1000 resultados para Linguagem e línguas Estilo
Neste artigo, discute-se a percepo de alguns estudiosos de que a pontuao demarca aspectos rtmicos da linguagem. Num primeiro momento, destaca-se a intuio dos estudiosos: (a) sobre aspectos mtricos do ritmo (como simetria rtmica) e (b) tentativas de reproduo da linguagem (como os movimentos respiratrios, a alternncia de caractersticas prosdicas da fala, a sensao de satisfao de expectativas e a de quebra de expectativas). Num segundo momento, destaca-se a intuio sobre aspectos do ritmo mais ligados a caractersticas da organizao da linguagem em sua expresso escrita (como paralelismos rtmicos e unidades de idias mais extensas)
O dicionrio bilnge e o aprendizado de línguas estrangeiras sempre estiveram associados. Este artigo procura evidenciar como o papel do dicionrio bilnge foi se alterando com as mudanas no ensino de línguas estrangeiras e como isso pode estar relacionado ao movimento de evoluo da lexicografia bilnge no sentido de tornar os dicionrios mais adequados s necessidades dos aprendizes de línguas estrangeiras.
So estabelecidas as matrizes necessrias para a realizao da anlise de varincia de experimentos em parcelas subdivididas, com dados no-balanceados e balanceados, quando os tratamentos aplicados s parcelas e os tratamentos aplicados s subparcelas so ambos fatores quantitativos, usando a teoria de modelos lineares e de modelos lineares generalizados. Foi desenvolvido um programa computacional, na linguagem GLIM, para a realizao da anlise.
TEMA: desenvolvimento da narrativa oral. OBJETIVO: verificar o tempo de narrativa e de pausa, o nmero de palavras e de intervenes do interlocutor em narrativas orais de crianas com desenvolvimento tpico. MTODO: participaram do estudo 31 crianas divididas em quatro grupos etrios: GI (3:1 a 4:0 anos), GII (4:1 a 5:0 anos), GIII (5:1 a 6:0 anos) e GIV (6:1 a 7:0 anos). Amostras de narrativa espontnea e narrativa com livro sem palavras foram coletadas em vdeo, transcritas e analisadas estatisticamente por meio de teste exato de Fisher (no-paramtrico) e modelo de regresso linear com efeitos mistos. RESULTADOS: os valores de tempo de pausa, tempo de narrativa, e o nmero de palavras no contexto de livro foram significativamente maiores em relao narrativa espontnea (p-valor < 0,01). Quanto ao nmero de intervenes, houve correlao (p-valor = 0,03) entre idade e interveno no contexto de livro com diminuio da interveno na media que aumentou a idade. CONCLUSO: as crianas apresentaram uma narrativa mais extensa no contexto de relato com livro sem palavras em relao ao contexto de narrativa espontnea, porm, sem diferenas significativas entre as idades. O estudo permitiu ainda concluir que a participao do interlocutor faz-se menos necessria conforme aumenta a idade do narrador.
Comportamentos de pais e de filhos influenciam-se mutuamente. Crianas com alteraes de linguagem relacionadas ou no perda auditiva, podem apresentar dificuldades de relacionamento com os irmos e seus pares. Assim, a investigao das prticas educativas parentais e do repertrio comportamental infantil fundamental para a busca de intervenes efetivas para essas crianas. O estudo tem como objetivos: (a) comparar o repertrio positivo e negativo de mes e crianas com deficincia auditiva (DA) e distrbio de linguagem (DL); (b) comparar cada uma das deficincias com grupo no clinico; (c) correlacionar comportamentos para cada uma das deficincias. Participaram deste estudo 72 mes, cujos filhos apresentavam da (n = 27), DL (n = 19) ou compunha uma populao no clnica (n = 26). O instrumento utilizado foi o Roteiro de Entrevista de Habilidades Sociais Educativas Parentais, que avalia a ocorrncia de habilidades sociais aplicveis s prticas educativas. Os resultados evidenciaram a associao entre prticas positivas e habilidades sociais, bem como entre prticas negativas e problemas de comportamento. O grupo de DL no apresentou mais problemas que as crianas no clnicas, sugerindo a participao de intervenes de carter preventivo, facilitando a incluso social. Por outro lado as crianas com da apresentaram menos habilidades sociais, bem como suas mes, menos habilidades sociais educativas. Este estudo evidencia a importncia da metodologia empregada na reabilitao de crianas com distrbios da comunicao, sobretudo para aquelas com da visando o beneficio de programas educativos de promoo do repertrio parental positivo integrados aos objetivos da fonoterapia.
A Lista de Verificao em Comunicao e Linguagem aqui apresentada foi elaborada para avaliar as especificidades de dois grupos distintos: os transtornos do espectro autstico e outras alteraes de desenvolvimento da linguagem. Com essa finalidade foi aplicada em 60 participantes, divididos em dois grupos: 20 portadores de transtornos do espectro autstico (M=7, 11) e 40 portadores de outras alteraes de desenvolvimento da linguagem (M=4, 10). Foi utilizado o teste do Qui-Quadrado para avaliar a validade do contedo e determinar quais questes deveriam ser retiradas do instrumento por no serem significativas. Os outros testes utilizados foram o ndice de Concordncia Kappa e o teste de Mann-Withney. A Lista tambm apresentou uma sensibilidade de 90% e uma especificidade de 97,5%, o que demonstra a viabilidade de sua utilizao como instrumento auxiliar na deteco de transtornos do espectro autstico.
