934 resultados para Child.


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This thesis entitled “Child labour in india”Children are "supremely important assets" of the nation, India proudly asserts in the National Policy for Children (1974) gracefully acknowledging that they are future citizens on whose shoulders the destiny of our nation rests.Childhood is a time of discovery as the world and all it contains are new to children. It is a time of excitement and anticipation. lt is a time of dreams and fantasies. And it is a time of receiving love and appreciation. Paradoxically, a picture of contrast is a common experience in India as a vast majority of children who are starved of basic needs of nutrition, health and education are made to work at an early age in exploitative conditions. The specter of child labour is a glaring anomaly in a country graciously adorning human right. In an exposition of the problem involving human rights abuse, Chapters from Two to Five of this study have shot into focus the human rights jurisprudence with special reference to the rights of children. Children have a particular identity as children and they also have a universal identity as human beings.The concern for mankind expressed unequivocally and transcending the globe will be real and moving and not mere rhetoric and ritual if and only when it begins with children, as, to quote the words of Nehru, the human being counts much more as a child than as a grown up.The first three of these rights namely right to health, right to nutritive food and right to education are dealt with in Chapter Four. Finally, the positive effects of education have been sketched in that chapter to impress upon its significance in the development of human capitals.legitimization. The theme of legitimacy was rationalised on the ground of poverty as a strategy for achieving eradication of child labour ultimately by enforcing minimum wages, shorter working hours, leave compensation, non-formal education etc., as the employer would soon discover that child labour is not cheap and would be obliged to substitute adult labour. However, humanising the work life is only a promise to the detriment of children as the Act of 1986 enacted as a part of the new strategy is nearingcompletion of a decade of existence but nowhere near the fulfilment of the mission.As similar urge is more necessary and overdue, it has been suggested that a special body be established with all powers for cognisance of human rights abuse of children.It is proposed to conclude this study with a brief summary of the inferences drawn from the foregoing chapters along with a few suggestions emerging out of those inferences


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This paper discusses the implementation details of a child friendly, good quality, English text-to-speech (TTS) system that is phoneme-based, concatenative, easy to set up and use with little memory. Direct waveform concatenation and linear prediction coding (LPC) are used. Most existing TTS systems are unit-selection based, which use standard speech databases available in neutral adult voices.Here reduced memory is achieved by the concatenation of phonemes and by replacing phonetic wave files with their LPC coefficients. Linguistic analysis was used to reduce the algorithmic complexity instead of signal processing techniques. Sufficient degree of customization and generalization catering to the needs of the child user had been included through the provision for vocabulary and voice selection to suit the requisites of the child. Prosody had also been incorporated. This inexpensive TTS systemwas implemented inMATLAB, with the synthesis presented by means of a graphical user interface (GUI), thus making it child friendly. This can be used not only as an interesting language learning aid for the normal child but it also serves as a speech aid to the vocally disabled child. The quality of the synthesized speech was evaluated using the mean opinion score (MOS).


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Desde hace aproximadamente dos décadas, en la mayoría de los países occidentales, los acogimientos en familia extensa han entrado a formar parte de los sistemas de protección infantil, siguiendo una evolución creciente en cuanto a número y peso especifico como recurso de acogimiento. Las investigaciones sobre este fenómeno son aún recientes y escasas como también lo son los programas dirigidos a esta población. En el presente artículo presentamos los resultados de un estudio descriptivo sobre los acogimientos en familia extensa en la ciudad de Barcelona, donde se recogen datos de los principales agentes implicados en este fenómeno. Desde la perspectiva de los estudios de la calidad de vida se analizan las percepciones, evaluaciones, y satisfacción expresada, por parte de los acogedores, los niños/as acogidos y los profesionales de los Equipos de Atención a la Infancia y Adolescencia (EAIA) que se encargan del estudio y seguimiento de estos acogimientos. La investigación presenta unos resultados acordes con los estudios que actualmente se realizan en este ámbito y sienta las bases para el despliegue futuro de programas dirigidos a los acogimientos en familia extensa


