855 resultados para Competition in prices


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OBJECTIVE: A standard view in health economics is that, although there is no market that determines the "prices" for health states, people can nonetheless associate health states with monetary values (or other scales, such as quality adjusted life year [QALYs] and disability adjusted life year [DALYs]). Such valuations can be used to shape health policy, and a major research challenge is to elicit such values from people; creating experimental "markets" for health states is a theoretically attractive way to address this. We explore the possibility that this framework may be fundamentally flawed-because there may not be any stable values to be revealed. Instead, perhaps people construct ad hoc values, influenced by contextual factors, such as the observed decisions of others. METHOD: The participants bid to buy relief from equally painful electrical shocks to the leg and arm in an experimental health market based on an interactive second-price auction. Thirty subjects were randomly assigned to two experimental conditions where the bids by "others" were manipulated to follow increasing or decreasing price trends for one, but not the other, pain. After the auction, a preference test asked the participants to choose which pain they prefer to experience for a longer duration. RESULTS: Players remained indifferent between the two pain-types throughout the auction. However, their bids were differentially attracted toward what others bid for each pain, with overbidding during decreasing prices and underbidding during increasing prices. CONCLUSION: Health preferences are dissociated from market prices, which are strongly referenced to others' choices. This suggests that the price of health care in a free-market has the capacity to become critically detached from people's underlying preferences.


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Silver and bighead carps were cultured in large fish pens to reduce the risks of cyanobacterial bloom outbreaks in Meiliang Bay, Lake Tauhu in 2004 and 2005. Diet compositions and growth rates of the carps were studied from April to November each year. Both carp species fed mainly on zooplankton (> 50% in diet) in 2004 when competition was low, but selected more phytoplankton in 2005 when competition was high. Silver carp had a broader diet breadth than did bighead carp. Higher densities and fewer food resources increased diet breadths but decreased the diet overlap in both types of carps. It can be predicted that silver and bighead carps would be released from diet competition and shift to feed mainly on zooplankton at low densities, decreasing the efficiency of controlling cyanobacterial blooms. Conclusively, when silver and bighead carps are used to control cyanobacterial blooms, a sufficiently high stocking density is very important for a successful practice.


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Undoped GaN epilayer on c-face (0 0 0 1) sapphire substrate has been grown by metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) in a horizontal-type low-pressure two-channel reactor. Photoluminescence (PL) as a function of temperature and excitation intensity have been systematically studied, and the competition between near band gap ultraviolet (UV) and defect-related yellow luminescence (YL) has been extensively investigated, It is revealed that the ratio of the UV-to-YL peak intensities depends strongly on the excitation intensity and the measurement temperature. The obtained results have been analyzed in comparison with the theoretical predications based on a bimolecular model. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have studied the lamellar orientation in thin films of a model diblock copolymer, symmetric poly(styrene)-b-poly(L-lactide) (PS-PLLA), in the melt state on supported silicon wafer surface. In this system, while the PLLA block prefers to wet the polymer/substrate interface, the polymer/air as well as polymer/polymer interface is neutral for both blocks due to the similar surface energies of PS and PLLA in melt state. Our results demonstrate that the interplay of the interfaces during phase separation results in a series of structures before approaching the equilibrium state. Lamellar orientation of thin films with different initial film thicknesses at different annealing stages has been investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electronic microscopy (TEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It is found that in the early stage (annealing time t < 10 min), the polymer/substrate interface dominates the structure evolution, leading to a parallel lamellar structure with holes or islands formed depending on the initial film thickness. Later on, the neutral air interface becomes important and leads to a transition of lamellar orientation from parallel to perpendicular. It is interesting to see that for films with thickness h > 2L, where L is the bulk lamellar period, the lamellar orientation transition can occur independently in different parallel lamellar domains due to the neutrality of polymer/polymer interface.


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The ordered double perovskites, Sr2-xLaxMnMoO6, were prepared by sol-gel reaction. Structural, magnetic, and electrical properties were investigated for a series of ordered double perovskites Sr2-xLaxMnMoO6(0 <= x <= 1). The compounds have a monoclinic structure (space group P2(1)/n) and the cell volume expands monotonically with La doping. The T-C and the magnetic moment rise and the cusp-like transition temperature below which the magnetic frustration occurs shifts to high temperature as x increases. With La doping, electrical resistivity of Sr2-xLaxMnMoO6 decreases only at low doping levels (x <= 0.2); while at high doping levels (0.8 <= x <= 1), electrical resistivity tends to increase greatly. The results suggest that the competition between band filling effect and steric effect coexists in the whole doping range, and the formation of ferrimagnetic interactions is not simply at the expense of antiferromagnetic interactions.


