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The adult dentate gyrus produces new neurons that morphologically and functionally integrate into the hippocampal network. In the adult brain, most excitatory synapses are ensheathed by astrocytic perisynaptic processes that regulate synaptic structure and function. However, these processes are formed during embryonic or early postnatal development and it is unknown whether astrocytes can also ensheathe synapses of neurons born during adulthood and, if so, whether they play a role in their synaptic transmission. Here, we used a combination of serial-section immuno-electron microscopy, confocal microscopy, and electrophysiology to examine the formation of perisynaptic processes on adult-born neurons. We found that the afferent and efferent synapses of newborn neurons are ensheathed by astrocytic processes, irrespective of the age of the neurons or the size of their synapses. The quantification of gliogenesis and the distribution of astrocytic processes on synapses formed by adult-born neurons suggest that the majority of these processes are recruited from pre-existing astrocytes. Furthermore, the inhibition of astrocytic glutamate re-uptake significantly reduced postsynaptic currents and increased paired-pulse facilitation in adult-born neurons, suggesting that perisynaptic processes modulate synaptic transmission on these cells. Finally, some processes were found intercalated between newly formed dendritic spines and potential presynaptic partners, suggesting that they may also play a structural role in the connectivity of new spines. Together, these results indicate that pre-existing astrocytes remodel their processes to ensheathe synapses of adult-born neurons and participate to the functional and structural integration of these cells into the hippocampal network.


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We report the case of glandular tularemia that developed in a man supposedly infected by a tick bite in Western Switzerland. Francisella tularensis (F. tularensis) was identified. In Europe tularemia most commonly manifests itself as ulcero-glandular or glandular disease; the diagnosis of tularemia may be delayed in glandular form where skin or mucous lesion is absent, particularly in areas which are assumed to have a low incidence of the disease.


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In recent years correlative microscopy, combining the power and advantages of different imaging system, e.g., light, electrons, X-ray, NMR, etc., has become an important tool for biomedical research. Among all the possible combinations of techniques, light and electron microscopy, have made an especially big step forward and are being implemented in more and more research labs. Electron microscopy profits from the high spatial resolution, the direct recognition of the cellular ultrastructure and identification of the organelles. It, however, has two severe limitations: the restricted field of view and the fact that no live imaging can be done. On the other hand light microscopy has the advantage of live imaging, following a fluorescently tagged molecule in real time and at lower magnifications the large field of view facilitates the identification and location of sparse individual cells in a large context, e.g., tissue. The combination of these two imaging techniques appears to be a valuable approach to dissect biological events at a submicrometer level. Light microscopy can be used to follow a labelled protein of interest, or a visible organelle such as mitochondria, in time, then the sample is fixed and the exactly same region is investigated by electron microscopy. The time resolution is dependent on the speed of penetration and fixation when chemical fixatives are used and on the reaction time of the operator for cryo-fixation. Light microscopy can also be used to identify cells of interest, e.g., a special cell type in tissue or cells that have been modified by either transfections or RNAi, in a large population of non-modified cells. A further application is to find fluorescence labels in cells on a large section to reduce searching time in the electron microscope. Multiple fluorescence labelling of a series of sections can be correlated with the ultrastructure of the individual sections to get 3D information of the distribution of the marked proteins: array tomography. More and more efforts are put in either converting a fluorescence label into an electron dense product or preserving the fluorescence throughout preparation for the electron microscopy. Here, we will review successful protocols and where possible try to extract common features to better understand the importance of the individual steps in the preparation. Further the new instruments and software, intended to ease correlative light and electron microscopy, are discussed. Last but not least we will detail the approach we have chosen for correlative microscopy.


