845 resultados para Calculadoras em educação matemática - Tese


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Tese de mestrado, Educação (Didáctica da Matemática), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2010


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Didática da Matemática), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Didática da Matemática), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014


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Tese de mestrado, Educação (Área de especialidade em Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação: área de Educação e Desenvolvimento


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Para garantir a melhor aprendizagem para os alunos nas escolas, de forma a assegurar uma educação de qualidade e assim uma consequente preparação para o futuro dos mesmos na sociedade, é crucial que as escolas adotem estratégias de inclusão, de maneira a adaptar o ensino e a aprendizagem às diferentes características e necessidades dos alunos, e à diversidade que hoje em dia está patente no sistema de ensino. De forma a fomentar a educação inclusiva, é importante que as escolas e os professores organizem o processo ensino-aprendizagem com base na aprendizagem cooperativa, realizada em grupos heterogéneos, onde o sucesso do grupo depende de todos os alunos que o constituem. As interações estabelecidas tanto no seio do grupo como também entre o professor e o grupo de alunos, são fundamentais, pois são consideradas um fator positivo que assegura uma aprendizagem de qualidade sustentada nas relações de interdependência existentes entre alunos e professores. O objetivo deste estudo é perceber qual a perceção dos alunos do 3º ciclo relativamente à aprendizagem na sala de aula nas disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa, Matemática e Educação Física e se essas perceções variam de forma positiva ou negativa em função da disciplina em causa. A amostra foi constituída por 1159 alunos do 3º ciclo, à qual foi aplicado o questionário “A perceção dos alunos sobre a aprendizagem na sala de aula” (A.S.A - P.A., Leitão, 2012). Concluiu-se que os alunos têm uma perceção mais positiva sobre as aprendizagens na disciplina de Educação Física quando comparada com as demais. A perceção dos alunos do 3º ciclo relativamente à interdependência aluno/aluno varia em função da disciplina. Relativamente à interdependência professor/aluno, a perceção dos alunos só não varia entre as disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa e Educação Física quando comparadas. Já em relação à negociação, a perceção dos alunos apenas varia entre as disciplinas de Língua Portuguesa e Matemática quando comparadas. Por fim, referente à meta-aprendizagem concluímos que a perceção dos alunos do 3º ciclo não varia em função da disciplina.


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Esta publicação destina-se a celebrar os 25 anos de formação em educação especial da ESE de Paula Frassinetti. Não havia melhor forma de o fazer do que apresentar um conjunto de trabalhos de investigação realizados por ex-estudantes destes cursos em conjunto com os seus orientadores ou arguentes.


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O Relatório de Mestrado aqui em apreciação tem como tema “A Relação Matemática- Realidade na Educação e Formação de Adultos” e foi elaborado no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Matemática no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Secundário, ministrado na Universidade da Madeira no ano letivo 2011/2012. No presente estudo, pretende-se compreender a forma como os adultos evidenciam competências matemáticas, adquiridas nos mais diversos contextos sociais, culturais e humanos. Nesta perspetiva, a atividade proposta consistiu em estudar uma situação real, no que respeita ao consumo de eletricidade e, assim, averiguar se a tarifa e a potência contratadas eram as mais vantajosas. Os adultos alvo desta investigação foram formandos de um curso de habilitação escolar, de nível B3, integrado no âmbito do projeto Educação e Formação de Adultos da Escola Básica dos 2º e 3º Ciclos Dr. Eduardo Brazão de Castro. Para descrever, estudar e compreender a forma como se processa a evidenciação de competências matemáticas nos adultos, optou-se por uma abordagem metodológica de carácter qualitativo, de cunho descritivo e interpretativo. Concluída a atividade e efetuada uma análise à intervenção dos formandos, aquando da apresentação do tema “Tarifas de Eletricidade de Baixa Tensão Normal” e ao desempenho da formanda Ana na realização da atividade proposta, foi possível comprovar que estes são detentores de saberes matemáticos inerentes a muitas situações do dia-a-dia.


