763 resultados para German non-academic secondary school


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En la actualidad, la reconfiguración y re-significación de las formas tradicionales de alimentación no sólo pasan por el proceso de producción de comidas, sino también por su adaptación a ciertas formas globalizadas de consumo y sociabilidad (comida rápida) características de la vida urbana. La presente propuesta fue desarrollada con los alumnos del Colegio Secundario dependiente de la UNICEN Colegio Nacional Ernesto Sabato. Es un trabajo relacionado con el espacio social del consumo, para el que se empleó la perspectiva cualitativa en ciencias humanas para su análisis e interpretación en la geografía escolar. A través de la proyección de la película "Super Size Me", como estrategia didáctica, se exploran las complejas relaciones entre el consumo, el territorio y la sociedad, en el actual contexto de crecientes prácticas sociales de consumo del mundo y del lugar. El trabajo constituye una aproximación cualitativa desde las imágenes visuales móviles a los comportamientos de los consumidores, sus motivaciones y hábitos en el consumo, en los espacios de recreación y consumo de comidas en el medio urbano


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The marine fungus Microascus brevicaulis strain LF580 is a non-model secondary metabolite producer with high yields of the two secondary metabolites scopularide A and B, which exhibit distinct activities against tumour cell lines. A mutant strain was obtained using UV mutagenesis, showing besides higher production levels faster growth and differences in pellet formation. Comparative proteomics were applied to gain deeper understanding of the regulation of production and of the physiology of this fungus and its mutant. For this purpose, an optimised protein extraction protocol was established. Here, we show the first proteome study of a marine fungus. In total, 4759 proteins were identified. The central metabolic pathway of LF580 could be mapped by using KEGG pathway analysis and GO annotation. Using iTRAQ labelling, 318 proteins were shown to be significantly regulated in the mutant strain: 189 were down- and 129 upregulated. Proteomics are a powerful tool for the understanding of regulatory aspects: The differences on proteome level could be attributed to a limited nutrient availability in wild type strain due to a strong pellet formation. This information can be applied to optimisation on strain and process level. The linkage between nutrient limitation and pellet formation in the non-model fungus M. brevicaulis is in consensus with the knowledge on model organisms like Aspergillus niger and Penicillium chrysogenum.


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There are large numbers of business communities in India which neither had any formal education nor they took any professional training but still they contribute in successful business formation. Their presence can be felt in all areas of business. Still there is a big professional gap between the educational institutes, specially the B-Schools and this independent business community. With the help of this paper an effort is made to develop a Two-Way learning relationship for the mutual benefit of both entities. It will also highlight the role of an educational institute beyond academics for the well being of society. This may lead to derive and develop the exchange of innovative business ideas and framing the suitable policies for long term sustainability in today´s competitive arena. The study conducted by researcher with a sample size of 100 which includes a mix of well known academic professionals, MBA students and non academic business professionals has revealed that there is a need of an exchange program for the mutual benefits. There exists a big professional gap in this area which can be filled with the active and effective initiative by management institutes. An effort is made in this paper to highlight this gap and to suggest some framework to bridge the gap


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In this article we present a didactic experience developed by the GIE (Group of Educational Innovation) “Pensamiento Matemático” of the Polytechnics University of Madrid (UPM), in order to bring secondary students and university students closer to Mathematics. It deals with the development of a virtual board game called Mate-trivial. The mechanics of the game is to win points by going around the board which consists of four types of squares identified by colours: “Statistics and Probability”, “Calculus and Analysis”, “Algebra and Geometry” and “Arithmetic and Number Theory ”. When landing on a square, a question of its category is set out: a correct answer wins 200 points, if wrong it loses 100 points, and not answering causes no effect on the points, but all the same, two minutes out of the 20 minutes that each game lasts are lost. For the game to be over it is necessary, before those 20 minutes run out, to reach the central square and succeed in the final task: four chained questions, one of each type, which must be all answered correctly. It is possible to choose between two levels to play: Level 1, for pre-university students and Level 2 for university students. A prototype of the game is available at the website “Aula de Pensamiento Matemático” developed by the GIE: http://innovacioneducativa.upm.es/pensamientomatematico/. This activity lies within a set of didactic actions which the GIE is developing in the framework of the project “Collaborative Strategies between University and Secondary School Education for the teaching and learning of Mathematics: An Application to solve problems while playing”, a transversal project financed by the UPM.


