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Der Fokus dieser Arbeit lag in der Synthese von funktionellen HPMA-Copolymeren, sowohl für die Darstellung definierter Polymer-Antikörper Konjugate, als auch zum effizienten Transport von p-DNA in Polymer-DNA Komplexen (Polyplexe). Nach ausführlicher physikalischer und chemischer Charakterisierung wurden gezielt ihre Wechselwirkungen mit (Immun)-Zellen untersucht und so ihr Potential für die Verwendung in der Tumor-Immuntherapie aufgezeigt.rnFür das gezielte Ansprechen von bestimmten Immunzellen mit Schlüsselfunktionen besitzen monoklonale Antikörper ein großes Potential. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit gelang die Darstellung definierter Polymer-Antikörper Konjugate über das gezielte Einführen von Thiol-Gruppen an Antikörper und die Synthese eng verteilter, Maleinimid funktionalisierter HPMA-Copolymere. Diese sehr gut definierten, funktionellen HPMA-Copolymere konnten über die Kombination der RAFT-Polymerisation und Reaktivester Polymeren gewonnen werden. Unterschiedliche Polymerstrukturen ermöglichten die Synthese verschiedener Arten von Polymer-Antikörper Konjugaten. Speziell die Untersuchung der verschiedenen Konjugate aus dem für dendritische Zellen spezifischen aDEC-205 Antikörper an Immunzellen aus dem Knochenmark von Mäusen lieferten wertvolle Erkenntnisse über Struktur-Wirkungsbeziehungen und zeigten die Möglichkeit der gezielten Adressierung von Immunzellen mit Schlüsselfunktionen bei der Aktivierung einer (Tumor)-Immunabwehr am Beispiel von dendritischen Zellen. Gleichzeitig erlaubt der Syntheseweg sowohl die gleichzeitige und kontrollierte Einführung auch komplexerer Stimuli am Polymerrückgrat als auch die Verwendung verschiedener Antikörper.rnÜber die Kombination der RAFT-Polymerisation und polymeren Reaktivestern wurde ebenso die Synthese von neuartigen kationisch-hydrophilen Polylysin-b-poly(HPMA) Blockcopolymeren als effiziente Transporter für den komplexen aber wirkungsvollen Wirkstoff p-DNA in Form von Polymer-DNA Komplexen (Polyplexe) realisiert. Da diese Polyplexe gleichzeitig eine Abschirmung der sensitiven p-DNA über eine poly(HPMA)-Korona vermitteln, stellen sie allgemein ein geeignetes Transportmittel für einen therapeutischen Transport von p-DNA dar. Diese Polyplexe sind in der Lage, humane Nierenkarzinomzellen (HEK-293T Zelllinie) zu transfizieren ohne signifikante Zytotoxizität zu zeigen. Darüber hinaus gelang eine große Steigerung der Transfektionseffizienz, ohne eine gleichzeitige Erhöhung der Zytotoxizität, durch die gezielte Einführung von Redox-stimuliresponsiven Disulfid-Gruppen zwischen den einzelnen Blöcken. Diese Polyplexe stellen einen polymeren Vektor zur transkriptionellen Regulierung von Zellen dar, zum Beispiel für die transkriptionelle Aktivierung von dendritischen Zellen, durch die Verwendung speziell dafür modifizierter p-DNA-Konstrukte. rnDurch die Verknüpfung einer ortsspezifischen enzymatischen Kopplung und kupferfreien Cyclooctin-Azid Kupplung gelang die kontrollierte und kovalente Modifizierung von polymeren Mizellen mit aDEC-205 Antikörpern an der hydrophilen poly(HPMA)-Korona. Diese Methode bietet die Möglichkeit der Anbindung der effektiven aber anspruchsvollen Erkennungsstruktur Antikörper an komplexere Polymerstrukturen und andere nano-partikulären Systeme, zum Beispiel an die zuvor genannten Polyplexe, um eine zellspezifische und verbesserte Aufnahme und Prozessierung zu erreichen.rnDiese Studien zeigen somit, sowohl die Möglichkeit der selektiven Addressierung von Immunzellen mit Schlüsselfunktionen wie dendritischer Zellen, als auch die Möglichkeit der transkriptionellen Regulation von Zellen durch Polyplexe. Sie stellen somit einen ersten Schritt zur Herstellung funktioneller, nanopartikulärer Systeme zur Verwendung in der Tumor-Immuntherapie dar. rn
Poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is used in a broad range of applications due to its unique combination of properties and is approved use in formulations for body-care products, edibles and medicine. This thesis aims at the synthesis and characterization of novel heterofunctional PEG structures and the establishment of diethyl squarate as a suitable linker for the covalent attachment to proteins. Chapter 1 is an introduction on the properties and applications of PEG as well as the fascinating chemistry of squaric acid derivatives. In Chapter 1.1, the synthesis and properties of PEG are described, and the versatile applications of PEG derivatives in everyday products are emphasized with a focus on PEG-based pharmaceuticals and nonionic surfactants. This chapter is written in German, as it was published in the German Journal Chemie in unserer Zeit. Chapter 1.2 deals with PEGs major drawbacks, its non-biodegradability, which impedes parenteral administration of PEG conjugates with polyethers exceeding the renal excretion limit, although these would improve blood circulation times and passive tumor targeting. This section gives a comprehensive overview of the cleavable groups that have been implemented in the polyether backbone to tackle this issue as well as the synthetic strategies employed to accomplish this task. Chapter 1.3 briefly summarizes the chemical properties of alkyl squarates and the advantages in protein conjugation chemistry that can be taken from its use as a coupling agent. In Chapter 2, the application of diethyl squarate as a coupling agent in the PEGylation of proteins is illustrated. Chapter 2.1 describes the straightforward synthesis and characterization of squaric acid ethyl ester amido PEGs with terminal hydroxyl functions or methoxy groups. The reactivity and selectivity of theses activated PEGs are explored in kinetic studies on the reactions with different lysine and other amino acid derivatives, followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Further, the efficient attachment of the novel PEGs to a model protein, i.e., bovine serum albumin (BSA), demonstrates the usefulness of the new linker for the PEGylation with heterofunctional PEGs. In Chapter 2.3 initial studies on the biocompatibility of polyether/BSA conjugates synthesized by the squaric acid mediated PEGylation are presented. No cytotoxic effects on human umbilical vein endothelial cells exposed to various concentrations of the conjugates were observed in a WST-1 assay. A cell adhesion molecule - enzyme immunosorbent assay did not reveal the expression of E-selectin or ICAM-1, cell adhesion molecules involved in inflammation processes. The focus of Chapter 3 lies on the syntheses of novel heterofunctional PEG structures which are suitable candidates for the squaric acid mediated PEGylation and exhibit superior features compared to established PEGs applied in bioconjugation. Chapter 3.1 describes the synthetic route to well-defined, linear heterobifunctional PEGs carrying a single acid-sensitive moiety either at the initiation site or at a tunable position in the polyether backbone. A universal concept for the implementation of acetal moieties into initiators for the anionic ring-opening polymerization (AROP) of epoxides is presented and proven to grant access to the degradable PEG structures aimed at. The hydrolysis of the heterofunctional PEG with the acetal moiety at the initiating site is followed by 1H NMR spectroscopy in deuterium oxide at different pH. In an exploratory study, the same polymer is attached to BSA via the squarate acid coupling and subsequently cleaved from the conjugate under acidic conditions. Furthermore, the concept for the generation of acetal-modified AROP initiators is demonstrated to be suitable for cholesterol, and the respective amphiphilic cholesteryl-PEG is cleaved at lowered pH. In Chapter 3.2, the straightforward synthesis of α-amino ω2-dihydroxyl star-shaped three-arm PEGs is described. To assure a symmetric length of the hydroxyl-terminated PEG arms, a novel AROP initiator is presented, who’s primary and secondary hydroxyl groups are separated by an acetal moiety. Upon polymerization of ethylene oxide for these functionalities and subsequent cleavage of the acid-labile unit no difference in the degree of polymerization is seen for both polyether fragments.
Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Totalsynthese von Monilicin. Seine Chlor- und Brom-Derivate wurden aus Monilinia fructicola isoliert und zeigten fungizide Wirkung. Die Schlüsselschritte der Synthese sind der Aufbau des ε-Lakton, die Einführung der exozyklischen Carboxymethyl-Gruppe und der Einbau der Doppelbindung in das Lakton. Es wurden drei Synthesestrategien verfolgt, wobei die Bildung des Laktons über eine Veresterung erfolgen sollte.rnÜber enantioselektive Syntheseschritte sollten die reinen Enantiomere erhalten werden. Ausgehend vom Orcinol erfolgte auf allen Syntheserouten zuerst der Aufbau des 5-Hydroxy-7-methylchromon-Grundgerüstes, und anschließend dessen Funktionalisierung in den Positionen 2 und 3. Der Ringschluss zum ε-Lakton gelang über eine Steglich-Veresterung. Syntheseweg A lieferte nach der Oxidation der primären exozyklischen Alkoholgruppe und anschließender Methylierung das Dihydromonilicin. Auf dem Syntheseweg B gelang die Einführung der späteren exozyklischen Carboxymethyl-Gruppe vor der Laktonisierung. Aus der Dicarbonsäure konnte zum ersten Mal auch der Naturstoff Oxalicumon C totalsynthetisch dargestellt und seine absolute Konfiguration aufgeklärt werden. Nach selektiver Hydrolyse konnte aus Oxalicumon C ebenfalls das Dihydromonilicin synthetisiert werden. Die Darstellung von Monilicin durch Einführung der Doppelbindung in das Dihydromonilicin oder bereits vor der Laktonisierung (Syntheseweg C) konnte nicht erreicht werden. Einige der Chromon-Derivate zeigten fungizide und zytotoxische Aktivitäten. rn
In dieser Arbeit werden die Dynamiken angeregter Zustände in Donor-Akzeptorsystemen für Energieumwandlungsprozesse mit ultraschneller zeitaufgelöster optischer Spektroskopie behandelt. Der Hauptteil dieser Arbeit legt den Fokus auf die Erforschung der Photophysik organischer Solarzellen, deren aktive Schichten aus diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) basierten Polymeren mit kleiner Bandlücke als Elektronendonatoren und Fullerenen als Elektronenakzeptoren bestehen. rnEin zweiter Teil widmet sich der Erforschung von künstlichen primären Photosynthesereaktionszentren, basierend auf Porphyrinen, Quinonen und Ferrocenen, die jeweils als Lichtsammeleinheit, Elektronenakzeptor beziehungsweise als Elektronendonatoren eingesetzt werden, um langlebige ladungsgetrennte Zustände zu erzeugen.rnrnZeitaufgelöste Photolumineszenzspektroskopie und transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie haben gezeigt, dass Singulettexzitonenlebenszeiten in den Polymeren PTDPP-TT und PFDPP-TT Polymeren kurz sind (< 20 ps) und dass in Mischungen der Polymere mit PC71BM geminale Rekombination von gebundenen Ladungstransferzuständen ein Hauptverlustkanal ist. Zudem wurde in beiden Systemen schnelle nichtgeminale Rekombination freier Ladungen zu Triplettzuständen auf dem Polymer beobachtet. Für das Donor-Akzeptor System PDPP5T:PC71BM wurde nachgewiesen, dass die Zugabe eines Lösungsmittels mit hohem Siedepunkt, und zwar ortho-Dichlorbenzol, die Morphologie der aktiven Schicht stark beeinflusst und die Solarzelleneffizienz verbessert. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass die Donator- und Akzeptormaterialien besser durchmischt sind und sich Perkolationswege zu den Elektroden ausgebildet haben, was zu einer verbesserten Ladungsträgergeneration und Extraktion führt. Schnelle Bildung des Triplettzustands wurde in beiden PDPP5T:PC71BM Systemen beobachtet, da der Triplettzustand des Polymers über Laungstransferzustände mit Triplettcharakter populiert werden kann. "Multivariate curve resolution" (MCR) Analyse hat eine starke Intensitätsabhängigkeit gezeigt, was auf nichtgeminale Ladungsträgerrekombination in den Triplettzustand hinweist.rnrnIn den künstlichen primären Photosynthesereaktionszentren hat transiente Absorptionsspektroskopie bestätigt, dass photoinduzierter Ladungstransfer in Quinon-Porphyrin (Q-P) und Porphyrin-Ferrocen (P-Fc) Diaden sowie in Quinon-Porphyrin-Ferrocen (Q-P-Fc) Triaden effizient ist. Es wurde jedoch auch gezeigt, dass in den P-Fc unf Q-P-Fc Systemen die ladungsgetrennten Zustände in den Triplettzustand der jeweiligen Porphyrine rekombinieren. Der ladungsgetrennte Zustand konnte in der Q-P Diade durch Zugabe einer Lewissäure signifikant stabilisiert werden.
The well-known antiproliferative properties of the 9-hydroxystearic acid (9-HSA) on human colon cancer cells (HT-29 cell line) have inspired this thesis work in order to obtain new derivatives maintaining the C1-C8 chain of the HSA linked to an heterocyclic moiety at the C-9 carbon atom and to investigate their biological activity. First, thiazoles, thiadiazoles and benzothiazoles, that are compounds of interest in many fields for their biological activities, have been introduced through an amide bond starting from their 2-amino precursors. The products have been obtained by treatment with methyl 9-chloro-9-oxononanoate according to a Schotten-Baumann type reaction. The acylation reaction occurred at the endocyclic nitrogen atom of the heterocycle, as ascertained through NOESY-1D experiment. After, methyl 9-chloro-9-oxononanoate was reacted with indole, N-methylindole, and triptamine giving a serie of new indole derivatives. Finally, the biological activity of some compounds has been tested through assays on HT-29 cancer cells and bacterial and fungal microorganisms; docking calculations have also been performed to evaluate the possible interactions with the active site of histone deacetylase, which are molecular targets of the 9-HSA.
3,5-dimethyl-4-nitroisoxazole derivatives are useful synthetic intermediates as the isoxazole nucleus chemically behaves as an ester, but establish better-defined interactions with chiral catalysts and lability of its N-O aromatic bond can unveil other groups such as 1,3-dicarbonyl compounds or carboxylic acids. In the present work, these features are employed in a 3,5-dimethyl-4-nitroisoxazole based synthesis of the γ-amino acid pregabalin, a medication for the treatment of epilepsy and neuropatic pain, in which this moiety is fundamental for the enantioselective formation of a chiral center by interaction with doubly-quaternized cinchona phase-transfer catalysts, whose ability of asymmetric induction will be investigated. Influence of this group in cinchona-derivatives catalysed stereoselective addition and Darzens reaction of a mono-chlorinated 3,5-dimethyl-4-nitroisoxazole and benzaldehyde will also be investigated.
