842 resultados para Descriptive statistics


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The aim of this study was to model the process of development for an Online Learning Resource (OLR) by Health Care Professionals (HCPs) to meet lymphoedema-related educational needs, within an asset-based management context. Previous research has shown that HCPs have unmet educational needs in relation to lymphoedema but details on their specific nature or context were lacking. Against this background, the study was conducted in two distinct but complementary phases. In Phase 1, a national survey was conducted of HCPs predominantly in community, oncology and palliative care services, followed by focus group discussions with a sample of respondents. In Phase 2, lymphoedema specialists (LSs) used an action research approach to design and implement an OLR to meet the needs identified in Phase 1. Study findings were analysed using descriptive statistics (Phase 1), and framework, thematic and dialectic analysis to explore their potential to inform future service development and education theory. Unmet educational need was found to be specific to health care setting and professional group. These resulted in HCPs feeling poorly-equipped to diagnose and manage lymphoedema. Of concern, when identified, lymphoedema was sometimes buried for fear of overwhelming stretched services. An OLR was identified as a means of addressing the unmet educational needs. This was successfully developed and implemented with minimal additional resources. The process model created has the potential to inform contemporary leadership theory in asset-based management contexts. This doctoral research makes a timely contribution to leadership theory since the resource constraints underpinning much of the contribution has salience to current public services. The process model created has the potential to inform contemporary leadership theory in asset-based management contexts. Further study of a leadership style which incorporates cognisance of Cognitive Load Theory and Self-Determination Theory is suggested. In addition, the detailed reporting of process and how this facilitated learning for participants contributes to workplace education theory


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Abstract Considerable research has been carried out on entrepreneurship in efforts to understand its incidence in order to influence and maximize its benefits. Essentially, researchers and policy makers have sought to understand the link between individuals and business creation: Why some people start businesses while others do not. The research indicates that personality traits, individual background factors and association of entrepreneurship with career choice and small business enterprises, cannot sufficiently explain entrepreneurship. It is recognized that entrepreneurship is an intentional process and based on Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior, the most defining characteristic of entrepreneurship is the intention to start a business. The purpose of this study was, therefore, to examine factors that influence entrepreneurial intention in high school students in Kenya. Specifically, the study aimed at determining if there were relationships between the perceptions of desirability, and feasibility of entrepreneurship with entrepreneurial intention of the students, identifying any difference in these perceptions with students of different backgrounds, and developing a model to predict entrepreneurship in the students. The study, therefore, tested how well Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior applied in the Kenyan situation. A questionnaire was developed and administered to 969 final year high school students at a critical important point in their career decision making. Participants were selected using a combined convenience and random sampling technique, considering gender, rural/urban location, cost, and accessibility. Survey was the major method of data collection. Data analysis methods included descriptive statistics, correlation, ANOVA, factor analysis, effect size, and regression analysis. iii The findings of this study corroborate results from past studies. Attitudes are found to influence intention, and the attitudes to be moderated by individual background factors. Perceived personal desirability of entrepreneurship was found to have the greatest influence on entrepreneurial intention and perceived feasibility the lowest. The study findings also showed that perceived social desirability and feasibility of entrepreneurship contributed to perception of personal desirability, and that the background factors, including gender and prior experience, influenced entrepreneurial intention both directly and indirectly. In addition, based on the literature reviewed, the study finds that entrepreneurship promotion requires reduction of the high small business mortality rate and creation of both entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial opportunities (Kruger, 2000; Shane & Venkataraman, 2000). These findings have theoretical and practical implications for researchers, policy makers, teachers, and other entrepreneurship practitioners in Kenya.


