990 resultados para GP shortage


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No presente trabalho pretendeu-se caracterizar a capacidade supressora das proteínas p20 e p23 de diferentes grupos filogenéticos do CTV e o possível silenciamento da p23 de forma a ser incluída numa estratégia de proteção. A atividade supressora local da proteína p23 de todos os grupos filogenéticos foi caracterizada em Nicotiana benthamiana da linha 16C. Todas as proteínas testadas foram capaz de suprimir o silenciamento local, mas não o silenciamento a curta distância. A supressão local mais eficiente verificou-se para a p23 do Gp 5 e a menos eficiente para os isolados dos Gps 2 e M. Surpreendentemente, a p23 do Gp 5 aboliu completamente o silenciamento sistémico, sugerindo que existe uma relação entre a intensidade do silenciamento local e sistémico. A capacidade supressora local conjunta das proteínas p20 e p23 foi avaliada. A coexpressão de ambas as proteínas revelou atividade supressora mais forte comparada com a capacidade de cada proteína individual, mesmo quando inoculada com metade da densidade ótica, sugerindo a existência de sinergismo entre as proteínas p20 e p23. Para analisar as propriedades supressoras a longo prazo, as proteínas p20 e p23 foram inseridas no vetor viral TRV que assegurou a sua disseminação pela planta e expressão por um período mais alargado. Foram observados sintomas em N. benthamiana para todas as modalidades testadas, tais como, nanismo da planta, lesões necróticas severas nas folhas inoculadas e nas folhas novas ligeiros sintomas de mosaico e enrolamento. Contudo, sistemicamente não foram registadas diferenças na capacidade supressora das proteínas p20 e p23. A possibilidade para silenciar sistemicamente a proteína p23 quando incluída num genoma viral foi avaliada através do uso de plantas e enxertos transgénicos para a p23. A estratégia que envolve o uso de enxertos transgénicos parece indicar resultados promissores que conduzem ao silenciamento da p23, contudo, são resultados que devem ser encarados como preliminares.


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Die Auswahl geeigneter Bewerber/Innen nimmt aufgrund der demographischen Entwicklung und der damit verbundenen Verknappung der Ressource Personal einen immer höheren Stellenwert ein. Der Einsatz von Anforderungsprofilen soll dabei helfen das Risiko einer fehlerhaften Auswahlentscheidung zu verringern und somit den geeignetsten Bewerber auszuwählen. Ein Trend hin zu den Soft-Skills, wie beispielsweise Teamfähigkeit und Kommunikationsbereitschaft, ist klar zu erkennen. Gegenstand der nachfolgenden Diplomarbeit ist daher die Entwicklung eines Anforderungsprofils, welches sich auf diese Soft-Skills konzentriert. Die Erstel-lung des Anforderungsprofils erfolgt dabei auf Grundlage der von John C. Flanagan entwickelten „Critical Incident Technique“, die im deutschen Sprachgebrauch auch als Methode der kritischen Ereignisse bezeichnet wird. Infolgedessen werden zunächst die theoretischen Grundlagen eines Anforderungsprofils sowie die der „Critical Incident Technique“ detailliert erläutert. Im Anschluss daran erfolgt eine ausführliche Beschreibung der methodischen Vorgehensweise, die den kompletten Ablauf der praktischen Durchführung widerspiegelt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden getroffene Entscheidungen, die zu einer Anpassung der Vorgehensweise führten, näher erläutert und begründet. Die aus den Mitarbeiterbefragungen gewonnenen „Critical Incidents“ werden nachfolgend kategorisiert und zu Anforderungsbereichen zusammengefasst, die abschließend zum Anforderungsprofil verdichtet werden. Ferner wird die Möglichkeit einer praktischen Anwendung der Ergebnisse anhand von drei vom Autor begleiteten Projekten dargestellt.