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Most aerial parts of the plants are covered by a hydrophobic coating called cuticle. The cuticle is formed of cutin, a complex mixture of esterified fatty acids that are embedded and associated with waxes. The cuticle often appears as a superposition of layers of different composition: The cuticle proper formed of cutin and a mixture of waxes and underneath, the cuticle layer containing cutin, intracuticular waxes and polysaccharides of the cell wall. In addition to its involvement in plant development by preventing organ fusions, the cuticle acts as a barrier to prevent water loss and protect plants against environmental aggressions such as excessive radiation or pathogens attacks. PEC1/AtABCG32 is an ABC transporter from the PDR family involved in cutin biosynthesis. Characterization of the peci mutant in Arabidopsis thaliana showed that PEC1 plays a significant role in the diffusion barrier formation in leaves and petals. The cuticles of leaves and flowers of peci are permeable and the cuticular layer rather than the cuticular proper was altered in the petals, underlining the importance of this particular layer in the maintenance of the diffusion barrier. Chemical analysis on the flower cutin monomer composition of ped mutant revealed a decrease in hydroxylated cutin monomers, suggesting a function of PEC1 in the incorporation of these monomers in the polymer cutin. However, the exact nature of the substrates of PEC1 remained elusive. PEC1 homologues in barley and rice, respectively HvABCG31/EIBI1 and OsABCG31, are also implicated in cuticle biosynthesis. Interestingly, the rice mutant displays more severe phenotypes such as dwarfism and spreading necrosis conducting to the seedling death. In this work, we further characterized osabcg31 mutant and hairpin-RNAi downregulated OsABCG31 plant lines showing reduced growth and cuticle permeability. Our analysis showed a decrease in hydroxylated cutin monomers and severe disruptions in the cuticle, which explain the permeability. Further insights into the function of the cuticle in rice resistance/susceptibility to Pathogens were obtained after inoculation with Magnaporthe oryzae, the fungus responsible for the rice blast disease. Osabcg31 as well as the transgenic lines downregulating OsABCG31 showed increased resistance to the fungus. However, only later steps of infection are reduced . and no impact is obseived on the germination or penetration stages, suggesting that the cuticle disruption per se is not responsible for the resistance. We further investigated the cause of the resistance by analyzing the expression of defense related gene in osabcg31 prior to infection. We found that osabcg31 constitutively express defense related genes, which may explain the resistance, the dwarfism and the cell death. osabcg31 is thus a tool to study the connection between cuticle, plant development and defense signaling networks in rice. The transport function of PEC1 family members is still unknown. In order to link cutin biosynthesis and transport activity, we combined ped mutation with mutations in cutin synthesis related genes. Here, we show that PEC1 acts independently from GPAT4 and GPAT8 pathway and partially overlaps with GPAT6 biosynthesis pathway that leads to the production of hydroxylated C16 cutin precursor 2-Mono(10,16-dihydroxyhexadecanoylJglycerol (2-MHG). In addition, we noticed that despite a comparable cutin monomer composition, ped mutant leaves cuticle are permeable while that of gpat6 mutant are not. This finding raises the possibility of PEC1 being required for the incorporation of C16 hydroxylated monomers and their structural arrangement rather than their direct transport towards the cuticle. A careful investigation of the cuticle permeability, cutin composition and ultrastructure during leave development in Wt plants and ped mutants revealed a possible different regulation of several pathways of cutin biosynthesis and showed the importance of PEC1 function early during leave cuticle maturation. In order to elucidate the transport activity of PEC1, we successfully expressed PEC1 in Nicotiana benthamiana plant system for direct transport experiments. This system will be used to test the PEC 1-dependent transport of potential substrates such as sn-2-monoacylglycerol loaded with a hydroxylated C16 fatty acid. -- Toutes les parties aériennes des