949 resultados para LINKING BIOLOGY
With the stabilization of world finfish catches in general, and the depletion of a number of fish stocks that used to support industrial-scale fisheries, increasing attention is now being paid, to the so-called unconventional marine resources, which include many species of cephalopods. One of such important cephalopod resource is the tropical Indo-Pacific pelagic oceanic squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis. It is the most abundant large sized squid in the Indo- Pacific region with an estimated biomass of 8-11 metric tons. However, its distribution, biology, life cycle and nutrient value in the south west coast of India are still poorly known. So any new information of this species in the waters off the south west coast of India has important scientific significance for effective and rational utilization of this Oceanic fishery resources, especially during the time of depletion of shallow water resources. In view of that this study investigated different aspects of the Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis, such as morphometry, growth, mortality, maturation, spawning, food, feeding and biochemical composition in the south west coast of India to understand its possible prospective importance for commercial fishing and management of its fishery
The Indian ornamental fish industry is divided into two- the domestic market and the export market. 90% of the freshwater ornamental fish exported from India are wild caught indigenous species. The study formed the criteria and indicators assessing the sustainability of wild caught ornamental fish exported from India. These indicators were then analyzed for their interactions, connections, linkages and relationships using cognitive mapping. The work is first of its kind in the ornamental fisheries
Elasmobranchs comprising sharks, skates and rays have traditionally formed an important fishery along the Indian coast. Since 2000, Indian shark fishermen are shifting their fishing operations to deeper/oceanic waters by conducting multi-day fishing trips, which has resulted in considerable changes in the species composition of the landings vis- a-vis those reported during the 1980’s and 1990’s. A case study at Cochin Fisheries Harbour (CFH), southwest coast of India during 2008-09 indicated that besides the existing gillnet–cum- hooks & line and longline fishery for sharks, a targeted fishery at depths >300-1000 m for gulper sharks (Centrophorus spp.) has emerged. In 2008, the chondrichthyan landings (excluding batoids) were mainly constituted by offshore and deep-sea species such as Alopias superciliosus (24.2%), Carcharhinus limbatus (21.1%), Echinorhinus brucus (8.2%), Galeocerdo cuvier (5.4%), Centrophorus spp. (7.3%) and Neoharriotta pinnata (4.2%) while the contribution by the coastal species such as Sphyrna lewini (14.8%), Carcharhinus sorrah (1.4%) and other Carcharhinus spp. has reduced. Several deep-sea sharks previously not recorded in the landings at Cochin were also observed during 2008-09. It includes Hexanchus griseus, Deania profundorum, Zameus squamulosus and Pygmy false catshark (undescribed) which have been reported for the first time from Indian waters. Life history characteristics of the major fished species are discussed in relation to the fishery and its possible impacts on the resource
The present study is the first attempt to understand population characteristics of the deep-sea pandalid shrimp, P. quasigrandis and to assess the status of these resources off Kerala coast.Total mortality coefficient (Z) of P. quasigrandis estimated by various methods.Natural mortality coefficient (M) calculated was 0.65 and 1.02 by Pauly‟sempirical formula and Srinaths‟s formula respectively The deep-sea shrimp P. quasigrandis exploited from the present fishing ground and their monetary return has started showing a declining trend. By observing the current yield and economic return, there is no further scope for increasing the catch from the present fishing ground. The study indicated that majority of the deep-sea shrimp trawlers, especially targeted for pandalid shrimps still concentrated off Kollam area (Quilon Bank). Even though researchers had located several potential deep-sea fishing grounds based on exploratory surveys in Indian EEZ , fishermen are unaware of these fishing grounds located and hence sharing the information about new potential deep-sea fishing grounds could avert the possible stock decline due to the intensive targeted deep-sea shrimp fishery in the Quilon Bank. Hence, the present study recommended that part of the effort from existing fishing grounds may be shifted to newly located deep-sea fishing grounds which will help in a sustainableexploitation of deep-sea resources off Kerala coast.
