816 resultados para Equity.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação do Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira.


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Resumo - A presente tese explora o contributo de uma abordagem de Promoção da Saúde para o desenvolvimento de uma política integrada relativa ao envelhecimento e às pessoas idosas. Propôs-se, em particular, reunir elementos de apoio à fundamentação de medidas e políticas nacionais promotoras da saúde e bem-estar das pessoas de 65 e mais anos em Portugal. ● Delineia-se o enquadramento conceptual - referencial PromS - que clarifica a perspectiva de Promoção de Saúde adoptada. Um entendimento abrangente, positivo e multideterminado da saúde, a par do ênfase nos valores de equidade e de empowerment são alguns dos traços centrais desta abordagem. ● Conjugam-se dados empíricos quantitativos e qualitativos, concorrendo para o diagnóstico da situação de saúde da população de 65+ anos em Portugal: estudo qualitativo explorando as concepções leigas de saúde de pessoas idosas, discutidas em termos de literacia de saúde e de dimensões, determinantes e modos de acção sobre a saúde valorizados; perfil de saúde da população portuguesa de 65+ anos, caracterizando o seu estado de saúde/ bem-estar e factores (individuais e sociais/ambientais) que o influenciam; recorre a indicadores de diversas fontes, incluindo, quando possível, uma dimensão comparativa com outros grupos etários e outros países europeus; análise do padrão e magnitude de desigualdades sociais em resultados e determinantes de saúde das pessoas idosas em Portugal (dados do ESS3); breve análise de medidas/políticas nacionais relevantes para a saúde deste grupo populacional. ● Sugerem-se objectivos e áreas prioritárias para a actuação, bem como algumas estratégias e aspectos do dispositivo de intervenção a contemplar na formulação e implementação de uma política nacional de saúde dos idosos.----------------------------Abstract - The thesis explores contributions of a health promotion approach to the development of an integrated ageing policy. More specifically, it offers several elements in support of policies/measures promoting the health and well-being of people aged 65+ in Portugal. ● A conceptual framework - PromS - clarifies the health promotion approach adopted, stressing a comprehensive and positive understanding of health and its multiple determinants and emphasising the values of equity and empowerment. ● Quantitative and qualitative data are combined to render an assessment of the health situation of the over-65 population in Portugal, comprising: a qualitative study exploring older people’s lay views on health, discussed in terms of health literacy and favoured health dimensions, determinants and actions; a health profile of the Portuguese population aged 65 and over, covering health status and well-being and several determining factors (individual and social /environmental); it uses indicators from several sources, including, whenever possible, a comparison with other age groups and other European countries; an analysis of pattern and magnitude of social inequalities in health outcomes and in the distribution of some of it’s determinants among elderly people in Portugal (ESS3 data); a brief review of some national policies/measures pertinent to this group’s health. ● Objectives and priority areas for action are suggested, along with possible strategies and guidelines on infrastructure and processes regarding the formulation and implementation of a national health policy for older people.


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RESUMO - A 8 de Maio de 2008 surgiu o centro de atendimento “Linha Saúde24” (S24) no sentido de modernizar o SNS, aproximando-o do cidadão. O serviço surge baseado no modelo inglês – o NHS Direct – que pode ser encarado como um serviço de informação telefónico apoiado por enfermeiros, disponível 24h por dia, concebido para expandir os serviços púbicos de acesso à rede prestadora de cuidados com intuito de aliviar a pressão da procura na rede de urgências hospitalares e médicos de família, assim como diluir as iniquidades regionais na prestação de serviços. A S24 assenta na perspectiva de ser um ponto de contacto inicial do utente com a rede de prestação de cuidados de saúde com capacidade de orientação. O objectivo da linha está na tentativa mais eficiente no uso dos recursos disponíveis, ao mesmo tempo que delega responsabilidade no cidadão na forma como este utiliza os recursos disponíveis, com melhor racionalização financeira na área da saúde aliada a uma melhor qualidade de serviço prestada e adequada, colocando os cidadãos no mesmo patamar, diluindo as dificuldades de acesso a aqueles que necessitam na tentativa de harmonizar e racionalizar o consumo de serviços de saúde. Esta estrutura permite ao cidadão conhecer melhor o seu estado de saúde e decidir mais acertadamente quanto à decisão a tomar. Com este estudo, e com base na literatura nacional e internacional, pretende-se descrever o perfil de utilizador que acede à S24 – definir o tipo de utilizador, disposição geográfica, motivos pelo qual acede ao serviço e qual o seu destino final, fazendo comparação com o perfil do NHS Direct. Assim, e com os dados obtidos, far-se-á uma avaliação preliminar em termos do contributo da linha S24 no que concerne à sua eficiência, equidade e empowerment dado ao utilizador. --- ------------------------------ABSTRACT - Saúde 24 (S24) is a national 24-hour health line initiated in May 2008 aiming at modernizing the Portuguese NHS by bringing it closer to the citizen. Indeed, S24 be seen as an initial contact point between the patient and the healthcare network, facilitating a better a management of health care demand. The service is inspired on the UK NHS Direct – a nurse-led telephone line to provide easier and faster advice information to people about health, illness and NHS services. It is expected to provide information so that people can deal with their health problems or their families´ on their own, with the purpose of reducing demand to A&E department and out-of-hours GP services. Additionally it can contribute to a reduction in regional inequities in healthcare provision through bringing health care advice to remote areas. The purpose of S24 is to handle more efficiently the available resources by enabling responsibilities in citizens. By doing so, S24 encourages a more appropriate use of available resources, with better financial outcomes and a better quality of care. It is meant, in terms of empowerment, to help people to be in control of their health and healthcare interactions by participating in the final decision. Based on quantitative data, this study defines the S24 caller user profile in terms of type, geographical reference, reasons for calling and outcome. This analysis allows us to perform a preliminary evaluation of the S24 in terms of its contribution to efficiency, equity and empowerment. Then the S24 is compared to