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Vertreter der Generation Y, Personen, die in den 1980er Jahren geboren wurden, drängen verstärkt in den Arbeitsmarkt. Ihre Wert- und Erwartungshaltung ist deshalb von großem Interesse für Unternehmen, die mit Themen wie dem Fachkräftemangel und demografischen Wandel konfrontiert sind und die Leistungsträger langfristig binden müssen. Ziel dieser Hausarbeit ist herauszufinden, wie ausgeprägt die emotionale Bindung der Generation Y in Unternehmen allgemein ist und unter welcher Voraussetzung affektives Commitment bei der Generation Y entsteht. Ein weiteres Ziel ist die Erarbeitung von Handlungsempfehlungen bezüglich des Personalmanagements von Generation Y in Unternehmen. Generation Y hat hohe Erwartungen an Arbeitsinhalt, Selbstverwirklichungsmöglichkeiten, Aus- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen, Unternehmenswerte und -ethik, Sinnhaftigkeit der Tätigkeit und Teamarbeit. Vertreter dieser Generation wünschen sich Wertschätzung, eine gute Beziehung zum Vorgesetzten, viele Partizipationsmöglichkeiten, regelmäßiges Feedback und Flexibilität. Weiterhin sind Work-Life-Balance, Karriereoptionen, Einkommen, digitale Vernetzung und Arbeitsplatzsicherheit wichtige Themen für diese Generation. Affektives Commitment entsteht durch Erfüllung von Erwartungen. Generation Y ist nur bedingt affektiv gebunden, tendiert zu häufigen Unternehmenswechseln und ist durch eine schwache Loyalität gekennzeichnet. Dies liegt hauptsächlich daran, dass die Erwartungen dieser Generation nicht erfüllt werden. Es wird empfohlen HR-Maßnahmen zu implementieren, die auf Erfüllung der Erwartungen von Generation Y abzielen.


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The phytochemical study of Euphorbia piscatoria yielded jolkinol D (1) in a large amount, whose derivatization gave rise to 12 ester derivatives (2–13) and hydrolysis to compound 14. The in vitro modulation of P-gp of compounds 1–14 was evaluated through a combination of transport and chemosensitivity assays, using the L5178 mouse T lymphoma cell line transfected with the human MDR1 gene. Apart from jolkinol D, all derivatives (2–14) showed potential as MDR reversal agents. In this small library of novel bioactive macrocyclic lathyrane diterpene derivatives, designed to evaluate structure–activity relationships essential in overcoming multidrug resistance (MDR), some correlations between MDR reversal and molecular weight, accessible solvent areas, and octanol/water partition coefficient were identified that can contribute to the development of new selective P-gp reversal agents.


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The Computer Game industry is big business, the demand for graduates is high, indeed there is a continuing shortage of skilled employees. As with most professions, the skill set required is both specific and diverse. There are currently over 30 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the UK offering Computer games related courses. We expect that as the demand from the industry is sustained, more HEIs will respond with the introduction of game-related degrees. This is quite a considerable undertaking involving many issues from integration of new modules or complete courses within the existing curriculum, to staff development. In this paper we share our experiences of introducing elements of game development into our curriculum. This has occurred over the past two years, starting with the inclusion of elements of game development into existing programming modules, followed by the validation of complete modules, and culminating in a complete degree course. Our experience is that our adopting a progressive approach to development, spread over a number of years, was crucial in achieving a successful outcome.


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Since the election of the Labour Government in 1997 there have been a series of policy initiatives emphasising the importance of co-ordinated and integrated approaches to the delivery of urban regeneration and in particular Sustainable Communities. This changing policy context has given rise to a shortage of practitioners with both the technical skills to deliver specific programmes, and more especially the generic skills to work in multi-disciplinary teams in conjunction with partnership-based management boards. This paper discusses the origins of the debate about skills shortages and deficiencies and reviews the main government reports which have advocated a new approach to the provision of skills for community regeneration. It focuses particularly on the work of the Planning Network which was funded by the Centre for Education in the Built Environment (CEBE) to examine the contribution of higher education to the wider skills debate. It concludes by arguing that higher education has an important part to play in the provision of a more appropriate skills set for professional practice within a broader and more inclusive strategy involving all key stakeholders. However, employers also have a major responsibility in ensuring that key skills are maintained and enhanced within their own organisations.


