889 resultados para Carne suina


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Existe una profunda tensión que atraviesa la demanda de reconocimiento de los derechos de la mujer relativos al propio cuerpo. Esto puede ser visto en la distante relación que se verifica entre un concepto abstracto de igualdad ciudadana en las mujeres y, por otro lado, el cuerpo real haciendo ejercicio de esa igualdad. La tensión que existe entre la abstracción de las normas jurídicas y el cuerpo real, puede verse con contundencia en el aborto en tanto problema de salud pública. El trabajo tiene por objeto el análisis del marco sobre el cuál debería versar la discusión sobre el derecho al aborto, cumplimentando un modelo de razón pública como ideal normativo de la igualdad real de las mujeres como ciudadanas. Dado que el concepto rawlsiano de razón pública constituye el centro de una concepción deliberativa de la democracia, veremos, en relación al tema del aborto, dos elementos constitutivos, a saber: la idea que el liberalismo expone de la legitimidad política y, conjuntamente, la posición de neutralidad propia del Estado


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This thesis presented is to research the actor's work in the construction of physical actions, according to the methodology developed by Constantin Stanislavski in his analysis of dramatic action, called "method of physical action", applied to questions of scenic representation of the Brazilian marginal, according to the look "cruel" and realistic / naturalistic Plinio Marcos playwright. Based on the circumstances given by Pliniano universe, the intention is to contribute to the reflection on the actor's work on the scene with the marginal characters in "Razor in the Flesh", highlighting some important aspects, to assist in the construction of this fictional world. You want to create conditions for the formation of an actor that leverages the scene the contradictions and conflicts of this work. The research aims from the theoretical and practical study as a methodological hypothesis, producing critical reflection from the creative process of the agent with the realization of a scenic experiment focused on psychophysical technique of this Russian pedagogue. Thus, we intend to have a look at the method of physical actions focusing on his last great contribution to the work, especially the procedure of active analysis by doing a reading from "Razor in the Flesh" through this creative scenic exercise, extending the studies concerning the actor's art. This research is a general explanation about the trajectory of Stanislavski to his encounter with the physical action, while, highlights the inconsistencies of understanding of his work around the world. Stanislavski initially developed the "method" having as a backdrop, the realist aesthetic - a dialogue relationship between reality and the scene - through a style which creates a theatrical reality, and consequently, artistic, not literally naturalistic way through an integral mimicry. That is, the representation of work in realistic theater aesthetics should be developed in order to create a theatrical reality. Stanislavski believes that theater is convention, since the actor's work on himself should encourage this second nature, scenic.


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In this dissertation we reflect about sensitive the dimension of the body, which enables us to participate in mythical space and set him as a potential space for artistic creation in dance, experience provider in senses for world, for life and for existence. It´s a written, thrashing some reflections on the human condition from a gaze cast upon the myth of Adam, leading us to think about the possible relationships between art and myth in contemporary times, as fields of knowledge open to creation, and semantic spaces able to assign new meanings to living through the pulsations of a body that is myth and what is dance. One of the goals of this study is set up a new point of view to analyze the Adam's myth, enabling to new interpretations, meanings and understandings from the experience in the process of creation in contemporary dance. Therefore, methodologically reference is made in the Phenomenology, or rather the phenomenological attitude proposed by Merleau-Ponty (1994), which considers the experience of the body as the primary source of knowledge. Dipping on this process of creation in contemporary dance, one artistic and choreographic work was originated, titled "The Body I am”, in contemplation of this dance that echoes the mystery, that emerges from the depths of the body, and it brings to the human surface and your world, your relationships. Realize that dance is as a sensitive guide and counselor reflections ontological and epistemological, able to validate and perpetuate the myth whereas ancestral wisdom inheritance.


