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Formation of the vertebrate axial skeleton requires coordinated Hox gene activity. Hox group 6 genes are involved in the formation of the thoracic area owing to their unique rib-promoting properties. Here we show that the linker region (LR) connecting the homeodomain and the hexapeptide is essential for Hoxb6 rib-promoting activity in mice. The LR-defective Hoxb6 protein was still able to bind a target enhancer together with Pax3, producing a dominant-negative effect, indicating that the LR brings additional regulatory factors to target DNA elements. We also found an unexpected association between Hoxb6 and segmentation in the paraxial mesoderm. In particular, Hoxb6 can disturb somitogenesis and anterior-posterior somite patterning by dysregulation of Lfng expression. Interestingly, this interaction occurred differently in thoracic versus more caudal embryonic areas, indicating functional differences in somitogenesis before and after the trunk-to-tail transition. Our results suggest the requirement of precisely regulated Hoxb6 expression for proper segmentation at tailbud stages.


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Hox genes are essential for the patterning of the axial skeleton. Hox group 10 has been shown to specify the lumbar domain by setting a rib-inhibiting program in the presomitic mesoderm (PSM). We have now produced mice with ribs in every vertebra by ectopically expressing Hox group 6 in the PSM, indicating that Hox genes are also able to specify the thoracic domain. We show that the information provided by Hox genes to specify rib-containing and rib-less areas is first interpreted in the myotome through the regional-specific control of Myf5 and Myf6 expression. This information is then transmitted to the sclerotome by a system that includes FGF and PDGF signaling to produce vertebrae with or without ribs at different axial levels. Our findings offer a new perspective of how Hox genes produce global patterns in the axial skeleton and support a redundant nonmyogenic role of Myf5 and Myf6 in rib formation.


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Experimental ocean acidification leads to a shift in resource allocation and to an increased [HCO3-] within the perivisceral coelomic fluid (PCF) in the Baltic green sea urchin Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis. We investigated putative mechanisms of this pH compensation reaction by evaluating epithelial barrier function and the magnitude of skeleton (stereom) dissolution. In addition, we measured ossicle growth and skeletal stability. Ussing chamber measurements revealed that the intestine formed a barrier for HCO3- and was selective for cation diffusion. In contrast, the peritoneal epithelium was leaky and only formed a barrier for macromolecules. The ossicles of 6 week high CO2-acclimatised sea urchins revealed minor carbonate dissolution, reduced growth but unchanged stability. On the other hand, spines dissolved more severely and were more fragile following acclimatisation to high CO2. Our results indicate that epithelia lining the PCF space contribute to its acid-base regulation. The intestine prevents HCO3- diffusion and thus buffer leakage. In contrast, the leaky peritoneal epithelium allows buffer generation via carbonate dissolution from the surrounding skeletal ossicles. Long-term extracellular acid-base balance must be mediated by active processes, as sea urchins can maintain relatively high extracellular [HCO3-]. The intestinal epithelia are good candidate tissues for this active net import of HCO3- into the PCF. Spines appear to be more vulnerable to ocean acidification which might significantly impact resistance to predation pressure and thus influence fitness of this keystone species.


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Fossil corals are unique archives of past seasonal climate variability, providing vital information about seasonal climate phenomena such as ENSO and monsoons. However, submarine diagenetic processes can potentially obscure the original climate signals and lead to false interpretations. Here we demonstrate the potential of laser ablation ICP-MS to rapidly detect secondary aragonite precipitates in fossil Porites colonies recovered by Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 310 from submerged deglacial reefs off Tahiti. High resolution (100 µm) measurements of coralline B/Ca, Mg/Ca, S/Ca, and U/Ca ratios are used to distinguish areas of pristine skeleton from those afflicted with secondary aragonite. Measurements of coralline Sr/Ca, U/Ca and oxygen isotope ratios, from areas identified as pristine, reveal that the seasonal range of sea surface temperature in the tropical south Pacific during the last deglaciation (14.7 and 11 ka) was similar to that of today.


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Radiolarian-based paleoceanographic reconstructions generally use the abundance of selected radiolarian species. However, the recent focus on the opal flux and the development of isotope measurements in biogenic opal and the organic matter embedded in it demands a better knowledge of the origin of the opal. We present here an estimation of the opal content of the skeleton of 63 radiolarian species from two sites in the Southern Ocean. The skeletons are modelled as associations of simple geometrical shapes, and the volume thus obtained is combined with opal density to obtain the amount of opal. These data are, thus, used to determine the most important opal carriers in the radiolarian assemblage in both cores.


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Initials in red; head and tail pieces.


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His "Die Anatomie des Menschen, Teil II."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Many of the plays are inlaid to make the pages uniform in size.


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v.1. Origin of the art. Anatomy the basis of drawing. The skeleton. The muscles of man and quadruped. Standard figure. Composition. Colour. Ancients and moderns. Invention.--v.2. Fuzeli. Wilkie. Effect of the societies on taste. A competent tribunal. On fresco. Elgin marbles. Beauty.


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A new mesosuchian crocoddian from the Nova Olinda Member of the Crato Formation (Lower Cretaceous, Aptian) of north-eastern Brazil is described. Susisuchus anatoceps gen. et sp. nov. is the first crocodillan to be reported from this formation. It is represented by an incomplete, partially articulated skeleton: the skull and mandible, partial postcranial axial skeleton, forelimbs and portions of the osteodermal skeleton. Preservation of soft tissues includes the skin surrounding both forelimbs and the digits of the right hand. The state of preservation of the specimen suggests that it was incorporated into the basin as a desiccated carcass. Susisuchus anatoceps is one of the oldest crocodilians with a eusuchian-type dorsal shield, comprising a tetraserial paravertebral shield and, either side of this, two sagittal rows of accessory osteoderms. It also possesses amphicoelous thoracic, lumbar and caudal vertebrae. This combination of postcranial features have never before been seen in a crocodilian and warrant the erection of a new family within Mesosuchia: Susisuchidae. Taxonomically, S. anatoceps is similar to a number of Lower Cretaceous mesosuchians previously considered to have given rise to eusuchians, most notably the Glen Rose crocodilian and a new, but as yet undescribed crocodillan from the Lower Cretaceous Winton Formation of western Queensland, Australia. Preliminary preparation of the Winton crocodilian indicates that it may belong to Susisuchidae, supporting the hypotheses of interchange between the vertebrate faunas of South America and Australia during the Lower Cretaceous.