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Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016


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Following the 1978 rural reform, a series of agricultural reforms were introduced in China with an aim to create incentives for the farmers to produce more. However, the nineties’ reforms towards liberalization eventually resulted in a huge drop in agricultural production, which apparently motivated the grain self-sufficiency program in 1998. For a dataset that covers wheat production during these reforms, we examine how and to what extent these reforms affected the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) and the welfare of wheat farmers in China, both at the national and at the regional level. We find that although the nineties' price reforms led to a relatively faster growth of the incentivized TFP of wheat production, they failed to improve profits vis a vis welfare for the farmers. A series of weather shocks in the early nineties resulted in a scarcity of cultivable land and a shortage of agricultural labour, which eventually led to a sharp increase in their relative prices. The introduction of grain self-sufficiency program stabilized these agricultural prices but destroyed the growth in TFP for most regions. However, this reform resulted in some improvement in farmers’ welfare. Wheat farmers in China therefore experienced a trade off between productivity and welfare; competition boosted their productivity and regulation improved their welfare. Not only these findings add a completely new set of results to the existing literature, they can also form a strong basis for future agricultural reforms in China.


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According to UN Women, to build stronger economies, it is essential to empower women to participate fully in economic life across all sectors. Increasing women and girls’ education enhances their chances to participate in the labor market. In certain cultures, like in Saudi Arabia, women contribution to the public economy growth is very limited. According to the World Bank, less than 20 percent of the female population participate in the labor force. This low participation rate has many reasons. One of them, is the educational level and educational quality for females. Although Saudi Arabia has about thirty three universities, opportunities are still limited for women because of the restrictions of access put upon them. A mixture of local norms, traditions, social beliefs, and principles preventing women from receiving full benefits from the educational system. Gender segregation is one of the challenges that limits the women access for education. It causes a problem due to the shortage of female faculty throughout the country. To overcome this problem, male faculty are allowed to teach female students under certain regulations and following a certain method of education delivery and interaction. However, most of these methods lack face-to-face communication between the teacher and students, which lowers the interactivity level and, accordingly, the students’ engagement, and increases the need for other alternatives. The e-learning model is one of high benefit for female students in such societies. Recognizing the students’ engagement is not straightforward in the e-learning model. To measure the level of engagement, the learner’s mood or emotions should be taken into consideration to help understanding and judging the level of engagement. This paper is to investigate the relationship between emotions and engagement in the e-learning environment, and how recognizing the learner’s emotions and change the content delivery accordingly can affect the efficiency of the e-learning process. The proposed experiment alluded to herein should help to find ways to increase the engagement of the learners, hence, enhance the efficiency of the learning process and the quality of learning, which will increase the chances and opportunities for women in such societies to participate more effectively in the labor market.


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In competitive electricity markets with deep concerns for the efficiency level, demand response programs gain considerable significance. As demand response levels have decreased after the introduction of competition in the power industry, new approaches are required to take full advantage of demand response opportunities. This paper presents DemSi, a demand response simulator that allows studying demand response actions and schemes in distribution networks. It undertakes the technical validation of the solution using realistic network simulation based on PSCAD. The use of DemSi by a retailer in a situation of energy shortage, is presented. Load reduction is obtained using a consumer based price elasticity approach supported by real time pricing. Non-linear programming is used to maximize the retailer’s profit, determining the optimal solution for each envisaged load reduction. The solution determines the price variations considering two different approaches, price variations determined for each individual consumer or for each consumer type, allowing to prove that the approach used does not significantly influence the retailer’s profit. The paper presents a case study in a 33 bus distribution network with 5 distinct consumer types. The obtained results and conclusions show the adequacy of the used methodology and its importance for supporting retailers’ decision making.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOAR


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O empreendedorismo social tem vindo, nas últimas décadas, a ser denominado como um novo paradigma determinante para o funcionamento da economia, em grande parte, porque a economia social tornou-se basilar na sociedade, por um lado, pelo crescimento exponencial da exclusão social, elevado desemprego e envelhecimento da população e, por outro, devido às dificuldades orçamentais dos governos. O empreendedorismo social, utilizado por Instituições Particulares de Solidariedade Social sem fins lucrativos, procura resolver problemas sociais de forma inovadora e sustentável, com a finalidade de dar resposta aos grandes desafios sociais da atualidade, através da ação social na prevenção e no apoio nas diversas situações de fragilidade, exclusão ou carência humana, promovendo a inclusão, a integração social e o desenvolvimento local. O objetivo fundamental do presente trabalho, pretende verificar até que ponto as IPSS podem ser definidas como empreendedores sociais, através da prestação de serviços, nas variadas áreas à população local, de forma a alcançar o valor social. Neste estudo enveredou-se pela metodologia qualitativa, utilizando o método do estudo de caso único, recorrendo ao questionário como instrumento de recolha de dados numa instituição particular de solidariedade social do concelho da Maia. Deste estudo foi possível concluir a IPSS tem uma proximidade às populações, através das diversas valências vocacionadas para a resolução de problemas sociais emergentes, promovendo a inclusão a integração social, e alcançar o valor social. Assim, consideramos a IPSS estudada como sendo parte integrante e promotora do empreendedorismo social.


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Introdução: A lombalgia crónica assume uma elevada prevalência e graves repercussões a nível socioeconómico, sendo inúmeras as abordagens terapêuticas para o seu tratamento e prevenção. Existindo forte evidência da eficácia dos exercícios terapêuticos no seu tratamento, importa saber quais os mais efetivos. Objectivos: Comparar a efetividade de dois programas de exercício terapêutico na endurance do tronco, no controlo lombo-pélvico, na perceção de dor lombar e fadiga, na funcionalidade e na qualidade de vida em mulheres com lombalgia crónica não especifica, cuidadoras de idosos. Métodos: 24 mulheres foram divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos de 8. Durante 6 semanas, um grupo serviu de controlo (GC) e os outros dois grupos realizaram um programa de exercícios: Pilates Clínico (GP) ou exercícios segundo McGill (GM), com os outcomes medidos em ternos de endurance de tronco pelos testes de McGill, controlo lombo-pélvico pelos testes Active Straight Leg Raise e teste de controlo lombo-pélvico segundo McGill, dor lombar pela Numerical Rating Scale, fadiga pela escala de Borg, funcionalidade através do Questionário de Incapacidade de Roland Morris e qualidade de vida através do Questionário de Estado de Saúde (SF36-V2). Resultados: Relativamente à endurance, verificaram-se diferenças entre grupos no rácio flexores/extensores (p=0,005), e no rácio lateroflexores à esquerda/extensores (p=0,027), sendo que o GP apresentou um rácio estatisticamente inferior ao GC em ambos. Não existiram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os 3 grupos no controlo lombo-pélvico, perceção de dor, fadiga e funcionalidade, apesar das melhorias observadas intra-grupos. Relativamente à qualidade de vida, a dimensão saúde em geral aumentou significativamente no GP (p=0,020) e a função social no GM (p=0,045). Conclusão: A implementação dos programas de exercício Pilates Clínico e Exercícios segundo McGill numa amostra de cuidadoras de idosos com lombalgia crónica não especifica, parece ter um efeito positivo quando comparados com os do grupo de controlo sobre a endurance do tronco, controlo lombo-pélvico, perceção de dor lombar e fadiga, funcionalidade e qualidade de vida.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações


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Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações