966 resultados para Fishing hooks
L'objectiu principal d'aquest treball és la implementació, gestió i organització d’un producte innovador a la Costa Brava nord, el Pesca Turisme Cap de Creus. Entre els objectius secundaris hi trobem, en primer lloc, els de diversificar la oferta turística a l’entorn, potenciant els recursos locals de forma sostenible i amb qualitat i conscienciant al visitant de la necessitat del respecte pel medi ambient i els motius pels quals cal conservar-lo i preservar-lo. En segon lloc potenciar el consum de peix de proximitat el qual s’ha perdut el costum de prendre’n i és molt saludable i també bo de gust. En tercer lloc, sensibilitzar sobre la pesca tradicional com a patrimoni intangible. Notan sols la pesca en sí, sinó també el vocabulari del mar, les arts que s’utilitzen, leseines, els noms dels peixos. En quart lloc, promoure les diferents activitats relacionades amb el mar i el patrimoni marítim que es realitzen en aquest espai. En cinquè lloc donar valor afegit tant a la zona com a l’activitat en sí, dins el context del Cap de Creus, un paratge únic arreu. En sisè lloc, crear sinèrgies amb altres sectors com és el privat per tal de promoure el producte i també perquè s’hi impliqui en el foment de consum de productes locals i de proximitat. I en setè i últim lloc, organitzar, en un futur, esdeveniments o activitats comunes amb altres poblacions de la zona de la Mar d’Amunt, la zona nord del Cap de Creus, relacionades amb el mar
Size-selective fishing, environmental changes and reproductive strategies are expected to affect life-history traits such as the individual growth rate. The relative contribution of these factors is not clear, particularly whether size-selective fishing can have a substantial impact on the genetics and hence on the evolution of individual growth rates in wild populations. We analysed a 25-year monitoring survey of an isolated population of the Alpine whitefish Coregonus palaea. We determined the selection differentials on growth rate, the actual change of growth rate over time and indicators of reproductive strategies that may potentially change over time. The selection differential can be reliably estimated in our study population because almost all the fish are harvested within their first years of life, i.e. few fish escape fishing mortality. We found a marked decline in average adult growth rate over the 25 years and a significant selection differential for adult growth, but no evidence for any linear change in reproductive strategies over time. Assuming that the heritability of growth in this whitefish corresponds to what was found in other salmonids, about a third of the observed decline in growth rate would be linked to fishery-induced evolution. Size-selective fishing seems to affect substantially the genetics of individual growth in our study population.
The advent of retrievable caval filters was a game changer in the sense, that the previously irreversible act of implanting a medical device into the main venous blood stream of the body requiring careful evaluation of the pros and cons prior to execution suddenly became a "reversible" procedure where potential hazards in the late future of the patient lost most of their weight at the time of decision making. This review was designed to assess the rate of success with late retrieval of so called retrievable caval filters in order to get some indication about reasonable implant duration with respect to relatively "easy" implant removal with conventional means, i.e., catheters, hooks and lassos. A PubMed search (www.pubmed.gov) was performed with the search term "cava filter retrieval after 30 days clinical", and 20 reports between 1994 and 2013 dealing with late retrieval of caval filters were identified, covering approximately 7,000 devices with 600 removed filters. The maximal duration of implant reported is 2,599 days and the maximal implant duration of removed filters is also 2,599 days. The maximal duration reported with standard retrieval techniques, i.e., catheter, hook and/or lasso, is 475 days, whereas for the retrievals after this period more sophisticated techniques including lasers, etc. were required. The maximal implant duration for series with 100% retrieval accounts for 84 days, which is equivalent to 12 weeks or almost 3 months. We conclude that retrievable caval filters often become permanent despite the initial decision of temporary use. However, such "forgotten" retrievable devices can still be removed with a great chance of success up to three months after implantation. Conventional percutaneous removal techniques may be sufficient up to sixteen months after implantation whereas more sophisticated catheter techniques have been shown to be successful up to 83 months or more than seven years of implant duration. Tilting, migrating, or misplaced devices should be removed early on, and replaced if indicated with a device which is both, efficient and retrievable.