Available information on abundance of myctophids and their utilisation indicate that there is excellent scope for development of myctophid fisheries in Indian Ocean. Most of the conventional fish stocks have reached a state of full exploitation or over-exploitation. Hence there is need to locate new and conventional fishery resources in order to fill in the supply-demand gap, in the face of increasing demand for fish. Information on length-weight relationship, age and growth, spawning season, fecundity and age at maturity and information on bycatch discards are required for sustainable utilization of myctophid resource in the Indian Ocean
Biological systems exhibit rich and complex behavior through the orchestrated interplay of a large array of components. It is hypothesized that separable subsystems with some degree of functional autonomy exist; deciphering their independent behavior and functionality would greatly facilitate understanding the system as a whole. Discovering and analyzing such subsystems are hence pivotal problems in the quest to gain a quantitative understanding of complex biological systems. In this work, using approaches from machine learning, physics and graph theory, methods for the identification and analysis of such subsystems were developed. A novel methodology, based on a recent machine learning algorithm known as non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), was developed to discover such subsystems in a set of large-scale gene expression data. This set of subsystems was then used to predict functional relationships between genes, and this approach was shown to score significantly higher than conventional methods when benchmarking them against existing databases. Moreover, a mathematical treatment was developed to treat simple network subsystems based only on their topology (independent of particular parameter values). Application to a problem of experimental interest demonstrated the need for extentions to the conventional model to fully explain the experimental data. Finally, the notion of a subsystem was evaluated from a topological perspective. A number of different protein networks were examined to analyze their topological properties with respect to separability, seeking to find separable subsystems. These networks were shown to exhibit separability in a nonintuitive fashion, while the separable subsystems were of strong biological significance. It was demonstrated that the separability property found was not due to incomplete or biased data, but is likely to reflect biological structure.
Presentamos una experiencia exitosa de aprendizaje que partió de Criptogamia (asignatura optativa de segundo ciclo de Biología), que dio lugar a un proyecto de investigación gestionado por los propios alumnos. La iniciativa se consolidó estableciendo una Asociación de Estudiantes centrada en investigación y divulgación. En poco tiempo, los participantes han presentado comunicaciones científicas, y organizado actividades dirigidas a diversos públicos, dentro y fuera de la comunidad universitaria. Actualmente se plantea una colaboración multidisciplinar con otros organismos de investigación y la extensión de su ámbito de estudio. Abordamos su incidencia en el aprendizaje en varios aspectos: científico (técnicas específicas, rigor, búsqueda de información e interpretación de resultados), comunicativo (estructuración y presentación de la información obtenida, para diversos públicos), y organizativo, incluyendo el trabajo en equipo. Aunque de carácter espontáneo, esta experiencia muestra rasgos evaluables en cuanto a sus posibilidades para otras asignaturas. Analizamos las características y planteamiento de esta optativa, el perfil de sus alumnos, y el contexto universitario que la acoge. Detectamos como factores principales los aspectos participativos de la asignatura, la cohesión del grupo, el carácter voluntario de la implicación, los beneficios percibidos por los estudiantes, y la disponibilidad de recursos humanos (supervisión) y materiales (equipamiento y subvenciones)
This is a part of a collection of materials developed by the HEAcademy Subject Centre for Languages, linguistics and area studies. The materials provide reflective activities designed to engage teachers with some of the key issues in working with international students and practical ideas for ways in which these can be addressed. They will be of particular interest to new staff or anyone new to working with international students.