In this paper, we provide a brief description of the multidisciplinary domain of research called Natural Language Processing (NLP), which aims at enabling the computer to deal with natural languages. In accordance with this description, NLP is conceived as "human language engineering or technology". Therefore, NLP requires consistent description of linguistic facts on every linguistic level: morphological, syntactic, semantic, and even the level of pragmatics and discourse. In addition to the linguistically-motivated conception of NLP, we emphasize the origin of such research field, the place occupied by NLP inside a multidisciplinary scenario, their objectives and challenges. Finally, we provide some remarks on the automatic processing of Brazilian Portuguese language.
This paper is a qualitative ethnographic study that aims to present reflections on negotiation events in teletandem interactions, a synchronous telecollaborative context of language learning, within the scope of the interaction strategies adopted by participants to achieve comprehensibility. The project Teletandem Brasil: foreign languages for all (Telles, 2006) matches up native or proficient speakers of a foreign language with Brazilian undergraduate students to learn each other's language, by communicating synchronically with application softwares like Skype, Oovoo or MSN. on this paper, based on the interpretive perspective of Hermeneutics, we analyze excerpts of teletandem interactions of partnerships established between students of a Brazilian university and American universities. The excerpts presented here have been taken from different moments of the research studies conducted at the teletandem laboratories of UNESP Assis and Sao Jose do Rio Preto and are part of the database of the works of Santos (2008) and Garcia (2010). In this article, in the data analysis, we highlight the focus on form and on lexicon as characteristics of the interactions and analyze how the negotiations happen in this learning context mediated by technology. Among results we may highlight the prevailing of external feedback as a trigger to negotiation moves, the occurrence of adjustment processes between participants to get adapted to each other's interaction behavior, as well as the evolution of this behavior as interactants get familiarized with the computer-mediated communication context, under the shape of changes in the participants choices regarding negotiation of meaning along their interaction experience.
BACKGROUND: X-Fragile Syndrome. AIM: To compile information about the language, cognitive and behavior alterations in the X-Fragile Syndrome, using the results of previously published studies and to present the standardized instruments used as testing materials. CONCLUSION: studies used formal and informal testing to assess language. The results present variability regarding the linguistic deficits, which are influenced by the level of the cognitive deficit and behavior alterations. Alterations of the oral praxes and of speech articulation are also expected.
Physical exercise induces hemodynamic/ventilatory and neuromuscular adaptations that can be reverted with interruption of the training program. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of detraining on physical fitness related to health. Forty-four healthy subjects, both male and female, aged 57.68.9 years performed the 'Mexa-se Pr-Sade' protocol with nutritional orientation and supervised physical exercises for nine months. The program consisted of aerobic, localized muscular endurance and flexibility exercises, with duration 80 minutes/session, five days/week. Only subjects who participated in the program for more than three days/week have been selected. The detraining period was one month. Weight (kg) and height (m) were measured and the body mass index (BMI) calculated. Additionally, motors tests to evaluate the flexibility (FLEX), strength of lower limbs (SLL) and upper limbs (SUL), and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2mx) were conducted in the beginning of the study (MI), after nine months of practicing (MT) and after detraining period (MD). ANOVA (p<0.05) and Tukey test to show the difference between groups when it evidence were used for statistical treatment. The results showed that the gains of 22% and 7% on SLL and VO2mx respectively, obtained with the training, have not changed during the detraining period; however, the flexibility gain of 8% returned back to baseline after the detraining period. BMI and SUL did not change during the study. Although the lower limbs strength gains and maximal oxygen uptake obtained have been kept, one month of detraining was enough for losing the flexibility acquired.
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The importance reading and writing and being able to use these skills in a variety of situations is an absolute reality. In our society in which reading and writing are widely used, Brazil still faces severe problems with literacy, as revealed in literacy statistics and in the large number of students with learning disabilities. Thus, our text aims to present a survey of the research that focuses on intervention programs highlighting the needs of this group, with special attention on the use of narrative or storytelling. Specific criteria were established, the main one being the period of the publications (2000 to 2010). The results of the analysis of 15 texts showed that intervention is the most neglected area. International literature presents concerns related to scientific rigor or greater control of variables related to ongoing programs, as well as measures for generalizing the effective use of these programs, within verbal communities, with special focus on schools. Our revision enabled us to conclude that, even though production on written language is large, international literature is much more expressive with reference to intervention programs. Furthermore, in both national and international literature, production concerning the understanding of written language processes of acquisition and development prevails.
This article aims to investigate the abbreviations used on chats by web-surfers between 15 and 20 years old. The material consists of two virtual conversations of about 60 minutes each. We believe that this linguistic process occurs due to the physical distance that separates affectively the web-surfers by modifying already said utterances in written practices characterized by short time of interaction. This abbreviation process, known as a characteristic of the so called internets, is not considered as a simple attempt to cut the words, but as a resource that presents linguistics' regularity. Therefore, the theory of phonological syllable is used as a tool in order to verify the process that forms possible abbreviations used on chats. It is believed that, based on the study of the syllable structure, the choice of the graphemes abbreviation may be assessed based on the writing heterogeneity, since the writer might not only use oral/spoken practices but also literate/written ones so as to produce utterances that emerge in the contemporaneity.