964 resultados para Logical necessity


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A presente tese analisa como o Programa Bolsa Família vem impactando a luta fundiária da Comunidade Quilombola de Caiana dos Crioulos, observando como isto tem afetado a construção e desenvolvimento da cidadania desta comunidade. Para isto, fazemos um estudo sobre o programa bolsa família, que foi criado com o fulcro de diminuir a fome, a pobreza e a desigualdade social, alcançando, paulatinamente, milhões de brasileiros, inclusive grande parcela dos quilombolas. Nesta seara percebemos que a vulnerabilidade social é uma marca presente nas comunidades quilombolas, principalmente devido à dificuldade de acesso a estas comunidades, além de uma prestação de serviços públicos não focados para sua identidade cultural. Atualmente, grande parcela dos quilombolas é beneficiária do Programa Bolsa Família e não estão conseguindo a autonomização deste programa por não haver uma política pública específica que possa estimular o desenvolvimento dos quilombolas, respeitando a cultura dos mesmos. Destacamos também que a concretização do pleito principal dos quilombolas, que é a titulação das suas terras, conforme previsto no artigo 68 do Ato de Disposições Constitucionais Transitórios da Constituição Federal de 1988, não vem sendo efetivada devido a grande burocracia para esse procedimento de titulação junto com interesses de grupos hegemônicos ligados a bancada ruralista. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa fizemos uso da abordagem qualitativa, concomitantemente foi feita uma pesquisa de campo, permitindo a observação direta dos fenômenos, preservando a singularidade do objeto social. Além disso, fizemos consultas a dados primários e secundários de órgãos públicos. Utilizamos como instrumentos de coleta de dados entrevistas semiestruturadas, optando pela utilização da análise de conteúdo, buscando-se analisar a realidade social num grau de profundidade que ultrapasse o senso comum. Seguimos uma das técnicas específicas da análise de conteúdo, que é a análise temática. Concluiu-se que a regularização fundiária definitiva junto com a concretização de políticas públicas específicas são o caminho para construção da cidadania quilombola, pois permitirá que haja uma segurança jurídica para os quilombolas. E apenas o programa bolsa família não pode ser um propiciador da quebra do ciclo intergeracional da pobreza que muito marca a história dos povos quilombolas, precisando ser pensado de forma interdisciplinar as portas de saída da pobreza, daí a necessidade de capabilities para que o quilombola possa usufruir de uma cidadania plena.


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Spatial light modulators based around liquid crystal on silicon have found use in a variety of telecommunications applications, including the optimization of multimode fibers, free-space communications, and wavelength selective switching. Ferroelectric liquid crystals are attractive in these areas due to their fast switching times and high phase stability, but the necessity for the liquid crystal to spend equal time in each of its two possible states is an issue of practical concern. Using the highly parallel nature of a graphics processing unit architecture, it is possible to calculate DC balancing schemes of exceptional quality and stability.


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This review will focus on the possibility that the cerebellum contains an internal model or models of the motor apparatus. Inverse internal models can provide the neural command necessary to achieve some desired trajectory. First, we review the necessity of such a model and the evidence, based on the ocular following response, that inverse models are found within the cerebellar circuitry. Forward internal models predict the consequences of actions and can be used to overcome time delays associated with feedback control. Secondly, we review the evidence that the cerebellum generates predictions using such a forward model. Finally, we review a computational model that includes multiple paired forward and inverse models and show how such an arrangement can be advantageous for motor learning and control.


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Grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio, are a common inhabitant of US East and Gulf coast salt marshes and are a food source for recreationally and economically important fish and crustacean species. Due to the relationship of grass shrimp with their ecosystem, any significant changes in grass shrimp population may have the potential to affect the estuarine system. Land use is a crucial concern in coastal areas where increasing development impacts the surrounding estuaries and salt marshes and has made grass shrimp population studies a logical choice to investigate urbanization effects. Any impact on tidal creeks will be an impact on grass shrimp populations and their associated micro-environment whether predator, prey or parasitic symbiont. Anthropogenic stressors introduced into the grass shrimp ecosystem may even change the intensity of infections from parasitic symbionts. An ectoparasite found on P. pugio is the bopyrid isopod Probopyrus pandalicola. Little is known about factors that may affect the occurrence of this isopod in grass shrimp populations. The goal was to analyze the prevalence of P. pandalicola in grass shrimp in relation to land use classifications, water quality parameters, and grass shrimp population metrics. Eight tidal creeks in coastal South Carolina were sampled monthly over a three year period. The occurrence of P. pandalicola ranged from 1.2% to 5.7%. Analysis indicated that greater percent water and marsh coverage resulted in a higher incidence of bopyrid occurrence. Analysis also indicated that higher bopyrid incidence occurred in creeks with higher salinity, temperature, and pH but lower dissolved oxygen. The land use characteristics found to limit bopyrid incidence were limiting to grass shrimp (definitive host) populations and probably copepod (intermediate host) populations as well.


