1000 resultados para Inconsciente coletivo


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The thesis, entitled, Pedagogical/comunication knowledge, research/formation: Reflections on the formative experiences of teachers online , developed dialogues on the pedagogical/communication knowledge, research-formation and the formative experiences of teachers online, for the purpose of understanding how pedagogical/communication knowledge is establishing/established from the formative experience of teachers online. For this reason we began with the following question: how does pedagogical/communication knowledge become estabilishing/established beginning with the formative experience of teachers online? The methodological approach for the selected research was research/formation, based on Ethnoresearch of critical formation. This became a rich route for reflections on pedagogical/communication knowledge and formative experiences, making a contribution for formation and autoformation of the teacher/researcher and the teachers online. This provided moments of formation, of reflection-in-action and on the action, potentialized/structured the process of comprehending, analyzing, interpreting, reflecting on the formative experiences and contributing for reflections on pedagogical/communication knowledge of the teacher online. The theoretical referential dialogue was based on concepts such as: education online, interactivity Silva (2002), Santos (2005), Moran (2003), teaching, Veiga (2005), Pimenta (2002), Freire (2005), Tardif (2002), teaching online Sacramento (2006), teaching knowledge Tardif (2002), Charlot (2000), Porlán (1997), García (1992), Freire (2005), Ethnoresearch-formation Macedo (2000), formation Macedo (2010), Josso (2010). The discoveries revealed that the pedagogical/communication knowledged becomes establishing/established beginning with formative experience of the teachers online, from the emergency of a collective communicative dialogue, structuring and potentialized by the experiences of the context online, from the didactic pedagogical/communicational organization online, of the research, of the relation created by the expertise and the presents itself along the itinerary of the family , the school, academic and professional. From this we can conclude that of knowledge and plural experiences, which became broken down because they are parts that relate themselves with other parts, which become united in one whole, the singular/plural, the local/global, the text and the context, agregating principles a pedagogical- communication perspective that orients :the dialogue, the interactivity, the hypertextuality, themultivocallity, formative dispositions, formative experiences all of wich makes for the possibilities for researdh and the training of professors and teachers who accept their point of departure and enddind points as pedagogy and experience


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This study aims to investigate the contribution of supervised training for training reflective of the students in the service of pedagogy course of the Vocational Training Program for Basic Education - PROFORMAÇÃO Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte / Campus Avançado Professor João Ismar de Moura - CAJIM Patu City / RN. Based on studies of Schon (2000), Alarcão (2003), Pimenta (1994, 2000), Tardif (2002) Ibiapina (2008) among others have adopted a theoretical framework which have been focusing on studies concerning the formation of the reflective teacher, in perspective also contribute to the professionalization of teachers. The study falls within the qualitative approach of educational research and the methodology chosen has characteristics of a collaborative research. In the process, we used the following instruments: individual and group interview, sitting reflective observation, videoformação, material prescribed personal documents. The relevance of this research is to highlight the contribution of reflexive perspective in the teaching profession for: knowledge of teachers, teacher professional development, relationship between theory and practice, collective work, school and university as a place of training. These findings indicate that: a) the stage for advanced teacher becomes a teacher action research, seeking to (re) signification practices, b) the stage still presents itself as an activity limited to the applicability of the theories, hence the need for dialogic relations between theory and practice in education, requiring their redefinition c) despite experiencing an in-service training, the students still need information to enable them to link theory to practice, but understand its importance, d) a collaborative discussion can be a strategy that encouraged and implemented, is likely to be an alternative to the consolidation of training reflective e) It is important to the collective action of teachers in the school and the university as an opportunity for development of the reflective process f) the students-teachers still do not understand what is reflection and not experiencing it, but realizes the need to change the thinking and way of acting, g) there are conflicts between the teacher's knowledge of the students, teachers and the actions constituting the real, creating contradictions between saying and doing training


