939 resultados para Esposas de ex-combatentes - Wives of war veterans


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Abstract This paper describes a two-part methodology for managing the risk posed by water supply variability to irrigated agriculture. First, an econometric model is used to explain the variation in the production value of irrigated agriculture. The explanatory variables include an index of irrigation water availability (surface storage levels), a price index representative of the crops grown in each geographical unit, and a time variable. The model corrects for autocorrelation and it is applied to 16 representative Spanish provinces in terms of irrigated agriculture. In the second part, the fitted models are used for the economic evaluation of drought risk. In flow variability in the hydrological system servicing each province is used to perform ex-ante evaluations of economic output for the upcoming irrigation season. The model?s error and the probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the reservoirs? storage variations are used to generate Monte Carlo (Latin Hypercube) simulations of agricultural output 7 and 3 months prior to the irrigation season. The results of these simulations illustrate the different risk profiles of each management unit, which depend on farm productivity and on the probability distribution function of water in flow to reservoirs. The potential for ex-ante drought impact assessments is demonstrated. By complementing hydrological models, this method can assist water managers and decisionmakers in managing reservoirs.


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The implementation of a charging policy for heavy goods vehicles in European Union (EU) member countries has been imposed to reflect costs of construction and maintenance of infrastructure as well as externalities such as congestion, accidents and environmental impact. In this context, EU countries approved the Eurovignette directive (1999/62/EC) and its amending directive (2006 /38/EC) which established a legal framework to regulate the system of tolls. Even if that regulation seek s to increase the efficien cy of freight, it will trigger direct and indirect effects on Spain’s regional economies by increasing transport costs. This paper presents the development of a multiregional Input-Output methodology (MRIO) with elastic trade coefficients to predict in terregional trade, using transport attributes integrated in multinomial logit models. This method is highly useful to carry out an ex-ante evaluation of transport policies because it involves road freight transport cost sensitivity, and determine regional distributive and substitution economic effect s of countries like Spain, characterized by socio-demographic and economic attributes, differentiated region by region. It will thus be possible to determine cost-effective strategies, given different policy scenarios. MRIO mode l would then be used to determine the impact on the employment rate of imposing a charge in the Madrid-Sevilla corridor in Spain. This methodology is important for measuring the impact on the employment rate since it is one of the main macroeconomic indicators of Spain’s regional and national economic situation. A previous research developed (DESTINO) using a MRIO method estimated employment impacts of road pricing policy across Spanish regions considering a fuel tax charge (€/liter) in the entire shortest cost path network for freight transport. Actually, it found that the variation in employment is expected to be substantial for some regions, and negligible for others. For example, in this Spanish case study of regional employment has showed reductions between 16.1% (Rioja) and 1.4% (Madrid region). This variation range seems to be related to either the intensity of freight transport in each region or dependency of regions to transport intensive economic sect ors. In fact, regions with freight transport intensive sectors will lose more jobs while regions with a predominantly service economy undergo a fairly insignificant loss of employment. This paper is focused on evaluating a freight transport vehicle-kilometer charge (€/km) in a non-tolled motorway corridor (A-4) between Madrid-Sevilla (517 Km.). The consequences of the road pricing policy implementation show s that the employment reductions are not as high as the diminution stated in the previous research because this corridor does not affect the whole freight transport system of Spain.


