976 resultados para Fox Indians


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Demographic profile of the Native American population in Iowa compiled from Census statistics.


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Glucose levels 2 h after an oral glucose challenge are a clinical measure of glucose tolerance used in the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. We report a meta-analysis of nine genome-wide association studies (n = 15,234 nondiabetic individuals) and a follow-up of 29 independent loci (n = 6,958-30,620). We identify variants at the GIPR locus associated with 2-h glucose level (rs10423928, beta (s.e.m.) = 0.09 (0.01) mmol/l per A allele, P = 2.0 x 10(-15)). The GIPR A-allele carriers also showed decreased insulin secretion (n = 22,492; insulinogenic index, P = 1.0 x 10(-17); ratio of insulin to glucose area under the curve, P = 1.3 x 10(-16)) and diminished incretin effect (n = 804; P = 4.3 x 10(-4)). We also identified variants at ADCY5 (rs2877716, P = 4.2 x 10(-16)), VPS13C (rs17271305, P = 4.1 x 10(-8)), GCKR (rs1260326, P = 7.1 x 10(-11)) and TCF7L2 (rs7903146, P = 4.2 x 10(-10)) associated with 2-h glucose. Of the three newly implicated loci (GIPR, ADCY5 and VPS13C), only ADCY5 was found to be associated with type 2 diabetes in collaborating studies (n = 35,869 cases, 89,798 controls, OR = 1.12, 95% CI 1.09-1.15, P = 4.8 x 10(-18)).


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BACKGROUND: Ischemic stroke is the leading cause of mortality worldwide and a major contributor to neurological disability and dementia. Terutroban is a specific TP receptor antagonist with antithrombotic, antivasoconstrictive, and antiatherosclerotic properties, which may be of interest for the secondary prevention of ischemic stroke. This article describes the rationale and design of the Prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular Events of ischemic origin with teRutroban in patients with a history oF ischemic strOke or tRansient ischeMic Attack (PERFORM) Study, which aims to demonstrate the superiority of the efficacy of terutroban versus aspirin in secondary prevention of cerebrovascular and cardiovascular events. METHODS AND RESULTS: The PERFORM Study is a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group study being carried out in 802 centers in 46 countries. The study population includes patients aged > or =55 years, having suffered an ischemic stroke (< or =3 months) or a transient ischemic attack (< or =8 days). Participants are randomly allocated to terutroban (30 mg/day) or aspirin (100 mg/day). The primary efficacy endpoint is a composite of ischemic stroke (fatal or nonfatal), myocardial infarction (fatal or nonfatal), or other vascular death (excluding hemorrhagic death of any origin). Safety is being evaluated by assessing hemorrhagic events. Follow-up is expected to last for 2-4 years. Assuming a relative risk reduction of 13%, the expected number of primary events is 2,340. To obtain statistical power of 90%, this requires inclusion of at least 18,000 patients in this event-driven trial. The first patient was randomized in February 2006. CONCLUSIONS: The PERFORM Study will explore the benefits and safety of terutroban in secondary cardiovascular prevention after a cerebral ischemic event.


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BACKGROUND: Chronic kidney disease is associated with cardiovascular disease. We tested for evidence of a shared genetic basis to these traits. STUDY DESIGN: We conducted 2 targeted analyses. First, we examined whether known single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) underpinning kidney traits were associated with a series of vascular phenotypes. Additionally, we tested whether vascular SNPs were associated with markers of kidney damage. Significance was set to 1.5×10(-4) (0.05/325 tests). SETTING & PARTICIPANTS: Vascular outcomes were analyzed in participants from the AortaGen (20,634), CARDIoGRAM (86,995), CHARGE Eye (15,358), CHARGE IMT (31,181), ICBP (69,395), and NeuroCHARGE (12,385) consortia. Tests for kidney outcomes were conducted in up to 67,093 participants from the CKDGen consortium. PREDICTOR: We used 19 kidney SNPs and 64 vascular SNPs. OUTCOMES & MEASUREMENTS: Vascular outcomes tested were blood pressure, coronary artery disease, carotid intima-media thickness, pulse wave velocity, retinal venular caliber, and brain white matter lesions. Kidney outcomes were estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria. RESULTS: In general, we found that kidney disease variants were not associated with vascular phenotypes (127 of 133 tests were nonsignificant). The one exception was rs653178 near SH2B3 (SH2B adaptor protein 3), which showed direction-consistent association with systolic (P = 9.3 ×10(-10)) and diastolic (P = 1.6 ×10(-14)) blood pressure and coronary artery disease (P = 2.2 ×10(-6)), all previously reported. Similarly, the 64 SNPs associated with vascular phenotypes were not associated with kidney phenotypes (187 of 192 tests were nonsignificant), with the exception of 2 high-correlated SNPs at the SH2B3 locus (P = 1.06 ×10(-07) and P = 7.05 ×10(-08)). LIMITATIONS: The combined effect size of the SNPs for kidney and vascular outcomes may be too low to detect shared genetic associations. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, although we confirmed one locus (SH2B3) as associated with both kidney and cardiovascular disease, our primary findings suggest that there is little overlap between kidney and cardiovascular disease risk variants in the overall population. The reciprocal risks of kidney and cardiovascular disease may not be genetically mediated, but rather a function of the disease milieu itself.