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Objetivo: Analisar o conhecimento das mulheres em relação à prevenção do câncer de colo de útero e os fatores dificultadores acerca da realização da prática do exame preventivo. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo observacional, de corte transversal e descritivo, com 110 mulheres entre 25 e 64 anos, atendidas em uma unidade de saúde, entre os meses de janeiro e março de 2014. Coletaram-se dados sociodemográficos e econômicos, aspectos ginecológicos e comportamento sobre o exame. Analisaram-se os dados através da estatística descritiva, apresentando valores absolutos e relativos. Resultados: Dados referentes ao significado do câncer uterino mostraram que 65 (59,1%) desconheciam seu significado, 69 (62,7%) sabiam como preveni-lo, 104 (94,5%) já realizaram o Papanicolau, 59 (53,6%) realizaram o Papanicolau há 1 ano, 62 (56,4%) realizam o exame preventivo anualmente e 88 (80%) sabiam a importância dessa realização. Quanto aos fatores encontrados referentes à dificuldade na realização do exame preventivo, 49 (44,5%) relataram ser a vergonha o fator mais impactante. Conclusão: Apesar de a maioria das mulheres realizar o exame periodicamente, muitas desconhecem a sua verdadeira finalidade, sentindo-se envergonhadas e constrangidas durante a realização do exame.


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Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre experiência de cárie, qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (QVRSB) e fatores socioeconômicos em escolares de rede municipal. Métodos: Este estudo, de corte transversal, realizado em um município paulista a partir de um levantamento de saúde bucal do ano de 2012, incluiu 142 escolares com 12 anos completos para avaliação da QVRSB por meio do Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ11-14) e de fatores socioeconômicos (escolaridade dos pais, renda, número de cômodos e número de pessoas que habitam o domicílio). A experiência de cárie foi avaliada e expressa pelo índice CPOD e ceo-d (número de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados na dentição permanente e decídua, respectivamente). A análise consistiu de estatística descritiva, uso dos testes Qui-quadrado, Mann-Whitney e correlação de Spearman. Resultados: Do total, 58,5% (n=83) dos escolares apresentaram experiência de cárie (CPOD+ceo-d≥1), os quais também apresentaram maiores escores na percepção global em saúde bucal (2,6±0,9 x 2,1±0,8), na escala total (33,0±22,6 x 21,9±14,5) e nos domínios bem-estar emocional (11,4±8,6 x 6,6±5,8) e bem-estar social (7,7±8,2 x 4,4±4,9) quando comparados àqueles sem experiência de cárie. Observouse também correlação positiva significativa entre o número de pessoas que habitavam o domicílio e o índice CPOD/ceo-d (r=0,2670; p=0,003). Conclusão: A experiência de cárie relacionou-se com uma percepção negativa da saúde bucal, principalmente nos aspectos emocional e social, e com o número de pessoas que habitavam o domicílio.


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Traçar o perfil socioeconômico dos pacientes com úlcera venosa. Método: estudo quantitativo, transversal e descritivo, realizado com 50 pessoas no ambulatório de clínica cirúrgica do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes/HUOL, localizado no município de Natal/RN/Nordeste do Brasil, utilizando-se um roteiro de entrevista. Os dados coletados foram tabulados e armazenados numa planilha do software Excel e analisadas pela estatística descritiva. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, CAAE 0038.0.294.000-11. Resultados: idade média de 59,72 anos, 66% pertenciam ao sexo feminino, 60% possuíam companheiro, a média de estudos foi de 4,98 (±3,36) anos e a renda familiar 2,3 salários mínimos. Encontrou-se, portanto, o perfil de pessoas com úlcera venosa semelhante ao evidenciado na literatura. Conclusão: é imprescindível conhecer as características dessa clientela para desenvolver estratégias visando à melhoria de suas condições de saúde


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Objetivo: Apresentar o quadro de violência sexual contra a mulher no Brasil, com base nas notificações realizadas no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN). Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, com abordagem quantitativa, que analisou informações referentes às notificações de violência sexual contra a mulher, no período de 2009 a 2013, considerando a unidade da federação, perfil das mulheres, características da ocorrência e encaminhamentos realizados pelo setor saúde. Os dados foram analisados por meio da estatística descritiva, sendo apresentados números absolutos e relativos derivados das notificações. Resultados: No Brasil, foram registradas 21.871 notificações no período estudado. Observaram-se maiores taxas de registros no ano de 2013 e na região Norte. Predominou o ciclo de vida de 10 a 19 anos (10.806/49,4%), as raças branca (8.894/40,7%) e parda (8.535/39,0%), e a escolaridade ensino fundamental incompleto (5.444/24,9%). Os casos de violência sexual ocorreram com maior frequência na residência da mulher (13.259/60,6%), com agressor conhecido (5.649/25,8%) e sem suspeita do uso de álcool (9.249/42,3%). A maior parte do atendimento no setor saúde foi de nível ambulatorial (15.842/72,6%), e os casos evoluíram para alta (16.879/77,2%). Conclusão: As notificações cresceram progressivamente no período estudado, e a violência sexual contra a mulher no país, registrada pelo setor saúde, atingiu, principalmente, adolescentes, no ambiente doméstico e com agressor conhecido.