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According to cognitive linguistics, language has an experiential origin based on perception, sensory motor activities and our knowledge of the world. Our thought operates by establishing similarities, links and associations that enable us to talk about one thing in terms of another as shown in the example of love as a journey (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980). Metaphor and metonymy are conceptual and linguistic tools that make possible most of these cognitive operations. Since metaphor is an essential element of human communication, the discourse of specialised disciplines includes metaphorical mappings and numerous examples of metaphorical expressions, for example in economics, where business is mapped in terms of war (White, 2004; Herrera & White, 2000), electrotechnics with electrical components understood as couples (Roldán- Riejos in preparation) or in civil engineering where a bridge is conceptualized as a person (Roldán-Riejos, 2013). In this paper, the metaphors: WORKING WITH METALS IS COOKING/ TRABAJAR CON METALES ES COCINAR and METALS ARE CULINARY OBJECTS/ LOS METALES SON OBJETOS CULINARIOS are explored. The main aim is to show that the cooking metaphor is widely spread in the metallurgical domain in English and Spanish, although with different nuances in each language due to socio-cultural factors. The method adopted consists of analysing examples taken from the: Bilingual Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Metaphors and Metonymies Spanish- English/English-Spanish, a forthcoming and rigorously documented bilingual dictionary that sums up research on conceptual, linguistic and visual metaphor and metonymy in different areas of engineering (Roldán-Riejos and Molina, 2013). The present paper studies in detail English and Spanish cross-linguistic correspondences related to types of metals and processes. It is suggested that they reflect synesthetic metaphoric mappings. The exploitation of cognitive conceptual metaphor in the ESP classroom is lastly recommended.


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A sexualidade de Lea e Raquel, o útero, as mandrágoras e o corpo de Jacó são fatores que definem o alicerce do nosso texto como espaços de diálogo, mediação e estrutura do cenário. O destaque principal está sob o capítulo 30.14-16 que retrata a memória das mandrágoras. Como plantas místicas elas dominam o campo religioso e como plantas medicinais elas são utilizadas para solucionar problemas biológicos. As instituições e sociedades detentoras de uma ideologia e de leis que regulamentam uma existência apresentam na narrativa, duas irmãs, mas também esposas de um mesmo homem que, manipuladas por essa instituição que minimiza e oprime a mulher, principalmente a estéril, confina-as como simples objeto de sexualidade e mantenedoras da descendência por meio da maternidade. A memória das mandrágoras é sinal de que a prática existente circundava uma religião não monoteísta. Ela existia sociologicamente por meio de sincretismos, força e poderes sócio-culturais e religiosos. Era constituída das memórias de mulheres que manipulavam e dominavam o poder sagrado para controle de suas necessidades. O discurso dessas mulheres, em nossa unidade, prova que o discurso dessa narrativa não se encontra somente no plano individual, mas também se estende a nível comunitário, espaço que as define e lhes concede importância por meio do casamento e dádivas da maternidade como continuidade da descendência. São mulheres que dominaram um espaço na história com suas lutas e vitórias, com atos de amor e de sofrimento, de crenças e poderes numa experiência religiosa dominada pelo masculino que vai além do nosso conhecimento atual. As lutas firmadas na fé e na ideologia dessas mulheres definiram e acentuaram seu papel de protagonistas nas narrativas 9 bíblicas que estudamos no Gênesis. A conservação dessas narrativas, e do espaço teológico da época, definiu espaços, vidas, gerações e tribos que determinaram as gerações prometidas e fecharam um ciclo: o da promessa de Iahweh quanto à descendência desde Abraão. Os mitos e as crenças foram extintos para dar espaço a uma fé monoteísta, mas a experiência religiosa


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The long-term kinetics of T cell production following highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) were investigated in blood and lymph node in a group of HIV-infected subjects at early stage of established infection and prospectively studied for 72 wk. Before HAART, CD4 and CD8 T cell turnover was increased. However, the total number of proliferating CD4+ T lymphocytes, i.e., CD4+Ki67+ T lymphocytes, was not significantly different in HIV-infected (n = 73) and HIV-negative (n = 15) subjects, whereas proliferating CD8+Ki67+ T lymphocytes were significantly higher in HIV-infected subjects. After HAART, the total body number of proliferating CD4+Ki67+ T lymphocytes increased over time and was associated with an increase of both naive and memory CD4+ T cells. The maximal increase (2-fold) was observed at week 36, whereas at week 72 the number of proliferating CD4+ T cells dropped to baseline levels, i.e., before HAART. The kinetics of the fraction of proliferating CD4 and CD8 T cells were significantly correlated with the changes in the total body number of these T cell subsets. These results demonstrate a direct relationship between ex vivo measures of T cell production and quantitative changes in total body T lymphocyte populations. This study provides advances in the delineation of the kinetics of T cell production in HIV infection in the presence and/or in the absence of HAART.