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Innovative teaching experimental activities for secondary school students have been developed in order to introduce some aerodynamic concepts, with the aim of making science subjects such as mathematics and physics more attractive. Post-graduate students of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and teachers of Deutsche Schule Madrid (DSM) have constructed a small wind tunnel. The main goal has been to provide a tool for secondary school students to become familiar with the scientific method developing curiosity, imagination, initiative, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Students of DSM have performed wind tunnel experiments, resulting in a successful and amusing experience. The students were able to relate the experimental results obtained with the physic principle of flight, previously explained in class. Evaluations reveal that both, the teacher and the students, considered the experience as interesting and helpful to lead with teaching physics, mathematics and engineering sciences. The teacher observed the strong motivation factor developed for the students to continue learning engineering sciences. Some of the students expressed that this experience had changed their prejudices about physics and mathematics, based only on theoretical approaches.


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This work is an outreach approach to an ubiquitous recent problem in secondary-school education: how to face back the decreasing interest in natural sciences shown by students under ‘pressure’ of convenient resources in digital devices/applications. The approach rests on two features. First, empowering of teen-age students to understand regular natural events around, as very few educated people they meet could do. Secondly, an understanding that rests on personal capability to test and verify experimental results from the oldest science, astronomy, with simple instruments as used from antiquity down to the Renaissance (a capability restricted to just solar and lunar motions). Because lengths in astronomy and daily life are so disparate, astronomy basically involved observing and registering values of angles (along with times), measurements being of two types, of angles on the ground and of angles in space, from the ground. First, the gnomon, a simple vertical stick introduced in Babylonia and Egypt, and then in Greece, is used to understand solar motion. The gnomon shadow turns around during any given day, varying in length and thus angle between solar ray and vertical as it turns, going through a minimum (noon time, at a meridian direction) while sweeping some angular range from sunrise to sunset. Further, the shadow minimum length varies through the year, with times when shortest and sun closest to vertical, at summer solstice, and times when longest, at winter solstice six months later. The extreme directions at sunset and sunrise correspond to the solstices, swept angular range greatest at summer, over 180 degrees, and the opposite at winter, with less daytime hours; in between, spring and fall equinoxes occur, marked by collinear shadow directions at sunrise and sunset. The gnomon allows students to determine, in addition to latitude (about 40.4° North at Madrid, say), the inclination of earth equator to plane of its orbit around the sun (ecliptic), this fundamental quantity being given by half the difference between solar distances to vertical at winter and summer solstices, with value about 23.5°. Day and year periods greatly differing by about 2 ½ orders of magnitude, 1 day against 365 days, helps students to correctly visualize and interpret the experimental measurements. Since the gnomon serves to observe at night the moon shadow too, students can also determine the inclination of the lunar orbital plane, as about 5 degrees away from the ecliptic, thus explaining why eclipses are infrequent. Independently, earth taking longer between spring and fall equinoxes than from fall to spring (the solar anomaly), as again verified by the students, was explained in ancient Greek science, which posited orbits universally as circles or their combination, by introducing the eccentric circle, with earth placed some distance away from the orbital centre when considering the relative motion of the sun, which would be closer to the earth in winter. In a sense, this can be seen as hint and approximation of the elliptic orbit proposed by Kepler many centuries later.


