871 resultados para Ideal and non - Ideal systems
Trade policy, government and non-State regulation of international labor and environmental standards
This thesis presents the outcomes of my Ph.D. course in telecommunications engineering. The focus of my research has been on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and in particular on the design of aiding schemes operating both at position and physical level and the evaluation of their feasibility and advantages. Assistance techniques at the position level are considered to enhance receiver availability in challenging scenarios where satellite visibility is limited. Novel positioning techniques relying on peer-to-peer interaction and exchange of information are thus introduced. More specifically two different techniques are proposed: the Pseudorange Sharing Algorithm (PSA), based on the exchange of GNSS data, that allows to obtain coarse positioning where the user has scarce satellite visibility, and the Hybrid approach, which also permits to improve the accuracy of the positioning solution. At the physical level, aiding schemes are investigated to improve the receiver’s ability to synchronize with satellite signals. An innovative code acquisition strategy for dual-band receivers, the Cross-Band Aiding (CBA) technique, is introduced to speed-up initial synchronization by exploiting the exchange of time references between the two bands. In addition vector configurations for code tracking are analyzed and their feedback generation process thoroughly investigated.
Myocardial perfusion quantification by means of Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance images relies on time consuming frame-by-frame manual tracing of regions of interest. In this Thesis, a novel automated technique for myocardial segmentation and non-rigid registration as a basis for perfusion quantification is presented. The proposed technique is based on three steps: reference frame selection, myocardial segmentation and non-rigid registration. In the first step, the reference frame in which both endo- and epicardial segmentation will be performed is chosen. Endocardial segmentation is achieved by means of a statistical region-based level-set technique followed by a curvature-based regularization motion. Epicardial segmentation is achieved by means of an edge-based level-set technique followed again by a regularization motion. To take into account the changes in position, size and shape of myocardium throughout the sequence due to out of plane respiratory motion, a non-rigid registration algorithm is required. The proposed non-rigid registration scheme consists in a novel multiscale extension of the normalized cross-correlation algorithm in combination with level-set methods. The myocardium is then divided into standard segments. Contrast enhancement curves are computed measuring the mean pixel intensity of each segment over time, and perfusion indices are extracted from each curve. The overall approach has been tested on synthetic and real datasets. For validation purposes, the sequences have been manually traced by an experienced interpreter, and contrast enhancement curves as well as perfusion indices have been computed. Comparisons between automatically extracted and manually obtained contours and enhancement curves showed high inter-technique agreement. Comparisons of perfusion indices computed using both approaches against quantitative coronary angiography and visual interpretation demonstrated that the two technique have similar diagnostic accuracy. In conclusion, the proposed technique allows fast, automated and accurate measurement of intra-myocardial contrast dynamics, and may thus address the strong clinical need for quantitative evaluation of myocardial perfusion.