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Recruitment, defined and measured as the incorporation of new individuals (i.e. coral juveniles) into a population, is a fundamental process for ecologists, evolutionists and conservationists due to its direct effect on population structure and function. Because most coral populations are self-feeding, a breakdown in recruitment would lead to local extinction. Recruitment indirectly affects both renewal and maintenance of existing and future coral communities, coral reef biodiversity (bottom-up effect) and therefore coral reef resilience. This process has been used as an indirect measure of individual reproductive success (fitness) and is the final stage of larval dispersal leading to population connectivity. As a result, recruitment has been proposed as an indicator of coral-reef health in marine protected areas, as well as a central aspect of the decision-making process concerning management and conservation. The creation of management plans to promote impact mitigation,rehabilitation and conservation of the Colombian coral reefs is a necessity that requires firstly, a review and integration of existing literature on scleractinian coral recruitment in Colombia and secondly, larger scale field studies. This motivated us to summarize and analyze all existing information on coral recruitment to determine the state of knowledge, isolate patterns, identify gaps, and suggest future lines of research.


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The magnitude and disposition of the inland prawn fisheries resources of the country have been described. The lack of adequate knowledge of the capture fisheries resources has been pointed out and the necessity for an organised survey of the resources and research to formulate measures for their proper management emphasised. The existing methods of prawn farming in the country have been described and the need for research for maximising yields from culture fisheries of prawn has been highlighted. Measures for immediate development of prawn fisheries of the country have also been discussed.


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Selectivity studies using cod end and cover to determine the optimum cod end mesh size for commercial size groups of shrimps was carried out at Cochin during 1963-64 fishing season. The normality of the result was checked by trouser cod end method. Although the present investigation was mainly aimed to find out suitable cod end mesh size for commercial varieties of shrimps, five commonly occurring species of fishes were also taken. The 50% escape level, co-efficient of selectivity and selection factor for all the species were worked out. From the findings, the authors stress the necessity of increasing the cod end mesh size from the present condition (25.4 to 31.70 mm) to 41.65 mm fabricated mesh size to avoid depletion of the natural population.


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Stock dynamics of Penaeus merguiensis was studied using length composition data collected separately for males and females during the period 1995-1998, at New Ferry Warf landing, centre in Greater Mumbai. Food and feeding, sex ratio, fecundity and length-weight relationships were worked out on a representative sub-sample. Asymptotic length (Loo) and growth coefficient (K) were estimated to be 220 mm and 1.80 per annum respectively for males. These parameters were respectively 281 mm and 1. 72 per annum in the case of females. The instantaneous rate of total mortality coefficient (Z) was found to be 9.79 and 7.44 per annum for males and females respectively. The annual natural mortality coefficient (M) was estimated to be 2.80 for males and 2.60 for females. As the exploitation ratio exceeded 0.5 in the case of both the males and females, the study suggests the necessity for reduction in fishing pressure in order to achieve Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY).


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Several important advances have been made in our knowledge both regarding the factors which determine fertility in tropical lakes and the fish that live in them. As a result of our investigations a new theory has been put forward regarding the part played by animals in the bionomics of a lake; this theory, stated somewhat baldly, is that within certain limits the greater the number of animals in a shallow tropical lake, the greater becomes its potential fertility, and therefore the greater the number of animals it can support. The theory arises as a logical conclusion, once we accept the fact that the rate of production in such a lake is determined by the rate at which organic matter is decomposed. Bottom deposits which consist mainly of vegetable matter decompose slowly, whereas deposits which contain a high proportion of matter of animal origin decompose more rapidly. Thus the more animals in a lake, particularly animals which feed on plant material, the faster the biological cycle can proceed and the greater the density of animals it can support. This new concept will have a very profound influence on our ideas concerning the consequences of overfishing tropical waters. It also shows that efforts must be made to encourage and protect all herbivorous and detritus feeding animals, whether they be copepods, fish, or hippopotami, and whether they are of immediate economic importance or not.


