887 resultados para Leadership - Case studies


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Recent research into the lives of early career teachers’ in Victoria and Queensland suggest that gender remains a significant factor in shaping the careers of those teaching in rural and regional schools. The cohort of nearly 5,000 teachers involved in the ARC-funded research project, ‘Studying the Effectiveness of Teacher Education’ (SETE) has a high proportion of females (78%). This composition is consistent with other large-scale datasets and across four rounds of SETE surveys between 2010-2014, and reflected in Case Studies of a selection of Victorian rural and regional schools. Continued perceptions of teaching as an ‘appropriate’ career for women remains - that is, it is reasonably well paid, with holidays and hours that allow a combination of responsibilities in work and family contexts (Acker, 1994). Yet, the analysis of SETE career progression data shows that employment and career chances of female and male graduate teachers diverge. Male graduates were more likely to be employed in full time positions and saw themselves in a leadership role in three years’ time, while female graduates were more likely to be employed in part-time positions and saw themselves teaching or in other education related occupations in the future. Interestingly, there was also significant difference in the perceptions of preparedness and effectiveness scores for males and females, with female teachers consistently reporting higher scores for both scales. In this paper, we examine the research data with regards to gender differences in rural and regional primary schools and ask the question: thirty years after the first Affirmative Action Plan for Women in the Victorian Teaching Service (1986), why do these gender differences in teaching careers still hold true—and does it matter in rural education?


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Drinking water utilities in urban areas are focused on finding smart solutions facing new challenges in their real-time operation because of limited water resources, intensive energy requirements, a growing population, a costly and ageing infrastructure, increasingly stringent regulations, and increased attention towards the environmental impact of water use. Such challenges force water managers to monitor and control not only water supply and distribution, but also consumer demand. This paper presents and discusses novel methodologies and procedures towards an integrated water resource management system based on advanced ICT technologies of automation and telecommunications for largely improving the efficiency of drinking water networks (DWN) in terms of water use, energy consumption, water loss minimization, and water quality guarantees. In particular, the paper addresses the first results of the European project EFFINET (FP7-ICT2011-8-318556) devoted to the monitoring and control of the DWN in Barcelona (Spain). Results are split in two levels according to different management objectives: (i) the monitoring level is concerned with all the aspects involved in the observation of the current state of a system and the detection/diagnosis of abnormal situations. It is achieved through sensors and communications technology, together with mathematical models; (ii) the control level is concerned with computing the best suitable and admissible control strategies for network actuators as to optimize a given set of operational goals related to the performance of the overall system. This level covers the network control (optimal management of water and energy) and the demand management (smart metering, efficient supply). The consideration of the Barcelona DWN as the case study will allow to prove the general applicability of the proposed integrated ICT solutions and their effectiveness in the management of DWN, with considerable savings of electricity costs and reduced water loss while ensuring the high European standards of water quality to citizens.


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Renewable energy production is a basic supplement to stabilize rapidly increasing global energy demand and skyrocketing energy price as well as to balance the fluctuation of supply from non-renewable energy sources at electrical grid hubs. The European energy traders, government and private company energy providers and other stakeholders have been, since recently, a major beneficiary, customer and clients of Hydropower simulation solutions. The relationship between rainfall-runoff model outputs and energy productions of hydropower plants has not been clearly studied. In this research, association of rainfall, catchment characteristics, river network and runoff with energy production of a particular hydropower station is examined. The essence of this study is to justify the correspondence between runoff extracted from calibrated catchment and energy production of hydropower plant located at a catchment outlet; to employ a unique technique to convert runoff to energy based on statistical and graphical trend analysis of the two, and to provide environment for energy forecast. For rainfall-runoff model setup and calibration, MIKE 11 NAM model is applied, meanwhile MIKE 11 SO model is used to track, adopt and set a control strategy at hydropower location for runoff-energy correlation. The model is tested at two selected micro run-of-river hydropower plants located in South Germany. Two consecutive calibration is compromised to test the model; one for rainfall-runoff model and other for energy simulation. Calibration results and supporting verification plots of two case studies indicated that simulated discharge and energy production is comparable with the measured discharge and energy production respectively.