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F. 1-48. Le Roman de Renart. Le manuscrit, qui a été doté du sigle O dans les différentes éditions, est incomplet de la fin et mixte, proposant une structure relativement inédite. Il a récemment fait l’objet d’une édition critique par Aurélie Barre : Édition critique et littéraire du manuscrit O du « Roman de Renart » ( f. fr. 12583), doctorat, Université Lyon III, 2005. F. 1a-14b. Branche I.F. 1a-7e. [Branche Ia : « Le jugement de Renart »]. « Pierres qui son enging et s’art / Mist es vers faire de Renart…-… Tant qu’il [re]fu en sa santé / Com il avoit devant esté ». – F. 7e-10b. [Branche Ib : « Le Siège de Maupertuis »]. « Messires Nobles l’empereres / Vint au chastel ou Renart ere …-… Et Renart ainsi s’en eschape, / Des or gart bien chascun sa chape ! ». – F. 10b-14b. [Branche Ic : « Renart teinturier, Renart jongleur »]. « Li rois a fait son ban crier, / Par tout plevir et afier …-… Puis fu Renart lonc tens en mue ; / Ne va, ne vient, ne se remue » (éd. Barre, p.117-233, v. 1-3217). . F. 14b-20bBranche II. F. 14b-20b. [Branche II : « Le duel judiciaire »]. « Messires Nobles li lions / O lui avoit toz ses barons …-… Et autre redirai aprés, / A itant de cestui vos lés » (éd. Barre, p. 235-289, v. 1-1522). F. 20b-25c. Branche III.F. 20b-22a. [Branche IIIa : « Renart et Chantecler »]. « Seignors, oï avez maint conte, / Que maint contierres vos aconte …-… Dou coc qui li est eschapez, / Quant il ne s’en est saoulez ». – F. 22a-22f. [Branche IIIb : « Renart et la mésange »]. « Que que cil se plaint et demente, / Atant es vos une mesenge …-… Assez a grant travail eü / de ce dont li est mescheü ». – F. 22f-23c. [Branche IIIc. « Renart et Tibert »]. « Que qu’il se plaint de s’aventure, / Qui li avient et pesme et dure …-… Tornez s’en est a mout grant paine …-… Si com aventure le maine ». – F. 23c-24e. [Branche IIId : « Renart et l’andouille »]. «Renart qui mout sot de treslüe, / Et qui mout ot grant fain eüe …-… Esfondree ert entr’eus la guerre, / Mes ne velt trive ne pes querre ». – F. 24e-25c. [Branche IIIe : « Tibert et les deux prêtres »]. « Thibert li chaz, dont je a dit, / Doute Renart assez petit …-… Qui touz nos a enfantosmez : / A paine en sui vis eschapez ! » (éd. Barre, p. 291-340, v. 1-1265). F. 25c-27d. Branche IV. F. 25c-26a. [Branche IVa : « Renart et Tiercelin »]. « Entre .II. mons, en une plangne / Tout droit au pié d’une montaigne …-… Fuiant s’en va les sauz menuz : / Ses anemis a confonduz ». – F. 26a-27d. [Branche IVb : « Le viol d’Hersent »]. « Cis plaiz fu ainsi deffinez / Et Renars s’est acheminez …-… Et est venuz a sa mesnie / Qui soz la roche est entasnie » (éd. Barre, p. 341-359, v. 1-524). F. 27d-29d. Branche V. [« Renart et les anguilles »]. « Seignors, ce fu en cest termine / Que li douz tens d’esté decline …-…Que de Renart se vengera / Ne jamés jor ne l’amera » (éd. Barre, p. 361-378, v. 1-514). F. 29d-31e. Branche VI. [« Le puits »]. « Prime covient tel chose dire / Dont je vos puisse faire rire …-… Et il le puet prandre en sa marge, / Sachiez qu’i li fera domage ! » (éd. Barre, p. 379-396, v. 1-537).. 31e-39c. Branche VII. F. 31e-32e. [Branche VIIa : « Le jambon enlevé »]. « [U]n jour issit hors de la lande / Isengrins por querre viande …-… .XV. jours va a grant baudour, / Onques Renars n’i fist sejour ». – F. 32c-32e. [Branche VIIb : « Renart et le grillon »]. « Renart s’en va tout son chemin. / Or veut (en) engignier Isengrin …-… Tornez s’en est grant aleüre / Et vet aillors querre droiture ». – F. 32e-36e. [Branche VIIc : « L’Escondit »]. « Atant s’apense d’une chose / Dont il sa fame sovent chose …-…Tant defoulé et tant batu / Qu’a Malpertuis l’ont enbatu ». – F. 36e-39c. [Branche VIId : « La confession de Renart »]. « Foux est qui croit sa male pense : / Mout remaint de ce que fox panse …-…L’escofle lor donne a mengier, / Qu’il en avoient grant mestier (éd. Barre, p. 397-470, v. 1-1960). F. 36c-48e. Branche VIII. [« Renart et Liétart »]. « Uns prestres de la Croiz en Brie, / Que Damediex doint bone vie …-… Ou au chiés ou a la parclose, / Qui n’est aüsés de la chose » (éd. Barre, p. 471-554, v. 1-2470). F. 48e. Branche IX (v. 1-86). [« Les Vêpres de Tibert »]. « Oiez une novele estoire / Qui bien doit estre en mémoire …-… Jel conterai a Hameline, / La foi et la reconnoissance… » (éd. Barre, p. 555-557, v. 1-85).