For the safety assessment of radioactive waste, the possibility of radionuclide migration has to be considered. Since Np (and also Th due to the long-lived 232-Th) will be responsible for the greatest amount of radioactivity one million years after discharge from the reactor, its (im)-mobilization in the geosphere is of great importance. Furthermore, the chemistry of Np(V) is quite similar (but not identical) to the chemistry of Pu(V). Three species of neptunium may be found in the near field of the waste disposal, but pentavalent neptunium is the most abundant species under a wide range of natural conditions. Within this work, the interaction of Np(V) with the clay mineral montmorillonite and melanodins (as model substances for humic acids) was studied. The sorption of neptunium onto gibbsite, a model clay for montmorillonite, was also investigated. The sorption of neptunium onto γ-alumina and montmorillonite was studied in a parallel doctoral work by S. Dierking. Neptunium is only found in ultra trace amounts in the environment. Therefore, sensitive and specific methods are needed for its determination. The sorption was determined by γ spectroscopy and LSC for the whole concentration range studied. In addition the combination of these techniques with ultrafiltration allowed the study of Np(V) complexation with melanoidins. Regrettably, the available speciation methods (e.g. CE-ICP-MS and EXAFS) are not capable to detect the environmentally relevant neptunium concentrations. Therefore, a combination of batch experiments and speciation analyses was performed. Further, the preparation of hybrid clay-based materials (HCM) montmorillonitemelanoidins for sorption studies was achieved. The formation of hybrid materials begins in the interlayers of the montmorillonite, and then the organic material spreads over the surface of the mineral. The sorption of Np onto HCM was studied at the environmentally relevant concentrations and the results obtained were compared with those predicted by the linear additive model by Samadfam. The sorption of neptunium onto gibbsite was studied in batch experiments and the sorption maximum determined at pH~8.5. The sorption isotherm pointed to the presence of strong and weak sorption sites in gibbsite. The Np speciation was studied by using EXAFS, which showed that the sorbed species was Np(V). The influence of M42 type melanodins on the sorption of Np(V) onto montmorillonite was also investigated at pH 7. The sorption of the melanoidins was affected by the order in which the components were added and by ionic strength. The sorption of Np was affected by ionic strength, pointing to outer sphere sorption, whereas the presence of increasing amounts of melanoidins had little influence on Np sorption.
This dissertation project aims at shedding light on the micro-foundations of international entrepreneurship, focusing on the pre-internationalization phase and taking an individual-level perspective. Three research questions are investigated building on a cognitive model of internationalization intentions. First, what are the antecedents to internationalization intentions, i.e. desirability and feasibility, and how they interact with psychological distance towards internationalization options. Second, what is the role of previous entrepreneurs’ experience on such antecedents, in particular for immigrant vs. non-immigrant entrepreneurs. Third, how are these antecedent elements influenced by entrepreneurs’ individual-level motivations and goals. Using a new data set from 140 independent, non-internationalized, high-tech SMEs and their 169 owners, a variety of analytical techniques are used to investigate the research questions, such as structural equation modeling, hierarchical regression and a "laddering" technique. This project advances our theoretical understanding of internationalization and international entrepreneurship and has relevant implications for entrepreneurs and policy-makers.
Welche genetische Unterschiede machen uns verschieden von unseren nächsten Verwandten, den Schimpansen, und andererseits so ähnlich zu den Schimpansen? Was wir untersuchen und auch verstehen wollen, ist die komplexe Beziehung zwischen den multiplen genetischen und epigenetischen Unterschieden, deren Interaktion mit diversen Umwelt- und Kulturfaktoren in den beobachteten phänotypischen Unterschieden resultieren. Um aufzuklären, ob chromosomale Rearrangements zur Divergenz zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse beigetragen haben und welche selektiven Kräfte ihre Evolution geprägt haben, habe ich die kodierenden Sequenzen von 2 Mb umfassenden, die perizentrischen Inversionsbruchpunkte flankierenden Regionen auf den Chromosomen 1, 4, 5, 9, 12, 17 und 18 untersucht. Als Kontrolle dienten dabei 4 Mb umfassende kollineare Regionen auf den rearrangierten Chromosomen, welche mindestens 10 Mb von den Bruchpunktregionen entfernt lagen. Dabei konnte ich in den Bruchpunkten flankierenden Regionen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollregionen keine höhere Proteinevolutionsrate feststellen. Meine Ergebnisse unterstützen nicht die chromosomale Speziationshypothese für Mensch und Schimpanse, da der Anteil der positiv selektierten