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Transcriptional silencing of genes transferred into hematopoietic stem cells poses one of the most significant challenges to the success of gene therapy. If the transferred gene is not completely silenced, a progressive decline in gene expression as the mice age often is encountered. These phenomena were observed to various degrees in mouse transplant experiments using retroviral vectors containing a human β-globin gene, even when cis-linked to locus control region derivatives. Here, we have investigated whether ex vivo preselection of retrovirally transduced stem cells on the basis of expression of the green fluorescent protein driven by the CpG island phosphoglycerate kinase promoter can ensure subsequent long-term expression of a cis-linked β-globin gene in the erythroid lineage of transplanted mice. We observed that 100% of mice (n = 7) engrafted with preselected cells concurrently expressed human β-globin and the green fluorescent protein in 20–95% of their RBC for up to 9.5 mo posttransplantation, the longest time point assessed. This expression pattern was successfully transferred to secondary transplant recipients. In the presence of β-locus control region hypersensitive site 2 alone, human β-globin mRNA expression levels ranged from 0.15% to 20% with human β-globin chains detected by HPLC. Neither the proportion of positive blood cells nor the average expression levels declined with time in transplanted recipients. Although suboptimal expression levels and heterocellular position effects persisted, in vivo stem cell gene silencing and age-dependent extinction of expression were avoided. These findings support the further investigation of this type of vector for the gene therapy of human hemoglobinopathies.


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Somatic mosaicism has been observed previously in the lymphocyte population of patients with Fanconi anemia (FA). To identify the cellular origin of the genotypic reversion, we examined each lymphohematopoietic and stromal cell lineage in an FA patient with a 2815–2816ins19 mutation in FANCA and known lymphocyte somatic mosaicism. DNA extracted from individually plucked peripheral blood T cell colonies and marrow colony-forming unit granulocyte–macrophage and burst-forming unit erythroid cells revealed absence of the maternal FANCA exon 29 mutation in 74.0%, 80.3%, and 86.2% of colonies, respectively. These data, together with the absence of the FANCA exon 29 mutation in Epstein–Barr virus-transformed B cells and its presence in fibroblasts, indicate that genotypic reversion, most likely because of back mutation, originated in a lymphohematopoietic stem cell and not solely in a lymphocyte population. Contrary to a predicted increase in marrow cellularity resulting from reversion in a hematopoietic stem cell, pancytopenia was progressive. Additional evaluations revealed a partial deletion of 11q in 3 of 20 bone marrow metaphase cells. By using interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization with an MLL gene probe mapped to band 11q23 to identify colony-forming unit granulocyte–macrophage and burst-forming unit erythroid cells with the 11q deletion, the abnormal clone was exclusive to colonies with the FANCA exon 29 mutation. Thus, we demonstrate the spontaneous genotypic reversion in a lymphohematopoietic stem cell. The subsequent development of a clonal cytogenetic abnormality in nonrevertant cells suggests that ex vivo correction of hematopoietic stem cells by gene transfer may not be sufficient for providing life-long stable hematopoiesis in patients with FA.


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While the interactions of cells with polymeric substrata are widely studied, the influence of cell–cell cohesivity on tissue spreading has not been rigorously investigated. Here we demonstrate that the rate of tissue spreading over a two-dimensional substratum reflects a competition or “tug-of-war” between cell–cell and cell–substratum adhesions. We have generated both a “library” of structurally related copolymeric substrata varying in their adhesivity to cells and a library of genetically engineered cell populations varying only in cohesivity. Cell–substratum adhesivity was varied through the poly(ethylene glycol) content of a series of copolymeric substrata, whereas cell–cell cohesivity was varied through the expression of the homophilic cohesion molecules N- and R-cadherin by otherwise noncohesive L929 cells. In the key experiment, multicellular aggregates containing about 600 cells were allowed to spread onto copolymeric surfaces. We compared the spreading behavior of aggregates having different levels of cell–cell cohesivity on a series of copolymeric substrata having different levels of cell–substratum adhesivity. In these experiments, cell–cell cohesivity was measured by tissue surface tensiometry, and cell–substratum adhesivity was assessed by a distractive method. Tissue spreading was assayed by confocal microscopy as the rate of cell emigration from similar-sized, fluorescence-labeled, multicellular aggregates deposited on each of the substrata. We demonstrate that either decreasing substratum adhesivity or increasing cell–cell cohesivity dramatically slowed the spreading rate of cell aggregates.