plantes sont recouvertes d'une couche hydrophobe appelée «cuticule». Cette cuticule est composée de cutine, un polymère d'acides gras estérifiés, et de cires. La cuticule apparaît souvent sous forme de couches superposées: une première couche extérieure appelée «cuticle proper» formée de cutine et d'un mélange de cires, et une deuxième couche, la «cuticle layer», formée de cutine associée à des cires intracuticulaires et des polysaccharides pariétaux. La cuticule joue le rôle de barrière prévenant contre la perte d'eau et les agressions environnementales. AtABCG32/PEC1 est un transporteur ABC de la famille des PDR impliqué dans la synthèse de la cutine. L'étude du mutant peci d'Arabidopsis thaliana a révélé une fonction de PEC1 dans la formation de la barrière de diffusion. La cuticule des feuilles et fleurs de peci est perméable. Des altérations de la «cuticle layer» ont été démontrées, soulignant son importance dans le maintien de la barrière. L'analyse de la composition de la cutine de peci a montré une réduction spécifique en monomères hydroxylés, suggérant un rôle de PEC1 dans leur incorporation dans la cuticule. Cependant, la nature exacte des substrats de PEC1 n'a pas été identifiée. PEC1 possède deux homologues chez l'orge et le riz, respectivement HvABCG31 et OsABCG31, et qui sont impliqués dans la biosynthèse de la cuticule. Chez le riz, des phénotypes plus sévères ont été observés tels que nanisme et nécroses conduisant à la mort des jeunes plants. Dans cette étude, nous avons continué la caractérisation de osabcg31 ainsi que des lignées de riz sous exprimant le gène OsABCG31 et présentant une cuticule perméable tout en ayant une meilleure croissance. Notre étude a démontré une réduction des monomères hydroxylés de cutine et une désorganisation de la structure de la cuticule, aggravée dans le mutant osabcg31. Ce résultat explique la perméabilité observée. Des mformations P|us approfondies sur l'implication de la cuticule dans la résistance aux pathogènes ont été obtenues après inoculation du mutant osabcg31 et les lignées sous- exprimant OsABCG31 avec une souche virulente de Magnaporthe Oryzae, le champignon responsable de la pyriculariose du riz. Les différentes lignées testées ont démontré une résistance au pathogène. Cependant, seules les étapes tardives de l'infection sont réduites et aucun impact n'est observé sur la germination des spores ou la pénétration du champignon, suggérant que les modifications de la cuticule ne sont pas directement à l'origine de la résistance. L'analyse de l'expression de gènes impliqués dans la résistance à Magnaporthe.oryzae a mis en évidence l'expression constitutive de ces gènes en l'absence de tout contact avec le pathogène. Ceci explique la résistance, le nanisme et la mort cellulaire observés. Ainsi, osabcg31 représente un outil efficace pour l'étude intégrée des systèmes de régulation de la défense, de développement des plantes et la cuticule. La nature des substrats transportés par PEC1/AtABCG32 reste inconnue. Dans le but d'établir une liaison entre biosynthèse de cutine et transport des précurseurs par PEC1, la mutation peci a été combinée avec des mutants impliqués dans différentes voies de biosynthèse. Cette étude a démontré une fonction indépendante de PEC1 de la voie de biosynthèse impliquant les enzymes GPAT4 et GPAT8, et une fonction partiellement indépendante de la voie impliquant GPAT6 qui mène à la production de précurseurs sn-2- monoacylglycerol chargés en acides gras en C16 (2-MHG). De plus, malgré un profil similaire en monomères de cutine, gpat6 conserve une cuticule imperméable alors que celle de PEC1 est perméable. Ceci suggère que PEC1 est nécessaire à l'incorporation des monomères en C16 et leur arrangement structurel plutôt que simplement à leur transport direct. L'étude approfondie de la perméabilité cuticulaire, de la structure ainsi que de la composition en cutine pendant le développement des feuilles de peci et la plante sauvage a révélé l'existence de différentes régulations des voies de biosynthèses des monomères et a démontré l'importance de PEC1 dans les premières étapes de la mise en place de la cuticule. Pour identifier les substrats transportés, l'expression de PEC1 chez le système hétérologue Nicotiana benthamiana a été conduite avec succès. Ce système sera utilisé pour tester le transport de substrats potentiels tels que le sn-2-monoacylglycerol chargé en acide gras en C16.


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Objetivo: Avaliar a dose glandular média utilizando um detector de estado sólido e a qualidade da imagem de um sistema de radiografia direta a partir de objetos simuladores. Materiais e Métodos: Irradiações foram realizadas utilizando o controle automático de exposição e placas de polimetilmetacrilato com diferentes espessuras para o cálculo da dose glandular média. A qualidade da imagem foi avaliada por meio das estruturas visualizadas nas imagens dos objetos simuladores. Resultados: Considerando a incerteza das medições, os resultados de dose glandular média estão de acordo com os valores fornecidos pelo equipamento e com os níveis de referência adotados internacionalmente. Os resultados obtidos a partir das imagens dos objetos simuladores estavam em conformidade com os valores de referência. Conclusão: Este trabalho contribui para verificar a conformidade do equipamento em relação a dose e qualidade da imagem.


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Abstract Objective: Derive filtered tungsten X-ray spectra used in digital mammography systems by means of Monte Carlo simulations. Materials and Methods: Filtered spectra for rhodium filter were obtained for tube potentials between 26 and 32 kV. The half-value layer (HVL) of simulated filtered spectra were compared with those obtained experimentally with a solid state detector Unfors model 8202031-H Xi R/F & MAM Detector Platinum and 8201023-C Xi Base unit Platinum Plus w mAs in a Hologic Selenia Dimensions system using a direct radiography mode. Results: Calculated HVL values showed good agreement as compared with those obtained experimentally. The greatest relative difference between the Monte Carlo calculated HVL values and experimental HVL values was 4%. Conclusion: The results show that the filtered tungsten anode X-ray spectra and the EGSnrc Monte Carlo code can be used for mean glandular dose determination in mammography.


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The hexane and methanolic extracts from pheromonal glands of Castnia licus (Drury) virgin females have been studied. Analyses by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry allowed us to determine the major constituents present in the hexane extract as n-alkanes C21 to C30, (Z)-9-hexadecenoic acid (C16), and (Z)-9-octadecenoic acid (C18) and hexadecanoic acid (C16). Aldehyds, alkenes and acetates were also detected in low concentrations in the extracts. Female pheromone glands were analysed for pheromone precursors using the methanolic extract. In addition to the compounds methyl hexadecanoate and methyl (Z)-9-octadecenoate, the glandular tissue contains a homologous series of methyl esters from C12 to C24. The hexane extract of the female abdomenal glands elicited activity from males in a behavioural bioassay.


