994 resultados para Godard, Ernest


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Biomphalaria tenagophila is very important for schistosomiasis transmission in Brazil. However its mechanisms of interaction with Schistosoma mansoni are still scantly studied. Since this snail displays strains highly susceptible or completely resistant to the parasite infection, the knowledge of that would be a useful tool to understand the mechanism of snail resistance. Particularly, the Taim strain consistently shows absolute resistance against the trematode, and this resistance is a dominant character. A multidisciplinary research group was created aiming at studying B. tenagophila/S. mansoni interaction. The possibility for applying the knowledge acquired to obtain a biological model for the control of S. mansoni transmission in endemic areas is discussed.


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The aim of the present work was to study parasitological, molecular, and genetic aspects in descendants of crossbreedings between a totally resistant Biomphalaria tenagophila strain (Taim, RS) and another one highly susceptible (Joinville, SC) to Schistosoma mansoni. Descendants F1 and F2 were submitted to S. mansoni infection (LE strain). The susceptibility rates for individuals from Group F1 were 0 to 0.6%, and from Group F2 was 7.2%. The susceptible individuals from Group F2 discharged a lower number of cercariae, when compared with the susceptible parental group, and in 2 out of 9 positive snails the cercarial elimination was discontinued. In order to identify genetic markers associated with resistance the genotype of parental snails and their offspring F1 and F2 were analyzed by means of the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA method. Nevertheless, it was not possible to detect any marker associated to resistance, but the results showed that in the mentioned species the resistance character is determined by two dominant genes.


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Aquest projecte dissenya una xarxa d'ordinadors sense fils. Es tracta d'una xarxa d'àmbit municipal que dóna cobertura a les principals zones poblades del municipi de Sarrià de Ter (Gironès) i que cobreix els aspectes legals referents a les normatives que han de complir aquestes xarxes.


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Resistant (Taim, RS) and susceptible albino (Joinville, SC) Biomphalaria tenagophila populations were kept together, at different proportions, throughout a 18-month-period. Some of the snail groups were submitted to Schistosoma mansoni infection. The targets of this study were (a) to analyze the populational dynamics among resistant and susceptible individuals to S. mansoni; (b) to study the resistance phenotype in descendants of cross-breeding; (c) to observe whether the parasite could exert any kind of selection in those snail populations. Throughout the experiment it could be observed that the susceptible B. tenagophila strain (Joinville) underwent a selective pressure of the parasite that was negative, since the individuals showed a high mortality rate. Although B. tenagophila (Taim) population presented a higher mortality rate without pressure of the parasite, this event was compensated by a reproductive capacity. B. tenagophila Taim was more fecund than B. tenagophila Joinville and was able to transmit the resistance character to their descendants. F1 generation obtained by cross-breeding between resistant and susceptible lineages was completely resistant to S. mansoni infection, irrespective of the Taim proportion. Moreover, less than 5% of F2 progeny were susceptible to S. mansoni infection.


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Amplification of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) or expression of its constitutively activated mutant, DeltaEGFR(2-7), in association with the inactivation of the INK4a/Arf gene locus is a frequent alteration in human glioblastoma. The notion of a cooperative effect between these two alterations has been demonstrated in respective mouse brain tumor models including our own. Here, we investigated underlying molecular mechanisms in early passage cortical astrocytes deficient for p16(INK4a)/p19(Arf) or p53, respectively, with or without ectopic expression of DeltaEGFR(2-7). Targeting these cells with the specific EGFR inhibitor tyrphostin AG1478 revealed that phosphorylation of ERK was only abrogated in the presence of an intact INK4a/Arf gene locus. The sensitivity to inhibit ERK phosphorylation was independent of ectopic expression of DeltaEGFR(2-7) and independent of the TP53 status. This resistance to downregulate the MAPK pathway in the absence of INK4a/Arf was confirmed in cell lines derived from our mouse glioma models with the respective initial genetic alterations. Thus, deletion of INK4a/Arf appears to keep ERK in its active, phosphorylated state insensitive to an upstream inhibitor specifically targeting EGFR/DeltaEGFR(2-7). This resistance may contribute to the cooperative tumorigenic effect selected for in human glioblastoma that may be of crucial clinical relevance for treatments specifically targeting EGFR/DeltaEGFR(2-7) in glioblastoma patients.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) L'immense succès du Jésus de Renan (1863) tient notamment à sa position sur le miracle, au carrefour du positivisme et du romantisme. L'auteur récuse le surnaturel, et rend compte des guérisons de Jésus à l'aide de catégories culturelles et psychologiques. Entre l'indéniable présence des miracles dans la tradition de Jésus et la répugnance de Renan à l'égard du surnaturel, comment l'auteur échappera-t-il au dilemme? Son argumentation est ici présentée et évaluée, puis mise en perspective dans le cadre de la quête du Jésus historique avant et après lui.