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Current gene therapy protocols for HIV infection use transfection or murine retrovirus mediated transfer of antiviral genes into CD4+ T cells or CD34+ progenitor cells ex vivo, followed by infusion of the gene altered cells into autologous or syngeneic/allogeneic recipients. While these studies are essential for safety and feasibility testing, several limitations remain: long-term reconstitution of the immune system is not effected for lack of access to the macrophage reservoir or the pluripotent stem cell population, which is usually quiescent, and ex vivo manipulation of the target cells will be too expensive and impractical for global application. In these regards, the lentivirus-specific biologic properties of the HIVs, which underlie their pathogenetic mechanisms, are also advantageous as vectors for gene therapy. The ability of HIV to specifically target CD4+ cells, as well as non-cycling cells, makes it a promising candidate for in vivo gene transfer vector on one hand, and for transduction of non-cycling stem cells on the other. Here we report the use of replication-defective vectors and stable vector packaging cell lines derived from both HIV-1 and HIV-2. Both HIV envelopes and vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein G were effective in mediating high-titer gene transfer, and an HIV-2 vector could be cross-packaged by HIV-1. Both HIV-1 and HIV-2 vectors were able to transduce primary human macrophages, a property not shared by murine retroviruses. Vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein G-pseudotyped HIV vectors have the potential to mediate gene transfer into non-cycling hematopoietic stem cells. If so, HIV or other lentivirus-based vectors will have applications beyond HIV infection.


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The long-term efficacy of gene therapy using bone marrow transplantation requires the engraftment of genetically altered totipotent hematopoietic stem cells (THSCs). Ex vivo expansion of corrected THSCs is one way to increase the efficiency of the procedure. Similarly, selective in vivo expansion of the therapeutic THSCs rather than the endogenous THSCs could favor the transplant. To test whether a conferred proliferative advantage gene can facilitate the in vitro and in vivo expansion of hematopoietic stem cells, we have generated transgenic mice expressing a truncated receptor for the growth factor erythropoietin. These mice are phenotypically normal, but when treated in vivo with exogenous erythropoietin they exhibit a marked increase in multipotent, clonogenic hematopoietic cells [colony-forming units in the spleen (CFU-S) and CFUs that give rise to granulocytes, erythroid cells, macrophages, and megakaryocytes within the same colony (CFU-GEMM)] in comparison with the wild-type mice. In addition, long-term in vitro culture of tEpoR transgenic bone marrow in the presence of erythropoietin induces exponential expansion of trilineage hematopoietic stem cells not seen with wild-type bone marrow. Thus, the truncated erythropoietin receptor gene shows promise as a means for obtaining cytokine-inducible hematopoietic stem cell proliferation to facilitate the direct targeting of THSCs and to provide a competitive repopulation advantage for transplanted therapeutic stem cells.