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The research aimed at investigating the dimensions and the universe of social representations of environmental education, as well as identifying the senses and meanings Environmental Education. This study admitted as presumption the education and environment dimensions. In this investigation was adopted as reference the dimension or representation scope of Moscovici. One hundred and twenty (120) students from Public Schools of Basic Education participated of this study and moreover three hundred and twenty-three (323) from Higher Education in the area of the UPE-FACETEG. The following questions were admitted: 1) What are the dimensions/categories that exist in the semantic scope of social representations of the environmental education? 2) What are the senses and meanings of environmental education? 3) The student s representations of Basic Education are similar or different from the Higher Education? The software EVOC helped in the organization of semantic scope for construction of the categories, with support of the contents analysis. The justifications are sorted on lexical classes using the software ALCESTE, through of the speech analyses. The free association of words answered the question dimension/categories and its semantic scope, being: a) Nature/Environment; b) values; c) Attitudes; d) Actions; e) Implications; f) Mediation. Six lexical classes were found with its meanings enumerated in this way: 1.Awareness, as a factor of belief for the preservation of nature and society. The students are clamoring for environmental education in the school, emphasizing the importance of awareness in the development of the respect to the environment linking the education and family; 2. The consciousness-knowledge relationship for the environment-nature preservation. 3. The environment and human interventions, in search of indicators of solutions. 4. Nature /background/ environment and its constituting elements, a thinking of values and an acting for mediation. 5. The human-nature interaction in social representations of environmental education and the symbolic-life size. 6. Nature / environment /, values, attitudes, actions, implications, and mediation in nature-man relationships. The groups more representatives according to these lexical classes were, the Basic Education in the class-4, represented exclusively by the Primary and Secondary Education and the class-6 represented by both two the Basic Education (47,37%) and the Higher Education (52,63%) - History, Pedagogy, Psychology, Mathematics, Language and Literature. The classes 4 and 6 are related to the class-3 which in turn is formed by students of Higher Education (Mathematics, Biology, Pedagogy, Psychology, Language and Literature) and Basic Education (Primary and Secondary Education). The Higher Education is most represented by the lexical classes (1, 2 and 5). The class 2 corresponded to 80% of the researched groups. In the class-1 the biggest representation was concerning to the Psychology, Geography, Biology and Language and Literature courses, whereas the class-5 was best represented by Psychology, Biology, Pedagogy, Language and Literature, Geography and History. From the results, one may conclude that the imagery is nature/environment; that life is the symbolic dimension that permeates the whole imaginary, and that preservation, awareness and respect are inserted in the speech that circulate to protect life


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This study aims to analyze the implications that the knowledge of an important work for the History of Science, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium , by Nicholas Copernicus, can bring for the formation of Mathematics professors. The study focuses on Book I of Copernicus s work, where, in the final part, is found the Table of the Subtense Straight Lines in a Circle, a true sine table constructed by the author. The study considers two theoretical references, the History of Science and of Mathematics, in the professor s formation searched amongst others in Miguel and Miorm, Brito, Neves and Martins, and Radford, and the necessary teaching knowledge professors mst have, on the basis of Gauthier, Schulman and Imbernón amongst others, through which it is established a net of knowledge grouped in dimensions such as mathematical, psycho pedagogical, cultural and practical diversity, that guide the study analysis. In the search for more necessary elements to enrich the analysis, beyond the theoretical research in Book I, it is carried through, with under graduation pupils, future Math professors, the construction of a sine table following the project used in De revolutionibus . The study still makes a description of the life and work of Nicholas Copernicus, detaching the historical context where the author lived and the conceptions about the Universe existing at that time. The research reveals that the studied work is an important source of culture, able to provide to the Mathematics professor in formation, beyond the conceptual and procedural mathematical knowledge, a cultural knowledge that allows him to be opened to the knowledge of other areas that not his specific area, and so to acquire knowledge about the world history, the development of sciences and of the society