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Hormone-dependent diseases, e.g. cancers, rank high in mortality in the modern world, and thus, there is an urgent need for new drugs to treat these diseases. Although the diseases are clearly hormone-dependent, changes in circulating hormone concentrations do not explain all the pathological processes observed in the diseased tissues. A more inclusive explanation is provided by intracrinology – a regulation of hormone concentrations at the target tissue level. This is mediated by the expression of a pattern of steroid-activating and -inactivating enzymes in steroid target tissues, thus enabling a concentration gradient between the blood circulation and the tissue. Hydroxysteroid (17beta) dehydrogenases (HSD17Bs) form a family of enzymes that catalyze the conversion between low active 17-ketosteroids and highly active 17beta-hydroxysteroids. HSD17B1 converts low active estrogen (E1) to highly active estradiol (E2) with high catalytic efficiency, and altered HSD17B1 expression has been associated with several hormone-dependent diseases, including breast cancer, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia and cancer, and ovarian epithelial cancer. Because of its putative role in E2 biosynthesis in ovaries and peripheral target tissues, HSD17B1 is considered to be a promising drug target for estrogen-dependent diseases. A few studies have indicated that the enzyme also has androgenic activity, but they have been ignored. In the present study, transgenic mice overexpressing human HSD17B1 (HSD17B1TG mice) were used to study the effects of the enzyme in vivo. Firstly, the substrate specificity of human HSD17B1 was determined in vivo. The results indicated that human HSD17B1 has significant androgenic activity in female mice in vivo, which resulted in increased fetal testosterone concentration and female disorder of sexual development appearing as masculinized phenotype (increased anogenital distance, lack of nipples, lack of vaginal opening, combination of vagina with urethra, enlarged Wolffian duct remnants in the mesovarium and enlarged female prostate). Fetal androgen exposure has been linked to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and metabolic syndrome during adulthood in experimental animals and humans, but the genes involved in PCOS are largely unknown. A putative mechanism to accumulate androgens during fetal life by HSD17B1 overexpression was shown in the present study. Furthermore, as a result of prenatal androgen exposure locally in the ovaries, HSD17B1TG females developed ovarian benign serous cystadenomas in adulthood. These benign lesions are precursors of low-grade ovarian serous tumors. Ovarian cancer ranks fifth in mortality of all female cancers in Finland, and most of the ovarian cancers arise from the surface epithelium. The formation of the lesions was prevented by prenatal antiandrogen treatment and by transplanting wild type (WT) ovaries prepubertally into HSD17B1TG females. The results obtained in our non-clinical TG mouse model, together with a literature analysis, suggest that HSD17B1 has a role in ovarian epithelial carcinogenesis, and especially in the development of serous tumors. The role of androgens in ovarian carcinogenesis is considered controversial, but the present study provides further evidence for the androgen hypothesis. Moreover, it directly links HSD17B1-induced prenatal androgen exposure to ovarian epithelial carcinogenesis in mice. As expected, significant estrogenic activity was also detected for human HSD17B1. HSD17B1TG mice had enhanced peripheral conversion of E1 to E2 in a variety of target tissues, including the uterus. Furthermore, this activity was significantly decreased by treatments with specific HSD17B1 inhibitors. As a result, several estrogen-dependent disorders were found in HSD17B1TG females. Here we report that HSD17B1TG mice invariably developed endometrial hyperplasia and failed to ovulate in adulthood. As in humans, endometrial hyperplasia in HSD17B1TG females was reversible upon ovulation induction, triggering a rise in circulating progesterone levels, and in response to exogenous progestins. Remarkably, treatment with a HSD17B1 inhibitor failed to restore ovulation, yet completely reversed the hyperplastic morphology of epithelial cells in the glandular compartment. We also demonstrate that HSD17B1 is expressed in normal human endometrium, hyperplasia, and cancer. Collectively, our non-clinical data and literature analysis suggest that HSD17B1 inhibition could be one of several possible approaches to decrease endometrial estrogen production in endometrial hyperplasia and cancer. HSD17B1 expression has been found in bones of humans and rats. The non-clinical data in the present study suggest that human HSD17B1 is likely to have an important role in the regulation of bone formation, strength and length during reproductive years in female mice. Bone density in HSD17B1TG females was highly increased in femurs, but in lesser amounts also in tibias. Especially the tibia growth plate, but not other regions of bone, was susceptible to respond to HSD17B1 inhibition by increasing bone length, whereas the inhibitors did not affect bone density. Therefore, HSD17B1 inhibitors could be safer than aromatase inhibitors in regard to bone in the treatment of breast cancer and endometriosis. Furthermore, diseases related to improper growth, are a promising new indication for HSD17B1 inhibitors.


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Cole latent virus (CoLV), genus Carlavirus, was studied by electron microscopy and biochemical approaches with respect both to the ultrastructure of the Chenopodium quinoa infected cells and to its association with chloroplasts. The CoLV was observed to be present as scattered particles interspersed with membranous vesicles and ribosomes or as dense masses of virus particles. These virus particles reacted by immunolabelling with a polyclonal antibody to CoLV. Morphologically, chloroplasts, mitochondria and nuclei appeared to be unaltered by virus infection and virus particles were not detected in these organelles. However, virus particle aggregates were frequently associated with the outer membrane of chloroplasts and occasionally with peroxisomes. Chloroplasts were purified by Percoll gradient, and the coat protein and virus-associated RNAs were extracted and analyzed by Western and Northern blots respectively. Coat protein and CoLV-associated RNAs were not detected within this organelle. The results presented in this work indicate that the association CoLV/chloroplasts, observed in the ultrastructural studies, might be a casual event in the host cell, and that the virus does not replicate inside the organelle.