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Vivimos en una sociedad en la que el concepto del “yo” requiere de la existencia del “otro”. Por lo tanto, “la mujer” es el “otro” del “hombre”. Ser mujer significa existir para los demás. Maternidad convertida en único proyecto vital; piedra angular del éxito del hogar. Una mujer es vista como un objeto de deseo; como un cuerpo útil que amamanta a sus hijos; una mujer que satisfaga las necesidades. Eternas dicotomías hombre/mujer que ponen de manifiesto el modelo de opresión y coacción: cultura/naturaleza, opresor/oprimidos. Otra dicotomía posible: mujer como madre, o mujer como ser sexual. La enfermedad es dolor, lágrimas, pérdida de fuerza, asfixia, depresión. Pero el dolor es necesario; el dolor nos recoloca en el mundo y nos confirma como cuerpo, nos da la certeza de nuestra propia existencia. Todo el mundo enferma. Algunos con mucha más frecuencia que otros. Otros parecen vivir en hospitales. Por otro lado, rechazamos a los enfermos, quitamos de delante de nuestros ojos a los que sufren. Les metemos en la cama. Estar enfermo es existir entre la vida y la muerte. Es un estado transicional. Una persona puede estar vivo o muerto, pero no entre medias. Los períodos de transformación son peligro, desorden, desequilibrio, amenaza. Todo el mundo tiene miedo de la enfermedad. Es como si con sólo pensar o decir la palabra, pudieras infectarte tú y todo el mundo que te rodea. Tenemos estrictas normas estéticas: debes estar siempre sano, siempre joven, siempre fuerte. Los medios de comunicación imponen modelos casi imposibles. Cualquier persona que contradiga estas exigencias estéticas, que viole los códigos de la belleza, se encuentra fuera de la existencia cotidiana. Debemos recuperar la herida; dejemos que la sangre fluya; escuchemos los gritos de dolor; olamos la carne podrida disimulada tras la estúpida intención humana de ocultar la evidencia inevitable. No podemos evitar nuestra condición biológica, la finitud. No somos mecanismos perfectos; somos seres humanos imperfectos. Podemos cambiar este sistema. Mostremos la llaga. Aniquilemos la vergüenza de sentirse imperfecto. No nos avergoncemos de tener cuerpos imperfectos. Nuestros cuerpos necesitan cicatrices, y las cicatrices necesitan a nuestros cuerpos...


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The consumption of a product is directly linked to its quality, and are required to comply with quality standard regulations. In chicken "griller" which comes from industrial strains, selected for best growth performance, shot with up to 35 days old and weighing 1,400kg, they have not been reported in the literature a number of quality aspects This study aimed determine the muscle transformation time in the flesh in chickens "griller" incidence of meat defects, "PSE" (pale, soft and exdudative) and "DFD" (dark, firm and dry) and their correlation between different window times slaughter (total time between beginning of the fasting and the time of slaughter) and pH curve, four different times post mortem. The base data for the study was composed of information of 208 chickens, collected between August and September 2014, in a slaughterhouse slaughtering chickens in the middle region of Triangulo Mineiro and Alto Paranaíba. We used the Minitab 17.1.0 program for the development of descriptive statistical analysis and Pareto charts. The Pearson correlation was used to evaluate the linear relationship between two variables and Excel 2013, Microsoft Office®, to produce tables and graphs. The analysis consisted of 11 chickens cities and the distance to the poultry slaughterhouse ranged from 24.5 km to 123 km. It was observed that the pH curve decays gradually until time 5horas after slaughter, and its increase was 24, indicating the transformation of the muscle meat. The incidence of regular meat was 39.9%, "DFD" 30.3% and "PSE" 29.8%. For "DFD" meat, it was observed that factors: low ambient temperature, longer transportation and fast window and mileage at dirt road, contributed to its occurrence (p <0.05). For "PSE" meat, it was observed that lower body weight factors, longer transport favored frequency (p <0.05) of the meat defect. There was no significant correlation in variance analysis between distance, waiting time at rest shed and humidity related to meat defects (p> 0.05). This high incidence of defects meat may be due to pre-slaughter stress factors.