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El trabajo desarrollado pretende dar a conocer cuales son las necesidades especificas de alumnos con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA).Se enmarca en los estudios que afrontan la temática de la Atención a Diversidad y la inclusión de los alumnos con TEA en centros ordinarios educativos. Se pretende desarrollar recursos metodológicos para ofrecer una respuesta adaptativa ante el reto de afrontar las competencias clave a través de la nueva asignatura de “Tecnología, programación y robótica”; Para ello se analizan las características de cuatro estudiantes con TEA escolarizados en secundaria del centro concertado Colegio Lourdes (FUHEM) de la comunidad de Madrid y se ofrecen respuestas diferentes en función de ellas, apoyándonos en sus fortalezas para vencer sus dificultades, con el objetivo de alcanzar las mismas competencias claveque el resto de compañeros, como marca la Ley Orgánica de Mejora de la Calidad de la Educación, LOMCE, que entra en vigor en este nivel en el curso 2015-2016. ABSTRACT The developed work seeks to highlight what are the specific needs of students with autism spectrum (ASDs).The part of the studies faced the issue of Attention to diversity and the inclusion of students with ASD in mainstream schools educational disorder. It aims to develop methodological resources to offer an adaptive response to the challenge of addressing key skills through the new subject of "Technology, Programming and Robotics"; To do the characteristics of four students with ASD are discussed in secondary school concerted Lourdes (FUHEM) of the Madrid and different responses depending on them are offered, building on their strengths to overcome their difficulties, in order to achieve the same core competencies of other colleagues as brand organic law of Quality Improvement of Education, LOMCE, which takes effect in the 2015-2016 year.