El present projecte s'ha dut a terme a l'American Museum of Natural History (AMNH, New York) entre el 31 de Desembre de 2010 i el 30 de Desembre de 2012. L'objectiu del projecte era elucidar la història evolutiva de la mà humana: traçar els canvis evolutius en la seva forma i proporcions que van propiciar la seva estructura moderna que permet als humans manipular amb precisió. El treball realitzat ha inclòs recol•lecció de dades i anàlisis, redacció de resultats i formació en mètodes analítics específics. Durant aquest temps, l'autor a completat la seva de base de dades existent en mesures lineals de la mà a hominoides. També s'han agafat dades del peu; d'aquesta forma ara mateix es compta amb una base de dades amb més de 500 individus, amb més de 200 mesures per cada un. També s'han agafat dades en tres imensions utilitzant un làser escàner. S'han après tècniques de morfometria geomètrica 3D directament dels pioners al camp a l'AMNH. Com a resultat d'aquesta feina s'han produït 10 resums (publicats a congressos internacionals) i 9 manuscrits (molts d'ells ja publicats a revistes internacionals) amb resultats de gran rellevància: La mà humana posseeix unes proporcions relativament primitives, que són més similars a les proporciones que tenien els hominoides fòssils del Miocè que no pas a la dels grans antropomorfs actuals. Els darrers tenen unes mans allargades amb un polzes molt curts que reflexen l'ús de la mà com a eina de suspensió sota les branques. En canvi, els hominoides del Miocè tenien unes mans relativament curtes amb un polze llarg que feien servir per estabilitzar el seu pes quan caminaven per sobre de les branques. Una vegada els primers homínids van aparèixer al final del Miocè (fa uns 6 Ma) i van començar a fer servir el bipedisme com a mitjà més comú de locomoció, les seves mans van ser "alliberades" de les seves funcions locomotores. La selecció natural—ara només treballant en la manipulació—va convertir les proporcions ja existents de la mà d'aquests primats en l'òrgan manipulatori que representa la mà humana avui dia.
Biological reference points are important tools for fisheries management. Reference points are not static, but may change when a population's environment or the population itself changes. Fisheries-induced evolution is one mechanism that can alter population characteristics, leading to "shifting" reference points by modifying the underlying biological processes or by changing the perception of a fishery system. The former causes changes in "true" reference points, whereas the latter is caused by changes in the yardsticks used to quantify a system's status. Unaccounted shifts of either kind imply that reference points gradually lose their intended meaning. This can lead to increased precaution, which is safe, but potentially costly. Shifts can also occur in more perilous directions, such that actual risks are greater than anticipated. Our qualitative analysis suggests that all commonly used reference points are susceptible to shifting through fisheries-induced evolution, including the limit and "precautionary" reference points for spawning-stock biomass, Blim and Bpa, and the target reference point for fishing mortality, F0.1. Our findings call for increased awareness of fisheries-induced changes and highlight the value of always basing reference points on adequately updated information, to capture all changes in the biological processes that drive fish population dynamics.