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Professora Doutora Ana Maria Alves Bandeira, e Professora Doutora Deolinda Maria Moreira Aparício Meira


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European Master's Degree in Human Rights and Democatisation Academic Year 2008/2009


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apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a Dissertação de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças sob orientação do Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira


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Comunicação apresentada na "Second Biennial Conference of the Standing Group on Regulation and Governance do ECPR Regulation & Governance, com o tema: (Re)Regulation in the Wake of Neoliberalism’ Consequences of Three Decades of Privatization and Market Liberalization, realizada na Universidade de Utrecht, the Netherlands, de 5 a 7 de Junho de 2008.


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RESUMO - Este estudo tem como objectivo analisar a questão da equidade em saúde e nos cuidados de saúde entre migrantes e não migrantes no contexto da infecção de VIH/SIDA. A equidade em saúde e nos cuidados de saúde são valores de justiça distributiva. Este princípio representa um direito essencial para atingir uma melhor saúde e preocupa-se com a redução das desigualdades injustas em saúde e nos cuidados de saúde entre classes socioeconómicas. Os migrantes podem ser mais propensos a piores níveis de saúde do que os não migrantes devido a desigualdades sociais, na infecção por VIH/SIDA. Há escassez de estudos sobre a equidade em saúde e nos cuidados de saúde entre migrantes e não migrantes, aplicado ao contexto de VIH/SIDA em Portugal. Este é um país recente de migração e apresenta um aumento do número de casos de VIH/SIDA. O desenvolvimento deste estudo é importante para uma melhor compreensão da realidade da equidade em saúde e cuidados de saúde entre migrantes e não migrantes. Para a metodologia deste estudo, foram utilizados os dados da notificação obrigatória dos casos de VIH/SIDA em Portugal. A nacionalidade foi utilizada como aproximação ao estatuto de migrante. Através deste estudo empírico, foi possível constatar que os não nacionais estão sobre-representados nos casos notificados com um aumento no número de casos nos últimos anos. Estes dados sugerem uma iniquidade na saúde e nos cuidados de saúde a favor dos nacionais. Os portugueses representam. ----- ABSTRACT - The main goal of this work was to analyze the equity in health and health care between migrants and non migrants in the HIV/AIDS context. Equity in health and health care is a value of distributive justice. Is a primary right in order to achieve a better health and is concerned with a reduction in unfair inequality in health and health care between socioeconomic classes. Migrants are more susceptible to worse health levels due to socio inequalities, especially in the HIV/AIDS disease, when compared to non migrants. There is a scarcity of studies about health and health care between migrants and non migrants applied to the HIV/AIDS context in Portugal. Migration in Portugal is a recent, but increasing, phenomenon regarding the number of HIV/AIDS cases. This study brings a new overview over the equity of health and health care between migrants and non migrants. The methodology of this study uses mandatory notification of the HIV/AIDS cases detected in Portugal, and the nationality was used as a proxy to the migrant status. This empirical study allowed, detect that non nationals are overrepresented among notified cases, although the number has increased in the last years. This data suggests an inequity in health and health care in favor of nationals. Portuguese people’s represent the majority of notified cases, and the PALOP citizens come in second place.


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The power systems operation in the smart grid context increases significantly the complexity of their management. New approaches for ancillary services procurement are essential to ensure the operation of electric power systems with appropriate levels of stability, safety, quality, equity and competitiveness. These approaches should include market mechanisms which allow the participation of small and medium distributed energy resources players in a competitive market environment. In this paper, an energy and ancillary services joint market model used by an aggregator is proposed, considering bids of several types of distributed energy resources. In order to improve economic efficiency in the market, ancillary services cascading market mechanism is also considered in the model. The proposed model is included in MASCEM – a multi-agent system electricity market simulator. A case study considering a distribution network with high penetration of distributed energy resources is presented.