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Currently, the decision analysis in production processes involves a level of detail, in which the problem is subdivided to analyze it in terms of different and conflicting points of view. The multi-criteria analysis has been an important tool that helps assertive decisions related to the production process. This process of analysis has been incorporated into various areas of production engineering, by applying multi-criteria methods in solving the problems of the productive sector. This research presents a statistical study on the use of multi-criteria methods in the areas of Production Engineering, where 935 papers were filtered from 20.663 publications in scientific journals, considering a level of the publication quality based on the impact factor published by the JCR between 2010 and 2015. In this work, the descriptive statistics is used to represent some information and statistical analysis on the volume of applications methods. Relevant results were found with respect to the "amount of advanced methods that are being applied and in which areas related to Production Engineering." This information may provide support to researchers when preparing a multi-criteria application, whereupon it will be possible to check in which issues and how often the other authors have used multi-criteria methods.


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Dissertação apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Atividade Física.


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Antecedentes: el tema de calidad de la atención en salud hoy en día es clave, y urgente de conocer, entender y aplicar por el personal de salud y en particular para el profesional de Enfermería, para lograr la calidad en los servicios de salud es necesario el control, la evaluación objetiva y sistemática de la atención de enfermería ya que se han convertido en una prioridad dentro de la profesión, debido a que el consumidor demanda atención de calidad, existiendo un mayor compromiso con la responsabilidad directa ante él público. Objetivo: determinar la calidad de atención que presta el personal de enfermería del centro de salud “Cojitambo” y su relación con el nivel de satisfacción del usuario. Metodología: se trata de un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal que permitirá determinar la calidad de atención que presta el personal de enfermería del centro de salud “Cojitambo” y su relación con el nivel de satisfacción del usuario. Universo: para el tamaño de la muestra se considera una población infinita con una proporción de insatisfacción del 20% con un nivel de confianza del 96% y una precisión del 4%. Con estos valores el tamaño de la muestra a estudiar es de 385 pacientes. Como técnicas se utilizará la entrevista, observación directa e indirecta, como instrumento el formulario avalado por la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja en la investigación realizada por el Dr. Carlos Arévalo previa a la obtención de la maestría en gerencias en salud para el desarrollo local, para procesar la información se utilizará los programas Excel, Word y SPSS, los datos serán analizados con estadística descriptiva y presentadas en tablas y gráficas. Uso de resultados: la presente investigación pretenderá obtener datos relacionados con la medición de la calidad de atención que brinda el personal de enfermería y el nivel de satisfacción del usuario que acude al centro de salud Cojitambo.


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Objectives Dietary fibre (DF) is one of the components of diet that strongly contributes to health improvements, particularly on the gastrointestinal system. Hence, this work intended to evaluate the relations between some sociodemographic variables such as age, gender, level of education, living environment or country on the levels of knowledge about dietary fibre (KADF), its sources and its effects on human health, using a validated scale. Study design The present study was a cross-sectional study. Methods A methodological study was conducted with 6010 participants, residing in 10 countries from different continents (Europe, America, Africa). The instrument was a questionnaire of self-response, aimed at collecting information on knowledge about food fibres. The instrument was used to validate a scale (KADF) which model was used in the present work to identify the best predictors of knowledge. The statistical tools used were as follows: basic descriptive statistics, decision trees, inferential analysis (t-test for independent samples with Levene test and one-way ANOVA with multiple comparisons post hoc tests). Results The results showed that the best predictor for the three types of knowledge evaluated (about DF, about its sources and about its effects on human health) was always the country, meaning that the social, cultural and/or political conditions greatly determine the level of knowledge. On the other hand, the tests also showed that statistically significant differences were encountered regarding the three types of knowledge for all sociodemographic variables evaluated: age, gender, level of education, living environment and country. Conclusions The results showed that to improve the level of knowledge the actions planned should not be delineated in general as to reach all sectors of the populations, and that in addressing different people, different methodologies must be designed so as to provide an effective health education.