The problem of small Island Developing States (SIDS) is quite recent, end of the 80s and 90s, still looking for a theoretical consolidation. SIDS, as small states in development, formed by one or several islands geographically dispersed, present reduced population, market, territory, natural resources, including drinkable water, and, in great number of the cases, low level of economic activity, factors that together, hinder the gathering of scale economies. To these diseconomies they come to join the more elevated costs in transports and communications which, allies to lower productivities, to a smaller quality and diversification of its productions, which difficult its integration in the world economy. In some SIDS these factors are not dissociating of the few investments in infrastructures, in the formation of human resources and in productive investments, just as it happens in most of the developing countries. In ecological terms, many of them with shortage of natural resources, but integrating important ecosystems in national and world terms, but with great fragility relatively to the pollution action, of excessive fishing, of uncontrolled development of tourism, factors that, conjugated and associated to the stove effect, condition the climate and the slope of the medium level of the sea water and therefore could put in cause the own survival of some of them. The drive to the awareness of the international community towards its problems summed up with the accomplishment by the United Nations in the Barbados’s Conference, 1994 where the right to the development was emphasized, through the going up the appropriate strategies and the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of the SIDS. The orientation of the regional and international cooperation in that sense, sharing technology (namely clean technology and control and administration environmental technology), information and creation of capacity-building, supplying means, including financial resources, creating non discriminatory and just trade rules, it would drive to the establishment of a world system economically more equal, in which the production, the consumption, the pollution levels, the demographic politics were guided towards the sustainability. It constituted an important step for the recognition for the international community on the specificities of those states and it allowed the definition of a group of norms and politics to implement at the national, regional and international level and it was important that they continued in the sense of the sustainable development. But this Conference had in its origin previous summits: the Summit of Rio de Janeiro about Environment and Development, accomplished in 1992, which left an important document - the Agenda 21, in the Conference of Stockholm at 1972 and even in the Conference of Ramsar, 1971 about “Wetlands.” CENTRO DE ESTUDOS AFRICANOS Occasional Papers © CEA - Centro de Estudos Africanos 4 Later, the Valletta Declaration, Malta, 1998, the Forum of Small States, 2002, get the international community's attention for the problems of SIDS again, in the sense that they act to increase its resilience. If the definition of “vulnerability” was the inability of the countries to resist economical, ecological and socially to the external shocks and “resilience” as the potential for them to absorb and minimize the impact of those shocks, presenting a structure that allows them to be little affected by them, a part of the available studies, dated of the 90s, indicate that the SIDS are more vulnerable than the other developing countries. The vulnerability of SIDS results from the fact the they present an assemblage of characteristics that turns them less capable of resisting or they advance strategies that allow a larger resilience to the external shocks, either anthropogenic (economical, financial, environmental) or even natural, connected with the vicissitudes of the nature. If these vulnerability factors were grouped with the expansion of the economic capitalist system at world level, the economic and financial globalisation, the incessant search of growing profits on the part of the multinational enterprises, the technological accelerated evolution drives to a situation of disfavour of the more poor. The creation of the resilience to the external shocks, to the process of globalisation, demands from SIDS and of many other developing countries the endogen definition of strategies and solid but flexible programs of integrated development. These must be assumed by the instituted power, but also by the other stakeholders, including companies and organizations of the civil society and for the population in general. But that demands strong investment in the formation of human resources, in infrastructures, in investigation centres; it demands the creation capacity not only to produce, but also to produce differently and do international marketing. It demands institutional capacity. Cape Verde is on its way to this stage.
Rock Creek Lake is at risk. The centerpiece of Rock Creek State Park in Jasper County, Rock Creek Lake offers visitors a range of recreational opportunities, including the second busiest campground in Iowa and great fishing. However, many different factors are threatening the lake. Action is being taken to improve the lake for today’s visitors and to preserve the lake for future generations. GIS mapping is helping to make those improvements possible.
Practically since settlement of the state, Iowa trout streams had to be stocked to maintain a trout population. But improvements in water quality are leading to healthier, self-sustaining trout populations - and local communities are reaping the benefits.
Pollution from sediment and nutrients has hurt Farmers Creek’s fish population and placed the stream on the state’s impaired waters list. If we want to give our children and grandchildren clean water for drinking, swimming and fishing – we need to act now.
A bibliographic revision on the fisheries research in the Canary, Madeira, and the Azores Islands related to stock assessment of the striped soldier shrimp (Plesionika edwardsii) (Crustacea, Decapoda, Pandalidae) was made. Biological information –reproduction, growth, mortality, recruitment– of the target species, selective technological developments –multiple semi-floating shrimp traps–, and know-how gained by the ICCM can give support to elaborate and execute an ICCM-INDP joint project, in order to explore and assess its insular stocks in the Capeverdian deepwaters (150-300 m). In the frame of the UE Trans-national Cooperation Programme MAC (2007- 2013), the next coming call for proposals seems to be an adequate source to fund it. This project should include some activities for the valorisation and promotion of this new shellfish product, as well as for scientific-technical and social divulgation, and for giving advice to the decision-makers. Lastly, with the aim of developing a new fishing activity in the Cape Verdes on a responsible and sustainable basis, authors have scheduled a second study phase. This should consist of a process of technology transfer, followed by an experimental fishing pilot project including a study on biological and commercial viability with the participation of the Capeverdian fishing sector.