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Com o constante aumento da população crescem também as preocupações diárias relativamente à alimentação. Assim, o aumento da produção alimentar tornou-se uma prioridade, começando a oferta no mercado a ser cada vez maior e mais competitiva. Não obstante, a indústria volta-se não só para a segurança dos alimentos que produz – que é já uma base obrigatória – mas também para o constante desenvolvimento da qualidade alimentar. Novas técnicas são desenvolvidas muito rapidamente de maneira a que os produtos alimentares, para além de seguros, sejam também munidos da qualidade exigida pelo consumidor. Cada vez mais o cliente exige da indústria nada menos que o melhor em termos de segurança e qualidade alimentar. De maneira a continuarem no mercado, as indústrias alimentares voltam-se cada vez mais para os laboratórios académicos, que aliam conhecimento, interesse e experiência com as necessidades apresentadas pelos consumidores. É notória também a dificuldade sentida por recém-licenciados em integrar empresas e conseguir uma primeira oportunidade, na sua maioria por alegada falta de experiência na área, tendo sido este o principal motivo da opção pelo estágio em exclusão da oportunidade de poder ser explorada uma ideia própria. Desta forma, a presente dissertação teve como base a necessidade de entender o que atualmente se faz no meio académico em relação à qualidade alimentar. Os projetos apresentados neste trabalho envolvem o tratamento de peito de frango em alta-pressão a diferentes temperaturas, tendo sido feito um tratamento semelhante com clara de ovo, a análise de ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBA) e composição em ácidos gordos em carne de porco congelada, em diferentes momentos, a análise da composição química de desperdícios de atum e ainda a criação de um novo produto alimentar (truta salmonada fumada).


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Adolf Hitler suscitó desde su entrada en la escena política alemana una fascinación perversa, un sentimiento que, con el tiempo, ha dado lugar a numerosas representaciones culturales sobre el Führer. La muestra, rica y variada tanto en el fondo como en la forma, nos permitirá trazar tres estadios en lo referente al proceso de construcción historiográfica del hitlerismo, iniciado con la caída del Tercer Reich. Estos responden en buena medida al devenir sociopolítico y cultural de la sociedad a escala global desde el final de la guerra y hasta nuestros días y pueden resumirse en tres: primero, la satanización; segundo, la humanización; tercero, el retrato caricaturesco. Proponemos un recorrido histórico por diversos productos culturales del dictador alemán cuyo propósito es desentrañar el retrato psicológico poliédrico que se ha construido en torno a la figura de Hitler.


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Entender la explotación de la “carne de monte” por parte de cazadores comerciales o de subsistencia es fundamental para resolver las cuestiones referentes a la sostenibilidad de la caza en los bosques tropicales de África. El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar el impacto de la actividad de los cazadores en la isla de Bioko, República de Guinea Ecuatorial, y la importancia de la carne de monte para la población de la isla. Si bien existen numerosos estudios que indican que desde la década del ‘90 las capturas y la media de masa corporal de las presas disminuyeron a lo largo del periodo de estudio, lo que estaría indicando que su explotación a estos niveles es insostenible, las medidas adoptadas han sido escasas e insuficientes. En este trabajo, se revisa el estado del conocimiento sobre la problemática y se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de más estudios. Por último, se analiza cómo se pueden utilizar las herramientas de la antropología ecológica para avanzar en el entendimiento de la caza y consumo de “carne de monte”.


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El presente estudio se realizó en el Matadero NOVATERRA S.A, municipio de Tipitapa - Managua ubicado en el km 42 carretera panamericana norte, con el objetivo de evaluar los niveles de residuos de ivermectina en productos cárnicos para la exporta ción, el impacto económico causado por el mal manejo y las procedencias de reses que resultaron con residuos mayores a 10ppb, se muestrearon lotes ganadero de los diferentes departamentos del país durante el periodo Enero - Junio 2015, donde la escogencia d e las reses a muestrear se realizó en los corrales, las muestras se tomaron en la sala de sacrificio por un inspector auxiliar del SIC y un Inspector HACCP, estas se extrajeron a nivel de la escápula (paleta), se identificaron con su respectiva tarjeta y s e enviaron al laboratorio donde fueron analizadas a través del método analítico Físico - químico HPLC (cromatografía líquida de alta resolución). Los resultados obtenidos nos indican que el 86.23% del total de muestra no reveló residuos de ivermectina, en el 13.65% de las reses se detectó residuos menores a 10ppb y el 0.10% resultó con residuos superiores al límite permisible, donde Managua presentó ser el departamento con mayor prevalencia de reses con residuos de ivermectina no permisible debido a que es un acopiador de ganado de los diferentes departamentos del país. Las pérdidas económicas provocadas por condena de las reses que resultaron con niveles superiores a los LMR (Límites Máximos de Residuos) fueron de $33,582.1, concluyendo que la prevalencia de este desparasitante en la carne se debe al uso inadecuado de los productos veterinarios y al irrespeto del período de retiro en carne de dicho producto