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The article reviews the modelling of District Metered Areas (DMAs) with relatively high leakage rate. As a generally recognised approach in modelling of leakage does not exist, modelling of leakage by enginners and other researchers usually takes place by dividing the whole leakage rate evenly to all available nodes of the model. In this article, a new methodology is proposed to determine the nodal leakage by using a hydraulic model. The proposed methodology takes into consideration the IWA water balance methodology, the Minimum Night Flow (MNF) analysis, the number of connections related to each node and the marerial of pipes. In addition, the model is illustrated by a real case study, as it was applied in Kalipoli’s DMA. Results show that the proposed model gives reliable results.


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As colleges and universities make increasing global engagement a top institutional priority, many have struggled to manage rising levels of international activity. Council research finds that the challenge lies not in convincing faculty to expend more effort but instead in reducing the level of effort required by faculty who are already interested in promoting international activities. This study provides detailed case studies and toolkits for administrative core competencies for increased global engagement. Chapter 2 (page 39) details strategies to promote faculty-led study abroad programs, which constitute the fastest growing study abroad experience. Chapter 5 (page 111) outlines recommendations to build strategic international partnerships that engage the entire campus.


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Academic libraries are faced with a daunting series of challenges brought on by the digital revolution. In an era when millions of books, articles, images, and videos available instantaneously via the web, libraries across all institutional types are experiencing declining demand for their traditional services, built around the storage and dissemination of physical resources. At the same time, new demand for digital information services and collaborative learning spaces promise new areas of opportunity and engagement with patrons. A rapid and orderly transition to “the library of the future” requires difficult trade-offs, however, as no institution can afford to continue expanding both its commitment to comprehensive, local print collections as well as new investments in staff, technology, and renovations. This report illustrates how progressive academic libraries are evolving in response to these challenges, providing case studies and best practices in managing library space, staff, and resources.


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In this text we tried to make a critic analysis of knowledge management, by means of case studies about some branches of Banco do Brasil S.A., trying to identify the presence or absence of elements that characterize the environmental working place focused on a continuous learning. The research was taken at several branches of Banco do Brasil S.A. in Curitiba ¿ State of Paraná ¿ Brasil. We asked the managers to answer the questions as they represent the leadership in every branch. The critic points that interfere positive or negatively the daily activities on knowledge management were examined, such as: time, administration of the branches, market changings, information systems, knowledge generation and transmission, besides the internal and external standard rules. The conclusion is that knowledge management in the researched branches is still in its beginning. Although there is an advanced technical infra structure and the managers have demonstrated some knowledge on this subject and are aware of its .importance for the company. The knowledge management is visualized more as an auxiliary technology for the updated models than a new way of managing the organization. The most important revolution expected - to modify the way of thinking and acting of the employees - is still in its starting point.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar os impactos das variações institucionais nas relações Executivo-Legislativo nos estados sobre as políticas públicas neles implementadas. Para isso, analisa as instituições, com foco no Poder Legislativo, a agenda do governador, sua liderança política e as coalizões de apoio. Inicialmente é feita uma discussão sobre os instrumentos analíticos disponíveis para os estudos legislativos e sua utilização para a compreensão de processos políticos no contexto brasileiro. Em seguida, com base em estudos sobre a Câmara dos Deputados brasileira e sobre os legislativos estaduais norte-americanos, são selecionados os recortes mais aplicáveis para se captar a diversidade institucional nos estados brasileiros, especialmente no que se refere à sua capacidade legislativa e fiscalizadora. Posteriormente, são elaborados estudos de caso com os estados de Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul e São Paulo na implantação de programas de Reforma do Estado, o principal item da agenda no período estudado. Conclui-se que as instituições, embora importantes, são insuficientes para explicar como se dão os processos políticos para a implementação de políticas públicas nos estados brasileiros.