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Ginecomastia é o aumento da mama masculina que pode acometer até 65% dos indivíduos deste sexo na fase infanto-puberal, compreendida entre 13 e 16 anos. Tem como principais causas hepatite ou cirrose hepática, carcinoma ou doenças inflamatórias pulmonares crônicas, carcinomas ou disfunções testiculares, tumores glandulares (pituitária, supra-renal), alterações dos níveis séricos de testosterona, síndromes genéticas (síndrome de Klinefelter, p.ex.), uso de drogas como heroína, maconha ou anabolizantes e hanseníase. Podemos classificar a ginecomastia quanto ao volume, quanto aos tecidos que a compõem (gordurosa ou pseudoginecomastia, glandular e mista), ou quanto ao tratamento necessário para sua correção cirúrgica (pequena, moderada e grave). O tratamento das formas mais graves de ginecomastia é muito diferente daquele aplicado às formas mais suaves, pois nas formas graves, além da ressecção dos tecidos gorduroso e glandular, existe a necessidade de ressecção da pele em excesso e o reposicionamento do complexo aréolo-mamilar. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever uma técnica cirúrgica específica para estes pacientes portadores de formas graves de ginecomastia, através de dois pedículos dermogordurosos, um lateral e um medial, com aproximadamente 2cm de espessura, mantendo assim a nutrição do complexo aréolo-mamilar. Esses pedículos são delimitados entre as bissetrizes dos quadrantes súpero-lateral e ínfero-lateral, e súpero-medial e ínfero-medial, tendo o mamilo como vértice. Na área de pele excessiva periareolar, obtida através do pinçamento interdigital, é realizada a desepidermização dos pedículos lateral e medial e ressecção de toda pele e tecido celular subcutâneo até a fáscia peitoral nas regiões superior e inferior aos pedículos; a síntese é realizada em dois planos, sendo periareolar a cicatriz resultante. Foram operados com esta técnica vinte pacientes com forma grave de ginecomastia, com média etária de 23,3 anos; sendo seis pacientes da raça negra. O bom posicionamento do complexo aréolo-mamilar e uma cicatriz periareolar resultante, bem como a retirada de conteúdo suficiente, foram as principais vantagens observadas. Como complicações, tivemos assimetria das placas aréolo-mamilares em dois casos, nos quais havia acentuada diferença entre os dois lados na avaliação pré-operatória; cicatrização hipertrófica em um paciente da raça negra, cuja cicatriz foi atenuada com injeções intracicatriciais de triancinolona; necrose parcial de aréola em um caso, cuja ferida cicatrizou por segunda intenção, dispensando qualquer tratamento local posterior; deiscência de sutura periareolar em um caso, no qual foi feita a ressutura, com bom resultado, e quatro pacientes apresentaram coleção sero-hemática subcutânea, que foram drenadas e não apresentaram recidiva.


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Adenosquamous carcinoma of the liver is a rare type of hepatic tumor first described in 1975. It is characterized by both glandular and squamous compounds. We describe a case of adenosquamous carcinoma of the liver. It was discovered in a 42-yr-old female with a 2-month history of vomiting, weight loss (7 kg). A left hepatic lobectomy disclosed an 11 x 9 x 7,5 cm tumor located at I, II, III, IV segments. This tumor is rare entity and is a variant of cholangiocarcinoma whose etiology and prognostic are not well known.


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OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a relação entre o refluxo êntero-gástrico e Helicobacter pylori na gênese de neoplasias epiteliais e seus precursores, no rato submetido a gastrectomia subtotal com reconstrução a Billroth II. MÉTODO: Foram operados 20 ratos machos da raça Wistar, divididos igualmente em dois grupos: um grupo controle submetido à laparotomia exploradora e outro submetido à gastrectomia subtotal a BII. Após nove meses de operados, os animais foram mortos e seus estômagos estudados quanto à quantificação de H. pylori por glândula gástrica e à alterações epiteliais neoplásicas ou pré-neoplásicas. RESULTADOS: Os animais gastrectomizados tiveram percentual maior de colonização por H. pylori, assim como de alterações epiteliais que variaram do aumento do número de mitoses ao carcinoma invasor. CONCLUSÃO: O comprometimento glandular por H. pylori aumenta com o refluxo êntero-gástrico proporcionado pela gastectomia parcial, e está associado ao desenvolvimento de adenocarcinoma de coto gástrico em ratos.


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Among the main etiologies of secondary arterial hypertension figure out the tumorous affections of adrenal gland, located on cortex - primary aldosteronism (Conn’s syndrome) and Cushing’s syndrome - or at glandular medulla - pheocromocytoma. Although these tumors are at most benign the surgical resection is needed in order to eliminate the disturbances provided by them and to limit the mass growth, being curative in about 80-90% of the cases. In this paper some particularities above surgical treatment of these diseases will be focused emphasizing the pre-operative prepare of the patients and the currently preconized approach.