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Because of their known myelopoietic activities, both interleukin (IL)-3 and IL-1 are often used in combination with other cytokines for in vitro (ex vivo) expansion of stem cells. We have investigated the effects of IL-3 and IL-1 on in vitro expansion of murine hematopoietic stem cells with long-term engraftment capabilities, using a highly purified progenitor population. Lineage-negative, Ly-6A/E+, c-kit+ bone marrow cells from male mice were cultured in suspension in the presence of stem cell factor, IL-6, IL-11, and erythropoietin with or without IL-3 or IL-1. Kinetic studies revealed an exponential increase in total nucleated cells and about 10-fold enhancement of nucleated cells by IL-3 during the initial 10 days. Addition of IL-3 hastened the development but significantly suppressed the peak production of colony-forming cells. Addition of IL-1 also significantly suppressed the numbers of colony-forming cells. The reconstituting ability of the cultured cells was tested by transplanting the expanded male cells into lethally irradiated female mice. The cells expanded from enriched cells in the absence of IL-3 and IL-1 revealed engraftment at 2, 4, 5, and 6 months, whereas addition of IL-3 or IL-1 to the cultures significantly reduced the reconstituting ability. The results suggest that these cytokines may have a modulatory role on the self-renewal of stem cells and further indicate that the use of IL-3 and IL-1 for in vitro expansion of human stem cells needs to be cautiously evaluated.


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The current study tested two competing models of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), the inhibition and state regulation theories, by conducting fine-grained analyses of the Stop-Signal Task and another putative measure of behavioral inhibition, the Gordon Continuous Performance Test (G-CPT), in a large sample of children and adolescents. The inhibition theory posits that performance on these tasks reflects increased difficulties for AD/HD participants to inhibit prepotent responses. The model predicts that putative stop-signal reaction time (SSRT) group differences on the Stop-Signal Task will be primarily related to AD/HD participants requiring more warning than control participants to inhibit to the stop-signal and emphasizes the relative importance of commission errors, particularly "impulsive" type commissions, over other error types on the G-CPT. The state regulation theory, on the other hand, proposes response variability due to difficulties maintaining an optimal state of arousal as the primary deficit in AD/HD. This model predicts that SSRT differences will be more attributable to slower and/or more variable reaction time (RT) in the AD/HD group, as opposed to reflecting inhibitory deficits. State regulation assumptions also emphasize the relative importance of omission errors and "slow processing" type commissions over other error types on the G-CPT. Overall, results of Stop-Signal Task analyses were more supportive of state regulation predictions and showed that greater response variability (i.e., SDRT) in the AD/HD group was not reducible to slow mean reaction time (MRT) and that response variability made a larger contribution to increased SSRT in the AD/HD group than inhibitory processes. Examined further, ex-Gaussian analyses of Stop-Signal Task go-trial RT distributions revealed that increased variability in the AD/HD group was not due solely to a few excessively long RTs in the tail of the AD/HD distribution (i.e., tau), but rather indicated the importance of response variability throughout AD/HD group performance on the Stop-Signal Task, as well as the notable sensitivity of ex-Gaussian analyses to variability in data screening procedures. Results of G-CPT analyses indicated some support for the inhibition model, although error type analyses failed to further differentiate the theories. Finally, inclusion of primary variables of interest in exploratory factor analysis with other neurocognitive predictors of AD/HD indicated response variability as a separable construct and further supported its role in Stop-Signal Task performance. Response variability did not, however, make a unique contribution to the prediction of AD/HD symptoms beyond measures of motor processing speed in multiple deficit regression analyses. Results have implications for the interpretation of the processes reflected in widely-used variables in the AD/HD literature, as well as for the theoretical understanding of AD/HD.


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For over a decade, the U.S. military has been engaged in two distinct, yet equally deadly conflicts: Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF). There are many physical and psychological effects of war necessitating the activation and interventions of a myriad of behavioral health professionals. The purpose of the paper was to understand how and if contemporary military culture may work to support or hinder application of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) approach to issues of psychological health among Soldiers. While the empirical research on efficacy with Soldiers is limited, a review of military culture revealed the promotion of rigid rule following, although effective in combat, influences the emotional control agenda and stigma while in garrison. However, empirical research demonstrating the clinical benefits and flexibility of ACT is rapidly emerging with civilian and Veteran populations. Suggested as a prevention technique utilized early in Soldier's training to increase psychological flexibility, ACT appears to demonstrate much promise in ameliorating the psychological consequences of war.