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Este documento constitui-se em uma dissertação de mestrado, requisito parcial para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão Empresaria e Pública. Este estudo procura mostrar que a adoção dessa nova tecnologia através de projetos de implantação de sistema de ERP não só mudam processos administrativos como também produtos, serviços e estruturas organizacionais e que a sua implantação se constitui em um grande projeto que envolve um número considerável de recursos e tempo das organizações. Este estudo procurar mostrar também que os impactos que tais projetos trazem, são mais fortemente sentidos ou não pela organização de acordo com uma série de fatores, entre eles, a resistência à mudança e o quanto a organização está preparada para enfrentar essas mudanças, o medo da perda do emprego pela adoção de uma nova tecnologia, problemas com a falta de comunicação das mudanças, questões relacionadas à cultura organizacional vigente, a falta de envolvimento da alta administração, entre outras. Para gerenciar todas essas variáveis, as organizações modernas adotam técnicas para garantir o sucesso da implantação dessas novas tecnologias. o estudo aqui proposto tem como objetivo determinar até que ponto a utilização de metodologias e de técnicas de Project Management é o suficiente para que esses projetos alcancem o sucesso esperado pelas organizações. A quantidade de variáveis que influenciam o resultado de um projeto são muitas e cada uma delas possui um papel importante que deve ser avaliado. As conclusões desta pesquisa demonstram que o sucesso de um projeto nem sempre se resume a atingir os objetivos inicialmente propostos, relativos ao cumprimento do prazo, escopo e custo de um projeto, conforme define a metodologia de Project Management. Outros aspectos considerados por essa metodologia, se melhor ou pior aplicados, também contribuem para o sucesso ou fracasso de um projeto de implantação de um sistema de ERP sendo o seu fracasso traduzido ou não, no cumprimento do prazo, do escopo inicialmente previsto ou no custo inicialmente calculado. Outros aspectos que não apenas a aplicação correta da metodologia de Project Management contribuem para os resultados alcançados pelo projeto.


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Essa dissertação procura identificar o papel da família no processo de internacionalização de dois negócios familiares: JBS, a maior empresa de proteína animal do mundo e Cutrale um dos líderes mundiais no mercado de suco de laranja. Empresas familiares possuem características que são intrínsecas a esse tipo de empresa. Muitos dos motivos de se internacionalizar ou mesmo o modo como eles se internacionalizam podem ser extremamente característicos. Assim, através de uma pesquisa qualitativa, os dois estudos de caso foram analisados baseados em teorias de internacionalização de empresas familiares. Porém, nessas companhias estudadas, a família não desempenhou um papel relevante no processo de internacionalização das mesmas. Com esses resultados, questões surgiram, como por exemplo, se o tamanho ou segmento da empresa tiveram um impacto na importância do papel que a família possui no processo de internacionalização. Essas questões não eram o foco do estudo porém fornecem muitos subsídios para uma próxima pesquisa.


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O objetivo desta tese é investigar quais são as práticas de gestão de membresia que associações voluntárias realizam para recrutar, engajar e manter associados. Este é um ponto fundamental da administração desse tipo de organização que até o momento teve pouca atenção na literatura, que tende a focar mais nos efeitos democráticos que resultam da vida associativa. O olhar teórico para analisar as práticas vem da Teoria Organizacional, em especial da abordagem de Trabalho Institucional. Busca-se entender se a gestão de membresia tem potencial de ajudar a institucionalizar a associação. A investigação se deu por meio de três estudos de caso de diferentes associações brasileiras: o Instituto Brasileiro de Ciências Criminais (IBCCrim), a Associação Brasileira de Organizações Não Governamentais (Abong) e o Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa (IBGC). A análise se concentrou nas seguintes questões: quais são as práticas de gestão de membresia desenvolvidas para recrutar, manter e engajar associados? De que forma essas práticas podem ter efeitos institucionalizantes? Quem realiza a gestão associativa? Como ela varia em função do tipo de associado – individual (IBCCrim), organizacional (Abong) ou misto (IBGC)? Os casos mostram como as dezenas de práticas identificadas são feitas não apenas pelos gestores das associações, mas também por conselheiros, pela equipe profissional e voluntária e pelo quadro de associados em geral. Observou-se também como essas práticas ativam diferentes tipos de trabalho institucional, em especial os ligados a aspectos normativos e cognitivos-culturais: construção e reforço de identidade, definição de fronteiras, edição e disseminação de narrativas, exercício da liderança institucional e infusão de valores e criação de rotinas. Explicita-se, assim, como a relação entre associação e associado pode ir muito além de uma troca utilitária de bens e serviços. Entre as principais contribuições do estudo se encontram: mostrar o potencial de usar o olhar da Teoria Institucional para entender as associações; jogar luz sobre um aspecto da administração de associações – gestão de membresia – ainda pouco estudado no Brasil e no exterior; e aumentar o entendimento das chamadas metaorganizações, associações de um tipo especial, cujos membros são outras organizações.


