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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hur F-3 lärare organiserar och bedriverden tidiga läsundervisningen samt undersöka vilka faktorer som verkar påverkaundervisningen och dess innehåll. Metoden för arbetet är en systematisk litteraturstudie därtidigare empiriska forskningar har analyserats och presenterats. Litteraturen söktes genomsöktjänster och databaser tillgängliga via Högskolan Dalarnas bibliotek i form av LIBRISoch SUMMON. Resultatet visar att lärare ser avkodning och läsförståelse som viktiga delardå eleverna ska utveckla en god läsförmåga. Hur lärarna organiserar den tidigaläsundervisningen ser dock ut på olika sätt. Några olika läsinlärningsteorier speglas ilärarnas sätt att bedriva undervisningen men den främsta metoden verkar dock vara dentraditionella ljudningsmetoden där eleverna i ett tidigt stadium lär sig ords enskildabeståndsdelar. Något som verkar vara generellt i skolorna är att många lärare anordnartidiga läsförberedande aktiviteter för de yngre eleverna där de får möta skriftspråket ilekfulla former. Lärarens kunskaper inom läsinlärningsområdet visas vara en avgörandefaktor för den tidiga läsundervisningen och barnens utveckling av en god läsförmåga.


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In this paper, we propose a new method for solving large scale p-median problem instances based on real data. We compare different approaches in terms of runtime, memory footprint and quality of solutions obtained. In order to test the different methods on real data, we introduce a new benchmark for the p-median problem based on real Swedish data. Because of the size of the problem addressed, up to 1938 candidate nodes, a number of algorithms, both exact and heuristic, are considered. We also propose an improved hybrid version of a genetic algorithm called impGA. Experiments show that impGA behaves as well as other methods for the standard set of medium-size problems taken from Beasley’s benchmark, but produces comparatively good results in terms of quality, runtime and memory footprint on our specific benchmark based on real Swedish data.


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Background: Plasmodium falciparum malaria is treated with 25 mg/kg of chloroquine (CQ) irrespective of age. Theoretically, CQ should be dosed according to body surface area (BSA). The effect of dosing CQ according to BSA has not been determined but doubling the dose per kg doubled the efficacy of CQ in children aged <15 years infected with P. falciparum carrying CQ resistance causing genes typical for Africa. The study aim was to determine the effect of age on CQ concentrations. Methods and Findings: Day 7 whole blood CQ concentrations were determined in 150 and 302 children treated with 25 and 50 mg/kg, respectively, in previously conducted clinical trials. CQ concentrations normalised for the dose taken in mg/kg of CQ decreased with decreasing age (p<0.001). CQ concentrations normalised for dose taken in mg/m(2) were unaffected by age. The median CQ concentration in children aged <2 years taking 50 mg/kg and in children aged 10-14 years taking 25 mg/kg were 825 (95% confidence interval [CI] 662-988) and 758 (95% CI 640-876) nmol/l, respectively (p = 0.67). The median CQ concentration in children aged 10-14 taking 50 mg/kg and children aged 0-2 taking 25 mg/kg were 1521 and 549 nmol/l. Adverse events were not age/concentration dependent. Conclusions: CQ is under-dosed in children and should ideally be dosed according to BSA. Children aged <2 years need approximately double the dose per kg to attain CQ concentrations found in children aged 10-14 years. Clinical trials assessing the efficacy of CQ in Africa are typically performed in children aged <5 years. Thus the efficacy of CQ is typically assessed in children in whom CQ is under dosed. Approximately 3 fold higher drug concentrations can probably be safely given to the youngest children. As CQ resistance is concentration dependent an alternative dosing of CQ may overcome resistance in Africa.


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A tool for standardized calculation of solar collector performance has been developed in cooperation between SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, DTU Denmark and SERC Dalarna University. The tool is designed to calculate the annual performance of solar collectors at representative locations in Europe. The collector parameters used as input in the tool are compiled from tests according to EN12975, without any intermediate conversions. The main target group for this tool is test institutes and certification bodies that are intended to use it for conversion of collector model parameters (derived from performance tests) into a more user friendly quantity: the annual energy output. The energy output presented in the tool is expressed as kWh per collector module. A simplified treatment of performance for PVT collectors is added based on the assumption that the thermal part of the PVT collector can be tested and modeled as a thermal collector, when the PV electric part is active with an MPP tracker in operation. The thermal collector parameters from this operation mode are used for the PVT calculations. © 2012 The Authors.