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Blends of polypropylene (PP) and low density polyethylene (LDPE) have been examined for a series of compositions using differential scanning calorimetry and permanganic etching followed by transmission electron microscopy. Thermal analysis of their melting and recrystallization behaviour suggests two possibilities, either that below 15 wt % PP the blends are fully miscible and that PP only crystallizes after LDPE because of compositional changes in the remaining melt, or else that the PP is separated, but in the form of droplets too small to crystallize at normal temperatures. Microscopic examination of the morphology shows that the latter is the case, but that a fraction of the PP is nevertheless dissolved in the LDPE. (C) 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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In the alpine region of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau four indigenous perennial grass species Bromus inermis (BI), Elymus sibiricus (ES), Elymus nutans (EN) and Agropyron cristatum (AC) were cultivated as three mixtures with different compositions and seeding rates, BI + EN, BI + ES + AC and BI + ES + EN + AC. From 1998 to 2001 there were three different weeding treatments: never weeded (CK); weeded on three occasions in the first year (1-y) and weeded on three occasions in both the first and second year (2-y) and their effect of grass combination and interactions on sward productivity and persistence was measured. Intense competitive interference by weedy annuals reduced dry matter (DM) yield of the swards. Grass combination significantly affected sward DM yields, leaf area index (LAI) and foliar canopy cover and also species composition DM and LAI, and species plant cover. Interaction between weeding treatments and grass combination was significant for sward DM yield, LAI and canopy cover, but not on species composition for DM, LAI or species plant cover. Grass mixture BI + ES + EN + AC gave the highest sward DM yield and LAI for both weeding and non-weeding treatments. Species ES and EN were competitively superior to the others. Annual weedy forbs must be controlled to obtain productive and stable mixtures of perennial grasses, and germination/emergence is the most important time for removal. Weeding three times (late May, late June and mid-July) in the establishment year is enough to maintain the production and persistence of perennial grass mixtures in the following growing seasons. Extra weeding three times in the second growing year makes only a slight improvement in productivity.


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Many consumer durable retailers often do not advertise their prices and instead ask consumers to call them for prices. It is easy to see that this practice increases the consumers' cost of learning the prices of products they are considering, yet firms commonly use such practices. Not advertising prices may reduce the firm's advertising costs, but the strategic effects of doing so are not clear. Our objective is to examine the strategic effects of this practice. In particular, how does making price discovery more difficult for consumers affect competing retailers' price, service decisions, and profits? We develop a model in which a manufacturer sells its product through a high-service retailer and a low-service retailer. Consumers can purchase the retail service at the high-end retailer and purchase the product at the competing low-end retailer. Therefore, the high-end retailer faces a free-riding problem. A retailer first chooses its optimal service levels. Then, it chooses its optimal price levels. Finally, a retailer decides whether to advertise its prices. The model results in four structures: (1) both retailers advertise prices, (2) only the low-service retailer advertises price, (3) only the high-service retailer advertises price, and (4) neither retailer advertises price. We find that when a retailer does not advertise its price and makes price discovery more difficult for consumers, the competition between the retailers is less intense. However, the retailer is forced to charge a lower price. In addition, if the competing retailer does advertise its prices, then the competing retailer enjoys higher profit margins. We identify conditions under which each of the above four structures is an equilibrium and show that a low-service retailer not advertising its price is a more likely outcome than a high-service retailer doing so. We then solve the manufacturer's problem and find that there are several instances when a retailer's advertising decisions are different from what the manufacturer would want. We describe the nature of this channel coordination problem and identify some solutions. © 2010 INFORMS.


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Many factors such as poverty, ineffective institutions and environmental regulations may prevent developing countries from managing how natural resources are extracted to meet a strong market demand. Extraction for some resources has reached such proportions that evidence is measurable from space. We present recent evidence of the global demand for a single commodity and the ecosystem destruction resulting from commodity extraction, recorded by satellites for one of the most biodiverse areas of the world. We find that since 2003, recent mining deforestation in Madre de Dios, Peru is increasing nonlinearly alongside a constant annual rate of increase in international gold price (∼18%/yr). We detect that the new pattern of mining deforestation (1915 ha/year, 2006-2009) is outpacing that of nearby settlement deforestation. We show that gold price is linked with exponential increases in Peruvian national mercury imports over time (R(2) = 0.93, p = 0.04, 2003-2009). Given the past rates of increase we predict that mercury imports may more than double for 2011 (∼500 t/year). Virtually all of Peru's mercury imports are used in artisanal gold mining. Much of the mining increase is unregulated/artisanal in nature, lacking environmental impact analysis or miner education. As a result, large quantities of mercury are being released into the atmosphere, sediments and waterways. Other developing countries endowed with gold deposits are likely experiencing similar environmental destruction in response to recent record high gold prices. The increasing availability of satellite imagery ought to evoke further studies linking economic variables with land use and cover changes on the ground.


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Understanding the mechanisms that maintain biodiversity is a fundamental problem in ecology. Competition is thought to reduce diversity, but hundreds of microbial aquatic primary producers species coexist and compete for a few essential resources (e.g., nutrients and light). Here, we show that resource competition is a plausible mechanism for explaining clumpy distribution on individual species volume (a proxy for the niche) of estuarine phytoplankton communities ranging from North America to South America and Europe, supporting the Emergent Neutrality hypothesis. Furthermore, such a clumpy distribution was also observed throughout the Holocene in diatoms from a sediment core. A Lotka-Volterra competition model predicted position in the niche axis and functional affiliation of dominant species within and among clumps. Results support the coexistence of functionally equivalent species in ecosystems and indicate that resource competition may be a key process to shape the size structure of estuarine phytoplankton, which in turn drives ecosystem functioning.


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Fragmentation of metastable SF6-* ions formed in low energy electron attachment to SF6has been investigated. The dissociation reaction SF6-*?SF5-+F has been observed ~ 1.5–3.4 µs and ~ 17–32 µs after electron attachment in a time-of-flight and a double focusing two sector field mass spectrometer, respectively. Metastable dissociation is observed with maximum intensity at ~ 0.3 eV between the SF6-* peak at zero and theSF5- peak at ~ 0.4 eV. The kinetic energy released in dissociation is low, with a most probable value of 18 meV. The lifetime of SF6-* decreases as the electron energy increases, but it is not possible to fit this decrease with statistical Rice–Ramsperger–Kassel/quasiequilibrium theory. Metastable dissociation of SF6-* appears to compete with autodetachment of the electron at all electron energies.