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OBJETIVO: O estudo foi transversal e retrospectivo por meio dos registros fotográficos, nos transoperatórios de 53 tireoidectomias totais e parciais, realizadas entre janeiro de 2002 a agosto de 2006, em pacientes portadores de doenças benignas e malignas da tireóide. RESULTADOS: Foram obtidas imagens de 111 glândulas paratireóides. Das 67 superiores, 65 (97%) estavam envolvidas pelo fino e irregular tecido adiposo peri-glandular. Das 44 inferiores, 41 (93,1%) estavam parcial ou totalmente envoltas pela esparsa gordura aderida à cápsula tireóide. A escolha da via de acesso e o cuidado para evitar hemorragias são dois itens que evitam maiores dificuldades. Acrescem-se os rigores da técnica com a ligadura do pedículo superior, sendo realizada em primeiro lugar, seguida da mobilização do lobo tireóideo em sentido medial. Esses gestos possibilitam a melhor identificação das paratireóides. CONCLUSÃO: É indispensável conservar o tecido adiposo aderido à cápsula tireóidea, onde se alojam mais de 90% das paratireóides. O manuseio cirúrgico dessa delgada lâmina adiposa provoca a mudança da cor das paratireóides, tornando-as amarronzadas, destacando-as entre o amarelo-ouro da gordura e impondo maior atenção ao cirurgião.


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Cells of epithelial origin, e.g. from breast and prostate cancers, effectively differentiate into complex multicellular structures when cultured in three-dimensions (3D) instead of conventional two-dimensional (2D) adherent surfaces. The spectrum of different organotypic morphologies is highly dependent on the culture environment that can be either non-adherent or scaffold-based. When embedded in physiological extracellular matrices (ECMs), such as laminin-rich basement membrane extracts, normal epithelial cells differentiate into acinar spheroids reminiscent of glandular ductal structures. Transformed cancer cells, in contrast, typically fail to undergo acinar morphogenic patterns, forming poorly differentiated or invasive multicellular structures. The 3D cancer spheroids are widely accepted to better recapitulate various tumorigenic processes and drug responses. So far, however, 3D models have been employed predominantly in the Academia, whereas the pharmaceutical industry has yet to adopt a more widely and routine use. This is mainly due to poor characterisation of cell models, lack of standardised workflows and high throughput cell culture platforms, and the availability of proper readout and quantification tools. In this thesis, a complete workflow has been established entailing well-characterised 3D cell culture models for prostate cancer, a standardised 3D cell culture routine based on high-throughput-ready platform, automated image acquisition with concomitant morphometric image analysis, and data visualisation, in order to enable large-scale high-content screens. Our integrated suite of software and statistical analysis tools were optimised and validated using a comprehensive panel of prostate cancer cell lines and 3D models. The tools quantify multiple key cancer-relevant morphological features, ranging from cancer cell invasion through multicellular differentiation to growth, and detect dynamic changes both in morphology and function, such as cell death and apoptosis, in response to experimental perturbations including RNA interference and small molecule inhibitors. Our panel of cell lines included many non-transformed and most currently available classic prostate cancer cell lines, which were characterised for their morphogenetic properties in 3D laminin-rich ECM. The phenotypes and gene expression profiles were evaluated concerning their relevance for pre-clinical drug discovery, disease modelling and basic research. In addition, a spontaneous model for invasive transformation was discovered, displaying a highdegree of epithelial plasticity. This plasticity is mediated by an abundant bioactive serum lipid, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), and its receptor LPAR1. The invasive transformation was caused by abrupt cytoskeletal rearrangement through impaired G protein alpha 12/13 and RhoA/ROCK, and mediated by upregulated adenylyl cyclase/cyclic AMP (cAMP)/protein kinase A, and Rac/ PAK pathways. The spontaneous invasion model tangibly exemplifies the biological relevance of organotypic cell culture models. Overall, this thesis work underlines the power of novel morphometric screening tools in drug discovery.