Gene (5,1% in den Bruchpunkten flankierenden Regionen und 7% in den Kontrollregionen) in beiden Regionen ähnlich war. Durch den Vergleich der Anzahl der positiv und negativ selektierten Gene per Chromosom konnte ich feststellen, dass Chromosom 9 die meisten und Chromosom 5 die wenigsten positiv selektierten Gene in den Bruchpunkt flankierenden Regionen und Kontrollregionen enthalten. Die Anzahl der negativ selektierten Gene (68) war dabei viel höher als die Anzahl der positiv selektierten Gene (17). Eine bioinformatische Analyse von publizierten Microarray-Expressionsdaten (Affymetrix Chip U95 und U133v2) ergab 31 Gene, die zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse differentiell exprimiert sind. Durch Untersuchung des dN/dS-Verhältnisses dieser 31 Gene konnte ich 7 Gene als negativ selektiert und nur 1 Gen als positiv selektiert identifizieren. Dieser Befund steht im Einklang mit dem Konzept, dass Genexpressionslevel unter stabilisierender Selektion evolvieren. Die meisten positiv selektierten Gene spielen überdies eine Rolle bei der Fortpflanzung. Viele dieser Speziesunterschiede resultieren eher aus Änderungen in der Genregulation als aus strukturellen Änderungen der Genprodukte. Man nimmt an, dass die meisten Unterschiede in der Genregulation sich auf transkriptioneller Ebene manifestieren. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die Unterschiede in der DNA-Methylierung zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse untersucht. Dazu wurden die Methylierungsmuster der Promotor-CpG-Inseln von 12 Genen im Cortex von Menschen und Schimpansen mittels klassischer Bisulfit-Sequenzierung und Bisulfit-Pyrosequenzierung analysiert. Die Kandidatengene wurden wegen ihrer differentiellen Expressionsmuster zwischen Mensch und Schimpanse sowie wegen Ihrer Assoziation mit menschlichen Krankheiten oder dem genomischen Imprinting ausgewählt. Mit Ausnahme einiger individueller Positionen zeigte die Mehrzahl der analysierten Gene keine hohe intra- oder interspezifische Variation der DNA-Methylierung zwischen den beiden Spezies. Nur bei einem Gen, CCRK, waren deutliche intraspezifische und interspezifische Unterschiede im Grad der DNA-Methylierung festzustellen. Die differentiell methylierten CpG-Positionen lagen innerhalb eines repetitiven Alu-Sg1-Elements. Die Untersuchung des CCRK-Gens liefert eine umfassende Analyse der intra- und interspezifischen Variabilität der DNA-Methylierung einer Alu-Insertion in eine regulatorische Region. Die beobachteten Speziesunterschiede deuten darauf hin, dass die Methylierungsmuster des CCRK-Gens wahrscheinlich in Adaption an spezifische Anforderungen zur Feinabstimmung der CCRK-Regulation unter positiver Selektion evolvieren. Der Promotor des CCRK-Gens ist anfällig für epigenetische Modifikationen durch DNA-Methylierung, welche zu komplexen Transkriptionsmustern führen können. Durch ihre genomische Mobilität, ihren hohen CpG-Anteil und ihren Einfluss auf die Genexpression sind Alu-Insertionen exzellente Kandidaten für die Förderung von Veränderungen während der Entwicklungsregulation von Primatengenen. Der Vergleich der intra- und interspezifischen Methylierung von spezifischen Alu-Insertionen in anderen Genen und Geweben stellt eine erfolgversprechende Strategie dar.
We usually perform actions in a dynamic environment and changes in the location of a target for an upcoming action require both covert shifts of attention and motor planning update. In this study we tested whether, similarly to oculomotor areas that provide signals for overt and covert attention shifts, covert attention shifts modulate activity in cortical area V6A, which provides a bridge between visual signals and arm-motor control. We performed single cell recordings in monkeys trained to fixate straight-ahead while shifting attention outward to a peripheral cue and inward again to the fixation point. We found that neurons in V6A are influenced by spatial attention demonstrating that visual, motor, and attentional responses can occur in combination in single neurons of V6A. This modulation in an area primarily involved in visuo-motor transformation for reaching suggests that also reach-related regions could directly contribute in the shifts of spatial attention necessary to plan and control goal-directed arm movements. Moreover, to test whether V6A is causally involved in these processes, we have performed a human study using on-line repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over the putative human V6A (pV6A) during an attention and a reaching task requiring covert shifts of attention and reaching movements towards cued targets in space. We demonstrate that the pV6A is causally involved in attention reorienting to target detection and that this process interferes with the execution of reaching movements towards unattended targets. The current findings suggest the direct involvement of the action-related dorso-medial visual stream in attentional processes, and a more specific role of V6A in attention reorienting. Therefore, we propose that attention signals are used by the V6A to rapidly update the current motor plan or the ongoing action when a behaviorally relevant object unexpectedly appears at an unattended location.
