872 resultados para East Asia -- Economic policy
Endoraecium is a genus of rust fungi that infects several species of Acacia in Australia, South-East Asia and Hawaii. This study investigated the systematics of Endoraecium from 55 specimens in Australia based on a combined morphological and molecular approach. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted on partitioned datasets of loci from ribosomal and mitochondrial DNA. The recovered molecular phylogeny supported a recently published taxonomy based on morphology and host range that divided Endoraecium digitatum into five species. Spore morphology is synapomorphic and there is evidence Endoraecium co-evolved with its Acacia hosts. The broad host ranges of E. digitatum, E. parvum, E. phyllodiorum and E. violae-faustiae are revised in light of this study, and nine new species of Endoraecium are described from Australia based on host taxonomy, morphology and phylogenetic concordance.
Australian forest industries have a long history of export trade of a wide range of products from woodchips(for paper manufacturing), sandalwood (essential oils, carving and incense) to high value musical instruments, flooring and outdoor furniture. For the high value group, fluctuating environmental conditions brought on by changes in mperature and relative humidity, can lead to performance problems due to consequential swelling, shrinkage and/or distortion of the wood elements. A survey determined the types of value-added products exported, including species and dimensions packaging used and export markets. Data loggers were installed with shipments to monitor temperature and relative humidity conditions. These data were converted to timber equilibrium moisture content values to provide an indication of the environment that the wood elements would be acclimatising to. The results of the initial survey indicated that primary high value wood export products included guitars, flooring, decking and outdoor furniture. The destination markets were mainly located in the northern hemisphere, particularly the United States of America, China, Hong Kong, Europe including the United Kingdom), Japan, Korea and the Middle East. Other regions importing Australian-made wooden articles were south-east Asia, New Zealand and South Africa. Different timber species have differing rates of swelling and shrinkage, so the types of timber were also recorded during the survey. Results from this work determined that the major species were ash-type eucalypts from south-eastern Australia (commonly referred to in the market as Tasmanian oak), jarrah from Western Australia, spotted gum, hoop pine, white cypress, black butt, brush box and Sydney blue gum from Queensland and New South Wales. The environmental conditions data indicated that microclimates in shipping containers can fluctuate extensively during shipping. Conditions at the time of manufacturing were usually between 10 and 12% equilibrium moisture content, however conditions during shipping could range from 5 (very dry) to 20% (very humid). The packaging systems incorporated were reported to be efficient at protecting the wooden articles from damage during transit. The research highlighted the potential risk for wood components to ‘move’ in response to periods of drier or more humid conditions than those at the time of manufacturing, and the importance of engineering a packaging system that can account for the environmental conditions experienced in shipping containers. Examples of potential dimensional changes in wooden components were calculated based on published unit shrinkage data for key species and the climatic data returned from the logging equipment. The information highlighted the importance of good design to account for possible timber movement during shipping. A timber movement calculator was developed to allow designers to input component species, dimensions, site of manufacture and destination, to see validate their product design. This calculator forms part of the free interactive website www.timbers.com.au.