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Theatrical phenomenon borned in the Italy the Comedy dell Art concerned to it climax in the XVI century and spreading itself by the word than can be sight like the theatre base modern. Lasting parallel the conventional theatre since the three hundred years, this gender influenced significativly the making theatrical in the Europe graces the popular character of its simulation turned for the improvise. In spite of treat a theatric manifestation no more existing in the present time, we understand that the Comedy dell Art was constituted in one artistic language whose esthetics centralized in the popular fanciful and in the improvise permitted a rich possibility of verbal and not-verbal communication that today can to be taken again in contemporary productions theatricals. Departing of an approach of esthetics, this work has with purpose concentrate the references esthetics that configure that one artistic manifestation such that one references can contribute for the Arts teaches in the present times. We appeal the text and image of Comedy dell Art, such this historical reference that in context, with fountain investigated that mean and if complementary in one esthetic reflection for the creation of meaning diverse and news interpretations for the purpose investigated if having with base some analysis categories such as: the actor s body, the actuations spaces and the esthetics categories such the ugly, the comic and the absurd. To investigate the Comedy dell Art esthetic in the ambit of the teach of Arts Scenics is a manner of be understand the artistic universe of three century behind that can be meant, revived, in the marking possibilities of an art teach able to incentive the critical, the appreciation, the discussion and the transgression of instituted true. Having investigated the exhibition Comedy dell Art esthetic we rebound four stich that we judge significative for we think the Arts Scenics teach, they are: the articulation between actor s body, the text and the space actuation in the play; statement what it is given between actor s body and the on-looker and the every gesture that did share of scene in a popular scenic space; a conception actor s body that transgress with the true duty socially that is capable the to admit its dimension Dionysian, creative and ambiguous in the to do theatrical; the text conception that get beyond the ambit the word writing by the dramatist and talked by actors, if spreading the other elements significance in the scene like gesture, the parody, the recent news, the gags and the word used in the day-to-day; the scenic space like a statement symbolic between actors and on-looker that make a quality of amusement pact supported by the scenic true of artist that actuate in not usual spaces bid at an auctioning degrees of participation in the building the scenic phenomenon; and the importance of esthetics categories such as the ugly, the comic and the absurd, those categories that foundation like a do scenic transgressor make a possible exchange mutual between actor and appreciator. The statement of esthetics categories in joint continuous between the body, the text and the scenic space evident themselves in doing theatrical and in the its appreciation. We believe that the reflection esthetic about the Comedy dell Art in the arts class, consider the stich detached, can favor possibilities of to share discovery, ideas, feelings and attitudes, and can permit the observation of different stich of view, establishing the statement of individual with the group in a participative and democratic form


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Dans le scénario actuel marqué par l'insuccès de l'école publique en alphabétiser les enfants, l'objectif de cet étude est d'analyser, dans le cadre d'une école publique (dont les enfants, d'après les numéros officiels, deviennent lettrés au cours des trois premières années), des actions de gestion scolaire qui favorisent le processus d'alphabétisation. Pour cela nous suivons les principes de la méthode qualitative et adoptons l‟études de cas. Le terrain empirique est une école publique de la ville de Parnamirim (RN) et les sujets sont sa directrice, la vice-directrice, trois enseignantes des trois premières années de l'enseignement fondamental, deux coordinatrices pédagogiques, deux parents et six enfants. Pour la construction des données nous adoptons le questionnaire, l'analyse documentaire, des entretiens semi-dirigés et l'observation non-participante. Les fondements théoriques qui servirent de jalon à nos interprétations se retrouvent dans les conceptions actuelles de gestion éducationnelle et d'alphabétisation, ainsi que sur le processus d'apprentissage et de développement et pratique éducative. Dans cette étude, le concept de gestion est pris comme manière de dépasser la perspective bornée, bureaucratique, comme condition fondamentale de la qualité d'enseignement et de transformation de la propre identité des écoles, des systèmes d'enseignement et de l'éducation brésilienne; un concept déposé sur (et à partir de ) la mobilisation dynamique des sujets humains organisés collectivement. L'alphabétisation d'enfants est comprise en tant qu'enseignement-apprentissage du langage écrit dans une processus qui entoure deux dimensions indissociables: l'appropriation du système d'écriture alphabétique et le développement d'habilités/pratiques textuelles, dont les spécificités de développement impliquent systématisation et internationalité, caractéristiques de l'école en tant qu'institution éducative. A travers l'analyse des données fondé en quelques principes de l'analyse de contenu nous constatâmes que la gestion de l'école objet de la recherche, bien que marquée par des contradictions, développe des actions qui exercent un rôle fondamental dans les processus et résultats de l'apprentissage de l'écriture par les enfants. Ayant identifié les actions, nous construisîmes les catégories suivantes: 1) Actions relatives à l'organisation de l'école comme institution; 2) Actions relatives à organisation du processus enseignement-apprentissage; et sous-catégories: 1.1 Création et manutention d'infra-structure adéquate; 1.2 Promotion du travail collectif et autonome des professionnels; 1.3 Construction/formation permanente de l'équipe de professeurs; 1.4 Participation des parents dans la dynamique de l'école; 2.1 Disponibilité de ressources pour l'apprentissage; 2.2 Systématisation de la planification du processus enseignement-apprentissage e 2.2.1 Systématisation de l'évaluation de l'apprentissage. La catégorisation construite, bien que sa réflexion, signale que les actions qui favorisent l'alphabétisation des enfants s'approchent des conceptions d'une éducation de qualité sociale et de la démocratisation de l'éducation, bien que la propre institution de la gestion de l'école ne soit, pas encore, démocratisée. Notre étude réaffirme que la gestion de l'école, comme tout pratique humaine et sociale, a un caractère essentiellement contradictoire, inachevé et lacunaire, mais qui, jusqu'aux limites des contradiction, l'on trouve des possibilités, mises en évidence dans les actions de la gestion intimement articulées avec le succès de l'apprentissage et qui, par conséquent, peuvent construire une référence pour la réflexion sur les pratiques de gestion de l'école engagées engagée avec l'apprentissage et avec l'alphabétisation des enfants


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Este trabajo tiene como objetivo comprender los sentidos dados a la relación entre el planeamiento y el proceso de formación continuada por profesores de una escuela pública municipal de la ciudad de Natal (RN). La conjetura guía es la percepción de que los profesores parecen no concebir el planeamiento escolar como espacio de formación colectiva y continuada. Así, esta conjetura es motivo de reflexión a medida que el planeamiento puede ser visto como un proceso cargado por tensiones y conflictos estructurales reprimidos en la escuela. Nuestro principio teórico metodológico es una interpretación de múltiples referencias que parte de conceptos en diferentes modelos de análisis en la comprensión de una realidad en que diferenciadas dimensiones están entremezcladas. Adoptamos como metodología de investigación la Entrevista Comprensiva, en que el objeto de la investigación se construye por medio de la elaboración teórica de las hipótesis surgidas en el campo de la investigación. El investigador busca dominar y personaliza los instrumentos y teoría a un proyecto concreto de investigación, cuya imagen más cercana es lo que se denomina de artesanía intelectual . En el proceso de construcción comprendemos la necesidad de entender el registro de un saber social incorporado por los individuos a su historicidad, a sus orientaciones y definiciones de su acción en relación al conjunto de la sociedad. En este sentido, los profesores entrevistados comentan su entendimiento revelando sentidos sobre cómo hacer efectivo un planeamiento que atienda las realidades del cotidiano de los alumnos. Observamos en nuestros análisis que parte del grupo de profesores tiene consciencia de hacer del planeamiento como base del trabajo docente no apenas dirigido al aspecto práctico elaboración y ejecución -, sino relacionado a un proceso de otros aspectos simultáneos como la reflexión acción-reflexión sobre la acción. De este modo, existe la posibilidad de mejorar el planeamiento transformándolo en más dinámico y participativo a través de los proyectos de trabajo como alternativa de enseñanza y de acercar la práctica pedagógica a la realidad de los alumnos, por ese motivo el planeamiento diario es de fundamental relevancia, ya que el espacio escolar es complejo y dinámico. Sin embargo, percibimos que existe incomprensión del planeamiento como espacio de formación continuada en la escuela en consecuencia de prácticas sin reflexión, y por eso, el proceso de planeamiento tiende a ser visto apenas como técnico y no un proceso político que apunta hacia la acción reflexiva. Por estas razones surgen tensiones externas e internas, unidas a las incertidumbres del trabajo docente en el cotidiano escolar, asociada a los sentimientos antagónicos que pueden ser elementos que dificultan y limitan el trabajo profesional de los docentes, llevándolos a la improvisación. Los profesores sugieren la construcción de la propuesta pedagógica dirigida a la formación continuada, coligada a la introducción de una práctica reflexiva que considere a la colectividad, siendo incluidas la autonomía, la flexibilidad y la abertura del planeamiento, y resaltan la actuación mediadora del coordinador pedagógico como de fundamental importancia para fortalecer el trabajo colectivo en la escuela y de enfatizar practicas reflexivas


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Located at the intersection of Science Education, Teacher Training and use of didactic Comics (HQ), the text aims to discuss the problem which thus sets: - What is the contribution of the incorporation of comics in the continuing education of teachers Natural Sciences of the early years of elementary school? - May be the comics for enabling science teaching? - How to contribute to a reflexive training of teachers of the early years? - In order to answer these questions, there was a collaborative action research in a school located in the city of Natal / RN, with three teachers who teach natural science in the early years of elementary school. The study involved the conduct of 13 meetings of in-service, under the focus on reflective practice, with the purpose of discussing topics underlying the teaching of science and the use of comics as a methodological strategy. All meetings were recorded on audio and transcripts. The teachers finally recorded the meetings by writing a portfolio. The teachers made use of 10 sessions with reading comics in science classes, which were video recorded and later watched by the educators in autoscopy sessions followed by individual interviews. From the collected data, several aspects that have emerged can be grouped into three categories: The difficult concept of science, teachers' work and the obstacles and possibilities of comics as a teaching strategy. In this sense, are woven assessments taking as its founding, look for the reflective and dialogic practices exercised in the classroom. In the analysis of the data, we can see the conceptual difficulties, methodological and pistemological questions of teachers for teaching science, but also the limitations of comic books for teaching. Learning more relevant appointed by the teachers is related to the importance of collective work to mitigate the training needs of teaching. Finally, signals that the HQ has a great potential for use in science classes, provided that the teacher conduct a careful planning for this, but that the meetings of continuing education promote moments of reflection on teaching practices that are capable of giving rise to new attitudes before the difficulties they depict


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This research focuses on inclusive in childhood education. Its purpose was to investigate and analyze the conceptions and expectations of teachers of childhood education, childhood education center form Natal/RN, on the inclusion students with disabilities, school and pedagogical practices developed and implications for students learning. Theoric base of the cultural historic perspective, the search took by qualitative analysis of numbers form the case study method. It was used methodological procedures: documentary analysis, participant observation, field journal and semi structures interview.Three teachers participated in the survey of that school had student with disabilities in their classrooms. These teachers were called: Rapunzel, Snow white e Pretty. The teacher s nouns involved the refered kind of education. The data obtained from the observation indicated the regular school of childhood education provides educational practices that promote the participation and participation and development of students with disabilities, live situation that may create barriers to learning and to the development of these children. The analysing data of interview from Bardin content analysis (1994) was based in Cunha s studies (2001) Brun (2006, 2008), Mantoam (2006, 2008), Palacios, Paniagua (2007), among others. The dada showed that correlation and divergence of perceptions and expectations about the issues surrounding inclusion in childhood education. The results shaved that teaching strategies, affective ties, sensitivity and own routine of childhood education are factors that can promote inclusive proposal, but also needs a greater fulfillment individual differences of each child in order to their potentiality. The study also shaved that the negative of pedagogic support to teacher, the ignorance of them as guidelines and strategies that include the student s diversity, the importance having positive conceptions about the learning and development of student with severe learning disabilities and the need for a pedagogic training and of a collective work at school which everybody collaborates : parents, direction, coordination getting inclusive school. Believe that this study pointed relevant issues to be focus new research, since the theme is still lacking in study, therefore emphasize, the importance of conducting research that continuous this job