By analogy to gliosarcoma, the term "ependymosarcoma" has recently been coined to thematize the rare phenomenon of a malignant mesenchymal component arising within an ependymoma. We report on an example of this paradigm, involving tanycytic ependymoma as the host tumor in a 40-year-old female who underwent two tumor extirpation procedures at one-year interval. She first presented with severe headaches, and was seen by imaging to harbor a moderately enhancing mass 2.5cm in diameter at the rostral septum pellucidum accompanied by occlusive hydrocephalus. Microscopically, the tumor consisted of solid, wavy fascicles of elongated cells that were occasionally interrupted by vague perivascular pseudorosettes. Mitotic activity was absent, and less than 1% of nuclei immunoreacted for MIB-1. A histological diagnosis of tanycytic ependymoma (WHO grade II) was rendered, and no adjuvant therapy given. At recurrence, the lesion was 3.5cm in diameter, intensely enhancing, and had already seeded into the subarachnoid space. Histology showed a biphasic glial-sarcomatous architecture with remnants of the original ependymoma now displaying hypercellularity and atypical - yet not frankly anaplastic - features. The sarcomatous moiety consisted of spindle and epithelioid cells densely interwoven with reticulin fibers. While the ependymal component was GFAP and S100 protein positive, and featured punctate staining for EMA, none of these markers was expressed in the adjacent sarcoma. Instead, the latter reacted for vimentin and smooth muscle actin. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first documentation of tanycytic ependymoma undergoing malignant transformation, one driven by a highly anaplastic mesenchymal component, corresponding to "ependymosarcoma".
Cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) supplies electrons from NADPH to steroid and drug metabolizing reactions catalyzed by the cytochrome P450s located in endoplasmic reticulum. Mutations in human POR cause a wide spectrum of disease ranging from disordered steroidogenesis to sexual differentiation. Previously we and others have shown that POR mutations can lead to reduced activities of steroidogenic P450s CYP17A1, CYP19A1 and CYP21A1. Here we are reporting that mutations in the FMN binding domain of POR may reduce CYP3A4 activity, potentially influencing drug and steroid metabolism; and the loss of CYP3A4 activity may be correlated to the reduction of cytochrome b(5) by POR. Computational molecular docking experiments with a FMN free structural model of POR revealed that an external FMN could be docked in close proximity to the FAD moiety and receive electrons donated by NADPH. Using FMN supplemented assays we have demonstrated restoration of the defective POR activity in vitro.
Since the late 1950s, reports on an unusual giant-cell granulomatous lesion affecting the jaws, lungs, stomach and intestines have been published. Histopathologically, the lesions showed the presence of structureless hyaline rings with multinucleated giant cells. The aim of this review was to summarize the literature on the etiopathogenesis of the so-called oral and extraoral pulse or hyaline ring granuloma. Literature was searched using PubMed and Medline. In addition, hand search was performed. Search words were oral and extraoral hyaline ring granuloma, giant-cell hyaline angiopathy, pulse granuloma and chronic periostitis. Numerous terms for hyaline ring granuloma have been introduced over time (1971-2008). One hundred seventy-three cases of oral hyaline ring granuloma have been retrieved from the literature. In the mandible, 72.3% occurred . Two theories for etiopathogenesis have been proposed: (1) the origin of the hyaline rings is due to a foreign material (pulse and legumes) having penetrated the oral mucosa or gastrointestinal tract and lungs (exogenous theory) and (2) the rings are due to hyaline degenerative changes in walls of blood vessels (endogenous theory). Experimental production of oral and extraoral hyaline ring granulomas is consistent with the exogenous origin. Particles or remains of leguminous cells having been implanted or aspirated into human tissues whether located to the oral cavity or throughout the entire digestive tract and respiratory system are thought to be causative. Pulse or hyaline ring granulomas are rare but are well-defined oral and extraoral lesions due to implantation of the cellulose moiety of plant foods in contrast to the starch components.
