificada entre 1663 y 1683 bajo el patronazgo del arzobispo de Zaragoza don Francisco Gamboa. Es un edificio barroco construido en ladrillo, con planta de cruz latina, de una sola nave, cubierta en sus tramos y brazos por cúpulas elípticas, siendo semiesférica la del crucero. Lo más destacable del edificio es su decoración mural. En un principio las pinturas cubrían la totalidad de las paredes y bóvedas. Los avatares históricos, desamortización y posterior empleo como almacén, así como el deterioro por efecto de la humedad, han hecho que sólo hayan llegado hasta nosotros las pinturas de las cúpulas. La ejecución de la pintura se debe al pintor de cámara de Carlos II, Claudio Coello, ayudado por su discípulo Sebastián Muñoz y por una serie de pintores locales. Claudio Coello trabajó entre 1683 y 1684, prolongándose las tareas hasta 1686.