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La tesis estudia en detalle la Hunstanton Secondary School y su trascendencia. Así, se trata de analizar el conjunto de procesos que hace que esta obra sea entendida como el manifiesto construido del Nuevo Brutalismo en Inglaterra. La Escuela en Hunstanton fue la primera obra proyectada y construida por los Smithson y, si se considera que el legado que dejaron Alison y Peter fue más de carácter teórico que constructivo, ésta se ha convertido en un edificio relevante dentro de su trayectoria profesional. Además, el rigor con el que fue realizado el proyecto y la ratificación de las ideas que subyacían tras él, a pesar del extenso intervalo temporal que caracterizó su proceso constructivo, hacen que esta obra se convierta en una síntesis de la filosofía arquitectónica gestada en Inglaterra tras la guerra. Por otro lado, hay que contemplar que la sencillez del lenguaje constructivo empleado, viene dada por la compleja reiteración de los sistemas proyectuales tipo que formulan para este proyecto y el establecimiento de una gramática casi matemática. La sistematización de su vocabulario hace que, tras el análisis de su arquitectura, se encuentren nuevos parámetros capaces de documentar este momento de la historia de la arquitectura en Inglaterra. La envolvente del edificio constituye al tiempo fachada y estructura. Esta característica ha pasado inadvertida cuando, en numerosas ocasiones y durante seis décadas, se han venido publicando las fotografías de la obra terminada y los dibujos que los Smithson habían realizado en la fase de proyecto. Como consecuencia, ha proliferado el conocimiento de la arquitectura de la escuela a un nivel más superficial, mostrando el resultado formal de la misma y con ello, simplemente se ha dejado intuir la gran influencia que Mies Van der Rohe provocó en los Smithson en los primeros años de desarrollo de su labor como arquitectos. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es, por tanto, facilitar el entendimiento del espacio que propusieron los Smithson a partir del análisis pormenorizado de los distintos sistemas constructivos empleados y del equipo personal que se vio implicado en su construcción. Para ello, es necesario abordar el estudio de los materiales y mecanismos proyectuales que hicieron posible que este conjunto de espacios –interiores y exteriores- resultase definido a través de la relación entre dos variables: una evidente austeridad en la utilización de los materiales y la combinación de los distintos sistemas intervinientes a partir del recurso de la repetición. La Escuela de Hunstanton, a pesar de las inoportunas intervenciones realizadas para adaptar el centro a unas necesidades derivadas de su número de alumnos actual (el doble que en su inicio), continúa proclamando su integridad espacial. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que la arquitectura de la Secondary School en Hunstanton, representa el manifiesto construido del Nuevo Brutalismo en Inglaterra, se concluye que el resultado de su construcción fue consecuencia de numerosas influencias que, en relación con los Smithson, estuvieron presentes durante los años en que se gestó. Algo que va más allá de la conclusión de aquellos debates arquitectónicos que se habían emprendido, por escrito, en las distintas revistas locales de arquitectura. Los mecanismos compositivos empleados, también habían tenido mucho que ver con lo que los historiadores del arte habían venido aportando a la historia de la arquitectura hasta ese momento. Desde los años 40, éstos últimos habían emprendido una nueva manera de contar la historia en la que quedaba fuertemente involucrada su capacidad crítica, provocando interferencias en la mentalidad de los arquitectos de nueva generación y otorgándoles un bagaje cultural subliminalmente determinado y subjetivo. Por supuesto, en el resultado arquitectónico final, también tuvieron mucho que ver los recursos materiales de que se disponía en aquel momento. Así como la optimización de los mismos a través de la adopción de nuevas metodologías de trabajo como puede ser la organización multidisciplinar. La inclusión del ingeniero Ronald Jenkins en el equipo de trabajo de los Smithson supuso una gran oportunidad. Este ingeniero, propuso poner en práctica la entonces innovadora Teoría Plástica en la metodología de cálculo estructural y, con ello consiguió enriquecer el resultado espacial, posibilitando la percepción de una arquitectura ligera –a pesar de sus grandes dimensiones- y vinculada al paisaje donde se inserta. Pero todos estos condicionantes fueron pasados a su vez por el filtro del deseo de una regeneración social, que buscaba el modelo de la sociedad americana. El Buen Vivir que propugnaban los americanos, viajaba a Europa de la mano de la publicidad. Y, al igual que la componente publicitaria tuvo algo que ver en el proceso creativo de la arquitectura de la escuela, también lo tuvo el conocimiento del arte pop y sus recursos compositivos. ABSTRACT The thesis examines in detail the project of Hunstanton Secondary School and the architectural language’s significance used in it. Thus, it is reinterpreting the set of processes that makes this work to be understood as the “built manifesto” of the English New Brutalism. Hunstanton School’s project was the first work designed and built by the Smithsons and, considering their legacy -more theoretical than constructed-, make of this building an important work within their career. In addition, the rigor with which it was carried out the project and the ratification of the ideas lying behind him, make this work becomes a synthesis of the architectural philosophy gestated in England after the war, despite the extensive time interval that characterized its construction process. On the other hand, it must be considered the simplicity of the constructive language used in this project. It is given by the complex projective repetition of the type systems and by the establishment of a quasi-mathematical grammar. The systematization of its vocabulary makes, after a deep analysis of its architecture, to recognize new parameters able to document this moment in the history of English architecture. The building envelope is, at the same time, facade and structure. This feature has been overlooked when many photographs of the finished work and its drawings -made by the Smithsons during the design phase- has been exposed over six decades. As a result, it has proliferated the knowledge of Hunstanton Secondary Modern School’s architecture as a more superficial level, just by showing the formal outcome of its project and thus simply been left the sensation of the great influence that Mies Van der Rohe provocated in the Smithson thinking during their first years of developing his work as architects. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to facilitate an understanding of the Smithsons’ proposed space. This is made possible through the detailed analysis of the different systems used in it and, by understanding the knowledge of the team involved in its construction. To prove this, it is necessary to pay attention to the study of the materials and to different project mechanisms that make possible to this group of spaces -inner and outer- be defined through the game played by two variables: an apparent austerity in the use of materials and the combination of the various participant systems through the resource of repetition. Despite the untimely interventions made in order to adapt the center to the new needs (the large increase in the number of students), Hunstanton School’s building continues proclaiming its spatial integrity. Assuming that Hunstanton Secondary School’s architecture represents the manifesto of New Brutalism in England, it is concluded that the result of its construction was the result of numerous influences that, in connection with the Smithsons, were present during the years in which its project was conceived. This meaning goes beyond the conclusions made from the architectural debate that was published in many of local architectural magazines. The compositional mechanisms employed, are also linked to what art historians had contributed to the history of architecture until then. Since the 40s, historians had undertaken a new way to tell History. This new mode strongly implied its critical capacity. All this, was causing interferences in the mentality of the architects of the new generation and, giving them a subliminally determined and very subjective cultural background. Of course, the final architectural result had much to do with the material resources available at that time and, with its optimization through the adoption of new working methods as the multidisciplinary organization. The inclusion of engineer Ronald Jenkins in the team of the Smithsons was a great opportunity. He proposed to implement the new Plastic Theory in the structural calculation and thereby he got enrich the spatial results achieved, by enabling the perception of a lightweight construction, despite its large size and, linked to the landscape where it is inserted. But all these conditions were passed through the filter of social regeneration’s desire, following the American society’s model. This American model travelled to Europe in the hands of advertising. And, in the same way that publicity had something to do with the creative process of this architecture, also had a lot to do the knowledge of pop art and its compositional resources.