Austria and Finland are persistently referred to as the “success stories” of post-1945 European history. Notwithstanding their different points of departure, in the course of the Cold War both countries portrayed themselves as small and neutral border-states in the world dictated by superpower politics. By the 1970s, both countries frequently ranked at the top end in various international classifications regarding economic development and well-being in society. This trend continues today. The study takes under scrutiny the concept of consensus which figures centrally in the two national narratives of post-1945 success. Given that the two domestic contexts as such only share few direct links with one another and are more obviously different than similar in terms of their geographical location, historical experiences and politico-cultural traditions, the analogies and variations in the anatomies of the post-1945 “cultures of consensus” provide an interesting topic for a historical comparative and cross-national examination. The main research question concerns the identification and analysis of the conceptual and procedural convergence points of the concepts of the state and consensus. The thesis is divided into six main chapters. After the introduction, the second chapter presents the theoretical framework in more detail by focusing on the key concepts of the study – the state and consensus. Chapter two also introduces the comparative historical and cross-national research angles. Chapter three grounds the key concepts of the state and consensus in the historical contexts of Austria and Finland by discussing the state, the nation and democracy in a longer term comparative perspective. The fourth and fifth chapter present case studies on the two policy fields, the “pillars”, upon which the post-1945 Austrian and Finnish cultures of consensus are argued to have rested. Chapter four deals with neo-corporatist features in the economic policy making and chapter five discusses the building up of domestic consensus regarding the key concepts of neutrality policies in the 1950s and 1960s. The study concludes that it was not consensus as such but the strikingly intense preoccupation with the theme of domestic consensus that cross-cut, in a curiously analogous manner, the policy-making processes studied. The main challenge for the post-1945 architects of Austrian and Finnish cultures of consensus was to find strategies and concepts for consensus-building which would be compatible with the principles of democracy. Discussed at the level of procedures, the most important finding of the study concerns the triangular mechanism of coordination, consultation and cooperation that set into motion and facilitated a new type of search for consensus in both post-war societies. In this triangle, the agency of the state was central, though in varying ways. The new conceptions concerning a small state’s position in the Cold War world also prompted cross-nationally perceivable willingness to reconsider inherited concepts and procedures of the state and the nation. At the same time, the ways of understanding the role of the state and its relation to society remained profoundly different in Austria and Finland and this basic difference was in many ways reflected in the concepts and procedures deployed in the search for consensus and management of domestic conflicts. For more detailed information, please consult the author.
This paper examines the welfare implications of non-discriminatory tariff reforms by a subset of countries, which we term a non-preferential trading club. We show that there exist coordinated tariff reforms, accompanied by appropriate income transfers between the member countries, that unambiguously increase the welfare of these countries while leaving the welfare of non-members unaltered. In terms of economic policy implications, our results show that there exist regional, MFN-consistent arrangements that lead to Pareto improvements in world welfare.
This issue marks the beginning of a new editorial cycle. In the seventh volume of the journal the editorial team will continue collating novel scientific and social developments in the broader field of ‘knowledge-based development’ to report to our readers. In this perspective, the first issue of the volume focuses on different dimensions of knowledge-based urban development. As Gabe et al. (2012, p.1179) indicate, “[i]t would be an understatement to suggest that knowledge plays a key role in today’s economy; for much of the developed world, it might be more accurate to assert that knowledge is today’s economy”. Thus, knowledge generation has been a priority for global city administrations, and there is a growing consensus amongst scholars, planners, politicians and industrialists in identifying knowledge-based urban development as a panacea to the burgeoning economic problems (Knight, 1995; Kunzmann, 2009; Yigitcanlar, 2010, 2011; Huggins and Strakova, 2012; Lönnqvist et al., 2014). Although, in the era of global knowledge economy, knowledge-based urban development is a critical factor for economic success (Pratt, 2000; Sheppard, 2002), it is not solely an economic policy. For many, knowledge-based urban development is a policy that targets building an urban setting to form perfect climates for business, people, and governance in an environmentally friendly atmosphere (Carrillo, 2006; Ergazakis et al., 2006; Angelidou et al., 2012). Each of these climates correspond to a dimension or domain of knowledge-based urban development – namely, economy, society, space, and governance (Carrillo et al., 2014). Each paper of this issue corresponds to at least one of these domains, or policy areas.
Aim of the study: Chloranthus erectus (Buch.-Ham.) Verdcourt (Chloranthaceae) is a shrub native to tropical and temperate zone of Eastern Himalaya of India and South-East Asia and have traditionally been used as a folklore medicine to treat localised swelling, joint pain, skin inflammation, fever and bodyache. In this study, an attempthas been made to demonstrate the anti-inflammatory activity of methanol extract obtained from Chloranthus erectus leaves (MECEL) in acute, sub-acute and chronic mouse models. Materials and methods: Inflammation in the hind paw of Wistar albino rat was induced by carrageenan, histamine and serotonin, and tissue granuloma pouch was induced by cotton pellet method. Antiinflammatory drug-phenylbutazone was used as standard drug for comparison. Results: In acute carrageenan-induced rat hind paw edema, oral administration of MECEL at 200 mg/kg produced significant inhibition of edema by 38.34 % (p<0.01) while the histamine- and serotonin-induced sub-acute model, the inhibition of paw edema reached 52.54 % (p < 0.001) and 25.5 % (p < 0.01), respectively. in a 7-day study, MECEL at 20 and 50 mg/kg produced significant suppression of cotton pellet-induced tissue granuloma formation in rats. Conclusions: This preliminary study revealed that the methanol extract of Chloranthus erectus exhibited significant anti-inflammatory activity in the tested models, and may provide the scientific rationale for its popular folk medicine as anti-inflammatory agent.