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Headcheese is a meat sausage originated from Europe made from hog slaughter by-products. It is a much appreciated product in the South of Brazil which is increasingly established in the market, however it does not have official regulations yet. This study aimed to present the physicochemical characterization of headcheese in a western Santa Catarina industry supervised by Companhia Integrada de Desenvolvimento Agrícola de Santa Catarina and assess 10 different brands to find the relationship between chemical composition and texture profile analysis (TPA). Thus, the chemical composition, energy value, total nitrite, lipid oxidation and physical parameters (color and texture) were evaluated. The product exhibited great variability in moisture content, lipid and protein because the different formulations, processing and intrinsic and extrinsic characteristics of raw material. The utilization of offal provided higher cholesterol and iron levels, and the high content of collagen was accountable for the shear force responses (7.84 ± 1.68 N). The product showed higher amount of sodium, due to the use of additives, but calcium levels were compatible with other sausages. There was a predominance of polyunsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids/saturated fatty acids ratio was more favorable than other sausage in the same category. Nitrite assured preservation effects and thus lower product levels of oxidation were observed. The high Water Activity and pH 6.5 showed that the product is susceptible to growth of pathogens and requires cooling for preservation. Its brownish occurred due to cooking and production of metmyoglobin. There was a strong positive correlation between collagen and attributes of TPA, especially for chewiness (r = 0.855). The use of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Principal Component Analysis were able to separate three groups based on the amount of collagen and texture attributes, especially hardness, gumminess and chewiness.


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The current scenario of the Brazilian poultry production is defined by high productivity motivated by exports to markets with elevated levels of sanitary requirement. The work aimed to evaluate the efficacy of chlorinated compounds (chlorine dioxide, dichloro and trichloro) and organic acids (citric, lactic and peracetic acids) in reducing the contamination of poultry by Salmonella spp., mesophiles and enterobacteriaceae. Were isolated 102 strains Salmonella spp. poultry carcass from June to September 2014. Strains were identified by PCR. Was determined the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of antimicrobial compounds for the standard strains of S. Typhimurium, S. Enteritidis and S. Heidelberg. MIC of lactic acid and peracetic acid (20 to 10 g/L) was applied in strains of Salmonella spp. isolated from the slaughter. The MIC of the compounds lactic acid and sodium dichloro was applied in contaminated chiller water with Salmonella (109 CFU/mL) and this was determined Salmonella count in water. Thighs and drumsticks poultry were contaminated with S. Heidelberg (109 UFC/mL) and were applied dichloro (60 mg/L), lactic acid (20 g/L) and sodium hypochlorite (5,0 and 0,5 mg/L) compounds. In the identification by PCR, 93,1% of the strains were identified as Salmonella. For sodium dichloro the MIC was 60 mg/L for 15 minutes to S. Heidelberg and 60 mg/L for 20 minutes for S. Enteritidis. Lactic acid presented MIC of the 5 g/L for 10 minutes to S. Enteritidis 10 g/L for 15 minutes to S. Typhimurium and 20 g/L for 20 minutes to S. Heidelberg. For peracetic acid, MICs were 10 g/L for 10 minutes to S. Typhimurium and S. Heidelberg and 10 g/L for 20 minutes to S. Enteritidis. To citric acid, MICs were 10 g/L for 10 minutes to S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis and 25 g/L for 20 minutes to S. Heidelberg. In the isolated Salmonella strains, lactic acid inhibited 97,89% of the strains and peracetic inhibited 100% of the strains. In contaminated chiller water, the compounds reduced the growth of standards strains. When applied to contaminated poultry meat, there was a reduction of Salmonella spp. 1,06 log10 CFU/g relative to the positive control with the use of sodium hypochlorite at 5,0 mg/L, 0,97 log10 CFU/g with dichloro and 0,56 log10 CFU/g with sodium hypochlorite 0,5 mg/L. For mesophiles reduction observed was 0,90 log10 CFU/g relative to the positive control with the use of sodium hypochlorite at 5,0 mg/L, 0,83 log10 CFU/g with dichloro and there isn´t reduction with hypochlorite with sodium 0,5 mg/L. For enterobacteriaceae reduction was 1,0 log10 CFU/g relative to the positive control with the use of sodium hypochlorite at 5,0 mg/L, 0,79 log10 CFU/g with dichloro and 0,22 log10 CFU/g with sodium hypochlorite at 0,5 mg/L. Lactic acid inhibit growth of the microorganisms tested. The data supports the discussions to regulate the use of the technology coadjuvants in the slaughter of poultry.