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Problem statement: Dietary fibre (DF) has been recognized as a major determinant for improvement of health. Hence the means of information through which people become aware of its benefits are crucial. Research questions: Where do you usually find information about dietary fibre? What means of communication do you consider the most appropriate to encourage the consumption of dietary fibre? Purpose of the study: This work aimed at studying the sources of information about dietary fibre, as a means to educate people about aspects related to healthy eating. Factors such as gender, level of education, living environment or country were evaluated as to their effect on the selection of sources and preferences.   Research Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study by means of a questionnaire, applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 6010 participants from 10 countries in different continents (Europe, Africa and America), answered after informed consent by all participants. For the analysis were used several descriptive statistics tools, crosstabs and chi square test to assess the relations between some of the variables under study. Findings: Mostly the information about DF comes from the internet, but television is recognized as suitable. Differences were found between genders, levels of education, living environments and countries. The internet (preferred source), got highest scores for Hungary, urban areas, university education and female gender. The radio (least scored source) was preferred in Egypt, for men and with lower education (primary school). Conclusions: People get information through the internet due to easy access. However, it is to some extent a risk given the impossibility to control de information made public on the internet. The role of health centres and hospitals as well as schools should definitely be increased, as a responsible way to ensure correct information.


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Objectif. Les jeunes crossover sont définis comme des adolescents qui sont à la fois victimes de maltraitance et délinquants juvéniles. L'objectif de ce mémoire est d’examiner les relations entre les paramètres de la maltraitance (ex., récurrence, sous-types et variété) et les paramètres de la délinquance juvénile (ex., précocité, volume, variété, gravité moyenne et présence de sous-types) vécus par les jeunes crossover. Méthodes. La source des données est constituée de rapports officiels pour tous les adolescents et adolescentes québécois qui ont plaidé coupables ou ont été reconnus coupables d'un crime entre le 1e janvier 2005 et le 31 décembre 2010. D'abord, un portrait des jeunes crossover québécois est dressé à l’aide de statistiques descriptives. Ensuite, des analyses multivariées sont utilisées pour déterminer si les paramètres de la maltraitance prédisent les différentes dimensions de la délinquance et pour examiner les différences selon le sexe. Résultats. La délinquance des jeunes crossover est plus importante que celle des délinquants non-maltraités. Les expériences différentielles de la maltraitance sont liées à des paramètres hétérogènes de la délinquance juvénile. La récurrence de la maltraitance est un prédicteur important des paramètres de la délinquance ultérieure. De plus, la maltraitance est particulièrement influente sur la délinquance des garçons. Implications. Les interventions au sein des systèmes de la protection de la jeunesse et de la justice juvénile doivent être adaptées afin d'identifier les jeunes à risque de délinquance grave, de cibler les dimensions spécifiques de la maltraitance et d’entraver leurs liens à la délinquance ultérieure. L'intervention doit être privilégiée pour les victimes de multiples incidents de maltraitance et pour les garçons victimes de maltraitance.


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Background: The evidence base on end-of-life care in acute stroke is limited, particularly with regard to recognising dying and related decision-making. There is also limited evidence to support the use of end-of-life care pathways (standardised care plans) for patients who are dying after stroke. Aim: This study aimed to explore the clinical decision-making involved in placing patients on an end-of-life care pathway, evaluate predictors of care pathway use, and investigate the role of families in decision-making. The study also aimed to examine experiences of end-of-life care pathway use for stroke patients, their relatives and the multi-disciplinary health care team. Methods: A mixed methods design was adopted. Data were collected in four Scottish acute stroke units. Case-notes were identified prospectively from 100 consecutive stroke deaths and reviewed. Multivariate analysis was performed on case-note data. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 17 relatives of stroke decedents and 23 healthcare professionals, using a modified grounded theory approach to collect and analyse data. The VOICES survey tool was also administered to the bereaved relatives and data were analysed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis of free-text responses. Results: Relatives often played an important role in influencing aspects of end-of-life care, including decisions to use an end-of-life care pathway. Some relatives experienced enduring distress with their perceived responsibility for care decisions. Relatives felt unprepared for and were distressed by prolonged dying processes, which were often associated with severe dysphagia. Pro-active information-giving by staff was reported as supportive by relatives. Healthcare professionals generally avoided discussing place of care with families. Decisions to use an end-of-life care pathway were not predicted by patients’ demographic characteristics; decisions were generally made in consultation with families and the extended health care team, and were made within regular working hours. Conclusion: Distressing stroke-related issues were more prominent in participants’ accounts than concerns with the end-of-life care pathway used. Relatives sometimes perceived themselves as responsible for important clinical decisions. Witnessing prolonged dying processes was difficult for healthcare professionals and families, particularly in relation to the management of persistent major swallowing difficulties.