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This report describes the ideas and vision behind Dalarna University's award-winning library in Falun. A description of the planning and construction processes and an evaluation of the final outcome are presented together with experiences and observations drawn from the project.


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Single-page applications have historically been subject to strong market forces driving fast development and deployment in lieu of quality control and changeable code, which are important factors for maintainability. In this report we develop two functionally equivalent applications using AngularJS and React and compare their maintainability as defined by ISO/IEC 9126. AngularJS and React represent two distinct approaches to web development, with AngularJS being a general framework providing rich base functionality and React a small specialized library for efficient view rendering. The quality comparison was accomplished by calculating Maintainability Index for each application. Version control analysis was used to determine quality indicators during development and subsequent maintenance where new functionality was added in two steps.   The results show no major differences in maintainability in the initial applications. As more functionality is added the Maintainability Index decreases faster in the AngularJS application, indicating a steeper increase in complexity compared to the React application. Source code analysis reveals that changes in data flow requires significantly larger modifications of the AngularJS application due to its inherent architecture for data flow. We conclude that frameworks are useful when they facilitate development of known requirements but less so when applications and systems grow in size.


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A young man stabs a defenceless elderly man to death, and remarks “I’ll lug the guts into the neighbour room.” Martha Grace Duncan has argued that such apparent remorselessness and other forensic features must be interpreted differently in children and young people as compared to adult defendants, because of developmental effects. Professor Duncan discusses a range of fictional as well as real examples in pressing her claim, and also appeals to psychiatric, psychological and psychoanalytic expertise. In order to examine the general validity of her argument, it is hypothesised here that a Duncanian adolescence defense has been presented for Prince Hamlet who, miraculously revived, now stands his trial for murder. It is argued that the “adolescence defense” is unsound in principle and that children and youth (whether or not as superannuated as the Prince of Denmark) should be treated in the same forensic manner as adults. If we respect children and youth, we must respect their autonomy however uncomfortable for us this may be: “So young, my lord, and true.”


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The Convention relating to the Status of Refugees 1951 ("the Convention") is over fifty years old. It is the most comprehensive legally binding international standard for the treatment of refugees.' The Convention governs the rights of refugees and the obligations of ratifying State parties towards refugees. The key aspect of the Convention is article 1A(2), which sets out the Convention definition of a refugee. It provides that a refugee is a person who: Owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his or her nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.2 At the international law level the definition has remained (effectively)3 unchanged during this period. However, there has been a considerable amount of uncertainty at the domestic level concerning the precise meaning that should be given to important aspects of the definition, such as "particular social group" and "persecution". Given that the Convention is the principal international instrument dealing with the rights of refugees (since it was ratified by Denmark in 1952, 140 states have acceded to the Convention)4 and the importance of the interests and indeterminate nature of several aspects of the definition of refugee, the interpretive approach adopted in relation to the Convention is of considerable importance.


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Aim. This paper presents findings from a multi-method study exploring the process of care coordination in children's inpatient health care.

Background. Existing work on care coordination is typified by 'black-box' type studies that measure inputs to and outcomes of care coordination roles and practices, without addressing the process of coordination.

Method. Using questionnaires, interviews and observation to collect data in multiple sites in the United Kingdom and Denmark between 1999 and 2005, the study gathered the perceptions of staff and compared these with observed practice. Giddens' structuration theory was used to provide an analytical and explanatory framework.

Findings. Current care coordination practice is diverse and inconsistent. It involves a wide range of clinical and non-clinical staff, many of whom perceive a lack of clarity about who should perform specific coordination activities. Staff draw upon a wide range of different material and non-material resources in coordinating care, the use of which is governed by largely tacit and informal rules.

Conclusions. Care coordination can be usefully conceptualized as a 'structurated' process – one that is continually produced and reproduced by staff using rules and resources to 'instantiate' or bring about care coordination through action. Potentially negative implications of this are manifested in diversity and inconsistency in care coordination practice. However, positive aspects such as the opportunity this provides to tailor care to the needs of the individual patient can be realized.