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Brazil is the third largest producer and exporter of turkey meat, especially in Paraná state, with the largest production volume. In worldwide the animal welfare is a prerequisite for food quality of animal origin, especially in Europe. The Regulation of European Community No 1099/2009 provides requirements for poultry stunning that associate with animal welfare as a means to minimize the pain and suffering from the slaughter. Improper application of callousness should produce low-quality meat, and significant industry losses. This Research aimed to evaluate the impacts on the quality of meat from turkeys, applying electrical stunning parameters established in the Regulation No 1099/2009 of the Council of 24 September 2009. Was applied an outline with 8 tests set equidistantly to frequency, and set parameters for current and voltage, and a control test. Were conducted qualitative assessments of hematoms and bruises / fractures in carcasses, hematoms, blood splashed and bleeding in turkey breast, and quantitative pH, color (L *), water holding capacity and shear force in turkey breast. The individual assessments showed no significant difference (p>0,05). In multivariate cluster analysis was the formation of two distinct groups: group 1 - 50 Hz to 200 Hz (low frequency) and group 2 - 633 Hz to 1500 Hz (high frequency), which showed significant difference (p= 0,016). In principal component analysis multivariate, the group 1 tend to have a higher incidence of bruising, blood splashed, bleeding and water holding capacity in breast turkeys, and bruises / fractures and hematoms on carcasses. The Group 2 tends to have a lower incidence of these parameters, and higher pH values, shear force and color (L *). Positive correlation was obtained for the parameters pH and shear force (r= 0.7506, p=0.0198); bleeding and splashed blood (r= 0.8811, p= 0.0017), and negative correlation to color (L*) and splashed blood on breast (r= -0.7889; p= 0.0115); breast hematoms and shear force (r= -0.7844; p= 0.0123). It has been observed that at lower frequencies stunning tends to have higher incidence of defects in the carcasses and turkey breast. The use of high frequencies in stunning, create smaller quantity of trimming, and an increase in turkey breast volume produced, with a financial gain of approximately R$250,000.00 / year. Moreover, there is no need increase the workers to do the trimming tasks and, therefore, higher financial results for companies. Therefore, we recommend the use of high frequencies in the stunning of turkeys.


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Através dos estudos do fenômeno jurídico abordado nos textos literários, este trabalho visa analisar o romance «A carne», do escritor Júlio Ribeiro e publicado no ano de 1888, obra esta que retrata a estética da escola literária do Naturalismo e que causou polêmica na época em que foi publicada. Analisaremos o romance com base em teorias literárias e nas construções teóricas da relação entre Direito e Literatura, para estudar os institutos jurídicos narrados e discutidos em situações concretas, a exemplo do divórcio, que prejudicaram os personagens desse romance, devido à falta de uma legislação que regulamentasse o assunto, na transição do Império para a República.