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This article describes a study that investigated the main strategic drivers that influence the implementation of sustainability/social responsibility programs. An online survey was administered to managers of Portuguese organizations with certified management systems. The findings suggest that the implementation of such programs is mainly correlated to: 1.) the approach to understanding and working toward the satisfaction of the community’s needs (in the broad sense of social responsibility); 2.) how systematically sustainability within the organization is identified and managed (e.g., pollution prevention, improved environmental performance, and compliance with the applicable environmental laws); and 3.) the degree to which the organization tries to understand the needs of the employees and works toward satisfying them. In addition to the survey, five interviews with top managers of the surveyed organizations provided some useful insights. There was no consensus on the meaning of sustainability and social responsibility: some described it as an instrumental approach for obtaining better organizational results, while others regarded it as the right thing to do (i.e., it is values driven). In all cases, however, the managers supported a kind of umbrella construct under which different size corporations use different models (for example, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), ISO 14001 environmental management systems), although some managers reported that they simply do not know what to do. All of those surveyed agreed that the lack of a systematic approach could represent a major threat to their organization, making them willing to pay more attention and take more action on the issue of sustainability. An additional suggestion made by managers was to change from a triple bottom line (economic dimension, environmental dimension, social equity dimension) to a quadruple bottom line by adding another dimension: personal and family happiness. This fourth dimension was recognized by the Greek philosopher/thinker Aristotle (384-322 BCE) who thought of happiness as the highest good (virtue) and ultimate goal and purpose of life, achieved through living well, in harmony. Such harmony suggests a balance and a lack of excess—in other words a sustainable existence.


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All over the world, the liberalization of electricity markets, which follows different paradigms, has created new challenges for those involved in this sector. In order to respond to these challenges, electric power systems suffered a significant restructuring in its mode of operation and planning. This restructuring resulted in a considerable increase of the electric sector competitiveness. Particularly, the Ancillary Services (AS) market has been target of constant renovations in its operation mode as it is a targeted market for the trading of services, which have as main objective to ensure the operation of electric power systems with appropriate levels of stability, safety, quality, equity and competitiveness. In this way, with the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources including distributed generation, demand response, storage units and electric vehicles, it is essential to develop new smarter and hierarchical methods of operation of electric power systems. As these resources are mostly connected to the distribution network, it is important to consider the introduction of this kind of resources in AS delivery in order to achieve greater reliability and cost efficiency of electrical power systems operation. The main contribution of this work is the design and development of mechanisms and methodologies of AS market and for energy and AS joint market, considering different management entities of transmission and distribution networks. Several models developed in this work consider the most common AS in the liberalized market environment: Regulation Down; Regulation Up; Spinning Reserve and Non-Spinning Reserve. The presented models consider different rules and ways of operation, such as the division of market by network areas, which allows the congestion management of interconnections between areas; or the ancillary service cascading process, which allows the replacement of AS of superior quality by lower quality of AS, ensuring a better economic performance of the market. A major contribution of this work is the development an innovative methodology of market clearing process to be used in the energy and AS joint market, able to ensure viable and feasible solutions in markets, where there are technical constraints in the transmission network involving its division into areas or regions. The proposed method is based on the determination of Bialek topological factors and considers the contribution of the dispatch for all services of increase of generation (energy, Regulation Up, Spinning and Non-Spinning reserves) in network congestion. The use of Bialek factors in each iteration of the proposed methodology allows limiting the bids in the market while ensuring that the solution is feasible in any context of system operation. Another important contribution of this work is the model of the contribution of distributed energy resources in the ancillary services. In this way, a Virtual Power Player (VPP) is considered in order to aggregate, manage and interact with distributed energy resources. The VPP manages all the agents aggregated, being able to supply AS to the system operator, with the main purpose of participation in electricity market. In order to ensure their participation in the AS, the VPP should have a set of contracts with the agents that include a set of diversified and adapted rules to each kind of distributed resource. All methodologies developed and implemented in this work have been integrated into the MASCEM simulator, which is a simulator based on a multi-agent system that allows to study complex operation of electricity markets. In this way, the developed methodologies allow the simulator to cover more operation contexts of the present and future of the electricity market. In this way, this dissertation offers a huge contribution to the AS market simulation, based on models and mechanisms currently used in several real markets, as well as the introduction of innovative methodologies of market clearing process on the energy and AS joint market. This dissertation presents five case studies; each one consists of multiple scenarios. The first case study illustrates the application of AS market simulation considering several bids of market players. The energy and ancillary services joint market simulation is exposed in the second case study. In the third case study it is developed a comparison between the simulation of the joint market methodology, in which the player bids to the ancillary services is considered by network areas and a reference methodology. The fourth case study presents the simulation of joint market methodology based on Bialek topological distribution factors applied to transmission network with 7 buses managed by a TSO. The last case study presents a joint market model simulation which considers the aggregation of small players to a VPP, as well as complex contracts related to these entities. The case study comprises a distribution network with 33 buses managed by VPP, which comprises several kinds of distributed resources, such as photovoltaic, CHP, fuel cells, wind turbines, biomass, small hydro, municipal solid waste, demand response, and storage units.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo Gestão de Empresas Orientador: Professor Doutor Eduardo Manuel Lopes de Sá e Silva Co-orientador: Mestre Maria de Fátima Mendes Monteiro