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This work detaches the importance of the continued formation of the educators in terms of the inclusive educational process, pointing as basic elements the continued formation of the educational professionals. In this direction, it points and it defends the dialogue in the perspective of David Bohm, with interfaces of the freireanas ideas, as a methodological resource of action that allows the organization of strategies of collective and effective pedagogical support in inclusive schools, in the same time articulates the continued formation of the professionals in education. Characterized as research in a dialogical action with collective participation and collaboration, it counted with the participation of 87 educators, between professors, pedagogical, managing coordinators and specialists of special education in two schools of the state and municipal public system of Natal/RN. The results had pointed with respect to the viability of the dialogue as articulated methodological tool of the continued formation in service, when providing the establishment of personal and professional relationship between the educators, favoring the discursive enjoyment of the lived experiences, allows the organization of strategies of collective and effective pedagogical support in the scholar environment. On the basis of these results, this work also points to some items to reflections as the reorganization of the Secretariats and the schools, in the direction to brighten up the fragmentation and the discontinuity of the pedagogical actions evidenced and to instigate a process of changes that has glimpsed the professional development of the educators through its continued formation in service and the improvement of the school in the way of the concretization of an education directed toward the acceptance, respect and attendance the diversity of its pupils, as detaches the official documents and the studies on the inclusive education


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This paper deals with the fundamental elements of a curricular proposal aiming at the formation of alphabetizers of young and adults, as long as it concerns the relation between the academic knowledge and that one arising from the classroom experience. The empirical field of the research comes from the work of the teachers responsible for the formation of the alphabetizers of the GerAção Cidadã Program (2004-2005) linked, as an Extension Program, to Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Indeed, it tries to understand how these young and adult educators makers figure out the link between the experienced knowledge, which their lives give testimony of, with the scientific knowledge, which they are entitled to mediate in class. This work is funded in the principles of the Collaborative Research, which constitutes a kind of qualitative research. It makes use of procedures supported by qualitative research, especially those ones related to reflexive sessions, as well as to documental researches and semi-structured interviews. These spaces have afforded the group of alphabetizers the opportunity to talk over their practice, not only individually but also collectively, in order to work out contributive proposals having in view changes in the educative actions. As elaborated contributions, we present a discussion about the specificities in the making of educators to EJA, in their differentiated social roles. Reflecting on the experiences of the educators makers, we highlight those elements we regard as essential to the constitution of a formation proposal, like formative times and spaces, dialogue and social memory. The curricular organization is compreneded as part of an enlarged dimension that does not restraint itself to school; rather, it is visualized as a structuring instance that connects different knowledge surpassing community and university. Under this optics, we come to the conclusion that the connection the scientific knowledge establishes with the experienced one, which is immersed in the cultural practices of those who are involved in the formative process, is the basement to a curricular proposal of a formation course destined to educators committed with the need of changing society


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Situated at the intersection of Continuing Formation, Science Teaching and content of astronomy, the research aims to discuss this problematic : What are the challenges encountered in a continuous formation in service of science teachers of the early years of elementary school with contents of astronomy? Aiming to answer this question, we carried out a collaborative action research in a school of Natal / RN, with 6 teachers who teach or lectured Natural Sciences in the early years of elementary school. The study involved 14 encounters of continuos formation in service, to enable a better understanding criticism and propositive concerning the teaching science, especially some content of astronomy for the initial years, through a shared discussion. To this end, we consider that more profound understanding of astronomical knowledge allows the establishment of relationships and connections between theoretical knowledge and the daily teaching practice. All discussions were recorded on audio and transcripts. This research was realized using questionnaires and diary, however, the audio recording was its principal working instrument. About the data collected, several issues emerged as the little field of conceptual content, several misconceptions among teachers about the content of astronomy, lack of adequate space in the school environment to study and the need for collective reflection on the practice. Finally, is indicated that the contents of astronomy should be used in classrooms of Sciences, provided that teaching plan of action consider the existence of diverse alternative conceptions about the subject, among both teachers and students, and the need of permanente continuing education in the teaching