The clonal distribution of BRAFV600E in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) has been recently debated. No information is currently available about precursor lesions of PTCs. My first aim was to establish whether the BRAFV600E mutation occurs as a subclonal event in PTCs. My second aim was to screen BRAF mutations in histologically benign tissue of cases with BRAFV600E or BRAFwt PTCs in order to identify putative precursor lesions of PTCs. Highly sensitive semi-quantitative methods were used: Allele Specific LNA quantitative PCR (ASLNAqPCR) and 454 Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS). For the first aim 155 consecutive formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens of PTCs were analyzed. The percentage of mutated cells obtained was normalized to the estimated number of neoplastic cells. Three groups of tumors were identified: a first had a percentage of BRAF mutated neoplastic cells > 80%; a second group showed a number of BRAF mutated neoplastic cells < 30%; a third group had a distribution of BRAFV600E between 30-80%. The large presence of BRAFV600E mutated neoplastic cell sub-populations suggests that BRAFV600E may be acquired early during tumorigenesis: therefore, BRAFV600E can be heterogeneously distributed in PTC. For the second aim, two groups were studied: one consisted of 20 cases with BRAFV600E mutated PTC, the other of 9 BRAFwt PTCs. Seventy-five and 23 histologically benign FFPE thyroid specimens were analyzed from the BRAFV600E mutated and BRAFwt PTC groups, respectively. The screening of BRAF mutations identified BRAFV600E in “atypical” cell foci from both groups of patients. “Unusual” BRAF substitutions were observed in histologically benign thyroid associated with BRAFV600E PTCs. These mutations were very uncommon in the group with BRAFwt PTCs and in BRAFV600E PTCs. Therefore, lesions carrying BRAF mutations may represent “abortive” attempts at cancer development: only BRAFV600E boosts neoplastic transformation to PTC. BRAFV600E mutated “atypical foci” may represent precursor lesions of BRAFV600E mutated PTCs.
Oceanic islands can be divided, according to their origin, in volcanic and tectonic. Volcanic islands are due to excess volcanism. Tectonic islands are mainly formed due to vertical tectonic motions of blocks of oceanic lithosphere along transverse ridges flanking transform faults at slow and ultraslow mid-ocean ridges. Vertical tectonic motions are due to a reorganization of the geometry of the transform plate boundary, with the transition from a transcurrent tectonics to a transtensive and/or transpressive tectonics, with the formation of the transverse ridges. Tectonic islands can be located also at the ridge–transform intersection: in this case the uplift is due by the movement of the long-lived detachment faults located along the flanks of the mid-ocean ridges. The "Vema" paleoisland (equatorial Atlantic) is at the summit of the southern transverse ridge of the Vema transform. It is now 450 m bsl and it is capped by a carbonate platform 500 m-thick, dated by 87Sr/86Sr at 10 Ma. Three tectonic paleoislands are on the summit of the transverse ridge flanking the Romanche megatrasform (equatorial Atlantic). They are now about 1,000 m bsl and they are formed by 300 m-thick carbonate platforms dated by 87Sr/86Sr, between 11 and 6 Ma. The tectonic paleoisland “Atlantis Bank" is located in the South-Western Indian Ridge, along the Atlantis II transform, and it is today 700 m bsl. The only modern example of oceanic tectonics island is the St. Paul Rocks (equatorial Atlantic), located along the St. Paul transform. This archipelago is the top of a peridotitic massif that it is now a left overstep undergoing transpression. Oceanic volcanic islands are characterized by rapid growth and subsequent thermal subsidence and drowning; in contrast, oceanic tectonic islands may have one or more stages of emersion related to vertical tectonic events along the large oceanic fracture zones.