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O estudo objetivou entender como as mudanças que ocorrem na organização do trabalho interferem na maneira de o professor do ensino médio pensar e organizar o seu próprio trabalho. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo realizada com professores do Ensino Médio de uma escola estadual localizada num bairro da periferia do município de São Vicente, Estado de São Paulo. Contou-se com os estudos realizados por Harvey (2000), Castel (1998) e Sennett (2004) para entender como as transformações estão se processando no mundo do trabalho e como elas interferem nas condições de trabalho e vida do trabalhador. A organização da escola foi estudada a partir de Ferretti e Silva Júnior (2004) e a profissão docente, a partir das contribuições de Adorno (2003), Oliveira (2003, 2004) e Fanfani (2005). A metodologia adotada insere-se no contexto de uma pesquisa empírica, qualitativa do tipo etnográfico, de acordo com as definições de André (1995), e a coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de observação participante, questionários e entrevistas. Envolveu também estudo de documentos elaborados pela escola e referentes às legislações aplicadas ao ensino médio. Chegou-se à conclusão de que as conseqüências das transformações que ocorrem no mundo do trabalho chegam até a escola por vias diversas e acabam afetando a forma de esta organizar o seu trabalho. Ao chegarem até os professores elas são reinterpretadas e re-adaptadas. As representações que esses profissionais possuem acerca do trabalho e que são construídas ao longo de suas trajetórias de vida acabam interferindo nas interpretações que eles fazem sobre as transformações do mundo do trabalho, bem como na construção da identidade da própria profissão docente. No atual contexto de transformação do trabalho, muito há que se considerar nos caminhos que hoje se colocam como opção para a formação do professor. Esta pesquisa contou com o apoio da CAPES.(AU)


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O estudo objetivou entender como as mudanças que ocorrem na organização do trabalho interferem na maneira de o professor do ensino médio pensar e organizar o seu próprio trabalho. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo realizada com professores do Ensino Médio de uma escola estadual localizada num bairro da periferia do município de São Vicente, Estado de São Paulo. Contou-se com os estudos realizados por Harvey (2000), Castel (1998) e Sennett (2004) para entender como as transformações estão se processando no mundo do trabalho e como elas interferem nas condições de trabalho e vida do trabalhador. A organização da escola foi estudada a partir de Ferretti e Silva Júnior (2004) e a profissão docente, a partir das contribuições de Adorno (2003), Oliveira (2003, 2004) e Fanfani (2005). A metodologia adotada insere-se no contexto de uma pesquisa empírica, qualitativa do tipo etnográfico, de acordo com as definições de André (1995), e a coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de observação participante, questionários e entrevistas. Envolveu também estudo de documentos elaborados pela escola e referentes às legislações aplicadas ao ensino médio. Chegou-se à conclusão de que as conseqüências das transformações que ocorrem no mundo do trabalho chegam até a escola por vias diversas e acabam afetando a forma de esta organizar o seu trabalho. Ao chegarem até os professores elas são reinterpretadas e re-adaptadas. As representações que esses profissionais possuem acerca do trabalho e que são construídas ao longo de suas trajetórias de vida acabam interferindo nas interpretações que eles fazem sobre as transformações do mundo do trabalho, bem como na construção da identidade da própria profissão docente. No atual contexto de transformação do trabalho, muito há que se considerar nos caminhos que hoje se colocam como opção para a formação do professor. Esta pesquisa contou com o apoio da CAPES.(AU)