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Recent research into the acquisition of spoken language has stressed the importance of learning through embodied linguistic interaction with caregivers rather than through passive observation. However the necessity of interaction makes experimental work into the simulation of infant speech acquisition difficult because of the technical complexity of building real-time embodied systems. In this paper we present KLAIR: a software toolkit for building simulations of spoken language acquisition through interactions with a virtual infant. The main part of KLAIR is a sensori-motor server that supplies a client machine learning application with a virtual infant on screen that can see, hear and speak. By encapsulating the real-time complexities of audio and video processing within a server that will run on a modern PC, we hope that KLAIR will encourage and facilitate more experimental research into spoken language acquisition through interaction. Copyright © 2009 ISCA.


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Observation shows that the watershed-scale models in common use in the United States (US) differ from those used in the European Union (EU). The question arises whether the difference in model use is due to familiarity or necessity. Do conditions in each continent require the use of unique watershed-scale models, or are models sufficiently customizable that independent development of models that serve the same purpose (e.g., continuous/event- based, lumped/distributed, field-Awatershed-scale) is unnecessary? This paper explores this question through the application of two continuous, semi-distributed, watershed-scale models (HSPF and HBV-INCA) to a rural catchment in southern England. The Hydrological Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) model is in wide use in the United States. The Integrated Catchments (INCA) model has been used extensively in Europe, and particularly in England. The results of simulation from both models are presented herein. Both models performed adequately according to the criteria set for them. This suggests that there was not a necessity to have alternative, yet similar, models. This partially supports a general conclusion that resources should be devoted towards training in the use of existing models rather than development of new models that serve a similar purpose to existing models. A further comparison of water quality predictions from both models may alter this conclusion.


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In this paper we examine the use of electronic patient records (EPR) by clinical specialists in their development of multidisciplinary care for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. We develop a practice theory lens to investigate EPR use across multidisciplinary team practice. Our findings suggest that there are oppositional tendencies towards diversity in EPR use and unity which emerges across multidisciplinary work, and this influences the outcomes of EPR use. The value of this perspective is illustrated through the analysis of a year-long, longitudinal case study of a multidisciplinary team of surgeons, oncologists, pathologists, radiologists, and nurse specialists adopting a new EPR. Each group adapted their use of the EPR to their diverse specialist practices, but they nonetheless orientated their use of the EPR to each others' practices sufficiently to support unity in multidisciplinary teamwork. Multidisciplinary practice elements were also reconfigured in an episode of explicit negotiations, resulting in significant changes in EPR use within team meetings. Our study contributes to the growing literature that questions the feasibility and necessity of achieving high levels of standardized, uniform health information technology use in healthcare.


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Quality of 181 samples of ready-to-eat fish products comprising fried fish, fish curry and fish/prawn pickles collected from Cochin and Calicut were studied. Salmonella was absent in all the samples. V. cholerae was tested in the samples collected at Cochin and was absent in all the cases. Coliforms, E. coli, faecal streptococci and coagulase-positive staphylococci were present in some of the samples studied. The study indicated the necessity to improve the sanitary and hygienic conditions of the hotels engaged in the preparation of these products. The study further indicated that fried fish and fish curry shall not be served after 6 hours of their preparation. Added care is to be exercised in the selection of shrimps and fish for the preparation of pickles.


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Enfuvirtide (ENF) is currently the only FDA approved HIV fusion inhibitor in clinical use. Searching for more drugs in this category with higher efficacy and lower toxicity seems to be a logical next step. In line with this objective, a synthetic peptide


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A generalized bottom trawl exploratory survey was carried out on Lake Victoria to: (i) define the distributional pattern and magnitude of the lakewide demersal stocks, (ii) determine the commercial potential of Haplochromis spp. and (iii) evaluate trawling as a commercial fishing technique for Lake Victoria fisheries. Preliminary results suggest that: (i) bottom trawl catches are more representative of the stocks, (ii) species diversification and fish density decrease with increasing mean depth and (iii) at least 80%of the catchable demersal ichthyomass is Haplochromis. Though bottom trawling is a much more efficient fishing technique for the Lake Victoria fisheries, bio-socio-economic consideration impose that mechanization of the fishery should better proceed in graded steps. Besides demographic and nutritional considerations indicate the necessity for rational management and increased direct human utilization of the fishery resource.