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The English language has an important place in Pakistan and in its education system, not least because of the global status of English and its role in employment. Realising the need to enhance language learning outcomes, especially at the tertiary level, the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan has put in place some important measures to improve the quality of English language teaching practice through its English Language Teaching Reforms (ELTR) project. However, there is a complex linguistic, educational and ethnic diversity in Pakistan and that diversity, alongside the historical and current role of English in the country, makes any language teaching reform particularly challenging. I argue, in this thesis, that reform to date has largely ignored the issues of learner readiness to learn and learner perceptions of the use of English. I argue that studying learner attitudes is important if we are to understand how learners perceive the practice of learning and the use of English in their lives. This study focuses on the attitudes of undergraduate learners of English as a foreign language at two universities in the provinces of Sindh and Balochistan in Pakistan. These provinces have experienced long struggles and movements related to linguistic and ethnic rights and both educate students from all of the districts of their respective provinces. Drawing on debates around linguistic imperialism, economic necessity, and linguistic and educational diversity, I focus on learners’ perceptions about learning and speaking English, asking what their attitudes are towards learning and speaking English with particular reference to socio-psychological factors at a given time and context, including perceived threats to their culture, religion, and mother tongue. I ask how they make choices about learning and speaking English in different domains of language use and question their motivation to learn and speak English. Additionally, I explore issues of anxiety with reference to their use of English. Following a predominantly qualitative mixed methods research approach, the study employs two research tools: an adapted Likert Scale questionnaire completed by 300 students and semi-structured interviews with 20 participants from the two universities. The data were analysed through descriptive statistics and qualitative content analysis, with each set of data synthesised for interpretation. The findings suggest that, compared with the past, the majority of participants hold positive attitudes towards learning and speaking English regardless of their ethnic or linguistic backgrounds. Most of these undergraduate students do not perceive the use of English as a threat to their culture, mother tongue or religious values but, instead, they have a pragmatic and, at the same time, aspirational attitude to the learning and use of English. I present these results and conclude this thesis with reference to ways in which this small-scale study contributes to a better understanding of learner attitudes and perceptions. Acknowledging the limitations of this study, I suggest ways in which the study, enhanced and extended by further research, might have implications for practice, theory and policy in English language teaching and learning in Pakistan.


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Background: Globally, there is a progressive rise in the burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). This paper examined the health and social concerns of parents/caregivers on in-patient care for children with NCDs in Ghana. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study in three large health facilities in Ghana (the largest in the South, the largest in the North and the largest in the Eastern part of Ghana. Data was collected with a structured questionnaire among 225 caregivers (≥18 years) of 149 children with NCDs in health facilities in the three regions. Data was analyzed with simple descriptive statistics. Results: Most caregivers 169(75.0%) were women, relatively young (median age 35years), mostly married and resided in urban areas. Sickle cell disease was the commonest NCD among the children. All 169(75.0%) caregivers believed children suffer NCDs because of sins of parents/ancestors, 29(12.9%) believed herbalists/spiritualists have insights into treating NCDs and 73(32.6%) have previously used herbs/traditional medicine for child's illness. NCD in children was a burden and caused financial difficulties for families. Most caregivers (>96.0%) indicated NCDs in children should be included in national health insurance benefits package and a comprehensive national NCD policy is needed. Conclusion: Absence of national NCD policy for children is a major challenge. The burden of care rests mainly on the parents/ caregivers. A national strategic intervention on the importance of awareness generation on the causes, risk factors, prevention and treatment of NCDs for families and communities is essential. Government support through national health and social policy initiatives are essential.