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This paper describes the processes used by students to learn from worked-out examples and by working through problems. Evidence is derived from protocols of students learning secondary school mathematics and physics. The students acquired knowledge from the examples in the form of productions (condition-->action): first discovering conditions under which the actions are appropriate and then elaborating the conditions to enhance efficiency. Students devoted most of their attention to the condition side of the productions. Subsequently, they generalized the productions for broader application and acquired specialized productions for special problem classes.


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ABSTRACT The higher education systems throughout the continent of Africa are undergoing unprecedented challenges and are considered in crisis. African countries, including Ghana, all have in common ties to their colonial legacy whereby they are confronted with weak policies put in place by their colonizers. Having gained their independence, Africans should now take responsibility for the task of reforming their higher education system. To date, nothing substantial has been accomplished, with serious implications for weakening and damaging the structures of the foundation of their educational systems. This qualitative, single case study utilized a postcolonial theory-critical pedagogy framework, providing guidance for coming to grips with the mindset posed by Ghana's colonial heritage in the postcolonial era, especially in terms of its damaging effects on Ghana's higher education system. The study explores alternative pathways for secondary school students to transition to tertiary education--a problematic transition that currently hinders open access to all and equality in educational opportunity, resulting in a tremendous pool of discontinued students. This transitional problem is directly related to Ghana's crisis in higher education with far reaching consequences. The alternative pathway considered in this study is an adaptation of the U.S. community college model or an integration of its applicable aspects into the current structures of the higher education system already in place. In-depth interviews were conducted with 5 Ghanaian professors teaching at community colleges in the United States, 5 Ghanaian professors teaching at universities in Ghana, and 2 educational consultants from the Ghanaian Ministry of Education. Based on their perspectives of the current state of Ghanaian higher education, analyzed in terms of pedagogy, structure/infrastructure, and curriculum, the participants provided their perceptions of salient aspects of the U.S. community college model that would be applicable to Ghana's situation, along with other recommendations. Access to all, including equality of educational opportunity, was considered essential, followed by adaptability, affordability, practicality, and quality of curriculum content and delivery. Canada's successful adaptation of the U.S. model was also discussed. Findings can help guide consideration of alternative pathways to higher education in Ghana and Africa as a whole.


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Esta investigación presenta un estudio cuyo objetivo es identificar aspectos que apoyan el desarrollo de la mirada profesional en estudiantes para profesores de matemáticas en un contexto b-learning. Analizamos las producciones de un grupo de estudiantes para profesores de matemáticas de educación secundaria (documentos escritos y participaciones en un debate on-line) cuando analizaban el razonamiento proporcional de estudiantes de educación secundaria. Los resultados indican que la interacción en el debate en línea permitió a algunos estudiantes para profesor mejorar su capacidad de identificar e interpretar aspectos relevantes del pensamiento matemático de los estudiantes de educación secundaria. Estos resultados indican que el desarrollo de “una mirada profesional” del profesor es un proceso complicado pero que la posibilidad de construir un discurso progresivo en línea es un factor importante para su desarrollo.