Kohonneiden kolesterolipitoisuuksien alentamisessa käytettävien statiinien hyödyt sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien estossa on vahvasti osoitettu ja niiden käyttö on niin Suomessa kuin muuallakin maailmassa kasvanut voimakkaasti – Suomessa statiininkäyttäjiä on noin 600 000. Statiinilääkitys on pitkäaikaisessakin käytössä melko hyvin siedetty, mutta yleisimpinä haittavaikutuksina voi ilmetä lihasheikkoutta, -kipua ja -kramppeja, jotka voivat edetä jopa henkeä uhkaavaksi lihasvaurioksi. Lihashaittariski suurenee suhteessa statiiniannokseen ja plasman statiinipitoisuuksiin. Statiinien plasmapitoisuuksissa, tehossa ja haittavaikutusten ilmenemisessä on suuria potilaskohtaisia eroja. SLCO1B1-geenin koodaama OATP1B1-kuljetusproteiini kuljettaa monia elimistön omia aineita ja lääkeaineita verenkierrosta solukalvon läpi maksasoluun, mm. statiineja, joiden kolesterolia alentava vaikutus ja poistuminen elimistöstä tapahtuvat pääosin maksassa. Erään SLCO1B1-geenin nukleotidimuutoksen (c.521T>C) tiedetään heikentävän OATP1B1:n kuljetustehoa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä selvitettiin SLCO1B1-geenin perinnöllistä muuntelua suomalaisilla ja eri väestöissä maailmanlaajuisesti. Lisäksi selvitettiin SLCO1B1:n muunnosten vaikutusta eri statiinien pitoisuuksiin (farmakokinetiikka) ja vaikutuksiin (farmakodynamiikka) sekä kolesteroliaineenvaihduntaan. Näihin tutkimuksiin valittiin SLCO1B1-genotyypin perusteella terveitä vapaaehtoisia koehenkilöitä, joille annettiin eri päivinä kerta-annos kutakin tutkittavaa statiinia: fluvastatiinia, pravastatiinia, simvastatiinia, rosuvastatiinia ja atorvastatiinia. Verinäytteistä määritettiin plasman statiinien ja niiden aineenvaihduntatuotteiden sekä kolesterolin ja sen muodostumista ja imeytymistä kuvaavien merkkiaineiden pitoisuuksia. Toiminnallisesti merkittävien SLCO1B1-geenimuunnosten esiintyvyydessä todettiin suuria eroja eri väestöjen välillä. Suomalaisilla SLCO1B1 c.521TC-genotyypin (geenimuunnos toisessa vastinkromosomissa) esiintyvyys oli noin 32 % ja SLCO1B1 c.521CC-genotyypin (geenimuunnos molemmissa vastinkromosomeissa) esiintyvyys noin 4 %. Globaalisti geenimuunnosten esiintyvyys korreloi maapallon leveyspiirien kanssa siten, että matalaan transportteriaktiivisuuteen johtavat muunnokset olivat yleisimpiä pohjoisessa ja korkeaan aktiivisuuteen johtavat päiväntasaajan lähellä asuvilla väestöillä. SLCO1B1-genotyypillä oli merkittävä vaikutus statiinien plasmapitoisuksiin lukuun ottamatta fluvastatiinia. Simvastatiinihapon plasmapitoisuudet olivat keskimäärin 220 %, atorvastatiinin 140 %, pravastatiinin 90 % ja rosuvastatiinin 70 % suuremmat c.521CC-genotyypin omaavilla koehenkilöillä verrattuna normaalin c.521TT-genotyypin omaaviin. Genotyypillä ei ollut merkittävää vaikutusta minkään statiinin tehoon tässä kerta-annostutkimuksessa, mutta geenimuunnoksen kantajilla perustason kolesterolisynteesinopeus oli suurempi. Tulokset osoittavat, että SLCO1B1 c.521T>C geenimuunnos on varsin yleinen suomalaisilla ja muilla ei-afrikkalaisilla väestöillä. Tämä geenimuunnos voi altistaa erityisesti simvastatiinin, mutta myös atorvastatiinin, pravastatiinin ja rosuvastatiinin, aiheuttamille lihashaitoille suurentamalla niiden plasmapitoisuuksia. SLCO1B1:n geenimuunnoksen testaamista voidaan tulevaisuudessa käyttää apuna valittaessa sopivaa statiinilääkitystä ja -annosta potilaalle, ja näin parantaa sekä statiinihoidon turvallisuutta että tehoa.