In this thesis, a systematic analysis of the bar B to X_sgamma photon spectrum in the endpoint region is presented. The endpoint region refers to a kinematic configuration of the final state, in which the photon has a large energy m_b-2E_gamma = O(Lambda_QCD), while the jet has a large energy but small invariant mass. Using methods of soft-collinear effective theory and heavy-quark effective theory, it is shown that the spectrum can be factorized into hard, jet, and soft functions, each encoding the dynamics at a certain scale. The relevant scales in the endpoint region are the heavy-quark mass m_b, the hadronic energy scale Lambda_QCD and an intermediate scale sqrt{Lambda_QCD m_b} associated with the invariant mass of the jet. It is found that the factorization formula contains two different types of contributions, distinguishable by the space-time structure of the underlying diagrams. On the one hand, there are the direct photon contributions which correspond to diagrams with the photon emitted directly from the weak vertex. The resolved photon contributions on the other hand arise at O(1/m_b) whenever the photon couples to light partons. In this work, these contributions will be explicitly defined in terms of convolutions of jet functions with subleading shape functions. While the direct photon contributions can be expressed in terms of a local operator product expansion, when the photon spectrum is integrated over a range larger than the endpoint region, the resolved photon contributions always remain non-local. Thus, they are responsible for a non-perturbative uncertainty on the partonic predictions. In this thesis, the effect of these uncertainties is estimated in two different phenomenological contexts. First, the hadronic uncertainties in the bar B to X_sgamma branching fraction, defined with a cut E_gamma > 1.6 GeV are discussed. It is found, that the resolved photon contributions give rise to an irreducible theory uncertainty of approximately 5 %. As a second application of the formalism, the influence of the long-distance effects on the direct CP asymmetry will be considered. It will be shown that these effects are dominant in the Standard Model and that a range of -0.6 < A_CP^SM < 2.8 % is possible for the asymmetry, if resolved photon contributions are taken into account.
This Thesis aims at building and discussing mathematical models applications focused on Energy problems, both on the thermal and electrical side. The objective is to show how mathematical programming techniques developed within Operational Research can give useful answers in the Energy Sector, how they can provide tools to support decision making processes of Companies operating in the Energy production and distribution and how they can be successfully used to make simulations and sensitivity analyses to better understand the state of the art and convenience of a particular technology by comparing it with the available alternatives. The first part discusses the fundamental mathematical background followed by a comprehensive literature review about mathematical modelling in the Energy Sector. The second part presents mathematical models for the District Heating strategic network design and incremental network design. The objective is the selection of an optimal set of new users to be connected to an existing thermal network, maximizing revenues, minimizing infrastructure and operational costs and taking into account the main technical requirements of the real world application. Results on real and randomly generated benchmark networks are discussed with particular attention to instances characterized by big networks dimensions. The third part is devoted to the development of linear programming models for optimal battery operation in off-grid solar power schemes, with consideration of battery degradation. The key contribution of this work is the inclusion of battery degradation costs in the optimisation models. As available data on relating degradation costs to the nature of charge/discharge cycles are limited, we concentrate on investigating the sensitivity of operational patterns to the degradation cost structure. The objective is to investigate the combination of battery costs and performance at which such systems become economic. We also investigate how the system design should change when battery degradation is taken into account.
