979 resultados para Leukemia, Erythroblastic, Acute


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Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a peptide hormone secreted from the I-cells of the intestine and it has important physiological actions related to appetite regulation and satiety. In this study we used STC-1 cells to investigate the effects of common dietary-derived fatty acids (FAs) on I-cell secretory function and metabolism. We extend earlier studies by measuring the acute and chronic effects of 11 FAs on CCK secretion, cellular CCK content, CCK mRNA levels, cellular DNA synthesis, cellular viability and cytotoxicity. FAs were selected in order to assess the importance of chain length, degree of saturation, and double bond position and conformation. The results demonstrate that secretory responses elicited by dietary FAs are highly selective. For example, altering the conformation of a double bond from cis to trans (i.e. oleic acid versus elaidic acid) completely abolishes CCK secretion. Lauric acid appears to adversely affect I-cell metabolism and arachidonic acid suppresses DNA synthesis. Our studies reveal for the first time that conjugated linoleic acid isoforms are particularly potent CCK secretagogues, which also boost intracellular stores of CCK. These actions of conjugated linoleic acid may explain satiating actions observed in dietary intervention studies.


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The Hoxa9 and Meis1 genes represent important oncogenic collaborators activated in a significant proportion of human leukemias with genetic alterations in the MLL gene. In this study, we show that the transforming property of Meis1 is modulated by 3 conserved domains, namely the Pbx interaction motif (PIM), the homeodomain, and the C-terminal region recently described to possess transactivating properties. Meis1 and Pbx1 interaction domain-swapping mutants are dysfunctional separately, but restore the full oncogenic activity of Meis1 when cotransduced in primary cells engineered to overexpress Hoxa9, thus implying a modular nature for PIM in Meis1-accelerated transformation. Moreover, we show that the transactivating domain of VP16 can restore, and even enhance, the oncogenic potential of the Meis1 mutant lacking the C-terminal 49 amino acids. In contrast to Meis1, the fusion VP16-Meis1 is spontaneously oncogenic, and all leukemias harbor genetic activation of endogenous Hoxa9 and/or Hoxa7, suggesting that Hoxa gene activation represents a key event required for the oncogenic activity of VP16-Meis1.


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Relevant mouse models of E2a-PBX1-induced pre-B cell leukemia are still elusive. We now report the generation of a pre-B leukemia model using E2a-PBX1 transgenic mice, which lack mature and precursor T-cells as a result of engineered loss of CD3epsilon expression (CD3epsilon(-/-)). Using insertional mutagenesis and inverse-PCR, we show that B-cell leukemia development in the E2a-PBX1 x CD3epsilon(-/-) compound transgenic animals is significantly accelerated when compared to control littermates, and document several known and novel integrations in these tumors. Of all common integration sites, a small region of 19 kb in the Hoxa gene locus, mostly between Hoxa6 and Hoxa10, represented 18% of all integrations in the E2a-PBX1 B-cell leukemia and was targeted in 86% of these leukemias compared to 17% in control tumors. Q-PCR assessment of expression levels for most Hoxa cluster genes in these tumors revealed an unprecedented impact of the proviral integrations on Hoxa gene expression, with tumors having one to seven different Hoxa genes overexpressed at levels up to 6600-fold above control values. Together our studies set the stage for modeling E2a-PBX1-induced B-cell leukemia and shed new light on the complexity pertaining to Hox gene regulation. In addition, our results show that the Hoxa gene cluster is preferentially targeted in E2a-PBX1-induced tumors, thus suggesting functional collaboration between these oncogenes in pre-B-cell tumors.


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Connectivity mapping is a recently developed technique for discovering the underlying connections between different biological states based on gene-expression similarities. The sscMap method has been shown to provide enhanced sensitivity in mapping meaningful connections leading to testable biological hypotheses and in identifying drug candidates with particular pharmacological and/or toxicological properties. Challenges remain, however, as to how to prioritise the large number of discovered connections in an unbiased manner such that the success rate of any following-up investigation can be maximised. We introduce a new concept, gene-signature perturbation, which aims to test whether an identified connection is stable enough against systematic minor changes (perturbation) to the gene-signature. We applied the perturbation method to three independent datasets obtained from the GEO database: acute myeloid leukemia (AML), cervical cancer, and breast cancer treated with letrozole. We demonstrate that the perturbation approach helps to identify meaningful biological connections which suggest the most relevant candidate drugs. In the case of AML, we found that the prevalent compounds were retinoic acids and PPAR activators. For cervical cancer, our results suggested that potential drugs are likely to involve the EGFR pathway; and with the breast cancer dataset, we identified candidates that are involved in prostaglandin inhibition. Thus the gene-signature perturbation approach added real values to the whole connectivity mapping process, allowing for increased specificity in the identification of possible therapeutic candidates.