This paper supports the effective links between teaching and discipline-based research in disciplinary communities and in academic departments. It is authored by Alan Jenkins, Mick Healey and Roger Zetter.
math3052 lecture notes (2008-9)
El marcaje de proteínas con ubiquitina, conocido como ubiquitinación, cumple diferentes funciones que incluyen la regulación de varios procesos celulares, tales como: la degradación de proteínas por medio del proteosoma, la reparación del ADN, la señalización mediada por receptores de membrana, y la endocitosis, entre otras (1). Las moléculas de ubiquitina pueden ser removidas de sus sustratos gracias a la acción de un gran grupo de proteasas, llamadas enzimas deubiquitinizantes (DUBs) (2). Las DUBs son esenciales para la manutención de la homeostasis de la ubiquitina y para la regulación del estado de ubiquitinación de diferentes sustratos. El gran número y la diversidad de DUBs descritas refleja tanto su especificidad como su utilización para regular un amplio espectro de sustratos y vías celulares. Aunque muchas DUBs han sido estudiadas a profundidad, actualmente se desconocen los sustratos y las funciones biológicas de la mayoría de ellas. En este trabajo se investigaron las funciones de las DUBs: USP19, USP4 y UCH-L1. Utilizando varias técnicas de biología molecular y celular se encontró que: i) USP19 es regulada por las ubiquitin ligasas SIAH1 y SIAH2 ii) USP19 es importante para regular HIF-1α, un factor de transcripción clave en la respuesta celular a hipoxia, iii) USP4 interactúa con el proteosoma, iv) La quimera mCherry-UCH-L1 reproduce parcialmente los fenotipos que nuestro grupo ha descrito previamente al usar otros constructos de la misma enzima, y v) UCH-L1 promueve la internalización de la bacteria Yersinia pseudotuberculosis.
Introducción: Las deficiencias de micronutrientes continúan siendo un problema de salud pública en la población infantil, dentro de las ellas se ha encontrado a la deficiencia de zinc causa importante de morbi-mortalidad en los países en desarrollo, la nutrición adecuada de zinc es esencial para un crecimiento adecuado, inmunocompetencia y desarrollo neuroconductual; se dispone de información insuficiente sobre el estado de zinc en la población preescolar lo cual dificulta la expansión de las intervenciones para el control de su deficiencia. Colombia presenta una deficiencia de este micronutriente, considerándose a nivel mundial como un problema de salud pública moderado a severo. Una evaluación sobre la prevalencia y factores determinantes asociados puede proporcionar datos sobre el riesgo de deficiencia de zinc en una población, considerando factores demográficos, sociales y nutricionales que podrían predisponer a la población preescolar colombiana a sufrir este déficit. Metodología: Estudio observacional de corte transversal que incluyó 4275 niños entre 1 y 4 años, utilizando datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Situación Nutricional (ENSIN-2010). Se realizaron análisis bivariados y multivariados para determinar factores asociados positiva y negativamente con deficiencia de zinc. Resultados: El 49,1% de los niños encuestados cursaban con deficiencia de zinc. Los factores de riesgo asociados a deficiencia de zinc encontrados fueron menor edad, peso y talla bajos, vivir en región Atlántica, región Central, Territorios Nacionales, vivienda en área de población dispersa, pertenencia a etnia afrocolombiana, pertenencia a etnia indígena, estar afiliado a régimen subsidiado, no estar afiliado a ningún régimen de salud, madre sin educación, no asistencia a programa de alimentación dirigido y el grado severo de inseguridad Conclusiones: El déficit de zinc en los niños entre 1 y 4 años de edad es multifactorial, siendo un reflejo probable de la situación de inequidad de la población colombiana, en especial, la más pobre y vulnerable. Palabras clave: Zinc, Deficiencia de zinc, factores asociados, niños entre 1 y 4 años, Colombia
Resumen tomado de la publicación
Proporciona a los estudiantes los temas requeridos para el primer año del curso GCSE, especialidad biología. Es una edición revisada para el nuevo AQA GCSE en Fisiología humana y estudios de la salud.
Este libro de texto cumple con las nuevas especificaciones para el curso GCSE ciencias, especialidad de biología. Incluye nuevos capítulos sobre la genética aplicada, ingeniería genética, clonación, huella genética y el proyecto del genoma humano; la conservación de las especies, de los genes, de los hábitats y de los recursos; y sobre los ecosistemas.