In this work I reported recent results in the field of Statistical Mechanics of Equilibrium, and in particular in Spin Glass models and Monomer Dimer models . We start giving the mathematical background and the general formalism for Spin (Disordered) Models with some of their applications to physical and mathematical problems. Next we move on general aspects of the theory of spin glasses, in particular to the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model which is of fundamental interest for the work. In Chapter 3, we introduce the Multi-species Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model (MSK), we prove the existence of the thermodynamical limit and the Guerra's Bound for the quenched pressure together with a detailed analysis of the annealed and the replica symmetric regime. The result is a multidimensional generalization of the Parisi's theory. Finally we brie y illustrate the strategy of the Panchenko's proof of the lower bound. In Chapter 4 we discuss the Aizenmann-Contucci and the Ghirlanda-Guerra identities for a wide class of Spin Glass models. As an example of application, we discuss the role of these identities in the proof of the lower bound. In Chapter 5 we introduce the basic mathematical formalism of Monomer Dimer models. We introduce a Gaussian representation of the partition function that will be fundamental in the rest of the work. In Chapter 6, we introduce an interacting Monomer-Dimer model. Its exact solution is derived and a detailed study of its analytical properties and related physical quantities is performed. In Chapter 7, we introduce a quenched randomness in the Monomer Dimer model and show that, under suitable conditions the pressure is a self averaging quantity. The main result is that, if we consider randomness only in the monomer activity, the model is exactly solvable.
The need to effectively manage the documentation covering the entire production process, from the concept phase right through to market realise, constitutes a key issue in the creation of a successful and highly competitive product. For almost forty years the most commonly used strategies to achieve this have followed Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) guidelines. Translated into information management systems at the end of the '90s, this methodology is now widely used by companies operating all over the world in many different sectors. PLM systems and editor programs are the two principal types of software applications used by companies for their process aotomation. Editor programs allow to store in documents the information related to the production chain, while the PLM system stores and shares this information so that it can be used within the company and made it available to partners. Different software tools, which capture and store documents and information automatically in the PLM system, have been developed in recent years. One of them is the ''DirectPLM'' application, which has been developed by the Italian company ''Focus PLM''. It is designed to ensure interoperability between many editors and the Aras Innovator PLM system. In this dissertation we present ''DirectPLM2'', a new version of the previous software application DirectPLM. It has been designed and developed as prototype during the internship by Focus PLM. Its new implementation separates the abstract logic of business from the real commands implementation, previously strongly dependent on Aras Innovator. Thanks to its new design, Focus PLM can easily develop different versions of DirectPLM2, each one devised for a specific PLM system. In fact, the company can focus the development effort only on a specific set of software components which provides specialized functions interacting with that particular PLM system. This allows shorter Time-To-Market and gives the company a significant competitive advantage.
This doctoral thesis was focused on the investigation of enantiomeric and non-enantiomeric biogenic organic compound (BVOC) emissions from both leaf and canopy scales in different environments. In addition, the anthropogenic compounds benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX) were studied. BVOCs are emitted into the lower troposphere in large quantities (ca. 1150 Tg C ·yr-1), approximately an order of magnitude greater than the anthropogenic VOCs. BVOCs are particularly important in tropospheric chemistry because of their impact on ozone production and secondary organic aerosol formation or growth. The BVOCs examined in this study were: isoprene, (-)/ (+)-α-pinene, (-)/ (+)-ß-pinene, Δ-3-carene, (-)/ (+)-limonene, myrcene, eucalyptol and camphor, as these were the most abundant BVOCs observed both in the leaf cuvette study and the ambient measurements. In the laboratory cuvette studies, the sensitivity of enantiomeric enrichment change from the leaf emission has been examined as a function of light (0-1600 PAR) and temperature (20-45°C). Three typical Mediterranean plant species (Quercus ilex L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Pinus halepensis Mill.) with more than three individuals of each have been investigated using a dynamic enclosure cuvette. The