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Obesity is globally prevalent and highly heritable, but its underlying genetic factors remain largely elusive. To identify genetic loci for obesity susceptibility, we examined associations between body mass index and ∼ 2.8 million SNPs in up to 123,865 individuals with targeted follow up of 42 SNPs in up to 125,931 additional individuals. We confirmed 14 known obesity susceptibility loci and identified 18 new loci associated with body mass index (P < 5 × 10⁻⁸), one of which includes a copy number variant near GPRC5B. Some loci (at MC4R, POMC, SH2B1 and BDNF) map near key hypothalamic regulators of energy balance, and one of these loci is near GIPR, an incretin receptor. Furthermore, genes in other newly associated loci may provide new insights into human body weight regulation.


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Background: Myotragus balearicus was an endemic bovid from the Balearic Islands (Western Mediterranean) that became extinct around 6,000-4,000 years ago. The Myotragus evolutionary lineage became isolated in the islands most probably at the end of the Messinian crisis, when the desiccation of the Mediterranean ended, in a geological date established at 5.35 Mya. Thus, the sequences of Myotragus could be very valuable for calibrating the mammalian mitochondrial DNA clock and, in particular, the tree of the Caprinae subfamily, to which Myotragus belongs. Results: We have retrieved the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene (1,143 base pairs), plus fragments of the mitochondrial 12S gene and the nuclear 28S rDNA multi-copy gene from a well preserved Myotragus subfossil bone. The best resolved phylogenetic trees, obtained with the cytochrome b gene, placed Myotragus in a position basal to the Ovis group. Using the calibration provided by the isolation of Balearic Islands, we calculated that the initial radiation of caprines can be dated at 6.2 ± 0.4 Mya. In addition, alpine and southern chamois, considered until recently the same species, split around 1.6 ± 0.3 Mya, indicating that the two chamois species have been separated much longer than previously thought. Conclusion: Since there are almost no extant endemic mammals in Mediterranean islands, the sequence of the extinct Balearic endemic Myotragus has been crucial for allowing us to use the Messinian crisis calibration point for dating the caprines phylogenetic tree.


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Obesity is heritable and predisposes to many diseases. To understand the genetic basis of obesity better, here we conduct a genome-wide association study and Metabochip meta-analysis of body mass index (BMI), a measure commonly used to define obesity and assess adiposity, in up to 339,224 individuals. This analysis identifies 97 BMI-associated loci (P < 5 × 10(-8)), 56 of which are novel. Five loci demonstrate clear evidence of several independent association signals, and many loci have significant effects on other metabolic phenotypes. The 97 loci account for ∼2.7% of BMI variation, and genome-wide estimates suggest that common variation accounts for >20% of BMI variation. Pathway analyses provide strong support for a role of the central nervous system in obesity susceptibility and implicate new genes and pathways, including those related to synaptic function, glutamate signalling, insulin secretion/action, energy metabolism, lipid biology and adipogenesis.


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[spa]La Misión Indígena fue inaugurada en el año 1901, en la zona del río Pilcomayo del Territorio Nacional de Formosa, precisamente al costado de la concesión paraguaya otorgada a Elisa (Elizabeth Alicia) Lynch. Desde entonces, fue trasladada, primero a Tacaaglé en 1902, donde adquirió el nombre de Misión San Francisco Solano, y posteriormente, en 1915, al riacho El Porteño. Los misioneros franciscanos asumieron la tarea de formar a “colonos indígenas” tobas y pilagás para la producción de azúcar. Se analiza la evolución de la Misión franciscana y el impacto de la llegada del Ferrocarril de Formosa a Embarcación (F.C.F.E.). La documentación utilizada se encuentra en la Biblioteca y Archivo Históricos de la Provincia Franciscana de San Miguel, del Museo Conventual de San Carlos Borromeo ubicado en San Lorenzo, Provincia de Santa Fe


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Approaches exploiting trait distribution extremes may be used to identify loci associated with common traits, but it is unknown whether these loci are generalizable to the broader population. In a genome-wide search for loci associated with the upper versus the lower 5th percentiles of body mass index, height and waist-to-hip ratio, as well as clinical classes of obesity, including up to 263,407 individuals of European ancestry, we identified 4 new loci (IGFBP4, H6PD, RSRC1 and PPP2R2A) influencing height detected in the distribution tails and 7 new loci (HNF4G, RPTOR, GNAT2, MRPS33P4, ADCY9, HS6ST3 and ZZZ3) for clinical classes of obesity. Further, we find a large overlap in genetic structure and the distribution of variants between traits based on extremes and the general population and little etiological heterogeneity between obesity subgroups.