The synthesis, radiolabeling, and initial evaluation of new silicon-fluoride acceptor (SiFA) derivatized octreotate derivatives is reported. So far, the main drawback of the SiFA technology for the synthesis of PET-radiotracers is the high lipophilicity of the resulting radiopharmaceutical. Consequently, we synthesized new SiFA-octreotate analogues derivatized with Fmoc-NH-PEG-COOH, Fmoc-Asn(Ac?AcNH-?-Glc)-OH, and SiFA-aldehyde (SIFA-A). The substances could be labeled in high yields (38 ± 4%) and specific activities between 29 and 56 GBq/?mol in short synthesis times of less than 30 min (e.o.b.). The in vitro evaluation of the synthesized conjugates displayed a sst2 receptor affinity (IC?? = 3.3 ± 0.3 nM) comparable to that of somatostatin-28. As a measure of lipophilicity of the conjugates, the log P(ow) was determined and found to be 0.96 for SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-PEG-Tyr³-octreotate and 1.23 for SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-Tyr³-octreotate, which is considerably lower than for SiFA-Tyr³-octreotate (log P(ow) = 1.59). The initial in vivo evaluation of [¹?F]SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-PEG-Tyr³-octreotate revealed a significant uptake of radiotracer in the tumor tissue of AR42J tumor-bearing nude mice of 7.7% ID/g tissue weight. These results show that the high lipophilicity of the SiFA moiety can be compensated by applying hydrophilic moieties. Using this approach, a tumor-affine SiFA-containing peptide could successfully be used for receptor imaging for the first time in this proof of concept study.
Epothilones are potent antiproliferative agents, which have served as successful lead structures for anticancer drug discovery. However, their therapeutic efficacy would benefit greatly from an increase in their selectivity for tumor cells, which may be achieved through conjugation with a tumor-targeting moiety. Three novel epothilone analogs bearing variously functionalized benzimidazole side chains were synthesized using a strategy based on palladium-mediated coupling and macrolactonization. The synthesis of these compounds is described and their in vitro biological activity is discussed with respect to their interactions with the tubulin/microtubule system and the inhibition of human cancer cell proliferation. The additional functional groups may be used to synthesize conjugates of epothilone derivatives with a variety of tumor-targeting moieties.
The tubulin-binding mode of C3- and C15-modified analogues of epothilone A (Epo A) was determined by NMR spectroscopy and computational methods and compared with the existing structural models of tubulin-bound natural Epo A. Only minor differences were observed in the conformation of the macrocycle between Epo A and the C3-modified analogues investigated. In particular, 3-deoxy- (compound 2) and 3-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-Epo A (3) were found to adopt similar conformations in the tubulin-binding cleft as Epo A, thus indicating that the 3-OH group is not essential for epothilones to assume their bioactive conformation. None of the available models of the tubulin-epothilone complex is able to fully recapitulate the differences in tubulin-polymerizing activity and microtubule-binding affinity between C20-modified epothilones 6 (C20-propyl), 7 (C20-butyl), and 8 (C20-hydroxypropyl). Based on the results of transferred NOE experiments in the presence of tubulin, the isomeric C15 quinoline-based Epo B analogues 4 and 5 show very similar orientations of the side chain, irrespective of the position of the nitrogen atom in the quinoline ring. The quinoline side chain stacks on the imidazole moiety of beta-His227 with equal efficiency in both cases, thus suggesting that the aromatic side chain moiety in epothilones contributes to tubulin binding through strong van der Waals interactions with the protein rather than hydrogen bonding involving the heteroaromatic nitrogen atom. These conclusions are in line with existing tubulin polymerization and microtubule-binding data for 4, 5, and Epo B.
The synthesis of a novel bicyclo-thymidine nucleoside bearing an ester functionality at C(6') (bc(alpha-alk)-nucleosides) is reported. This nucleoside was incorporated into oligodeoxynucleotides via solid phase phosphoramidite chemistry, and the ester moiety was post-synthetically converted to an amide or a carboxy group, or was left unchanged. Thermal melting data (T-m) with complementary DNA and RNA were collected and compared to natural DNA and to bc- and bc(ox)-DNA. It was found that single incorporations of bc(alpha-alk)-nucleosides in DNA duplexes were destabilizing by 0.5 to 2.5 degrees C/mod, whereas two consecutive bc(alpha-alk)-residues were less destabilizing, and in some cases even stabilizing by 0.5 degrees C/mod. In duplexes with complementary RNA, isolated bc(alpha-alk)-residues destabilized the duplex by -1.0 to -4.0 degrees C/mod, depending on the chemical nature of the substituent, whereas two consecutive modifications were only destabilizing by 0.3-1.0 degrees C/mod. The pairing selectivity was similar to that of unmodified or bc-DNA.