terpenoid compound emission rates were found to be directly linked to either light and temperature (e.g. Quercus ilex L.) or mainly to temperature (e.g. Rosmarinus officinalis L., Pinus halepensis Mill.). However, the enantiomeric signature showed no clear trend in response to either the light or temperature; moreover a large variation of enantiomeric enrichment was found during the experiment. This enantiomeric signature was also used to distinguish chemotypes beyond the normal achiral chemical composition method. The results of nineteen Quercus ilex L. individuals, screened under standard conditions (30°C and 1000 PAR) showed four different chemotypes, whereas the traditional classification showed only two. An enclosure branch cuvette set-up was applied in the natural boreal forest environment from four chemotypes of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and one chemotype of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and the direct emissions compared with ambient air measurements above the canopy during the HUMPPA-COPEC 2010 summer campaign. The chirality of a-pinene was dominated by (+)-enantiomers from Scots pine while for Norway spruce the chirality was found to be opposite (i.e. Abstract II (-)-enantiomer enriched) becoming increasingly enriched in the (-)-enantiomer with light. Field measurements over a Spanish stone pine forest were performed to examine the extent of seasonal changes in enantiomeric enrichment (DOMINO 2008). These showed clear differences in chirality of monoterpene emissions. In wintertime the monoterpene (-)-a-pinene was found to be in slight enantiomeric excess over (+)-a-pinene at night but by day the measured ratio was closer to one i.e. racemic. Samples taken the following summer in the same location showed much higher monoterpene mixing ratios and revealed a strong enantiomeric excess of (-)-a-pinene. This indicated a strong seasonal variance in the enantiomeric emission ratio which was not manifested in the day/night temperature cycles in wintertime. A clear diurnal cycle of enantiomeric enrichment in a-pinene was also found over a French oak forest and the boreal forest. However, while in the boreal forest (-)-a-pinene enrichment increased around the time of maximum light and temperature, the French forest showed the opposite tendency with (+)-a-pinene being favored. For the two field campaigns (DOMINO 2008 and HUMPPA-COPEC 2010), the BTEX were also investigated. For the DOMINO campaign, mixing ratios of the xylene isomers (meta- and para-) and ethylbenzene, which are all well resolved on the ß-cyclodextrin column, were exploited to estimate average OH radical exposures to VOCs from the Huelva industrial area. These were compared to empirical estimates of OH based on JNO2 measured at the site. The deficiencies of each estimation method are discussed. For HUMPPA-COPEC campaign, benzene and toluene mixing ratios can clearly define the air mass influenced by the biomass burning pollution plume from Russia.
Systems Biology is an innovative way of doing biology recently raised in bio-informatics contexts, characterised by the study of biological systems as complex systems with a strong focus on the system level and on the interaction dimension. In other words, the objective is to understand biological systems as a whole, putting on the foreground not only the study of the individual parts as standalone parts, but also of their interaction and of the global properties that emerge at the system level by means of the interaction among the parts. This thesis focuses on the adoption of multi-agent systems (MAS) as a suitable paradigm for Systems Biology, for developing models and simulation of complex biological systems. Multi-agent system have been recently introduced in informatics context as a suitabe paradigm for modelling and engineering complex systems. Roughly speaking, a MAS can be conceived as a set of autonomous and interacting entities, called agents, situated in some kind of nvironment, where they fruitfully interact and coordinate so as to obtain a coherent global system behaviour. The claim of this work is that the general properties of MAS make them an effective approach for modelling and building simulations of complex biological systems, following the methodological principles identified by Systems Biology. In particular, the thesis focuses on cell populations as biological systems. In order to support the claim, the thesis introduces and describes (i) a MAS-based model conceived for modelling the dynamics of systems of cells interacting inside cell environment called niches. (ii) a computational tool, developed for implementing the models and executing the simulations. The tool is meant to work as a kind of virtual laboratory, on top of which kinds of virtual experiments can be performed, characterised by the definition and execution of specific models implemented as MASs, so as to support the validation, falsification and improvement of the models through the observation and analysis of the simulations. A hematopoietic stem cell system is taken as reference case study for formulating a specific model and executing virtual experiments.