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In the last twenty years, in most Western countries, kinship foster care has become an integral part of childcare systems, growing progressively with regard to the numbers of children involved and relative weight as a care resource within the system; indeed, in some countries it is even more common than other placement options, such as non-kinship foster care and residential care. Research on this phenomenon is still recent and scarce, and there are few programmes targeting this population. In this article we present the results of a descriptive study on kinship foster care in the city of Barcelona, including information and data from the different stakeholders involved. From a quality of life research perspective we analyze the perceptions, evaluation and expressed satisfaction of caregivers, children and practitioners from the specialist Child and Adolescent Teams (EAIAs) responsible for the study and follow-up of kinship foster care cases. The research presented results are in line with those of current research in this field, and lays the basis for the future development of kinship foster care programmes


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. Resumen tambi??n en ingl??s


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Timetable for the child and families module from November 2011 until April 2012. Further information for post-April will be added when confirmed.


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Research Presentations


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Este artículo examina la cuestión de los niños soldados en el Derecho Internacional. Después de haber hecho algunas observaciones preliminares sobre el enfoque del derecho internacional de los derechos humanos y del derecho humanitario sobre la protección de los derechos de los niños que se encuentren en un conflicto armado, el artículo revisa la prohibición del reclutamiento de los menores y la responsabilidad penal personal de los que los reclutan. También, será analizada la jurisprudencia sobre el reclutamiento de los niños. En la cuarta parte del artículo, se dará cuenta de la hipótesis de los menores autores de crímenes internacionales y se considerarán los enfoques de la justicia retributiva y de la justicia restaurativa


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Exposure to traumatic stress during childhood, in the form of abuse or neglect, is related to an increased vulnerability resulting in the development of several pathologies, this relation has been confi rmed by epidemiological studies; however, the neural mechanisms underlying such abnormalities are still unknown. Most of the research done has focused on the effects in the infant, and only recently it has begun to focus on the neurobiological changes in the abusive parents. In this article, I review some of the studies using animal models of early adverse trauma and present some of the data on neural changes. Further studies of brain abnormalities in abusive parents are still needed.


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Colombia suffers from one of the longest civil conflicts in the world, which is believed to have had several consequences on the country’s economic and development performance. This study uses measures of central government deterrence effort as instruments of conflict to estimate the impact of conflict on children’s time allocation to two different types of work: housework and work performed outside the household for poor families living in small municipalities in Colombia. I find that conflict significantly increases the amount of time children allocate to work. Both housework, for girls, and work outside the household, for boys, increase with Guerrilla attacks. However, the later effect is the opposite for Paramilitary attacks.


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Las Unidades de Evaluación se presentan como alternativa a las pruebas de rendimiento o exámenes. Una Unidad de Evaluación tiene tres partes esenciales: el escenario, las tareas y los inventarios de corrección. El 'escenario' es el estímulo, la situación significativa del contexto que se utiliza para movilizar los conocimientos; se utiliza un formato verbal (texto escrito) y otro no verbal (imágenes, tablas, gráficos, cuadros, etc.) que se extraen de cualquier fuente documental. Las 'tareas' permiten conocer, mediante la movilización de los conocimientos, cuál es la competencia alcanzada en el uso de procesos cognitivos, afectivos, sociales y funcionales, y el nivel de logro de los aprendizajes. Para que la información contenida sea completa (saber, hacer y querer) la Unidad de Evaluación debe incluir tareas que valoren aprendizajes receptivos, productivos y valorativos. El proceso de evaluación concluye con la corrección de tareas, realizada por el propio alumno o por el profesorado. Con carácter general, las tareas utilizadas en las Unidades de Evaluación se definen con diferentes formatos de respuesta y criterios de corrección. Esta Unidad de Evaluación se presenta como un modelo de evaluación competencial, en ningún caso pretende ser algo más que una ejemplificación que estimule la creación de materiales para la evaluación de las competencias básicas de los propios docentes. Elaborada por la Oficina de Evaluación de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha para su aplicación en la convocatoria de septiembre de 2009 de las pruebas de graduado en educación secundaria para personas adultas