The terminal homologation by CH(2) insertion into the peptides mentioned in the title is described. This involves replacement of the N-terminal amino acid residue by a β(2) - and of the C-terminal amino acid residue by a β(3) -homo-amino acid moiety (β(2) hXaa and β(3) hXaa, resp.; Fig. 1). In this way, the structure of the peptide chain from the N-terminal to the C-terminal stereogenic center is identical, and the modified peptide is protected against cleavage by exopeptidases (Figs. 2 and 3). Neurotensin (NT; 1) and its C-terminal fragment NT(8-13) are ligands of the G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) NT1, NT2, NT3, and NT analogs are promising tools to be used in cancer diagnostics and therapy. The affinities of homologated NT analogs, 2b-2e, for NT1 and NT2 receptors were determined by using cell homogenates and tumor tissues (Table 1); in the latter experiments, the affinities for the NT1 receptor are more or less the same as those of NT (0.5-1.3 vs. 0.6 nM). At the same time, one of the homologated NT analogs, 2c, survives in human plasma for 7 days at 37° (Fig. 6). An NMR analysis of NT(8-13) (Tables 2 and 4, and Fig. 8) reveals that this N-terminal NT fragment folds to a turn in CD(3) OH. - In the case of the human analgesic opiorphin (3a), a pentapeptide, and of the HIV-derived B27-KK10 (4a), a decapeptide, terminal homologation (→3b and 4b, resp.) led to a 7- and 70-fold half-life increase in plasma (Fig. 9). With N-terminally homologated NPY, 5c, we were not able to determine serum stability; the peptide consisting of 36 amino acid residues is subject to cleavage by endopetidases. Three of the homologated compounds, 2b, 2c, and 5c, were shown to be agonists (Fig. 7 and 11). A comparison of terminal homologation with other stability-increasing terminal modifications of peptides is performed (Fig. 5), and possible applications of the neurotensin analogs, described herein, are discussed.
We have performed a series of first-principles electronic structure calculations to examine the reaction pathways and the corresponding free energy barriers for the ester hydrolysis of protonated cocaine in its chair and boat conformations. The calculated free energy barriers for the benzoyl ester hydrolysis of protonated chair cocaine are close to the corresponding barriers calculated for the benzoyl ester hydrolysis of neutral cocaine. However, the free energy barrier calculated for the methyl ester hydrolysis of protonated cocaine in its chair conformation is significantly lower than for the methyl ester hydrolysis of neutral cocaine and for the dominant pathway of the benzoyl ester hydrolysis of protonated cocaine. The significant decrease of the free energy barrier, ∼4 kcal/mol, is attributed to the intramolecular acid catalysis of the methyl ester hydrolysis of protonated cocaine, because the transition state structure is stabilized by the strong hydrogen bond between the carbonyl oxygen of the methyl ester moiety and the protonated tropane N. The relative magnitudes of the free energy barriers calculated for different pathways of the ester hydrolysis of protonated chair cocaine are consistent with the experimental kinetic data for cocaine hydrolysis under physiologic conditions. Similar intramolecular acid catalysis also occurs for the benzoyl ester hydrolysis of (protonated) boat cocaine in the physiologic condition, although the contribution of the intramolecular hydrogen bonding to transition state stabilization is negligible. Nonetheless, the predictability of the intramolecular hydrogen bonding could be useful in generating antibody-based catalysts that recruit cocaine to the boat conformation and an analog that elicited antibodies to approximate the protonated tropane N and the benzoyl O more closely than the natural boat conformer might increase the contribution from hydrogen bonding. Such a stable analog of the transition state for intramolecular catalysis of cocaine benzoyl-ester hydrolysis was synthesized and used to successfully elicit a number of anticocaine catalytic antibodies.