The Caucasus region is a hotspot of biodiversity and is one of the few areas in the Northern Hemisphere which harbor Pleistocene glacial refugia. The region encompasses Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the southernmost European Russia, NE Turkey, and northern Iran. The study on fungal composition of the Caucasus region and its connection and possible contribution to the present mycota of Europe has largely escaped empirical scrutiny. Using taxonomic surveys, phylogenetic reconstruction methods, haplotype analysis, and similarity tests, this study has aimed to, 1) summarize the knowledge on the occurrence of corticioids and polypores in the Caucasus region, 2) resolve the phylogenetic relationships of selected, resupinate wood-inhabiting basidiomycetes for which the Caucasus region is currently the mere, or one of the noteworthy areas of distribution, and, 3) assess the similarity of Caucasian corticioid fungi to those of Europe and important areas in the Northern Hemisphere, and to examine the significance of the Caucasus region as a glacial refugium for these fungi. This study provides the first catalogue of corticioids and polypores (635 species) occurring in the Caucasus region. The phylogeny and systematics of the Caucasian resupinate taxa in focus has been resolved and the usefulness of some morphological characters has been re-evaluated. In this context, four new genera and two new species were described and five new combinations were proposed, two of which were supplemented with modern descriptions. The species composition of corticioids in the Caucasus region is found to be distinctly more similar to Europe and North America than to East Asia and India. The highest molecular diversity and within population pairwise distance for Peniophorella praetermissa has been detected in the Caucasus and East Asia, with the isolates of the latter area being highly divergent from the European ones. This, and the assignment of root haplotype to the Caucasian isolates in a haplotype network for Phlebia tuberucalta and P. livida, call attention to the role of the Caucasus region in shaping the current mycota of Europe.
The impact of heating by black carbon aerosols on Indian summer monsoon has remained inconclusive. Some investigators have predicted that black carbon aerosols reduce monsoon rainfall while others have argued that it will increase monsoon rainfall. These conclusions have been based on local influence of aerosols on the radiative fluxes. The impact of aerosol-like heating in one region on the rainfall in a remote region has not been examined in detail. Here, using an atmospheric general circulation model, it has been shown that remote influence of aerosol-like heating can be as important as local influence on Indian summer monsoon. Precipitation in northern Arabian Sea and north-west Indian region increased by 16% in June to July when aerosol-like heating were present globally. The corresponding increase in precipitation due to presence of aerosol-like heating only over South Asia (local impact) and East Asia (remote impact) were 28 and 13%, respectively. This enhancement in precipitation was due to destabilization of the atmosphere in pre-monsoon season that affected subsequent convection. Moreover, pre-monsoon heating of the lower troposphere changed the circulation substantially that enabled influx of more moisture over certain regions and reduced the moist static stability of the atmosphere. It has been shown that regional aerosol heating can have large impact on the phase of upper tropospheric Rossby wave in pre-monsoon season, which acts as a primary mechanism behind teleconnection and leads to the change in precipitation during monsoon season. These results demonstrate that changes in aerosol in one region can influence the precipitation in a remote region through changes in circulation.
In this paper, using idealized climate model simulations, we investigate the biogeophysical effects of large-scale deforestation on monsoon regions. We find that the remote forcing from large-scale deforestation in the northern middle and high latitudes shifts the Intertropical Convergence Zone southward. This results in a significant decrease in precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere monsoon regions (East Asia, North America, North Africa, and South Asia) and moderate precipitation increases in the Southern Hemisphere monsoon regions (South Africa, South America, and Australia). The magnitude of the monsoonal precipitation changes depends on the location of deforestation, with remote effects showing a larger influence than local effects. The South Asian Monsoon region is affected the most, with 18% decline in precipitation over India. Our results indicate that any comprehensive assessment of afforestation/reforestation as climate change mitigation strategies should carefully evaluate the remote effects on monsoonal precipitation alongside the large local impacts on temperatures.