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Background: The burden of breast cancer expressed in Disability Adjusted Life Years (DALYs) was compared for six European countries and its sensitivity to different sources of variation examined. Methods: DALYs were calculated using country-specific epidemiological data and European Disability Weights. Epidemiological data for 1996 were obtained for Denmark, England and Wales, France, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden. Disability weights were empirically derived. ResultsDenmark and the Netherlands lost the largest number of DALYs (approximately 1100 DALYs per 100,000 women). They were followed by England (87% of the Danish burden), France (72%), Sweden (68%) and Spain (67%). 70 to 80% of the burden was caused by mortality. Cross-national variation in disease epidemiology was the largest source of variation in the burden of breast cancer. Variation in disability weights and uncertainty in epidemiological data had smaller effects. Conclusion: To compare the burden of breast cancer and most other types of cancer mortality rates provide sufficient information.


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Total lipid content of 20 species of canned meats available in Australia ranged from 2% in chicken (Hormel, USA) to 41% in stewed pork (Ma Ling, China). Total n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) ranged from 30 in canned chicken (Hormel) to 659 mg/100 g in chicken hot dog (Tulip, Denmark). The 18:2n-6 was the predominant PUFA, ranging from 187 in corned beef (Hamper, Australia) to 2832 mg/100 g in chicken luncheon meat (Tulip). Other main PUFA, in order of concentration, were 18:3n-3, ranging from 14 in canned chicken (Hormel) to 590 mg/100 g in chicken hot dog (Tulip); conjugated 18:2n-6 (CLA) from 1 in chicken (Hormel) to 135 mg/100 g in corned mutton (Colonial, Australia); 20:4n- 6 from 11 in camp pie (Tom Piper, Australia) to 73 mg/100 g in spiced ham (Hormel); and 22:5n-3 from 5 in chicken (Hormel) and chicken luncheon (Almaraai, Jordan) to 45 mg/100 g in stewed pork (Ma Ling). Total saturated fatty acids (SFA) ranged from 598 to 14 660 mg/100 g, with 16:0 predominant followed by 18:0. Total monounsaturated fatty acid concentration ranged between 813 to 20 218 mg/100 g with 18:1 the major fatty acid. Trans 18:1 ranged from 10 to 698 mg/100 g. The canned meats contained 20 and 22-carbon long chain n-3 PUFA at levels comparable with or greater than those in fresh lean meat.


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Objective: To investigate the sources of cross-national variation in disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) in the European Disability
Weights Project.

: Disability weights for 15 disease stages were derived empirically in five countries by means of a standardized procedure and the cross-national differences in visual analogue scale (VAS) scores were analysed. For each country the burden of dementia in women, used as an illustrative example, was estimated in DALYs. An analysis was performed of the relative effects of cross-national variations in demography, epidemiology and disability weights on DALY estimates.

: Cross-national comparison of VAS scores showed almost identical ranking orders. After standardization for population size and age structure of the populations, the DALY rates per 100 000 women ranged from 1050 in France to 1404 in the Netherlands. Because of uncertainties in the epidemiological data, the extent to which these differences reflected true variation between countries was difficult to estimate. The use of European rather than country-specific disability weights did not lead to a significant change in the burden of disease estimates for dementia.

: Sound epidemiological data are the first requirement for burden of disease estimation and relevant between-countries comparisons. DALY estimates for dementia were relatively insensitive to differences in disability weights between European countries.


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In this paper we examine the role of environmental quality in determining per capita health expenditures. We take a panel cointegration approach in order to explore the possibility of estimating both short-run and long-run impacts of environmental quality. Our empirical analysis is based on eight OECD countries, namely Austria, Denmark, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK for the period 1980–1999. We find that per capita health expenditure, per capita income, carbon monoxide emissions, sulphur oxide emissions and nitrogen oxide emissions are panel cointegrated. While short-run elasticities reveal that income and carbon monoxide emissions exert a statistically significant positive effect on health expenditures, in the long-run in addition to income and carbon monoxide, we find that sulphur oxide emissions have a statistically significant positive impact on health expenditures.