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This study is inserted at the Line of Strategical Research of Thinking and Knowledge production which scientific projects about the relation of thinking and knowledge production are realized. The accomplishment of this dissertation involved an empiric research at a school of the municipal district of Natal RN. Our purpose was to investigate the practice of the staff working with students who present Disabilities and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (DADH) at regular classes due to the organization of thinking in pedagogical strategies. The object of this study is presented at the center of the questions which involves the conscious analysis of the problems and needs that emerge at the school. Considering the specialty of the theme, we choose a methodology whose focus is the dialogue and the sharing of meanings with the partners of this research through the observation of the activities developed at class/school and interviews/conversations with six teachers of first and second cycles of primary education. According with the study, some theoretician presumptions of Mr. Freire (2001), Mr. Nóvoa (1995), Mr. Bohm (2005) and son on. The results reveled at the research indicate the fragility of a continuous formation directed to the development of critical-reflexive thinking of the teachers.The teachers revel conceptions due to formation, pedagogical practices and the relation with the parents and coordinators, through their performances and speeches, allowing us to identify some pedagogical strategies used. We identified some negative response about the process of learning-developing of these pedagogical strategies such as the one we call unconcern . The strategy of sitting the student at the front row chairs can have positive and negative responses depending on the way the teacher act and follow the student. Other strategies identified as positive response bringers at the learning-developing process and that should be reinforced by the staff are the playful and the group assignments . At this perspective, the school needs to develop a collective project between the pedagogical team and teachers to overcome the needs of all students, and as a consequence, of the staff and improve the positive strategies, minimizing the negative ones and allowing the organizations of new strategies that promotes the improvement of learning-teaching process of the students with DADH


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It is in the work environment that occurs the relations of production, economy, personal development and professional growth. Thus, this environment characterizes for being a propitious way to the intellectual development diligent them. In this context, this study it had as objective to analyze the possibilities and challenges of the education to consist integrant part of the process of work of the nursing, in an education hospital. One is about a research of analytical matrix and qualitative boarding, that had as collaborating fifteen professionals of the nursing, middle- and upper-level, of a hospital of education in Natal/RN. It followed the metodológicos estimated ones of the thematic verbal history, which looks for to promote the agreement or clarification of determined situations, catching experiences of made use people to say on aspects of its life, keeping a commitment with the social context. The information then had been gotten by means of a research instrument that made possible the accomplishment of interviews, which had been marked anticipatedly and counted on the assent of that in they had participated. The interviews had been recorded in proper equipment, so that you say them of the collaborators transcribing and they were analyzed with the support of pertinent literature. The content of you say them was classified in empirical categories, as the nuclei of felt that they presented. With the analysis of the data, one evidenced that the education in the process of work of the nursing is something possible to occur, but that diverse they are the challenges that the same one has that to face to promote this phenomenon in its daily one of work. The collaborators had affirmed that the worker is necessary to remain itself permanently in study so that, thus, it grows professionally and improves its assistance. They had still affirmed that she is possible to work and to study, but that this requires determination of who intends such intention. E also guarantees that the diverse forms of education directed toward the care in nursing can have resolution, since that has collective compromising of the institution. This, as education hospital, recognizes to be necessary to possess one politics of education for its workers and is if considering implementation the same one through a structuralized program already. Therefore, the results of this research show the necessity of changes in the current scene where if they find the workers of nursing of the institution in study. These changes can be reached through one politics of investment in the workers, allowing, beyond other benefits, the reach of new knowledge that take them to a significant learning in favor of the population, reflecting in the quality of the given assistance


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Comprehending social representations of users relatives of Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) from Natal-RN, about their participation in the activities of these services, was the purpose of this study. The research instrument used was a semi-structured interview, led to 28 relatives of users of East and West CAPS II, East and North CAPS-ad, involved in the Relative Therapeutic Group, in Relative Meeting, in the Assembly of Users, Technicians and Relatives, according to the therapeutic schedule of each health services, between August to November 2007. Data obtained in family and users identification were characterized with the aid of charts and boards in absolute and/or percentage values. The discursive material from the guide from interviews was submitted to the informational resource ALCESTE (Analyse Lexicale par Contexte d'un Ensemble of Segments of Texte), and analyzed on the basis of the Theory of Social Representations and Central Nucleus Theory. Most of the relatives were women, married, aged over 50 years, who participated for more than two years in CAPS activities, and a coexistence of more than 11 years with the user. From the classification system of ALCESTE were selected categories, identified by: Category 1, Treatment Improvements and Expectations; Category 2, Living User Before and After; Category 3, Activities Relevance, Contradictions and Suggestions; Category 4, Guidelines -- Psychopharmacology and Medicalization; Category 5, Family Participation and Activities; and Category 6, Therapeutic Conditions Thanks, Tips and Vulnerability. The social representation of the family exists in the desire for change, identifying that we need to promote change by the continuity of therapeutic activities and overcome the detected inconsistencies, targeted by strengthening and by the stability of improvements in living and health conditions of users, experienced in CAPS treatment. The central nucleus had corresponded to positive changes in health and living conditions of users, and the peripheral elements were constituted by family conducts before and during treatment, and the expectations of changes in activities, especially in workshops. Despite this family participation be considered important, it still does not meet conditions to promote the inclusion of family, under an emancipating point of view, capable of causing in subject the hope for autonomy, initiative, individual and collective growths, a closer and active involvement in therapeutic activities, in workshops and discussions


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This study addresses the interdisciplinary training in perspective for the Brazilian Health System (SUS) in view of graduation students in the areas of health of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte s (UFRN) former students of the course Health and Citizenship (SACI). Emphasizes also the importance of commitment to social policies, particularly with those focused on the area of health. This is a case study with a qualitative approach. There was the lifting of data through documental research, from 14 portfolios of learning, which are weekly records of students from the respective discipline, corresponding to 2005.2 to 2007.2 semesters. From the analysis undertaken, inferred that the methodology problematizing, used by the discipline, enables students to understand that learning is not restricted to the confined university walls. It shows the health from a complex and concrete social reality, allowing students to an interdisciplinary dialogue in search of the transformation of this reality. It means an opportunity to interact with the dynamics of society in their area of activities, developing a relationship of solidarity in the formation of the citizen. Moreover, it was clear the direction of experienced interdisciplinary and recognized by students of various professions that make up the discipline. Thus, the SACI in preparation for construction of SUS, helps to form a new professional, more committed to the promotion and with a collective work in health


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The purpose of this study is to analyze, from the point of view of nurses, changes that took place in the process of providing health services after the introduction of the Family Health Program (FHP). It is na investigation of qualitative nature that uses semi-structured interviews as a main empirical approach tool. Six nurses from the city of Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte, who were working with basic care before the introduction of the FHP, within basic care, were: adscription and ties with the community; hospitality and the humanizacion of care-giving; decrease in cases of inpatient treatment; strengthening of the prevention of injuries and health promotion; improvemente of health indicatiors, finally, actions that point towads meeting the principles of wholeness, equity and universality as a declaration of the Brazilian National Health Care System (SUS). Nevertheless, in spite of all recognizable positive aspects, the FHP has some weaknesses, such as: the difficulty posed by colletive work; the mismatch between professional education and the demands of the current health standard; a poor physical infrastructure of the Basic Health Units; a high heath staff turnover and precarious work conditions. In addition to this, some strategies that can be used to help improve the process of providing health services have been pointed out, such as, coordination between sectors, continuous education, making work conditions less precarious and improving the means whereby heathy service management is conveyed,Tthus, finally, we understand that the FHP does bring forward meaningful changes to the process of provinding health services to strengthen the Brasilian National Health Care System (SUS), in spite of the fact that it lies within a scenario of adversities that can be overcome through the collective endeavor of the several social actors