Human provisioning of wildlife with food is a widespread global practice that occurs in multiple socio-cultural circumstances. Provisioning may indirectly alter ecosystem functioning through changes in the eco-ethology of animals, but few studies have quantified this aspect. Provisioning of primates by humans is known to impact their activity budgets, diets and ranging patterns. Primates are also keystone species in tropical forests through their role as seed dispersers; yet there is no information on how provisioning might affect primate ecological functions. The rhesus macaque is a major human-commensal species but is also an important seed disperser in the wild. In this study, we investigated the potential impacts of provisioning on the role of rhesus macaques as seed dispersers in the Buxa Tiger Reserve, India. We studied a troop of macaques which were provisioned for a part of the year and were dependent on natural resources for the rest. We observed feeding behaviour, seed handling techniques and ranging patterns of the macaques and monitored availability of wild fruits. Irrespective of fruit availability, frugivory and seed dispersal activities decreased when the macaques were provisioned. Provisioned macaques also had shortened daily ranges implying shorter dispersal distances. Finally, during provisioning periods, seeds were deposited on tarmac roads that were unconducive for germination. Provisioning promotes human-primate conflict, as commensal primates are often involved in aggressive encounters with humans over resources, leading to negative consequences for both parties involved. Preventing or curbing provisioning is not an easy task as feeding wild animals is a socio-cultural tradition across much of South and South-East Asia, including India. We recommend the initiation of literacy programmes that educate lay citizens about the ill-effects of provisioning and strongly caution them against the practice.
Resumen: El autor sostiene que la búsqueda de nuevos modelos empresariales y de política económica nos invita a redescubrir la filosofía personalista de Maritain. En el núcleo de la obra Humanismo integral (1936) del filósofo francés aparece la idea de que el hombre es una persona "de naturaleza espiritual, dotada de libre albedrío, y por lo tanto autónoma en relación con el mundo". El artículo estudia la naturaleza del bien común temporal, que para Maritain se relaciona con la vida buena de la toda la comunidad –el bien común o bonum commune– tanto en el sentido material como moral. Este bonum commune no es el objetivo final del orden temporal, sino que está subordinado a lo que trasciende el bienestar temporal de la persona humana –la realización de la libertad y la perfección espiritual. En última instancia, el orden nunca se completa. El balance definitivo o telos nunca se obtiene ya que el hombre está siempre en camino.
Resumen: Entre el derrocamiento del primer peronismo y el ocaso del segundo, la política económica de los distintos gobiernos se propuso por medios distintos alcanzar una relativa certidumbre de largo plazo a través de la preparación de planes ¿Por qué esta idea tuvo éxito? La planificación fue una tendencia más o menos general en América Latina. Pero además cada gobierno fue impulsando una modalidad particular de planificación acorde a sus objetivos políticos. Nuestro trabajo pretende resumir las diversas expresiones de la planificación, mostrar algunos de los principales obstáculos para su concreción y analizar el funcionamiento del sistema estatal encargado de esa tarea, especialmente representado por el Consejo Nacional de Desarrollo.
Resumen: La presente investigación consiste en un análisis, desde la perspectiva de la economía y las instituciones, de las políticas del New Deal, implementado por Franklin D. Roosevelt en los Estados Unidos durante la crisis económica de los años 30. Para realizar dicho análisis se presentan los elementos principales de la crisis de 1930, luego se realiza un estudio de las políticas económicas aplicadas en el contexto de un marco de gran innovación institucional, y concluye evaluando las políticas expuestas, tanto desde el enfoque de sus resultados macroeconómicos como de su desempeño institucional. De esta manera el presente documento incluye un diagnóstico histórico del contexto norteamericano en aquel entonces y resalta los aspectos que motivaron a dicha administración a la aplicación de New Deal. Finalmente, se realiza un análisis del impacto macroeconómico de las políticas aplicadas. La conclusión sintetiza las principales enseñanzas de la experiencia desde la perspectiva de política económica y del diseño de la regulación, para concluir con algunas reflexiones acerca de su posible implementación en la actualidad.