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Pulmonary fluid clearance is regulated by the active transport of Na+ and Cl- through respiratory epithelial ion channels. Ion channel dysfunction contributes to the pathogenesis of various pulmonary fluid disorders including high-altitude pulmonary edema (HAPE) and neonatal respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Nasal potential difference (NPD) measurement allows an in vivo investigation of the functionality of these channels. This technique has been used for the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis, the archetypal respiratory ion channel disorder, for over a quarter of a century. NPD measurements in HAPE and RDS suggest constitutive and acquired dysfunction of respiratory epithelial Na+ channels. Acute lung injury (ALI) is characterized by pulmonary edema due to alveolar epithelial-interstitial-endothelial injury. NPD measurement may enable identification of critically ill ALI patients with a susceptible phenotype of dysfunctional respiratory Na+ channels and allow targeted therapy toward Na+ channel function. text of link


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Background: Case reports suggest that hairy cell leukemia (HCL) may be associated with autoimmune conditions, however no systematic investigations in this area have been undertaken.


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Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) is treated effectively with tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs); however, 2 key problems remain-the insensitivity of CML stem and progenitor cells to TKIs and the emergence of TKI-resistant BCR-ABL mutations. BCR-ABL activity is associated with increased proteasome activity and proteasome inhibitors (PIs) are cytotoxic against CML cell lines. We demonstrate that bortezomib is antiproliferative and induces apoptosis in chronic phase (CP) CD34(+) CML cells at clinically achievable concentrations. We also show that bortezomib targets primitive CML cells, with effects on CD34(+)38(-), long-term culture-initiating (LTC-IC) and nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficient (NOD/SCID) repopulating cells. Bortezomib is not selective for CML cells and induces apoptosis in normal CD34(+)38(-) cells. The effects against CML cells are seen when bortezomib is used alone and in combination with dasatinib. Bortezomib causes proteasome but not BCR-ABL inhibition and is also effective in inhibiting proteasome activity and inducing apoptosis in cell lines expressing BCR-ABL mutations, including T315I. By targeting both TKI-insensitive stem and progenitor cells and TKI-resistant BCR-ABL mutations, we believe that bortezomib offers a potential therapeutic option in CML. Because of known toxicities, including myelosuppression, the likely initial clinical application of bortezomib in CML would be in resistant and advanced disease. (Blood. 2010;115:2241-2250)


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The diagnosis of myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) currently relies primarily on the morphologic assessment of the patient's bone marrow and peripheral blood cells. Moreover, prognostic scoring systems rely on observer-dependent assessments of blast percentage and dysplasia. Gene expression profiling could enhance current diagnostic and prognostic systems by providing a set of standardized, objective gene signatures. Within the Microarray Innovations in LEukemia study, a diagnostic classification model was investigated to distinguish the distinct subclasses of pediatric and adult leukemia, as well as MDS. Overall, the accuracy of the diagnostic classification model for subtyping leukemia was approximately 93%, but this was not reflected for the MDS samples giving only approximately 50% accuracy. Discordant samples of MDS were classified either into acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or


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Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a severe form of acute lung injury. It is a response to various diseases of variable etiology, including SARS-CoV infection. To date, a comprehensive study of the genomic physiopathology of ARDS (and SARS) is lacking, primarily due to the difficulty of finding suitable materials to study the disease process at a tissue level (instead of blood, sputa or swaps). Hereby we attempt to provide such study by analyzing autopsy lung samples from patient who died of SARS and showed different degrees of severity of the pulmonary involvement. We performed real-time quantitative PCR analysis of 107 genes with functional roles in inflammation, coagulation, fibrosis and apoptosis: some key genes were confirmed at a protein expression level by immunohistochemistry and correlated to the degree of morphological severity present in the individual samples analyzed. Significant expression levels were identified for ANPEP (a receptor for CoV), as well as inhibition of the STAT1 pathway, IFNs production and CXCL10 (a T-cell recruiter). Other genes unassociated to date with ARDS/SARS include C1Qb, C5R1, CASP3, CASP9, CD14, CD68, FGF7, HLA-DRA, ICF1, IRF3, MALAT-1, MSR1, NFIL3, SLPI, USP33, CLC, GBP1 and TACI. As a result, we proposed to therapeutically target some of these genes with compounds such as ANPEP inhibitors, SLPI and dexamethasone. Ultimately, this study may serve as a model for future, tissue-based analyses of fibroinflammatory conditions affecting the lung. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this study was to validate the application of a commercially available multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay [He-mavision-7 System] for the seven most common leukemia translocations for routine molecular diagnostic hematopathology practice. A total of 98 samples, comprising four groups, were evaluated: Group 1, 16 diagnostic samples molecularly positive by our existing laboratory-developed assays for PML-RARalpha/t (15; 17) or BCR-ABL/t (9;22); Group 2, 51 diagnostic samples negative by our laboratory-developed assays for PML-RARalpha/t (15;17) or BCR-ABL/t (9;22); Group 3, 21 prospectively analyzed diagnostic cases, without prior molecular studies; and Group 4, 10 minimal residual disease (MRD) samples. Analysis of the two previously studied cohorts (Groups 1 and 2) confirmed the diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of the multiplex assay with regard to these two translocations. Additionally, however, in the