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Study of Teacher Education Policy: a reading from the analysis of Programa Especial de Formação de Professores para a Educação Básica Proeb - aims to analyze the initial teacher training developed by the Universidade Federal do Maranhão - UFMA. Proeb is a policy of in-service training of teachers, formulated and implemented in the context of current educational policies for basic education. This work assumes that the guidelines developed in the last decades of the twentieth century are linked to international organizations that spread in Latin America continent a homogeneous model of training which has as main features to be held in service through the mode the distance and the school as a leading locus. In Brazil, these guidelines are supported on the Law of Directives and Bases of National Education No. 9.394/96 and Report 09/2001, which deals with the Syllabus Guidelines for the formation of Basic Education Teachers. To carry out the study was taken as reference, the syllabus developed for the deployment of Proeb from 1998 to 2002, specifically the proposal operationalized in the Degree Course of Mathematics in the city of Vitória do Mearim in Maranhão. To conduct the study, it was used literature as a way to deepen understanding, clarify and aim the conceptual aspect of the object researched. The documental research was consisted in the analysis of legal documents concerning the reform of education policies, teacher training and pedagogical project Proeb/UFMA and, finally, the semi-structured interviews were used to allow a better understanding of the subjects involved with research. The data analysis has shown that the curriculum designed to operationalize the course of undergraduate mathematics Proeb/UFMA, despite having guidelines that point to the separation of theory/practice dichotomy and establish as a principle work as an educational principle, has an disciplinary curriculum organization that reinforces the instrumental view of the syllabus, not enabling in practice, the execution of their initial proposal. Concerning to the view of graduates on the course, they highlight the weaknesses of the course, but also evidence that it has allowed an improvement of initial training, through the disciplines of the common core syllabus of courses and special training. It is possible seeing in graduates words, that the course have had repercussions in their teaching and improving their integration into the labor market and in the community of Vitória do Mearim. Overall, these developments have indicated evidence of teacher professionalization, although they are incipient. The work has shown that for the professionalization of teachers is introduced, the syllabus of undergraduate teacher education must overcome the traditional view of syllabus and implement contextualized curricula in a multidisciplinary approach involving, in equal proportions, the general education and training specific course. Accordingly, it is believed in need to review the role of the University in the formative process, as well as recovering as part of educational policies, the omnilateral size of teacher education


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This paper presents a discussion about the use of the History of Mathematics as an educational resource and conceptual mediator in the formation of teachers who teach mathematics in the years of elementary school. It was a qualitative action method, in order to show the importance of holding workshops of History and Pedagogy of Mathematics as contribution to overcome the conceptual difficulties of teaching and teachers regarding the content covered in the course of education and afterwards they have to teach in the early of elementary school. We assume that understanding the historical, social and cultural comprehension as a conceptual and didactic focus effectively nurture the pursuit of a teaching and learning of mathematics students safe and justified in order to contribute to overcoming the difficulties of teaching and learning usually occurred in the classroom of the early years. In this sense, we organized a study group formed by students of Bachelors in Education and Mathematics at the University of Piauí. We developed five training workshops in History and Pedagogy of Mathematics, with a workload of 20 hours each and four follow-up sessions and advicement, totalizing 180 hours. The purpose of workshops was to develop studies on the History of Mathematics that could support the formation of a conceptual and didactic group with a view to prepare teaching materials and activities based on information drawn from undertaken historical studies .The products designed were used in formation of the group itself and will later be used in training teachers of public school in Teresina, in the form of workshop of History and Pedagogy of Mathematics in order to overcome problems arising from teaching and conceptual this education degree in Education Based on the obtained informations it was possible to suggest new referrals procedural level of education and university extension that may contribute to the reorientation of initial and continuing training of teachers in the early years elementary school