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The term “social entrepreneurship” has been attracting growing interest from different sectors in the past years, driven by the possibility of employing business techniques to tackle recurrent social and environmental issues. At the forefront of this global phenomenon is microcredit, seen by many as an effective anti-poverty tool and having the Grameen Bank as its flagship program. While the prospects of social entrepreneurship seem promising, the newness of the concept and its somewhat confusing definition make conditions difficult to analyze this contemporary phenomenon. Therefore, the objective of this study was to discuss the challenges faced by social entrepreneurs and alternatives of development for social businesses through a case study on a Brazilian microcredit institution and inclusive business, Banco Pérola. The case addresses a growing need for case studies designed for teaching in the field of social entrepreneurship. It was focused mainly on understanding the development challenges within Banco Pérola, and built based on interviews carried out with top management, credit officer and clients of the institution, as well as on secondary data collected. An analysis of the case study was performed under a Teaching Notes. As illustrated by the Banco Pérola case, the main difficulties encountered by social entrepreneurs relate to the systematization of processes and creation of operational routines, including for performance evaluation (impact assessment tools); to the capture and management of both financial and human capital; to scaling up the business model and to the need of forging closer and more personal relationships with customers as against in traditional banking practices. In spite of certain limitations, such as the fact that the case might soon become outdated due to the fast-changing environment surrounding Banco Pérola, or the fact that not all relevant stakeholders (e.g. partners) were selected for interviews, the research objective has been achieved and the study can be seen as a contribution to spreading the concept of social entrepreneurship.


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Reactive-optimisation procedures are responsible for the minimisation of online power losses in interconnected systems. These procedures are performed separately at each control centre and involve external network representations. If total losses can be minimised by the implementation of calculated local control actions, the entire system benefits economically, but such control actions generally result in a certain degree of inaccuracy, owing to errors in the modelling of the external system. Since these errors are inevitable, they must at least be maintained within tolerable limits by external-modelling approaches. Care must be taken to avoid unrealistic loss minimisation, as the local-control actions adopted can lead the system to points of operation which will be less economical for the interconnected system as a whole. The evaluation of the economic impact of the external modelling during reactive-optimisation procedures in interconnected systems, in terms of both the amount of losses and constraint violations, becomes important in this context. In the paper, an analytical approach is proposed for such an evaluation. Case studies using data from the Brazilian South-Southeast system (810 buses) have been carried out to compare two different external-modelling approaches, both derived from the equivalent-optimal-power-flow (EOPF) model. Results obtained show that, depending on the external-model representation adopted, the loss representation can be flawed. Results also suggest some modelling features that should be adopted in the EOPF model to enhance the economy of the overall system.


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This work presents a case study on technology assessment for power quality devices. A system compatibility test protocol for power quality mitigation devices was developed in order to evaluate the functionality of three-phase voltage restoration devices. In order to case test this test protocol, a development platform with reduced power for DVR (Dynamic Voltage Restorer), the Micro-DVR, was tested, and results were discussed based on voltage disturbances standards. ©2008 IEEE.


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Includes Bibliography