Segons els coneixements i l’ experiència dels pescadors d’ arts menors de la Confraria de Palamós, s’ ha observat una dràstica davallada d’ algunes de les espècies d’ interès pesquer més representatives. La proposta d’ aquest sector es basa en declarar tota una zona d’ interès pesquer artesanal a l’ entorn de les Illes Formigues com a Reserva Marina d’ Interès Pesquer. Aquest projecte pretén esbrinar l’ evolució de la pesca artesanal al port de Palamós en el últims sis anys mitjançant l’ anàlisi cronològica a través del buidatge dels fulls de subhasta proporcionats per la Confraria de Palamós. En base els resultats obtinguts s’ ha fet una valoració de la situació actual que servirà com a punt de partida per al seguiment amb posterioritat. Finalment s’ han elaborat unes primeres propostes de gestió de cares a la possible futura creació de la reserva
A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população, tendo papel decisivo na questão da segurança alimentar e, por ser fonte de proteína animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades pesqueiras da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, iremos refletir sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade, tais como o uso predominante dos recursos naturais renováveis e a diversidade de espécies capturadas. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar, criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos, é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca.
A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população, tendo papel decisivo na questão da segurança alimentar e, por ser fonte de proteína animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades pesqueiras da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, iremos refletir sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade, tais como o uso predominante dos recursos naturais renováveis e a diversidade de espécies capturadas. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar, criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos, é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca. Fishery has always been of great social economic importance for the coastal communities of Cape Verde, offering means of subsistence and employment opportunities due to their maritime vocation. Fish are important food component for the population, playing a decisive role in food safety. Since fishery is a source of low-cost animal protein, its exploration must be sustainable in order to be permanently available for the community. Fishing is one of the main economic activities of the coastal zone of island, besides being an important subsistence activity for the three fishing communities of the island. Aiming to discuss ways for sustainable activity, we will reflect on the sustainability of the handmade fishing in the community of Palmeira Sal Island, Cape Verde. In a community like Palmeira, where fishing is typically handmade, we find many elements that ensure the sustainability of the activity, such as the predominant use of renewable natural resources and the diversity of species caught. Meet and develop new mechanisms to educate, create sustainable policies for the activity and resource management, is important for the new environment in which we live. Education and organization of fishermen, as well as decentralization and participatory management of fishery resources, are fundamental to the sustainability of fisheries.
A pesca teve sempre grande importância socioeconómica para as comunidades costeiras de Cabo Verde, oferecendo meios de subsistência e, devido à vocação marítima do povo Cabo-verdiano, possibilidades de emprego. O peixe aparece como componente importante na alimentação da população, tendo papel decisivo na questão da segurança alimentar e, por ser fonte de proteína animal de baixo custo para a população, requer que a sua exploração seja feita em moldes sustentáveis, perpetuando no tempo a disponibilidade desse recurso para toda a sociedade. A pesca é uma das principais atividades económicas da zona costeira da Ilha do Sal, além de ser uma importante atividade de subsistência para as três comunidades pesqueiras da ilha. Com o objetivo de discutir caminhos sustentáveis para a atividade, iremos refletir sobre a sustentabilidade da pesca artesanal na comunidade da Palmeira, Ilha do Sal, Cabo Verde. Numa comunidade como Palmeira, onde a pesca é tipicamente artesanal, encontramos diversos elementos que garantem a sustentabilidade da atividade, tais como o uso predominante dos recursos naturais renováveis e a diversidade de espécies capturadas. Conhecer e desenvolver novos mecanismos que visam educar, criar políticas sustentáveis para a atividade e gestão dos recursos, é importante para a nova conjuntura em que se vive. A educação e a organização dos pescadores, bem como a descentralização e a gestão participativa dos recursos pesqueiros, são condições fundamentais para a sustentabilidade da pesca.