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El Projecte Hifa és una xarxa dinamitzadora del tercer sector (entitats, associacions,fundacions, etc.) i fomentadora de la participació ciutadana des d'aquest àmbit. Té una marcadatransversalitat d'àmbits d'actuació, ja que cada entitat treballa sobre el tema quel'incumbeix. Tot i això, el motor de la xarxa son les entitats naturalistes, conservacionistes itotes aquelles que directe o indirectament treballin en temes ambientals, per tal que, amesura que s'estableixin relacions amb entitats d'altres àmbits, les vagin influenciant iambientalitzant, enriquint-se al seu torn amb les experiències que els ofereixin aquestes.Per tal d'agilitzar la implementació de la xarxa, el mètode més eficaç és acotant l'àmbitgeogràfic a un nivell que generi quantitats d’informació fàcilment gestionable, i a partird'aquí, anar creixent de forma horitzontal, no jeràrquica, creant cèl•lules noves en altresparts del territori i connectant-les entre elles. El Projecte Hifa comença per establir-se a lacomarca del Gironès, ja que és una comarca on conviuen àmbits rurals amb urbans, peròamb un marcat desequilibri en favor de l'últim. Això permet englobar els dos àmbits dinsde la xarxa, amb l’al•licient que les dades són comparables i es poden generar estudis dediferenciació entre 3r sector rural i 3r sector urbà


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Ambulatory blood pressure (BP) monitoring has become useful in the diagnosis and management of hypertensive individuals. In addition to 24-hour values, the circadian variation of BP adds prognostic significance in predicting cardiovascular outcome. However, the magnitude of circadian BP patterns in large studies has hardly been noticed. Our aims were to determine the prevalence of circadian BP patterns and to assess clinical conditions associated with the nondipping status in groups of both treated and untreated hypertensive subjects, studied separately. Clinical data and 24-hour ambulatory BP monitoring were obtained from 42,947 hypertensive patients included in the Spanish Society of Hypertension Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring Registry. They were 8384 previously untreated and 34,563 treated hypertensives. Twenty-four-hour ambulatory BP monitoring was performed with an oscillometric device (SpaceLabs 90207). A nondipping pattern was defined when nocturnal systolic BP dip was <10% of daytime systolic BP. The prevalence of nondipping was 41% in the untreated group and 53% in treated patients. In both groups, advanced age, obesity, diabetes mellitus, and overt cardiovascular or renal disease were associated with a blunted nocturnal BP decline (P<0.001). In treated patients, nondipping was associated with the use of a higher number of antihypertensive drugs but not with the time of the day at which antihypertensive drugs were administered. In conclusion, a blunted nocturnal BP dip (the nondipping pattern) is common in hypertensive patients. A clinical pattern of high cardiovascular risk is associated with nondipping, suggesting that the blunted nocturnal BP dip may be merely a marker of high cardiovascular risk.


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El principal objectiu d’aquesta recerca és fer una prospecció del tema dels deures en el nivell de quart d’ESO al nostre país, a la ciutat de Girona més concretament. Aquesta recerca, però, pretén anar una mica més enllà i busca també aproximar-se a respondre altres qüestions


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Aim: To examine the prevalence and clinical features of isolated clinical hypertension (ICH) and the dipping patterns in a large cohort of untreated hypertensive subjects form the Spanish ABPM registry


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Projecte de millores d'infrastructures de la urbanització de Santa Maria de Llorell (Tossa de Mar


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Despite advances in diagnosis, surgery, and antimicrobial therapy, mortality rates associated with complicated intra-abdominal infections remain exceedingly high. The World Society of Emergency Surgery (WSES) has designed the CIAOW study in order to describe the clinical, microbiological, and management-related profiles of both community- and healthcare-acquired complicated intra-abdominal infections in a worldwide context. The CIAOW study (Complicated Intra-Abdominal infection Observational Worldwide Study) is a multicenter observational study currently underway in 57 medical institutions worldwide. The study includes patients undergoing surgery or interventional drainage to address complicated intra-abdominal infections. This preliminary report includes all data from almost the first two months of the six-month study period. Patients who met inclusion criteria with either community-acquired or healthcare-associated complicated intra-abdominal infections (IAIs) were included in the study. 702 patients with a mean age of 49.2 years (range 18-98) were enrolled in the study. 272 patients (38.7%) were women and 430 (62.3%) were men. Among these patients, 615 (87.6%) were affected by community-acquired IAIs while the remaining 87 (12.4%) suffered from healthcare-associated infections. Generalized peritonitis was observed in 304 patients (43.3%), whereas localized peritonitis or abscesses was registered in 398 (57.7%) patients.The overall mortality rate was 10.1% (71/702). The final results of the CIAOW Study will be published following the conclusion of the study period in March 2013.


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The goal of this paper is twofold: first, we aim to assess the role played by inventors’ cross-regional mobility and networks of collaboration in fostering knowledge diffusion across regions and subsequent innovation. Second, we intend to evaluate the feasibility of using mobility and networks information to build cross-regional interaction matrices to be used within the spatial econometrics toolbox. To do so, we depart from a knowledge production function where regional innovation intensity is a function not only of the own regional innovation inputs but also external accessible R&D gained through interregional interactions. Differently from much of the previous literature, cross-section gravity models of mobility and networks are estimated to use the fitted values to build our ‘spatial’ weights matrices, which characterize the intensity of knowledge interactions across a panel of 269 regions covering most European countries over 6 years.


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L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és realitzar l'estudi i el disseny per a la corresponent implantació d'un sistema de control dels marcatges per fer el traspàs i poder-los gestionar amb SAP R/3 en un grup d'empreses.